View Full Version : Fat babies

08-21-2012, 09:31 AM
Is there any concern of a baby getting overweight? I know they can get bloat which is a different concern. I'm just noticing that Pinky will eat 7% every time and she's putting on weight great, but is there any concern that she's overweight? I weighed her at 132 this morning and her eyes aren't open yet. I believe her to be 5 weeks old and expect eyes to open any time.

08-21-2012, 12:52 PM
Is she a grey squirrel or a foxer? Most of my greys are right at about 100 grams when they open their eyes but I am in the south and our squirrels run smaller. Foxers naturally would be much bigger. Do you have a picture of your baby you can post? Stacey