View Full Version : My Old Kentucky Home Open to Squirrel Adoption

08-20-2012, 05:57 PM
Hey Everyone From the Crazy Squirrel Lady


Just wanted to put it out there that I would LOVE to adopt some needy homeless squirrel.

If anyone here finds a squirrel that needs help in the western Kentucky area, please keep me in mind. ( I am new to forum so I may not have this posted in the correct area... )

I am fine with releasing healthy squirrels to the wild when able.

I am also fine with adopting a special needs squirrel, perhaps a blind squirrel, etc.

Is there some kind of registry I could get on here? Thanks

Happiness is a squirrel :D


Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2012, 06:09 PM
tell us about yourself...
have you ever had a sq?
and how did you get the 'crazy'name? :poke
me too, my neighbors have always called me that, and some of my friends too.
Do you have other pets? children?
have you ever been bit by a sq?:)
Do you have a vet that is sq friendly?

Hang around, post pics...give us your two cents...
ya never know...always a sq in need somewhere!
:wave123 :Welcome

08-20-2012, 06:20 PM
tell us about yourself...
have you ever had a sq?
and how did you get the 'crazy'name? :poke
me too, my neighbors have always called me that, and some of my friends too.
Do you have other pets? children?
have you ever been bit by a sq?:)
Do you have a vet that is sq friendly?

Hang around, post pics...give us your two cents...
ya never know...always a sq in need somewhere!
:wave123 :Welcome

HI! Yes I have had one blind squirrel with a seizure disorder. When I got my lil feller, I found the squirrel board and that helped me raise the little fellow properly.

Well, I just fell in love with squirrels.

Now my lil squirrel that I had would warn me before he bit the crap out of me.... He would go NO NO NO... and then if you went ahead and TOOK that nut or whatever away... bam! he would nail me. It's not that bad.... My squirrel rarely bit me very hard. He nibbled on my ears, hair, arms and toes, but I only got bitten 3 times during seizures and that was not his fault as he could not help himself during those horrible seizures.

I am also a registered nurse, and a bit of a animal charmer like Ellie May Clampett from the Beverly Hillbillies. I have always had "critters" all my life, including free range skunk pet and a few free range possums. I even had a wild rabbit that would come to me outside in the yard when I whistled for it. (not to impressive when you hear the bait was sugar cookies)... hahahahahah I have rehabbed red tailed hawks and doves that were shot and injured and released them before.

Right now I have a Siamese cat who lives indoors... He is 19 this year.

I also have a well behaved Shetland Sheepdog who is now 12.

My VET is cool with me helping squirrels, and even saw mine without charging me! WOW! He was going to neuter my little feller even for me in the future if needed, since he could not be released.

I live in the woods and have a very large farm that I can release squirrels to.

I loved my little squirrel and it was unfortunate that his seizure disorder proved fatal... That lil guy had lots of problems with his blindness and stuff.

Thank heaven for sending me to the squirrel board..... such a wealth of valuable info.

I think if I could, I would adopt another blind squirrel who could not be released, as I am a stay at home gal and have tons of time to devote to keeping a squirrel happy.

Let me know if I can help with any needs that might come up.


p.s. I thought of Crazy Cat Lady from Simpsons when I was making up a name for myself and envision the day when I have squirrels climbing all over me like her .... hahahaha


08-20-2012, 06:25 PM
:Welcome Always nice to have more crazy squirrel people on!:D :wave

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2012, 06:25 PM
HI! Yes I have had one blind squirrel with a seizure disorder. When I got my lil feller, I found the squirrel board and that helped me raise the little fellow properly.

p.s. I thought of Crazy Cat Lady from Simpsons when I was making up a name for myself and envision the day when I have squirrels climbing all over me like her .... hahahaha

How did you get your squirrel? what was his name?
how old was he when he passed? do you have pics?
did he live in a cage?
I know ..too many questions..

I do have sqs climbing on me all the time..
and sometimes a few at once..:D
I think the peeps who call me crazy are missing out...yep, I do!:)
Nice to meet cha!:wave123

08-20-2012, 06:43 PM
Hi Virginia :D

HI Jackie :D

I don' t have very good internet, will try to upload a picture of my sweetie.

His name was General STonewall Jackson. (because he was almost white when I found him)

I found Gen. Jackson in the street, and was shocked to see a white squirrel crossing the road one day.

I stopped the pick up truck and got out. There was my lil feller! I guess he was one who had fallen out the nest or had been pushed out early.

His little tail was skinny and had very little hair. His eyes were blue with what appeared to be cataracts covering 98% of his pupils. He turned his head like Stevie Wonder all the time back and forth, listening.

I kept him in a cage near my bed and we played all day. We would go out in the yard for a little exercise, and Gen Jackson would rarely get far off.

As he grew, the General's fur became a regular grey squirrel's color and his tail grew sleek and bushy.

He only got a pecan to shell 2 times a day, and only after he had eaten his rodent blocks and his vegetables. He was wild about organic carrots and spinach and would eat cubed apples a lot as well.

I provided calcium supplements when I panicked at his symptoms and ran to the Squirrel Board. I left a nice deer's antler in the cage for him to nibble on when he liked as well.

I got little toys that were intended for parrots and put them in his cage to nibble on and play with.

Alas, his seizure disorder worsened, and defied the vet's best efforts.

My Little Feller died at age 7 months right after a big meal of his fave veggies.

It was too far to get to the vet and he died en route.

That squirrel made me laugh 20 times a day, and I miss him a lot.

I want to give back more squirrels to the woods out back and provide a home to squirrels in need of long term care.

I was so disappointed my General Jackson did not last 20 years.

Anyways, now that I now the secret to life is a squirrel, why deny myself the pleasure of their company? :D


08-20-2012, 06:49 PM
Your last line should be our Mission Statement!

08-20-2012, 06:52 PM
Your last line should be our Mission Statement!
It's sooo true!

It took me a long time to figure it out, but now I KNOW that is the secret to happiness.... a Squirrel.



08-20-2012, 07:11 PM
All this crazy squirrel talk reminded me of that movie "Rat Race" with Mr. Bean and the part with the crazy squirrel lady is trying to get whoopie goldberg and the other lady to buy a squirrel and they refuse and she give them a shortcut and it ends up taking them down a cliff with multiple signs that read "you" "should" "have" "bought" "a" "squirrel". That was the best part of the movie.
I let my kids watch just that part of the movie and they go around saying that. (not that I'm promoting buying squirrels):sanp3
Just thought it was funny:offtopic yes, I know:flush

On a more serious note. Glad to have you aboard! So sorry your squirrel didn't live to be 20:oldwise , but I'm sure you'll be able to make up for that with future squirrelsmjs

08-21-2012, 09:56 AM
I have not seen that film yet Virginia, but I will now! for sure!

sounds hilarious.....

Thanks for all the warm welcomes ya'll !!
