View Full Version : Please let me know if im doing this right?!?

08-16-2012, 02:48 PM
My husband found a nest at work that fell 20ft up, it was in the building that they were demoing. I took one due to the mom not coming back, I could only take one due to the fact I have a 7m old and two dogs. The 1st day I feed non flav peda. This is the 2nd day and she started to eat formula (puppy formula with water) last night and today. Everytime I feed her she does better with the amount and taking it in, however she has not poohed yet she does pee almost everytime after each feeding as of now. Please someone with experience reply back to give me tips, I would hate to see something happen to this little one.

Milo's Mom
08-16-2012, 02:58 PM
How long ago was this? Go get the other babies! They want and deserve to live too! It's best for squirrels to be raised with other squirrels around the same age...it teaches them how to be squirrels.

Puppy formula...NOT very good for squirrels. Squirrels and dogs have different nutritional requirements. We recommend Fox Valley Formula, as it is made specifically for squirrels. Actually some puppy formula has been linked to the death of many many babies over the past few years.

Here is the website where you can buy Fox Valley formula http://www.henryspets.com/formulas/

Are you feeding her with a 1cc syringe?

I'm assuming you have her on heat 24/7, right?

It may take a day or so for them to start pooping.

How old do you think she might be?

If you can take a few pics of her and e-mail them to me, I'll post them for you so our experts can help determine the age. My e-mail is milosmom041610@gmail.com.

Is it also safe to assume that you are stimulating her to go potty at each feeding?

Milo's Mom
08-16-2012, 03:06 PM
Also, can you tell us what county/city you are in, please? We may have members in your area that have supplies and are able to help you with this little one....I might be one of them...:D

Jackie in Tampa
08-16-2012, 03:11 PM
:Welcome :wave123

08-16-2012, 03:39 PM
I have sent you an email, attached are photos of the little one. Also I'm in central PA, I do not want to give out exact location for fear that I might get in trouble for careing for this little one.

rusty's mom
08-16-2012, 03:42 PM
I'm in South eastern pa valley forge area where are you. Don't let any of those babies die there is a net work of people that will help.

Milo's Mom
08-16-2012, 03:45 PM
She said she's in Central PA. I am trying to log onto to my e-mail right now...

Milo's Mom
08-16-2012, 06:32 PM
akosa14, something is wrong with Gmail and I cannot access any of my accounts. I have been trying for hours. This is a safe and protected thread and just to make sure, I'll ask Admin to delete the info after I see it. Can you please post what you sent me in an e-mail so I can try to help you? Or if you have been fully enabled you can send me a Private Message here on TSB...no one can see it except for me.

Milo's Mom
08-16-2012, 07:08 PM
I finally got into my e-mail accounts...had to hack into my own account :shakehead

Anyway, here are the pics.





08-16-2012, 07:33 PM
akosa if you could "only take one", what happened to / with the others?? :dono

08-16-2012, 07:34 PM
Thank you Milo's Mom for posting the photos, I was unable to answer the question that you asked thru the site, it was saying that the post was to short!!! I did email in regards to where I live in PA. I have seen other photos of little baby squirrels and mine seems to be what a "healthy" squirrel looks like, please let me know your opinion on this tho. After i am done writing this I will order the fox valley formula, hopefully it does not make her bloat like I have heard many do on this type of formula. Thanks again for the help and knowledge that you have given, and please check your email in regards to where I am located.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-16-2012, 07:37 PM
Why did you only take one??
where are the other babies??
Did someone take them??
They really do better together than by themselves.

08-16-2012, 07:53 PM
Why did you only take one??
where are the other babies?? Did someone take them??
They really do better together than by themselves.

?? :dono ??

08-16-2012, 07:57 PM
Akosa? If I have to drive to get the other babies I WILL--and I'm in Virginia. Please let us know they're safe. PLEASE!

08-16-2012, 09:20 PM
The other babies need to go to the vet, I told my husband to have a worker take them to the aspca. The one I have was they only one that didnt look like it needed to go to the vet, she only has a little cut on her shoulder and a little bit of a bruised leg both seem to be getting better, she dosent mind when I touch it tho so I don't think its broke. I kept her for fear that if I would have gave her up to that they would just kil her if that's what they do when they get wildlife like that. I am going to be calling to see if they can tell me the status of the other babies tomorrow.

Can someone please let me know if the above phots of the one I did save look good!! I just ordered FV and put an express shipment in for it, I do want to take care of her and see her grow up to be released who knows she might be in the next geico commercial ( if anyone rememeber the one with the two squirrels)

Milo's Mom
08-16-2012, 09:35 PM
From what I can see in the pics, she looks good. Hopefully I can assess the baby in real life versus pics.

I will be meeting Akosa14 tomorrow to give her some supplies (FV, syringes, nipples) so she can start the transition to FV while she is waiting for her order to arrive.

Nancy in New York
08-16-2012, 09:42 PM
From what I can see in the pics, she looks good. Hopefully I can assess the baby in real life versus pics.

I will be meeting Akosa14 tomorrow to give her some supplies (FV, syringes, nipples) so she can start the transition to FV while she is waiting for her order to arrive.

Milo's Mom :bowdown
Akosa14 you are in excellent hands now.:thumbsup

Milo's Mom
08-16-2012, 09:43 PM
Awww, thank you NIN!! :grouphug

Foamy the squirrel
08-17-2012, 01:19 PM
The other babies need to go to the vet, I told my husband to have a worker take them to the aspca. The one I have was they only one that didnt look like it needed to go to the vet, she only has a little cut on her shoulder and a little bit of a bruised leg both seem to be getting better, she dosent mind when I touch it tho so I don't think its broke. I kept her for fear that if I would have gave her up to that they would just kil her if that's what they do when they get wildlife like that. I am going to be calling to see if they can tell me the status of the other babies tomorrow.

Can someone please let me know if the above phots of the one I did save look good!! I just ordered FV and put an express shipment in for it, I do want to take care of her and see her grow up to be released who knows she might be in the next geico commercial ( if anyone rememeber the one with the two squirrels)

I do that was my fav one

Milo's Mom
08-17-2012, 02:29 PM
Baby Squirrels 101 Crash Course completed.
Fox Valley, Nipples, & Syringes delivered.
Written instructions e-mailed, printed, and discussed.
Advised to get a heating pad with NO auto shut off. (Current pad has a shut-off feature.)
Little girl is about 3 weeks old.
Has a big bruise on her back right leg (if her belly is facing you)

Some details...she was found on Tuesday morning, picked up by akosa14 Tuesday evening, warmed and fed Pedialyte all night and all day Wednesday. Started on Esbilac Wednesday evening at 5:30 through this morning. Appeared to have lost weight between 12am feeding and 6am feeding. Fed Esbilac at 6am, then Pedialyte at 10:30.

I advised to drop the Esbilac cold turkey (since she had not had all that much of it) and go with the FV at a 4:1 ratio for 24 hours, then 3:1 for a few days then 2:1 if all is going well and NO more Pedialyte. If dehydration becomes a concern (which it should not) plain water in between feedings.

She slurped almost 2cc's of 4:1 FV for me close to noon.
She peed and pooped (momma poops) for me too.

Akosa14 has placed an order for FV, Syringes, & Nipples from Henry's with expedited shipping...I gave her plenty to hold her over till it arrives.

Advised to purchase a digital gram scale also.

I am slightly concerned with the bruise...told Akosa14 to watch it and to note if it gets any larger or changes shape rapidly. Baby has full movement of leg and curls toes when prompted/touched...hopefully just a bad bruise and all will be good with some time.

Also informed Akosa14 that WE LOVE PICS and soon we will start bugging her for them. :D

08-17-2012, 07:29 PM
Thanks again milos mom!!! Hope to get a handle on things and become a better Mom than I was. Will contact immeditly if things change with the bruise. She has been eatting very well for me, but you made it look so much easier than what it is she likes to move around SOOO MUCH ;)

Milo's Mom
08-17-2012, 07:46 PM
You are very welcome. Happy I could help. She sure is a cute little one. You read most of the super important stuff...now just apply it. I plan to be home all weekend...do not hesitate to call if something comes up or even if you have a question. If I am not home, you have the cell number too, feel free to call any time.

Nancy in New York
08-17-2012, 07:48 PM
Great update Milo's Mom. You covered all the bases. Did you charge for a house call....:rotfl :rotfl
akosa14 You are in the best of hands with Milo's Mom, lucky girl!
If you think she's great with squirrels, which she is......
you should see the parties she throws....:fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks

Milo's Mom
08-17-2012, 07:56 PM
Great update Milo's Mom. You covered all the bases. Did you charge for a house call....:rotfl :rotfl
akosa14 You are in the best of hands with Milo's Mom, lucky girl!
If you think she's great with squirrels, which she is......
you should see the parties she throws....:fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks

Thank you Nancy. Nope, no charge for the house call, but I did get to give the little bitty one some kisses!!! :multi

Nancy in New York
08-17-2012, 08:02 PM
Thank you Nancy. Nope, no charge for the house call, but I did get to give the little bitty one some kisses!!! :multi

Oh so then you DID get payment....:thumbsup :D

Milo's Mom
08-17-2012, 08:03 PM
Oh so then you DID get payment....:thumbsup :D

Yes, the best kind ever....squirrel kisses! :D

08-18-2012, 04:42 PM
Baby weighs 46grams, NOW starting to eat 4.5 cc of FV. Will post photo of her when I can get on the computer, also I think were going to call her demo ( I know it might be a boys name but I like it). Thanks again Milos Mom for helping me through all this!!! :)

Milo's Mom
08-18-2012, 04:59 PM
Great Update!! Thank you!! Been thinking about you guys this afternoon.

Demo...I like it. It makes her sound tough...this way no one will mess with her! :D

08-19-2012, 12:44 AM
Photos of Demo that we taken right after she ate tonight!

08-19-2012, 12:52 AM
Sorry for the photo size thought they were compressed, guess not:soapbox!!!!!! Demo was ready for her close up anyway Mr. Deville.

Milo's Mom
08-19-2012, 07:54 AM
Here are the pics of Demo reduced a little.





08-19-2012, 12:26 PM
Excellent milk line-a really good demo picture :rotfl :jump What a precious baby girl, awwwww way cute.