View Full Version : Baytril for Asp.Pneumonia...

08-20-2012, 12:07 PM
Hello there!
I have a baby squirrel that's 61gms/215oz and unfortunantly has pneumonia =/ I lost her brother a week ago as he wasn't able to fight anymore. Took her to the vet this morning and my usual vet wasn't there and OF COURSE none of the others know anything about wildlife =/ I rehab squirrels a few times a yr but its normally opossoms for me. This is my first exp with pneumonia... I was given a script of Baytril Inj/Oral (1-20lbs) and she kinda guessed an appropriate dosage of 0.2mls SID... she's not doing good at all at this point so desperation has set in and I'm going with "something/anything is better than nothing"... She's all but completely stopped eating so I'm basically tube feeding small amounts every hr with extra h20/pedialyte.. She's also on heat and has a humidifier on non stop. I don't know what else to do really. But does that dosage sound about right? I'm not willing to risk using ammoxi given the issues she's already having so baytril it is... PLEASE,ANY INPUT WOULD BE AWESOME!! Thanks!!

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2012, 12:34 PM
baytril is dosed at 10mg/kg for sqs with aspiration pnuemonia..
I will ck the math soon for you, right in the middle and need my brains...won't take long:)
It is SID, for years I was told it is BID, and can be in some scenerios ..
but SID is correct.:thumbsup
sorry you lost the other baby sq:grouphug
RIP little one:Love_Icon

08-20-2012, 12:36 PM
SID to us here in our books means once a day.. I can definetly go to bid I just didn't want to over do it ,ya know. She's really bad off =(( But ill be damned if I'm gonna let all this sleep deprivation I've been sufferingfrom these last few weeks be for nothing lol! Come too far to just die from this crap. I'm doing everything I can!! Thanks for the help!