View Full Version : Please say a prayer for Cheeky

Squirrel Girls Mom
08-24-2012, 12:24 PM
Cheeky has coccidia. I knew it was coming on cuz he had loose stools and I could smell that coccidia smell. He's not passing blood yet, but his stool is kind of mucusy. This morning he has very little appetite and seems lethargic. I've called the vet that treated Lucy & Lily. They're going to call me back and let me know if they'll let me have some meds without having to bring him in for a stool sample and office call. I've missed so much work after the accident and subsequent surgeries that $$ is just really tight right now.

Say a prayer that the vet is feeling generous today.

08-24-2012, 01:12 PM
Sending positive thoughts your way for Cheeky and yourself! :grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
08-24-2012, 02:12 PM
what ABs DO YOU HAVE on hand?

Squirrel Girls Mom
08-24-2012, 02:28 PM
what ABs DO YOU HAVE on hand?

None, nothing, nada. Negative on the AB's.

08-24-2012, 03:05 PM
Sending good thoughts to you and Cheeky :grouphug

08-24-2012, 04:47 PM
Glad to pray- Thanks for asking

Squirrel Girls Mom
08-25-2012, 09:35 AM
Got some med for Cheeky - SMZ/TMP - he's not eating as well as I'd like - a bit dehydrated. I just want to sit and hold him but have all my weekend stuff to do. Work crazy busy all week - Lupus acting up - stress - started prednisone burst day before yesterday - prednisone temper nasty - good thing I don't have any automatic weapons - husband went to play golf at 6:30 this morning - smart guy.

JIT - I love you. :Love_Icon

Jackie in Tampa
08-25-2012, 09:42 AM
JIT loves baby sqs...
will be lurking and sending big powerful positive energy and healing vibes...
get well Cheeky man!:Love_Icon

Squirrel Girls Mom
08-26-2012, 09:38 PM
Cheeky still has loose stools, but he's looking better, eating better, and gaining a little weight. I was really worried about him for a few days!! Poor little guy.

Lucy stops by when I'm feeding him and sniffs him, then acts disgusted, then goes on her merry way. She hasn't tried to bite him or jump at him or anything (yet) and doesn't seem to mind if I have his smell on me. He and all of his supplies are in a separate room than Lucy for now so she won't get coccidia.

Look what my husband whipped up for Cheeky this afternoon, just from leftover stuff from when he did Lucy's big cage!! It's small enough that I can take it back and forth to work every day, but big enough for him to have room to play while he's still little. It's just what I wanted. :hyper Now he just needs to get well, and bigger, and open his eyes . . .

JIT for president.

Squirrel Girls Mom
08-27-2012, 05:15 PM
HEY OUT THERE Check out this handy dandy cage/carrier. Is it just da bomb or what?!

JIT for Nobel Prize in Sciuridae!

08-27-2012, 07:03 PM
:wave123 SQM
Looks like you have hubby fully drawn into 'the squirrel thing'. :rotfl
Nice job hubby! :thumbsup
I have a JIT original and I'm thinkin' about dressing it up with one of these. :thinking http://www.ebay.com/itm/Whim-Z-Fantasia-Tree-Squirrels-Solid-Resin-Laurey-83058-Cabinet-Handle-Pull-/160728658291?_trksid=p5197.m1992&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3 D1%26asc%3D14%26meid%3D1632560021238750315%26pid%3 D100015%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26#ht_2130wt_932
What do you think? (for the door pull..NOT the top.. made of resin.. so not load bearing)

Squirrel Girls Mom
08-28-2012, 08:38 AM
I think it's perfect. If they had more, I might have to get one myself. And yes, hubby is definitely drawn in to the joy of squirrels. He's really enjoying Cheeky cuz he has such an attitude. He is so loud! At 5:57 this morning he was grunting & rooting & chattering. Lucy & Lily were just so sweet and quiet. This boy continues complaining even after I get him out and start feeding him.

BTW, Mr. Cheeky weighs 104 grams! I noticed he was looking so much better and filling out a little so I weighed him. I'll have to get some pictures today.

JIT for International Veterinary Congress Award

Jackie in Tampa
08-28-2012, 08:52 AM
tell Hubby is is awesome..
all recycled left overs...:alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif
:Love_Icon cheeky:Love_Icon lucy:Love_Icon

Jackie in Tampa
08-28-2012, 08:53 AM
:wave123 SQM
Looks like you have hubby fully drawn into 'the squirrel thing'. :rotfl
Nice job hubby! :thumbsup
I have a JIT original and I'm thinkin' about dressing it up with one of these. :thinking http://www.ebay.com/itm/Whim-Z-Fantasia-Tree-Squirrels-Solid-Resin-Laurey-83058-Cabinet-Handle-Pull-/160728658291?_trksid=p5197.m1992&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3 D1%26asc%3D14%26meid%3D1632560021238750315%26pid%3 D100015%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26#ht_2130wt_932
What do you think? (for the door pull..NOT the top.. made of resin.. so not load bearing)I am so jealous...:thumbsup awesome find!

Jackie in Tampa
08-28-2012, 08:55 AM
Cheeky still has loose stools, but he's looking better, eating better, and gaining a little weight. I was really worried about him for a few days!! Poor little guy.

Lucy stops by when I'm feeding him and sniffs him, then acts disgusted, then goes on her merry way. She hasn't tried to bite him or jump at him or anything (yet) and doesn't seem to mind if I have his smell on me. He and all of his supplies are in a separate room than Lucy for now so she won't get coccidia.

Look what my husband whipped up for Cheeky this afternoon, just from leftover stuff from when he did Lucy's big cage!! It's small enough that I can take it back and forth to work every day, but big enough for him to have room to play while he's still little. It's just what I wanted. :hyper Now he just needs to get well, and bigger, and open his eyes . . .

JIT for president.SMZ is the slowest of all ABs to show what it is doing...and the treatment is longer too..
however it is the right med if you suspect coccidia..
his tummy feels better than you could ever know...:thumbsup

Squirrel Girls Mom
08-28-2012, 10:04 AM
SMZ is the slowest of all ABs to show what it is doing...and the treatment is longer too..
however it is the right med if you suspect coccidia..
his tummy feels better than you could ever know...:thumbsup

I can tell his tummy feels better cuz he's eating like a pig!! His poop looks and smells better AND he has an eye slit this morning!! :wahoo Yes, I'm excited about squirrel poo and eye slits - who woulda thought?!

JIT - Matron Saint of Squirrels