View Full Version : 2 baby squirrels found mamma dead:(

08-23-2012, 07:20 AM
I will have to make this post quick because I am rushing out the door to orientation at my daughter's school. However, yesterday we found 2 baby squirrels with a dead mamma at the bottom of a tree near our house. Judging from their open eyes and hair I think they are about 5 weeks with no front teeth yet and very dehydrated and weak. I spent hours picking fly larva off of them, they are rail thin, and not looking great.

I am giving pedialyte via syringe every hour except at night they only received one 2 am feeding. They are both peeing clear with expression by myself but no poop. Other than when i wake them they sleep in a homemade nest with a heating pad on low under the cage. I can only get 1-3 cc's in at a time and it is forced for the most part though the male will suck from time to time. I do warm the pedialyte but like I said feeding isn't exactly going smooth lol.

How much should I be trying to get in each feeding?
Should I be trying to feed more or less often?
When should I worry about not seeing poop?
When should I be starting a diluted formula regimen?

I was a vet tech licensed for years, but this is wildlife so I know there is a ton of info I am missing. I plan on reading a bunch of your FAQ's when I return but any useful info you can think of is appreciated. Sorry to be brief but I will be back in an hour just dropping her off and signing her in. Thanks in advance:)

Jackie in Tampa
08-23-2012, 07:56 AM
stop at the vet or petstore and pick up some capstar.
It is cheap, it is mainly for fleas in domestic pets..
it will kill any fly larva that may be in their ears or internal...
this will kill them..
the capstar is cheap and easy to give...very safe and effective.

They will build up to larger feedings, they maybe scared.
It takes a few days to see poop sometimes..no worry there.

If you don't have FV , order some when you get home...today buy goatsmilk in the can or cold carton...meyerberg is a well known brand and can be found at most grocery stores..
pick up some full fat yogurt. I use Dannon all natural vanilla, others like yobaby.
If you are using disposible syringe, you can order better from whatever site you use to order the Fox valley formula..
Chris's is closest to you, although Henry's ships out daily, they nmaybe faster than FV themselves or Chris's..

we'll need pics later...:D
Congrates Mom and thank you!

08-23-2012, 08:34 AM
Let's hope I remember how to upload photo's, lol it's been awhile since I visited a forum and I may be slightly sleep deprived hehe.



The first is the female with my daughter and second the male with my son.

08-23-2012, 08:41 AM
Now that I have read through a few FAQ's I am on my way for goats milk, whipping cream, and whole full fat plain yogurt. But because they are dehydrated I am thinking pedialyte is what they need most now?? Am I correct?? They are both peeing but they tent when I perform the turgor test. Gums are pink and they cling on when held just definitely dehydrated and I worry I will further dehydrate them if I move to formula to fast.

How much longer do I hydrate for?? They were found at 5 pm est yesterday and I don't see any improvement yet in their condition yet other than they are peeing when expressed and have trickled on their own.

How many cc's am I aiming for?
How often so far every 1-2 hours has been the norm other than overnight?
Is 5 weeks a correct estimate based on white belly hair, open eyes, and no front teeth yet?
Shouldn't they be active?

08-23-2012, 11:05 AM
Just got back from the store with goats milk, goats milk full fat organic yogurt plain, and a some kitten replacer powder. I am hoping the female decides some formula is a good idea I'll be trying to feed again around noon:(

08-23-2012, 11:13 AM
no need for kitten powder. Just the gm and yogurt. the kitten powder may make them sick.

08-23-2012, 11:29 AM
Really?? I read sites that say the goats milk will make them sick, lol and that's what the wildlife refuge here recommended until the other formula comes in. I am so confused:(

08-23-2012, 11:36 AM
Really?? I read sites that say the goats milk will make them sick, lol and that's what the wildlife refuge here recommended until the other formula comes in. I am so confused:(

It is really confusing. They cannot live on goat's milk alone - it does not have enough fat, which is why the yogurt and cream is added. Many places take this to mean "Goat's Milk Kills Them"
Goat's milk is always a good emergency "go to" for just about any mammal because it is so easily digested. Things need to be added to customize it for each species but for the first couple days it is a safe way to get some nutrients in until you get the correct formula.

08-23-2012, 11:46 AM
Well I ordered the 20/50 day one from fox valley but it didn't ask me for payment information or give me the option to expedite shipping?? Did I do something wrong here??

I tried to get the our wildlife place here to take them but due to budget cuts they are a 9-5 kind of place now with no help overnight- volunteers are apparently slim. The humane society won't take them either and while I am laid off they suggested I would somehow be a better caretaker if I could handle it. I am a momma of 2 kids, 2 dogs, and 2 cats....yes cats eek who would love to eat these guys, lol. However, I have rehabbed other strays and am a bleeding heart apparently- I've been bringing everything home since I was 6 and thak god my mom was like me. Now my hubby thinks I am nuts no pun intended and would like to know why I spend more time playing with their genitalia than paying attention to him lmao silly boys:D

08-23-2012, 11:49 AM
Really?? I read sites that say the goats milk will make them sick, lol and that's what the wildlife refuge here recommended until the other formula comes in. I am so confused:(

TSB holds all the information you need, supplied from many rehabbers with years of successful experience, raising many squirrels.

Don't get confused, stick with this site, ask any questions.

08-23-2012, 11:52 AM
Well I ordered the 20/50 day one from fox valley but it didn't ask me for payment information or give me the option to expedite shipping?? Did I do something wrong here??

I tried to get the our wildlife place here to take them but due to budget cuts they are a 9-5 kind of place now with no help overnight- volunteers are apparently slim. The humane society won't take them either and while I am laid off they suggested I would somehow be a better caretaker if I could handle it. I am a momma of 2 kids, 2 dogs, and 2 cats....yes cats eek who would love to eat these guys, lol. However, I have rehabbed other strays and am a bleeding heart apparently- I've been bringing everything home since I was 6 and thak god my mom was like me. Now my hubby thinks I am nuts no pun intended and would like to know why I spend more time playing with their genitalia than paying attention to him lmao silly boys:D

Don't know what area you are in but I am also in Maryland, if I can be of help please contact me. stepnstone08@hotmail.com

08-23-2012, 12:20 PM
Did you get the Capstar that JIT suggested? Since they had external fly larva, they could have them internally also. Better safe than sorry.

08-23-2012, 12:42 PM
Well I ordered the 20/50 day one from fox valley but it didn't ask me for payment information or give me the option to expedite shipping?? Did I do something wrong here??NO - You did nothing wrong........ Nick (the owner) of Fox Valley will give you a call him self to collect your credit card info for your order, usually with in the week after you placed the order. He ships ASAP!!

08-23-2012, 12:44 PM
I didn't see it but I am assuming they will contact me about my order?? I got a confirmation e-mail that went to my junk box hence why I didn't see it but it says they will contact me soon about my order and to set up payment. In your experience how soon is soon, lol My neighbor who is a wild bird rehabilitator has the other three siblings and we keep hearing one more we think though it could be babies in another nest honestly just not sure. They did both eat 4cc's of the goat milk/goat yogurt mix with lots of water to dilute it even baby girl figured out how to suck. Nikolai as my son calls the male passed a small amount of normal looking small feces and both peed in and out of the cage which is reassuring. I am freaking out about aspiration, pneumonia, and afraid to bathe them for fear they will get cold. I did take a damp cloth and hand pluck all the larva off but I am sure I missed something:)

08-23-2012, 12:48 PM
As far as aspiration goes...... feed them with a 1cc or 3cc syringe (nothing bigger) or they will get to much fluids into their mouth at one time and then the rick of aspiration is there.

The rule of thumb when it comes to feeding is to feed 5-7% of the body weight every four hours...... they can go every six hours once they reach six weeks old and you can stop the late night feeding then.

08-23-2012, 01:03 PM
I have a 1cc and a 3cc, but more importantly is a week okay to wait for an order?? I have goats milk and yogurt, but since neither is a complete meal I am worried:(

08-23-2012, 01:36 PM
What about sunlight?? Looking on here to see if some caged outdoor time would be good for d3 to process the vitamin d. In dogs and cats we do this twice a day for 15 minutes, but not sure about squirrels??

08-23-2012, 01:39 PM
Your babies will thrive on the goat milk formula! They will not get sick at all, and I have completely raised some babies on this alone until FV became more popular.
I have one baby that I have right now that was near death with starvation when i got him. I was out of FV and fed him goat milk formula for 6 days and right now I am transitioning him to FV. He not only gained 50 grams in 40 hours, but he is thriving!!!!!
Goat Milk formula is GREAT, and they will do just fine.

I do worry about that sirynge you have though. It is big and plunger style. It could be deadly due to the jerky movement of the plunger and aspiration.
O-ring style is the safest type.
These babies need some food.
Now about what you have read about goat milk. I think some site refer to goat milk as goat milk replacer that would be bought at a farm storeto feed an orphaned baby goat. This stuff would kill a squirrel, but real goat milk or reconstituted goat milk from power, that we would buy in a supermarket for us to drink, is what works with squirrels.

08-23-2012, 01:53 PM
I got the goat milk from our grocery store so it is definitely for human consumption though it isn't powdered....wish it was I will be dumping tons of the stuff:( I am using a plunger type both 1cc and 3cc....aren't all syringes plunger style though? These are the type used to medicate NICU infants my nurse neighbor brought over last night- not sure what the ring type is I will have to search for pictures on the interwebs to be sure.

About how long till they can drink from a spoon? If more than 2 weeks I will add some to my Fox Valley order or see if my vet has a better sized one which may be quicker though these I have now look exactly like the one's we use at our vet's.

08-23-2012, 02:02 PM
The cheap disposable syringes have a big black rubber stopper on the end of the plunger that will begin to stick to the sides of the syringe with repeated use, resulting in you dispensing the milk in spurts instead of smoothly, which can cause aspiration. The O-ring type have just a narrow band of black silicone around the end of the plunger and have a much smoother delivery. They are made to be used again and again, not used once and discarded.

08-23-2012, 02:10 PM
Mine were still drinking from syringes until they were 12 weeks old, then I began to put it in a dish with their meals.

I had 5 baby squirrels and a chipmunk from 3 weeks to 17 weeks when I released them - I also have 3 kids (ages 7, 5 and 3), a home daycare, a puppy, and two young cats. Believe me, you can do this!

08-23-2012, 02:38 PM
Oh I am good on no sleep and the kids are actually a huge help. I just want to do everything right, lol that's the hardest part hehe- I worry about everything. Little Nikolai is up and crying in his cage all over the place now as I type. Since they will be released when ready do I want to over love on them??

08-23-2012, 02:38 PM
Hi Danielle,

Where are you located? This sounds like a more complicated situation and the babies might benefit from an experienced rehabber. We've got them all over Maryland and can pick the babies up right away. Please feel free to give me a call at 781-856-2157.


08-23-2012, 03:31 PM
Miriam I am in the Rockville area in Maryland and in contact with stepnstone here on the forum. Being I rehab cats and dogs it just occurred to me I have Capstar here in 2 strengths the smallest being 2-25 lbs. I know in Kittens I either crush, dissolve, or let them chew 1/4-1/2 a tab depending on weight and redose again 5-7 days in cases I know fleas are present, but have never used this for maggots. So is this the same Capstar in a blue box 11/4 mg's??

08-23-2012, 03:36 PM
Danielle, could you please call me? I am very close to where you live and could come by and either help get you set up with the Capstar and do a general wellness check or take the squirrels myself. We always need more squirrel people but fleas and maggots are a terrible way to have your first squirrel experience. You'd want the Capstar for kittens or small cats, I believe it's a red box. This is important because to be infested with maggots is pretty miserable for baby orphan squirrels. I can come over tonight even. 781-856-2157


Nancy in New York
08-23-2012, 03:54 PM
Danielle, could you please call me? I am very close to where you live and could come by and either help get you set up with the Capstar and do a general wellness check or take the squirrels myself. We always need more squirrel people but fleas and maggots are a terrible way to have your first squirrel experience. You'd want the Capstar for kittens or small cats, I believe it's a red box. This is important because to be infested with maggots is pretty miserable for baby orphan squirrels. I can come over tonight even. 781-856-2157


Oh Miriam you are an angel.....you're right this is something for a professional to help out with, thanks for your offer...:bowdown

08-23-2012, 04:27 PM

in Maryland and in contact with stepnstone


you're right this is something for a professional to help out with,

:thinking :bricks

The capstar Danielle has is what my veterinarian uses 1/4 tab to 1cc, it is also what I have used even on my own NR.

08-23-2012, 04:29 PM
You can freeze the goats milk (before you add anything to it). Pour it into freezer bags, the amount you will need to last you 24 hours, then each day, you pull a bag out, pop it in a cup of hot water to defrost, add your yogurt and cream and you are good to go, no waste at all!

08-23-2012, 04:38 PM
Russell you've got two coming your way from Marty. Rockville is super close to me.

08-23-2012, 05:32 PM
Because my neighbor found and took these in what happens to them is up to her, and because she works in wildlife rehab she is hesitant to allow anyone but us to care for them- if it were up to me thing 1 and thing 2 would be with one of you, lol. I have dosed them with the capstar which my vet triple confirmed is safe and effective in a one time dose. Both just ate more than 7cc of formula and would have eaten more had I let them but I know in kittens at least until you know they are stable it is better to feed more often than a lot in one feeding digestion wise. I don't want constipation or diarrhea so I will bump feedings to every 3 hours for now until tomorrow then maybe let them go up a bit but we will see.

If at any time I am worried they are in danger at the very least they will see my fav small mammal vet unless my neighbor changes her mind. Believe me just like me rehabbing kittens I know I know better than someone on the street who happened upon one, lol and I know you guys know better than me which is why i am here:) Here are some pics of thing 1 and thing 2 feeding:)



08-23-2012, 05:36 PM
Well they do look great! Who is your neighbor? Wildlife rehab in MD is a small community. Funny you do kittens. I'm currently on break from squirrels and fostering kittens!

Diane S
08-23-2012, 05:47 PM
Hi Daniellenc,
Good luck with the babies. I also found 3, the mom never returned. I had ordered all the squirrel formula a week ago, and it still didn't come. I fed them Esbilac puppy formula after all the hydrating. Unfortunately all 3 died. They died after seeming to thrive and gain a little weight. I came here for answers. Posted a long post in the "advice needed" thread. I don't know why they died, but as Mary said, it could have been pneumonia, although there was no clicking in their breathing. They died suddenly and I'm so sad. I love baby squirrels and really tried my best.

08-23-2012, 06:21 PM
Kittens are the best IMO, lol but just as time consuming. My friends name is Wendy Saoutis but is probably known by her maiden name Franklin. She has the other three wee one's next door and they are also doing well.

Diane I am so sorry to here about your three babies....sometimes it happens and it's usually nothing you did or didn't do- often times natural selection is better than us and always a step ahead:( I can only hope the 5 of them make it but I know that's a lot to hope for. I do have a small mammal vet in Gaithursburg I like and have taken tiny strays in for fluids and antibiotics as well as a 24 hour vet literally 2 miles away, but I know how fast they can go downhill especially being so young. I definitely have an uphill battle ahead of me, but hopefully in a few weeks you guys will be telling me how to set up a release cage:)

08-23-2012, 06:31 PM
Because my neighbor found and took these in what happens to them is up to her, and because she works in wildlife rehab she is hesitant to allow anyone but us to care for them- if it were up to me thing 1 and thing 2 would be with one of you, lol. I have dosed them with the capstar which my vet triple confirmed is safe I knew that... :thumbsup and effective in a one time dose. Both just ate more than 7cc of formula and would have eaten more had I let them but I know in kittens at least until you know they are stable it is better to feed more often than a lot in one feeding digestion wise. I don't want constipation or diarrhea so I will bump feedings to every 3 hours for now until tomorrow then maybe let them go up a bit but we will see.
If at any time I am worried they are in danger at the very least they will see my fav small mammal vet unless my neighbor changes her mind. Believe me just like me rehabbing kittens I know I know better than someone on the street who happened upon one, lol and I know you guys know better than me which is why i am here:) Here are some pics of thing 1 and thing 2 feeding:)

Cute babies!!
Personally, I think you got it going on and are off to a good start! :thumbsup
Keep up the good work and don't hesitate to ask any questions no matter how trivial they might seem. TSB has a lot of experienced folks here and our forums are full of information. In the meantime... give those babies some real names. :rotfl

:wave123 danielle ~ :Welcome to TSB

08-23-2012, 06:59 PM
Come on thing 1 and thing 2 are classic and pretty soon their antics will surely earn those names. The kids call them nikolai and miranda. I have the henry's growth formula rodent block and a fleece carrier that can be worn or put in the cage on the way. Now for the formula guy to get back to me:(

08-23-2012, 07:14 PM
Danielle, are you trying to get ahold of Fox Valley? I have tons of it and would be happy to bring you some.

08-23-2012, 07:18 PM
Well I placed the order this morning and was actually just finding their order number on their site so I can call in the morning. I don't want you to make a huge trip on our account it seems the goats milk, goats milk yogurt, and whipping cream diluted with water will do. I figure I will pay the one day shipping and hopefully have it Friday or Saturday. I was a little shocked to see they get back to you when you place an order that's definitely a new one for me, lol

08-23-2012, 07:29 PM

It's up to you. I don't know how far up in Rockville you live but I actually have to make a run to Bethesda anyway. I'd be happy to bring you some FV but part of it is that I have so many kittens that I miss squirrels! (obviously no pressure)


08-23-2012, 08:51 PM
Sorry was feeding babies, making everyone pee, cleaning them up, and getting them settled back down to sleeps. They've been here now 28 hours and while feeding and peeing is solid only the male has passed minimal stool. At what point do you guys worry, can I use mylicon, and/or warm water soaks safely??

Nancy in New York
08-23-2012, 09:26 PM
No need to worry yet. You have no idea how long it was since they ate before you got them. This is a transition for them.
As long as they don't bloat, this may take another day or so...until you start seeing something.
In the meantime, you can give water in between feedings, as this will usually get things going.
Just make sure you watch for bloat. (Big, round, hard bellies.:nono
:Love_Icon )

08-23-2012, 09:30 PM
After a feeding they have big round bellies, but after a good pee it is round and soft not firm or hard. How does one treat bloat?? I shall use the awesome search function just in case though ty for the warning:)

08-23-2012, 09:47 PM
Hi Danielle!:Welcome
I currently have 2 little ones that will be 7 weeks tomorow and their tails look like your little guys tails. And the size and fluffiness looks the same too. So I would say about 6-7 weeks. They should be pretty lively, but since they were so dehydrated and completely switched surroundings, it sounds normal. I also have a 4 almost 5 week old with the eyes still closed and I've had him a week today and when I first got him, he was very dehydrated, ribs showing, and very lethargic. It's been 7 days and he just made his first "cry" yesterday and he's starting to move around more, (when before he was very limp and seemed like he was just barely breathing. It has been a slow road for him, but he is progressing. At first, I could only get him to take 2 ccs and now he's up to 4 (and we dealed with bloat at the beginning).
All I'm trying to say is that everything sounds fine. Just take your time. There are some great people on here. And stick with this site! They won't steer you wrong!:thumbsup
By the way, I have 4 children ages 5-10 that I homeschool ALL of them, an internet business, 7 squirrels (we're working on releasing 3 soon), 4 turtles, 3 fish, 2 cats, 2 parrots, 2 mice, 1 bunny, and 1 dog. :bricks OH, and 1 husband that I have to cook and clean for and sometimes do his homework (he works nights and is a full time student:ohthedrama )
It gets hectic sometimes, but you can do it!!:poke
take care and welcome aboard!!:jump

08-23-2012, 10:06 PM
Thank you for the warm welcome sounds like my house......hubby came home and said he's changing his name to Noah since he now lives on the arc- he also asked if he could have a second wife since we have 2 of everything, lol. I think their 11 o'clock feeding will be pedialyte, fast through the night, and have a diluted morning breakfast with a warm bath after and some gasx unless they decide to make lots of poo overnight....here's to hoping:D

08-23-2012, 10:18 PM
Thank you for the warm welcome sounds like my house......hubby came home and said he's changing his name to Noah since he now lives on the arc- he also asked if he could have a second wife since we have 2 of everything, lol.

I like his way of thinking... :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4

08-23-2012, 10:38 PM
As long as she cleans his bathroom and asks him about his day I do too, lol

08-23-2012, 10:44 PM
As long as she cleans his bathroom and asks him about his day I do too, lol
:jump :jump

island rehabber
08-23-2012, 11:15 PM
daniellenc, first of all :Welcome to The Squirrel Board and thank you for saving these babies.
Now the tough love: raising baby squirrels properly, to release, is a time consuming, expensive and painstaking project. It is not like raising a kitten or puppy at all, and it is not something that children can do properly either because baby squirrels aspirate and develiop pneumonia VERY easily if feeding is not done exactly right.

Would you consider letting one of our excellent members in your area, who is experienced in rehabilitating squirrels, take over the care of the little ones? It would be the best thing you could do for them, and we could still keep tabs on them and watch them grow up. If you haven't read this sticky already, here it is:


You did a wonderful thing by saving them, and hydrating them. Now do another wonderful thing by letting someone with experience take on this monumental task. :):thumbsup

08-24-2012, 12:57 AM
I'm not sure if you read my entire thread but these are not my squirrels per say- their my neighbors she is keeping and caring for the other three. I have explained there are offers here from member's here to take them, and she has declined for many reasons:)

I vet teched my way through college with a Master's in Applied Science, have been rehabbing pinkie kitties and new born puppies on and off for quite a few years, and bred reptiles for 9 years. I can tell you the similarities between their emergency care has been very similar I'm not sure what you assume is different maybe I am confused??

I also disagree a child who has been raised bottle feeding babies several ounces smaller is ill equipped to help with an identical feeding. Both of my children feed with me supervising and understand the drop let swallow method to avoid aspiration- they are not left unattended with any animals in my house ever. They assist me with sub q's, feeding tubes, anal gland expressions, medication dispensing, and pretty much every facet of emergency and non emergency animal care in our home.

I imagine most of you had no clue had to care for a squirrel until an event happened that forced a learning experience- unless ya'll were born veterinarians?? We all have to learn somewhere which is probably why this forum exists and the reason I am here:) I am not sure what I am to learn from the attitude I am ill equipped, financially unable, or somehow incapable which is exactly the impression I get from a few of you- remember people stop asking questions when elitist attitudes get in the way:)

I have access to, and the means to provide emergency vet care if needed outside of our home. I understand how fragile their care is now and while I can't guarantee they'll make it I can promise I am doing everything in my power to ensure a full recovery. Should my neighbor decide to rehome these guys you guys will be the first to know- until then stay positive and answer my questions as they come. Support and knowledge is what these guys need most right now and I am sure there is plenty of that here:)

island rehabber
08-24-2012, 07:44 AM
There is plenty of support and great info here, as you've already seen. And it will continue, regardless of who is caring for the babies.
There are also some world-weary souls among us, myself included, who have seen the same unfortunate events take place time after time, and who try to gently steer the course in a safer direction. You can't blame us for trying.


08-24-2012, 08:17 AM
I hope you can tell from my inability to type I am extremely tired, but also that my heart is in the right place and I do not intend to be offensive. I have moderated on several forums so believe me I am familiar with idiots-I know what it's like to watch an animal die because the caretaker wouldn't take solid advice, couldn't afford care, or just refused to administer it. However, in answering threads I am always so careful to be supportive and not judgmental because some people are thin skinned enough to just stop asking questions and fade away afraid of appearing stupid. It's something I have preached on every forum I have moderated- support the noobs we were all them at some point:)

I do sincerely hope you understand the position I am in with my neighbor and maybe I should explain her concern which I can relate to. Often people have the best intentions to rehab animals and don't know when to say when. They end up unable to provide adequate food and shelter for them, vet care, and become inundated with their day to day care leading to neglect that often kills. However, instead, of reaching out to a community who has relied on them for so long they allow the animals to suffer in silence because they are ashamed, they like the attention and praise they get for being an animal savior, and this mentality is hidden behind a computer screen where even their staunch supporters are unaware of the conditions. We just don't take references from pixels which is why I am keeping a pair. She knows me and knows 5 is too much work for her, but this is her call not mine:)

On a lighter note dweedle dee and dweedle dumb are crazy as ever. They are trying to jam the syringe down their throats to eat, sucking hard, and getting so strong re positioning them is actually hard- all good signs so far. The little boy passed 6 pellets of poo and the little girl 4. Not sure if this is constipation or the result of being outside and unfed for so long. The mother was found hanging across a branch dead just below the nest already decomposing. The weather is mild here so I would guess she had been there for 3-4 days. Judging the stage of the larva we found on them it confirms I am pretty close if not spot on, but to be safe I am getting gasx as soon as my kiddos are awake and fed breakfast.

My plan is to give each .01-.02 of an ml before each feeding and keep the formula a little diluted for now- please tweak if this is wrong.

If by tomorrow their abdomens are hardened or poops are not consistent I will begin warm bath massages and go to straight water for feedings- tweak again if this is wrong.

I also want to know the appropriate body temp of a 5-6 week squirrel so I can better tweak their heating pad if needed. It is under half of the cage on low but I can hook a helistat to it and dial in an exact temperature.

Thank you all for your help by the way I will be asking tons of questions I am sure:)

08-24-2012, 02:42 PM
There is plenty of support and great info here, as you've already seen. And it will continue, regardless of who is caring for the babies.
There are also some world-weary souls among us, myself included, who have seen the same unfortunate events take place time after time, and who try to gently steer the course in a safer direction. You can't blame us for trying.


Indeed, and I'm right behind IR on that one! Some of the incidences have devastated this board and those of us who spend our waking moments caring for the mere existence of these babies. That old objective "you can't save them all" certainly will never mean we would ever quit trying. We all want what's best for them so they can thrive and return to the wild as their lives are intended.
That being said, I wish you the best of luck with these babies and hope you continue coming to TSB for information, questions and support. :grouphug