View Full Version : didnt get a chance to introduce my serlf yet

Foamy the squirrel
08-18-2012, 06:49 PM
Hello, I'm a kinda new to tsb iv been on here for a week give or take a few days. but I have a 4/5 week old squirrel named Olympia. iv been kinds crazy with the posts and I feel like I'v been annoying every one. My guess that I am is because not to many people answer my posts.I'm sorry if iv offended any one.or said any thing to upset anyone. I'm hoping to become close with every one like I see on the posts.But any ways back to my introduction., I'm from Long Island N.Y I'm 26 years old and I absolutely LOVE all animals I have a two year certificate Ito become a veterinary Asst. I'm also studying to be come a animal control officer , I would also LOVE to try to get my rehabbers license its harder for me to accomplish these tasks because I have a learning disability and social anxiety disorder but I work hard to accomplish my goals :). I love my pets that b I have and I love volunteering at the cat shelter were I go. I'M engaged and hopeing to be married next year (if we have the money) well that all. you all are welcome to ask questions that you have about me I can be a very open person :) again sorry if I bothered any one with my posts



Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-18-2012, 07:10 PM
you aren' t a bother ...Please dont think that
This time of year with vacations and it being baby season, not too many people are on right now, and we can get hung up on helping someone and miss a post or two.
I know when I started I was all over the place until I learned how the board worked . And sometimes I still cant find a post I may have started or I forget who I was helping and cant find it again..........

Foamy the squirrel
08-18-2012, 07:12 PM
ok thanks :) thought i was bothering yall

08-18-2012, 07:24 PM
Oh goodness you're no bother! Everyone here has been in your position at one time or another and asking questions is the only way to learn. I myself still feel like a pest quite often...lol
:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome

Foamy the squirrel
08-18-2012, 07:37 PM
ok :thankyou

08-18-2012, 08:31 PM
Welcome to TSB! We are all here to help each other take care of our babies. Please ask questions. You as well as others learn from the experiences. You can make a difference in the squirrel world. We learn and teach others. :Welcome :wave123

08-18-2012, 10:44 PM
Hello & Welcome....... :wave123
Feel like I know you already, being that we have talked so much in just one night. :D

08-19-2012, 12:17 AM
:Welcome Hello there!

island rehabber
08-19-2012, 05:52 AM
:wave123 hi Foamy and :Welcome from across the Sound, in da Bronx!

You joined during baby season, and that's always SO tough because many of us are so busy feeding babies all day long we don't really get much TSB time. And when we do, we keep it serious -- try to answer the Emergency posts first and then never make it to the other stuff. But we're glad you and Olympia are here!! (I have an Olympia, too....she's 2 weeks old :Love_Icon)

Also: never get offended when your post gets no response. I am telling you it happens to EVERYBODY on TSB because there is always so much going on. Like going to a big party with 50 of your closest friends, but then at the end of the night you say "Oh s***, I never got a chance to say hi to so-and-so!" Trust me, it sometimes takes a day and a half for anyone to respond to my posts and I run this place. :D

08-19-2012, 08:29 AM
:wave123 FTS, Glad you found TSB . IR is right... during baby season most of us don't have a minute to do anything but feed babies. I even take my babies to the mall or grocery store just to get time to do anything at all.


Jackie in Tampa
08-19-2012, 08:32 AM
thread jack..marty, farm mom is asking about you..:poke

08-19-2012, 08:37 AM
W-E-L-C-O-M-E to T.S.B.
Glad to Have YOU Aboard

>>> from Rama Rota & Cruiser & RamaMama and Stosh

Foamy the squirrel
08-19-2012, 09:23 AM
:wave123 hi Foamy and :Welcome from across the Sound, in da Bronx!

You joined during baby season, and that's always SO tough because many of us are so busy feeding babies all day long we don't really get much TSB time. And when we do, we keep it serious -- try to answer the Emergency posts first and then never make it to the other stuff. But we're glad you and Olympia are here!! (I have an Olympia, too....she's 2 weeks old :Love_Icon)

Also: never get offended when your post gets no response. I am telling you it happens to EVERYBODY on TSB because there is always so much going on. Like going to a big party with 50 of your closest friends, but then at the end of the night you say "Oh s***, I never got a chance to say hi to so-and-so!" Trust me, it sometimes takes a day and a half for anyone to respond to my posts and I run this place. :D

Haha that's funny we both have an Olympia my fiancé named. Her she was found when the olympics were going on that's why she got the name we call her oly for short

08-19-2012, 10:41 AM
thread jack..marty, farm mom is asking about you..:poke

Thanks Jackie, I will respond. :wave123

Foamy the squirrel
08-19-2012, 11:42 AM
:wave123 FTS, Glad you found TSB . IR is right... during baby season most of us don't have a minute to do anything but feed babies. I even take my babies to the mall or grocery store just to get time to do anything at all.


haha i take oly every were with me she come to my finces ( that why i need 2 cages ) and when we go out ... what do u use to take ur baby's out? I use a backpack pocketbook thing it look like thos baby carries shes gets alot of head turns

08-19-2012, 11:56 AM
haha i take oly every were with me she come to my finces ( that why i need 2 cages ) and when we go out ... what do u use to take ur baby's out? I use a backpack pocketbook thing it look like thos baby carries shes gets alot of head turns
Hehehe!!! I use a big purse or diaper bag. No one ever knows they are in the company of darling baby squirrels! :rotfl


08-19-2012, 12:18 PM
:Welcome Don't worry, like everyone has said busy,busy,busy!!:jump I passed on all my babies, but don't get much time on here-family health matters and trying to clean this place up keeps me off the board!
Pretty hard to annoy any of us here on the board, just don't post pictures of dead animals or start a nasty computer screaming match.tinfoil
My son is ADHD and has a maters in Business, so know about learning difficulties, Crystal ( Mrs. Skul)has trouble sometimes but we still know what she is saying and we love her to pieces!
Think what you are doing is wonderful, know it takes a lot of time and studying. One day at a time is the way to go. I am a very slow typist-have to look at the keys but I plug along anyway. I have seen some of your posts and you did fine. We all continuously learn from each other here, even after many years I learn something new or how to do something better all the time.
For carrying little baby squirrels, get yourself a sugar glider bonding pouch. It hangs around your neck and leaves your hands free.:) :thumbsup
Congratulations on getting married in the near future, marriage can be wonderful but it takes 2 1/2 people to make it work forever :D :rotfl

Foamy the squirrel
08-19-2012, 01:42 PM
thank anne :) im typeing this with my oly crawling on me she's been more and more active and her eyes arent even open yet she loves her bag