View Full Version : Strange behavior w. my flyer !!!!!

08-19-2012, 09:19 PM
So the woman gave me a list of things to give him and she told me to give him seeds and nuts (Hard nuts only) during the day and before I go to sleep give him a wedge of orange or apple and lettuce and some mealworms. He doesnt like mealworms (dead or alive) and he barely eats his food. The woman told me that if he doesnt eat just leave his food in for no longer than 2 days. He only nibbles at his food. He is the runt of the group. Ive had other squirrels and they were pretty calm and loved to stay on me, but this one hates to be on me and just wants to roam the house. He really cant have as much freedom as I would want him to, but unfortunately I have cats and dogs in my home. He is extremely hyper. He breaks through all his pouches and carrying cases as well as bonding tshirts. He is trained and lets me know when he needs to use the bathroom. His poop and pee look normal although he poops EVERYWHERE lol. When I get my period it seems like he becomes horny because he humps and nibbles everywhere. And he lets out his bodily fluids on my arm which is a GROSS experience. When I got him from a breeder in texas she gave me him when he was no larger than a crayon. She told me he was a bit younger than 6 weeks that they cannot give us a baby squirrel and older than 6 weeks. Im not really sure of his weight. His cage is about 22x24, 55 inches tall with 30 inches of cage space ( this is just a round about ). I have him as a pet. He was a sweet 16 birthday gift from my parents. I do not plan on releasing my baby. I have had him since November/December. He has many pouches in his cage, but sleeps in the one he came in when I first got him. How would i know if theres a puncture on the roof of hid mouth ? How would I treat that ? The woman I got him from said that its good if his teeth crack bc he wont get an cuts from his teeth getting too long. The picture of his teeth below is a bit old. They grew quit long since then but even at that time of the picture, he had the same problems. But its only the front teeth that are short and he doesnt seem to eat any hard foods or nuts. I need a strict diet plan and schedule from someone that I can get him use to bc the breeder doesnt return my phone calls or emails. She was no help. Thank you for getting back to me.

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2012, 05:39 AM
can you take a new pic of his teeth?

we will help you get your baby back on tract..