View Full Version : What could be wrong with his leg
08-22-2012, 02:48 PM
I got this baby 2 days ago... Starved with pneumonia.
I only realized this morning that something is wrong with his leg :(
I made a video.
08-22-2012, 02:51 PM
Link not working for me...... is it just my comp or is it the link?
Jackie in Tampa
08-22-2012, 02:55 PM
found the thread iwonka..but like rhapsody, the link won't do anything
08-22-2012, 02:57 PM
I'm uploading the file won't be long..
08-22-2012, 03:03 PM
Nancy in New York
08-22-2012, 03:27 PM
Right off the bat I am thinking spinal damage, since it is happening to both legs. If you squeeze the toes, does he have feeling, does he pull his leg up.
I know that you were putting him on the tree for purpose of showing his limitations, but I wouldn't do that again, we cannot risk another fall.
What is his history?
Not sure that even dex would work at this time....:dono
08-22-2012, 03:32 PM
This seems anatomical, not necessarily an issue particular to a squirrel so maybe a vet can say. I'm thinking maybe a broken pelvis maybe??? Just thinking out loud, I'm no expert... it's just that I don't believe he'd be able to raise his tail if he was paralysed, so if thinking what logical connections would there be between the lower back and legs...pelvis... or maybe a pinched nerve??? Experts might have a better idea.
Jackie in Tampa
08-22-2012, 03:32 PM
without watching the movie..after reading Nancys post...
I already know...
prednisone does magic...I have seen great results even days later...
I was always told to use dex within the first 24 hours, but my vet tells me all the time to use predinisone in cases like cannot hurt..
it's worth a try...
do you have any?
Jackie in Tampa
08-22-2012, 03:35 PM
okay, I watched..I agree with both ladies..
I have had a sq with broken pelvis...and many with spine injuries...
have you already given metacam? DON"T...
if so...stop and wait 24-30 hours and start steroids..
try prednisone
keep him extra hydrated...
he is a doll...I will take him:Love_Icon
broken pelvis stays low to the ground with movement.
spinal injury/pinched nerve..
both things can show many different presentations...
he is so young , so his natural mobility isn;t going to be the best anyways...
what do you think nancy? mitch?
ya gotta pick a path..either NSAIDs or steroids..
Nancy in New York
08-22-2012, 03:38 PM
okay..I agree with both ladies..
I have had a sq with broken pelvis...and many with spine injuries...
have you already given metacam? DON"T...
if so...stop and wait 24-30 hours and start steroids..
try prednisone
keep him extra hydrated...
he is a doll...I will take him:Love_Icon
I thought the same thing Jackie....I would take him too.:poke
08-22-2012, 04:05 PM
Right off the bat I am thinking spinal damage, since it is happening to both legs. If you squeeze the toes, does he have feeling, does he pull his leg up.
I know that you were putting him on the tree for purpose of showing his limitations, but I wouldn't do that again, we cannot risk another fall.
What is his history?
Not sure that even dex would work at this time....:dono
His left leg seems to be OK.
He is very shy.. He lets me do anything with him.. I can squeeze all I want and he doesn't reacts.. :dono
History?... mother found dead 2 days before they found him in the garden. His brother came to me also, 1 day after.
08-22-2012, 04:10 PM
without watching the movie..after reading Nancys post...
I already know...
prednisone does magic...I have seen great results even days later...
I was always told to use dex within the first 24 hours, but my vet tells me all the time to use predinisone in cases like cannot hurt..
it's worth a try...
do you have any?
If it was on your list so I have it. :poke
If not.. I will find it.
08-22-2012, 04:15 PM
prednisone -> it's not in the book... I NEED MORE INFO please!!! :poke
Jackie in Tampa
08-22-2012, 04:19 PM
what info do you need?
what book?
it is dosed 2mg/kg BID
it is a steroid
short term use, no tapper off period needed.:thumbsup
i like the 5mg tablets myself..but 1mg will work fine.
08-22-2012, 04:19 PM
Jackie: Really hard to tell... If he has some mobility in one leg I would lean towards a fracture of some sort... maybe in the lower back without damage to the spine itself, or broken pelvis on only one side (friend of mine had that and only one of her legs was impaired) but then again... what puzzles me is the apparent lack of feeling. If there is a pinched nerve though I suppose it could be possible that the sensation would be gone from the lower extremities.
I would probably lean towards the steroids first and foremost - before permanent damage would settle in - and if that treatment doesn't work, then NSAIDS. Feel it might be out of my league here IMO and I'd be very hesitant on either one.
:dono JIT, maybe you can tell your vet what we all discussed here and see what a pro would recommend in such a case???
Jackie in Tampa
08-22-2012, 04:28 PM
pretty sure she would say prednisone...
inflammation should be managed first right?
so either one [pred or metacam]or take a chance and use ibuprofen.:dono
if you pinch his back feet with tweezers or small forceps and he pulls back, he has may have to slowly add pressure.
does he pee on his own or is his belly wet all the time from dribbling , not from laying in it..?
the tail being fluffed means very little really...independant leg movement says alot...
my vet would treat a pinched nerve or suspicion of...
with pred and has many times for me...
pretty common treatment, especially without xrays...
honestly, it's what i would do.
but the treatment is up to you.
hope he does well:grouphug
08-22-2012, 04:36 PM
what info do you need?
what book?
it is dosed 2mg/kg BID
it is a steroid
short term use, no tapper off period needed.:thumbsup
i like the 5mg tablets myself..but 1mg will work fine.
Wild Mammal Babies book - I bought it! :D
I have Prednisone 5mg tablets.
I need the strength please.
Jackie in Tampa
08-22-2012, 04:39 PM
Wild Mammal Babies book - I bought it! :D
I have Prednisone 5mg tablets.
I need the strength a weight you need me to pm you break down info?
08-22-2012, 04:50 PM
post a weight you need me to pm you break down info?
I need to dilute this tablet first :poke :D
He weighs 125g
08-22-2012, 04:55 PM
pretty sure she would say prednisone...
inflammation should be managed first right?
so either one [pred or metacam]or take a chance and use ibuprofen.:dono
if you pinch his back feet with tweezers or small forceps and he pulls back, he has may have to slowly add pressure.
does he pee on his own or is his belly wet all the time from dribbling , not from laying in it..?
the tail being fluffed means very little really...independant leg movement says alot...
my vet would treat a pinched nerve or suspicion of...
with pred and has many times for me...
pretty common treatment, especially without xrays...
honestly, it's what i would do.
but the treatment is up to you.
hope he does well:grouphug
Good point... I agree re. treating inflammation 1st. Good catch too on the pee dribbling... :thumbsup
08-22-2012, 05:08 PM
I need to dilute this tablet first :poke :D
He weighs 125g
I have Prednisone 5mg tablets.
Dosage: 2mg/kg
I will dissolve the whole tablet in the 5cc of water.
So I should give him 0.25cc twice a day.
Am I right?
08-22-2012, 05:17 PM
pretty sure she would say prednisone...
inflammation should be managed first right?
so either one [pred or metacam]or take a chance and use ibuprofen.:dono
if you pinch his back feet with tweezers or small forceps and he pulls back, he has may have to slowly add pressure.
does he pee on his own or is his belly wet all the time from dribbling , not from laying in it..?
the tail being fluffed means very little really...independant leg movement says alot...
my vet would treat a pinched nerve or suspicion of...
with pred and has many times for me...
pretty common treatment, especially without xrays...
honestly, it's what i would do.
but the treatment is up to you.
hope he does well:grouphug
He pees on his own!! :crazy
The other test I will do later: I don't want to stress him too much and I don't really understand what you want me to do.. :hidechair Mitch - call me with translation please!:Phone2
Jackie in Tampa
08-22-2012, 05:39 PM
okay I se the weight..
let me do blonde girl in tampa math:D :shakehead
Jackie in Tampa
08-22-2012, 05:40 PM
:bowdown rock..:alright.gif
now let's hope it helps...:Love_Icon
Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-22-2012, 05:43 PM
okay I se the weight..
let me do blonde girl in tampa math:D :shakehead
would that be bottle blonde or sun kissed???
08-23-2012, 11:03 AM
if you pinch his back feet with tweezers or small forceps and he pulls back, he has may have to slowly add pressure.
my vet would treat a pinched nerve or suspicion of...
with pred and has many times for me...
pretty common treatment, especially without xrays...
Jackie .. I did a test .. He not pulled his legs but he protested with his voice ..
I can make another movie. Tell me what to do with him ... what do you want to see? ..
If his leg is broken and will badly heal, he will become the NR..:shakehead
What can I do? :hissyfit
08-23-2012, 11:50 AM
And what about to put the leg in a cast? :thinking
Someone done this before and can share experience with me ? :poke
Jackie in Tampa
08-23-2012, 01:03 PM
an xray will tell..
if broken cast...
bed rest, no climbing is treatment plus meds for inflammation, 5 days.
if rear leg break high on femur, no cast..
fibula break, cast will work..{vet wrap, sports tape}
08-23-2012, 01:22 PM
Thank you Jackie! :grouphug
I understand that an xray will be helpful only in the fibula break.
What do you suggest?...
08-23-2012, 04:00 PM
08-23-2012, 10:18 PM
:poke Has anyone seen the hip luxation already?
08-24-2012, 07:31 AM
:poke :Love_Icon
08-24-2012, 10:06 AM (
08-24-2012, 11:05 AM ( (
Pip :Love_Icon looked like your baby at first!
You need x-rays to determine exactly what the problem is with your baby! :grouphug You can pop the femure back into the hip if it is a hip luxation (more successfully done in small animals) and I think they try to do this before even thinking of doing anything else anyway. But you need to do something before scar tissue and other healing processes take over the area, you do not want it to end up healing badly!! :grouphug :grouphug
08-24-2012, 01:54 PM
I'm looking for a veterinary clinic willing to do x ray for squirrels, but you know, we live in a $%^&$ place! :madd :hissyfit
When it going to be too late? :(
08-24-2012, 02:31 PM
Rocky the squirrel fell from his nest from our giant oak tree almost 1 year ago. We rescued him and fed him via a syringe as a few days old "pinkie". No rescue agency would take him.
NOW about 2 weeks ago Rocky contracted West Nile Virus from our backyard creek. A habitat that Normally has dozens of tree squirrels in the creek but now they are rare to none.
Rocky was suffering from WNV symptoms (twitching, circling, unable to stand, falling over, etc.) That's when we took him to a veterinarian. He was diagnosed and prescribed Metacam .3cc with a concentration of 1.5 mg/cc.
In a nutshell, Rocky is recovering well with a few lingering symptoms and getting stronger with "squirrel rehab". West Nile Virus is a serious disease that has killed dozens of citizens in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. It does not discriminate on economic status since hardest hit areas are in the upscale communities of Dallas. Squirrels included.
08-24-2012, 02:34 PM
FYI. I am posting on several threads with squirrels with neurological signs. Metacam, I was told does not affect a squirrel too badly since it is a nosteroidal anti inflamatory. I've stopped giving it to Rocky when he improved from WNV.
He seemed to have partial paralysis of his back left leg...and symptoms were getting worse until he was medicated with Metacam. Remarkable recovery of his mobility.
I am no expert...just a paramedic.
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