View Full Version : 4 baby flyers
08-25-2012, 07:48 AM
Need your help. I have 4 baby flyers. About 3-4 weeks old. Too make a long story short they seemed to be doing good but then what i think diahera early yesterday. Then last night not pooping at all or peeing. So i mixed up the rehydration water, salt, sugar gave a little of that. My husband has went to get pedilyte (sp?). How often do i give this. I dont know how much they weight. I have done the dehydration pinch test. Their skin does stay up for more then 1 sec. Oh i have been using the esb. Goats milk. Very rural area. Will order from foxs valley today. When do i start back on GM. They seem really hungry. I did see a recipe to mix with yogurt and whipping cream. What ratio is this.i have raised a flyer before but had eyes open. I have also raised several litters of gray and red squirrels and two fox squirrels. (my husband is a timber cutter) any help is appreciated. Oh and i have been doing the warm/ wet cotton on their butts.:thankyou
Jackie in Tampa
08-25-2012, 08:01 AM
:Welcome :wave123
Never feed any rehydratiion fluids for over 24 hours, thesodium is too high and becomes counter productive.
Also the goatsmilk formula without the cream can be diluted and alternated with the homemade pedialyte as a hydration fluid also.
Do not use cream until poops are firm.
The home made pedialyte is better than store bought imo, due to no dyes and preservatives etc. and pedi only lasts three days in the fridge, so it cheaper too, although it can be frozen into cubes and thawed as needed.
WE have many flyer peeps here:thumbsup
sorta short on time..
others will be here soon.
and again, welcome to TSB!:wave123
08-25-2012, 01:46 PM
They Still Are Not Looking Any Better!!! :( Two have only pooped a tiny little speck.
Jackie in Tampa
08-25-2012, 02:08 PM
where are you?
city and state is good enough, no adress please on the public board.
we have members all over the may be lucky enough to have sq friendly neighbors, hope so..:Love_Icon
08-25-2012, 03:01 PM
Yes, please let us know where you are located so we can see if there is someone nearby to give you help or stuff for them. Thanks!
08-25-2012, 06:15 PM
I live in glenville they have peed and pooped. I am no expert here but even i can tell they are serverly dehydrated. Have been giving pedelite. And weaken down milk (esbilac goats milk) i just really dont know what else to do for them. Praying for a little squirrel miracle. Also warm water on bottoms to stimulate about every 30 minutes. Anything else you can think of.
08-25-2012, 06:18 PM
Oh yeah and their little bellies are still bloated.i feel so bad.i want them to live really bad. again how often do i give the pedilite and how often the weakened milk. I have no way of weighting them
08-25-2012, 06:51 PM
I tried to upload picture here but couldn't from smart phone, maybe could try this facebook page i have.
08-25-2012, 07:30 PM
:wave123 Mrs.Stout,
How long have they been on pedialyte? If longer than 24 hours you can give them the sugar water without salt if they are dehydrated. I sent you a PM with Mrs Skul's number. Call her.... she CAN help you with the babies.
08-25-2012, 08:56 PM
I checked out the photo on Facebook - she mentioned she just weighed one at .5 oz, the other at 3/8 of an oz. They look very skinny.
Have you been able to contact Mrs. Skul yet? She can help you out. You'll need to talk to her. Can you get ahold of 'just' goat's milk? I've seen it at WalMart.
It would be best if you stop the kitten replacement and go with the goat milk, as Jackie mentioned.
3 parts goat milk
1 part all natural yogurt
1 part heavy whipping cream (leave this out until they poop right)
You can add one part water to dilute as Jackie recommeneds.
If by chance, the only goats milk available, is the condensed (consentrated), type, you must add water to it before you make the formula. Check the directions on the can.
I'll let C know you have a thread up.
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