View Full Version : Bearl's New Mom

08-17-2012, 09:59 PM
Hi everyone just wanted to to introduce myself, my username is terry1. I'm a first timer at this mommy to a squirrel but have have raised other animals before. Wanted to join cuz I know i will need some help. Have a new little boy named Bearl name is a long story:) I've had him for 2 wks think we're on the right track now wish i would of found you b4 today!!!! would of saved him my trial & error from the misleading of some of the internet. If anyone can answer one question i have one of his eyes seems to be a little bigger (more bulging) then the other. Oh by the the way i would guess he's only about 2-3 wks old.

08-17-2012, 11:09 PM
Hello and Welcome...... I replied in the other thread.

island rehabber
08-18-2012, 06:13 AM

Jackie in Tampa
08-18-2012, 08:45 AM
:wave123 :Welcome

Milo's Mom
08-18-2012, 08:52 AM
Hi Terry1 -

Looks like we are about 40-45 minutes from each other. I have supplies and I am willing to share if you need them. I can also take a look at the baby and leave you know what I think might be going on. I have experience, but not as much as some of the others here on TSB.

Last Fall I had a little one that had a bigger eye on one side than the other. The bigger eye opened before the other one. Ends up, she was blind in the big eye, as it was all milky white. She grew up just fine and was released with her siblings. Just got done greeting her with her morning nut treats. She's doing just fine out there on her own. Her name is Sami.

Welcome to TSB!! :Welcome

Jackie in Tampa
08-18-2012, 08:55 AM
you can start with proptosis
hyperthyroid syptoms
ocular hypertension

sometimes there is a tumor in the eyeball or BEHIND it..
sometimes it is simple birth defect..

keeping him healthy healthy and careful monitoring..
I would take pics everyday to chronical changes

Jackie in Tampa
08-18-2012, 08:56 AM
Hi Terry1 -

Looks like we are about 40-45 minutes from each other. I have supplies and I am willing to share if you need them. I can also take a look at the baby and leave you know what I think might be going on. I have experience, but not as much as some of the others here on TSB.

Last Fall I had a little one that had a bigger eye on one side than the other. The bigger eye opened before the other one. Ends up, she was blind in the big eye, as it was all milky white. She grew up just fine and was release with her siblings. Just got done greeting her with her morning nut treats. She's doing just fine out there on her own. Her name is Sami.

Welcome to TSB!! :Welcome
typing at same time...
milosmom is awesome...lucky you to be so close!

Milo's Mom
08-18-2012, 09:23 AM
Thank you JIT!

Also, since both threads are talking about the same issue, just to help avoid confusion and eliminate the need to double post...for anyone else that wishes to comment on the eye issue and see pics, they are located in the following thread.


08-18-2012, 04:45 PM
Hi Milosmom,
That sounds awesome!!!!:wott If you want e-mail info on when so we can talk about it. That would make me feel better:D THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, Your a god send & Yes Jackie Iam lucky!!!!!!