View Full Version : HI

08-20-2012, 09:37 AM
I just wanted to introduce myself and my baby, Lucky, to everyone. We found Lucky when he was barely a week old. My husband was redoing the eaves on the garage when the nest fell out. We watched the nest for a few hours but when the mom never came back I brought Lucky inside. He is 6 months old now and the light of my life. He has free run of the house, is very curious, and loves to play. I can place an empty soda bottle on the floor for him and he will roll it around and play for hours. I keep oak branches in his cage but I wonder if I could put in pine brances? He loves pine cones so wouldnt think it would be a problem but felt I should ask. Lucky has a wonderful vet who has worked with squirrels and other wild species for over 25 years. Me personally, Im a 43 yearold stay at home mom now. Ive worked all my life but when we found Lucky I was having to take him to work with me to make sure he was fed and my husband and I decided that I should just stay home. When he sees his daddy pull up in the drive, (his cage is by the window) he starts running up and down wanting to get to him. He thinks my husband is his own personal toy. lol Well, I think that is enough of a book for now. Any advice anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated cause I always want him to be healthy and happy.

08-20-2012, 09:50 AM

A stay-at-home Squammy!
I LOVE IT!!! :thumbsup

Oh and I'm sure everyone else will concur....


08-20-2012, 09:51 AM
W-E-L-C-O-M-E to T.S.B.
Glad to Have YOU Aboard

>>> from Rama Rota & Cruiser & RamaMama and Stosh

Please post photos of LUCKY--- so we too, can share in your JOY !
Photos are GOLD on TSB...like currency.
(or e-mail to me--and I'll post them HERE)

08-20-2012, 10:08 AM
:Welcome mrs.rudy2 :wave123
Sounds like you got off to a good start and little Lucky was indeed lucky. :thumbsup
Squirrels do love the pine cones but I personally wouldn't put pine branches in my enclosures. Just like the trees, branches leak sap, squirrel gets matted with sap... not pretty!:shakehead
Already sounds like your baby is happy, as far as healthy goes, that's all about the diet and getting the proper nutrition. Out of curiosity, what formula was he raised on and are you now giving him some type of rodent block?

08-20-2012, 11:16 AM
Can't wait for pics of Lucky. :jump

08-20-2012, 04:04 PM
Lucky was raised on esbilac mixed with heavy whipping cream and water per a rehabbers instructions. He still gets baby cereal mixed with esbilac and heavy whipping cream at night. He looks forward to that. He gets his henrys blocks morning and night with pine cones and different veggies mixed in throughout the day. I have been watching the board for a while and using all the ideas Ive found here. One other question, What should I give him to keep his teeth ground down and keep his nails filed down? Ive read that their teeth are constantly growing and I know his nails need trimming. I will post some pics as soon as I figure out how....lol

08-20-2012, 06:11 PM
Lucky was raised on esbilac mixed with heavy whipping cream and water per a rehabbers instructions. .... Ive read that their teeth are constantly growing and I know his nails need trimming. I will post some pics as soon as I figure out how....lol
The Lower incisors grow about 6 inches a year...so proper chewing is crucial.
Cuttle Bone, antlers, seashells, etc. work well as chew toys
Here is one of the photos you e-mailed to me...I added a Caption

I added the second photo...as an afterthought...Ha !

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2012, 06:13 PM
omgosh!...how cute is that!!!:Love_Icon
:Welcome :wave123

08-20-2012, 06:26 PM
Thanks for posting the picture for me. He was just a baby then. He is 6 months old today. Just took some new ones.

08-20-2012, 06:40 PM
omgosh!...how cute is that!!!:Love_Icon
:Welcome :wave123

There are no words...:Love_Icon

08-20-2012, 06:47 PM
Lucky was raised on esbilac mixed with heavy whipping cream and water per a rehabbers instructions. He still gets baby cereal mixed with esbilac and heavy whipping cream at night. He looks forward to that. He gets his henrys blocks morning and night with pine cones and different veggies mixed in throughout the day. I have been watching the board for a while and using all the ideas Ive found here. One other question, What should I give him to keep his teeth ground down and keep his nails filed down? Ive read that their teeth are constantly growing and I know his nails need trimming. I will post some pics as soon as I figure out how....lol

His diet sounds good.:thumbsup

Since I give my boy a nut treat every night when he goes back to his enclosure, I make them do double duty. Go to http://www.nativenuts.com/ and you will just have to bookmark the site for now because most are sold out and waiting for Fall 2012 harvest. You want Shellbark hickory and black walnuts. They look HUGE but they are all shell and very little nut, and they LOVE THEM. My squirrel has been in there skritching on a black walnut for over an hour right this minute. It takes him a couple hours to get into one of them and all of that grinding keeps his teeth just right.

I dunno - if I spent 2 hours getting into something and there was only a tiny norsel of goody in there I would be really steamed, but these must be some awesome nuts.!:rotfl

08-20-2012, 06:50 PM
Seeing your Lucky made me squeal with delight and I am ashamed to say..... PEA GREEN with envy!

awwww ain't that the cutest little thing you ever saw?

thanks for the pics.

welcome :D


08-20-2012, 07:08 PM
:Welcome to TSB! He is adorable...

Right this moment, Sammy is scritching away on a black walnut! He has far more patience than I do for a tiny snack!:D Thank-goodness Snickers wrappers are so much easier to open!:jump

His diet sounds good.:thumbsup

Since I give my boy a nut treat every night when he goes back to his enclosure, I make them do double duty. Go to http://www.nativenuts.com/ and you will just have to bookmark the site for now because most are sold out and waiting for Fall 2012 harvest. You want Shellbark hickory and black walnuts. They look HUGE but they are all shell and very little nut, and they LOVE THEM. My squirrel has been in there skritching on a black walnut for over an hour right this minute. It takes him a couple hours to get into one of them and all of that grinding keeps his teeth just right.

I dunno - if I spent 2 hours getting into something and there was only a tiny norsel of goody in there I would be really steamed, but these must be some awesome nuts.!:rotfl

08-20-2012, 07:28 PM
Thanks for posting the picture for me. He was just a baby then. He is 6 months old today. Just took some new ones.
Well, I'll keep an eye out for another e-mail---with pics...
6 months...!!! OK send the progression... 2 mths, 3 mths, 4 mths, 5 mths,,,and today ( if ya have them)

08-20-2012, 08:53 PM
Thanks Critter mom, Garden 71, Sammys mom, and Crazy Squirrel Lady. He was spoiled then and even more so now. Critter Mom I see your point, working 2 hours for a little bit of food isnt my idea of a good time either. lol
More pics on the way Stosh. Thanks everyone. It has really made my day to hear so many good things about my baby.

08-20-2012, 10:00 PM
Watch LUCKY grow--thru the photos--right on up 'till tonight ( the PEA Shelling Pic ) { 6 months--in 6 pics }
>>>Captions by Stosh

08-21-2012, 07:23 AM
I was looking at some of the pics on here and there are some beautiful babies. Stosh yours is so cute!! Love that coloring. You can tell all these babies are loved. I wanted to ask about scratching. Lucky has a tendancy to scratch. He isnt making sores or losing hair but I was wondering if it was normal. He doesnt get baths per say just washed off with a damp rag. He doesnt like getting in water. Found out the hard way..lol Over the past few days he has gotten more vocal about his likes and dislikes. lol He is such a ham. I usually make him take a nap around 1 so he wont be grouchy and when I went to put him in his cage he squealed and growled then sulked. Sorry I got off the subject. lol So is the scratching normal? Just something they do? I appreciate the help and thanks so much to everyone.

08-21-2012, 07:45 AM
He sure does look like a SHE to me:sanp3

08-21-2012, 08:05 AM
He sure does look like a SHE to me:sanp3

You beat me to it! Lucky is a little girl!!

Don't feel bad. I have a little white footed mouse girl named NATE...

08-21-2012, 08:08 AM
You beat me to it! Lucky is a little girl!!

Don't feel bad. I have a little white footed mouse girl named NATE...

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

08-21-2012, 08:10 AM
REALLY!!! Hes a she?? The vet said Lucky was a boy...imagine that lol regardless my baby cant be loved more

08-21-2012, 08:12 AM
Well......LUCKY IS a Uni-Sex name....LUCKY for HER

08-21-2012, 08:15 AM
REALLY!!! Hes a she?? The vet said Lucky was a boy...imagine that lol regardless my baby cant be loved more

Go to this thread: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35226&page=8

scroll down to post #146 and look at "Duke" in the 8th pic - he is snuggled in some oeackck blue fleece. THAT is a boy baby. They are all penis! Compare to your early "belly" pic of your little girl...and I would tease the heck out of your vet the next time you visit!

Jackie in Tampa
08-21-2012, 08:53 AM

08-21-2012, 10:46 AM
You were right critter mom. The boys are all penis. lol I wonder if my girl is upset with me when I call her my little boy man....lol:crazy

08-21-2012, 11:10 AM
REALLY!!! Hes a she?? The vet said Lucky was a boy...imagine that lol regardless my baby cant be loved more

Puts to mind the member who had a vet tell her that her rescue was some type of mixed terrier pup...
Turned out it was a red fox kit. :rotfl

Squirrel Girls Mom
08-21-2012, 12:46 PM
Puts to mind the member who had a vet tell her that her rescue was some type of mixed terrier pup...
Turned out it was a red fox kit. :rotfl

That's just scary!! Hope she changed vets. :shakehead

08-21-2012, 01:06 PM
That's just scary!! Hope she changed vets. :shakehead

She is a wildlife rehabber, so she raised and eventually released that baby fox, named Petey - who was a total doll baby, BTW!

08-21-2012, 01:38 PM
I have to make an appointment to get luckys teeth and nails checked and believe me Im gonna tease Dr. Rich about his mistake. lol Oh and a baby fox. I bet he was beautiful. That would have been an awesome surprise if you ask me.

08-21-2012, 04:27 PM
I have to make an appointment to get luckys teeth and nails checked and believe me Im gonna tease Dr. Rich about his mistake. lol Oh and a baby fox. I bet he was beautiful. That would have been an awesome surprise if you ask me.

Here you go. It is a great story: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27739

08-21-2012, 09:49 PM

Your Lucky is gorgeous!!! I also have a baby named Lucky!! She is about a month younger than yours. Here is a recent picture of my girl.

08-22-2012, 04:07 AM
:Love_Icon Love ALL the pics. :Love_Icon
BTW Stosh love what you did with the pics. :thumbsup

08-22-2012, 07:10 AM
I was looking at some of the pics on here and there are some beautiful babies. Stosh yours is so cute!! Love that coloring. You can tell all these babies are loved. I wanted to ask about scratching. Lucky has a tendancy to scratch. He isnt making sores or losing hair but I was wondering if it was normal. He doesnt get baths per say just washed off with a damp rag. He doesnt like getting in water. So is the scratching normal? Just something they do? I appreciate the help and thanks so much to everyone.
I think that is normal...to some extent. My boys do the occasional "rapid scratching".
.....Because I bring in new branches 4 times a week I assume the random ant or bug gets in also.
However I do submerge all branches in a garbage can of DAWN water for 30 minutes and then rinse with the garden hose--before they come inside.The DAWN dishsoap--kills 99 % of mites and bugs....

08-22-2012, 08:34 AM
Oh how precious mlkent!! Looks just like my Lucky. Course instead of calling her boyman now that Ive found out shes actually a girl she gets called princess most of the time. lol Thanks for the advice Stosh. Ive been getting oak branches for her a couple of times a month but havent been soaking them. Usually just wash them off. Oh, by the way, what is boo balls? Ive seen that mentioned several times on here and was wondering. Lucky is a very picky eater and was hoping this was something I could try.

08-22-2012, 08:46 AM
Oh how precious mlkent!! Looks just like my Lucky. Course instead of calling her boyman now that Ive found out shes actually a girl she gets called princess most of the time. lol Thanks for the advice Stosh. Ive been getting oak branches for her a couple of times a month but havent been soaking them. Usually just wash them off. Oh, by the way, what is boo balls? Ive seen that mentioned several times on here and was wondering. Lucky is a very picky eater and was hoping this was something I could try.
They are home made nutritious supplements.
Members adjust the recipe to suite their own squirrel...so if she won't eat them--add or remove something.
Crushed Rodent Block ( HHBs ) Fox valley, nuts, baby food, and coconut oil.I will find a recipe with amounts .

08-22-2012, 08:59 AM
Hello, :Welcome ...... Stosh asked me to send this off to you.

Here is the recipe and instructions (it is equal amounts of powdered rodent block, FV dry formula, crushed pecans):

50 grams rodent block (crushed to a fine powder) I use two (25 grams each) , Kaytee Forti-diet and Harlan Teklad 2014 or 2018.

50 grams powdered Fox Valley squirrel formula

50 grams crushed pecans

Mix ingredients together.

Mix organic baby food fruit (100 grams) and 20 grams Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil together and warm for 20 seconds in the microwave. Add this wet mixture to your dry ingredients until well blended. It will seem very wet. (I use Earth's Best Organic Apples & Plums).

Put in the refrigerator for 5 hours (Overnight is even better). This lets it set up. It softens/moistens the rodent block and dissolves the FV.

Once you are ready to serve it take out about a 1/2 tsp (5 grams) of the mixture and roll is in your hands but not so much that it will melt the coconut oil. Give it to your squirrel. This recipe feeds two squirrels for about a week.

You can vary it here and there a bit - our Cruiser does not like Coconut Oil so I leave that out of his boo balls...
Some people low heat bake the little balls once the mix has set.... some freeze. I do both for variety.

Others on TSB may have more info and some great suggestions.

08-22-2012, 09:33 AM
Thanks Ramamama. I will order some FV. Wont hurt to try it. Im always trying to find new things for her. She gets bored with her food so easily. She used to love HHB but now she just picks at them. :dono Im about to run out of ideas. lol

08-22-2012, 03:20 PM
Lucky has seemed kind of off this afternoon. She woke up grunting for me (as usual. lol) and played. But when it got time for her nap she wanted me to hold her. Didnt want to go to her cage. So I held her while she slept for about an hour and then laid her in her cage. Hoping she just wanted mommy time cause she usually doesnt want to be held when she sleeps. :dono

08-22-2012, 05:02 PM
My Lucky started doing this after her eyes opened too. After I would feed her, she didn't want to get back in her cage, she wanted to stay with me. I would always hold her until she fell asleep and then lay her in there. After awhile though, she started realizing what I was doing and would wake up as soon as I put her in there. Lol...just wait until she flat out refuses to get in her cage and you have to bribe her with a treat to get her down from a high place to put her in...that's where the fun is!

08-23-2012, 10:32 AM
Im already at that stage. She was 6 months on the 20th. But she seems fine today. up and playing as usual. Just wanted mommy to hold her yesterday I guess.

08-23-2012, 10:53 AM
LOL...I posted that on the wrong forum...I meant to post that for someone else. But it goes hand in hand.