View Full Version : Hello from Ohio...

08-25-2012, 11:44 AM
Hello from Ohio. I discovered your great site whilst trying to help someone who found an orphan squirrel. Recently when I sent someone to you I was rewarded with hearing from this person that there were members near him that were going to take the orphans he found, so yay TSB; you saved lives once again.

About my interest in squirrels, I adore them. The locals have been visiting me for years for food, but I stress it is only a supplement so to speak, and they do NOT rely on me for their entire diet. The CVNP is literally in our backyard, so they have a variety of natural choices out there to choose from.

Anyway, thanks for reading. This is an excellent site, and it is nice to know there are other people who love squirrels as much as I.

(In case you are wondering about the name, just easier to use the same one I go by on Y!A and the mouse forums I hang out at. I am the proud mouse mommy to 11 beautiful doe mice. Also, I would have introduced myself months ago when I first tried to join; however, my silly e-mail account sent the activation letter to my spam section.)

08-25-2012, 12:12 PM
From Ohio too! :Welcome

08-25-2012, 12:58 PM
I see you are NE, too! I live in Brecksville. Thank you for making me feel welcome.

08-25-2012, 08:43 PM
:wave123 lovesmice,
:Welcome to TSB
Wow, eleven mice. There are mice/rat peeps here also. :thumbsup There is a section for 'OTHER' animals. You can post pics of your mice.

08-25-2012, 11:07 PM

sleeping koala
08-26-2012, 04:06 AM
Welcome aboard ! :)
At the risk of going OT or thread jacking - every time I hear the name Ohio. I automatically think of this song - that Marcus Couch used to play on his podcast - the scene zine.


08-26-2012, 12:07 PM
Sleeping koala, that song is, sigh, so true. We do see more grey skies than blue, but what we lack in sun we make up for in beauty with the park system. Took a hike down to IceBox Cave yesterday, and nothing beats a walk in the CVNP no matter what the sky is doing. Thank you for posting the link, and taking the time to say, "hey".

I appreciate all of the "hellos" from different parts of the States and globe. Also, it is neat to meet fellow Ohioans! (I suppose I am not quite NE Ohio, but Brecksville is close enough.)

Love that photo, by the way. What cutie-pies, and how sweet that they get along! I shall have to share my meople with you in the "Other" section. (Thanks for telling me about it, HRT4SQRLS.) It is nice my mice are welcome here, too.

08-26-2012, 07:18 PM
The reds and greys definitely didn't stay together all the time, just put them all on the table to get a picture of squirrels and bunnies together :D. We welcome possums, cottontails, songbirds, mice (I successfully raised my first eyes closed mouse baby this spring and love mice too), and even rats :thumbsup