View Full Version : Broken-Hearted, My 7 Month Old Squirrel Just Died.

08-15-2012, 06:41 PM
Hi, My name is Crazy Squirrel Lady (sort of a twist on the Crazy Cat Lady character from South Park). Ha ha.... Hopefully, I ain't that bad yet..... :)

Anyway, last April, I was gifted with a tiny, blind squirrel. Thanks to the articles here I was able to keep my poor sweetie alive and well until recently.

That little grey squirrel was the light of my life. I have NEVER been so attached to anything in my whole life.... and I've been married twice! Now this squirrel was much more lovable than those ex husbands of mine .... hahaha..

I don't like to think about General Stonewall Jackson's demise, but I will always have the best memories of his life as a whole. I will sorely miss my little grey squirrel.

I think the little fellow was born blind, and I decided that he could have a wonderful life with me. I think the General was very happy here.

Now I know that life is not worth living without a squirrel in your life. I will certainly adopt the next chance I get. I have never laughed as much as I did watching the antics of my pet squirrel. Anything that makes me laugh that much has to be part of my life in the future.

Happiness is a squirrel...... it's a secret no one told me before :D

Thanks again for being here and helping when I really needed info on raising a squirrel. I am sure that this website gave my squirrel a much longer and happier life than he would have had in the wild with his disabilities.

08-15-2012, 07:02 PM
Can you tell us how he died? Was he sick? If squirrels do not get the right nutrition, especially calcium, they can get a disease called MBD which can be fatal.

I'm so sorry you lost your little friend. Many of us here have had a similar experience and know the heart break.

08-15-2012, 07:08 PM
Very sorry for your loss.:grouphug Here on the board we all know the sadness of loosing a part of our heart.:sad :sad

08-15-2012, 07:19 PM
Very sorry for your loss.:grouphug Here on the board we all know the sadness of loosing a part of our heart.:sad :sad

Oooh a hug makes it a little better... thanks a lot.



08-15-2012, 07:23 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. How heartbreaking.:grouphug

08-15-2012, 07:24 PM
Can you tell us how he died? Was he sick? If squirrels do not get the right nutrition, especially calcium, they can get a disease called MBD which can be fatal.

I'm so sorry you lost your little friend. Many of us here have had a similar experience and know the heart break.

Well I am a registered nurse. If the squirrel was a person I would say he had a Grand Mal Seizure.

It was a horrible. I can only guess he had some kind of birth defects? Blind in both eyes with blue cataracts when I found him in a road.... , some kind of brain seizure disorder as well.....

There was nothing I could do... the vet was too far away for the little fellow... just couldn't get there in time.

I remain broken hearted.....but still would like to know what I did wrong.

Thanks for the help and support..


Kelly Brady
08-15-2012, 07:24 PM
I am so sorry crazy squirrel lady:grouphug

The love of a squirrel is like no other.
JLM is correct when she says we all feel your loss.

Thank goodness for memories:Love_Icon

08-15-2012, 07:25 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. How heartbreaking.:grouphug

Gee thanks ever so much!

It's nice to hear from fellow squirrel lovers.



08-15-2012, 07:28 PM
I am so sorry crazy squirrel lady:grouphug

The love of a squirrel is like no other.
JLM is correct when she says we all feel your loss.

Thank goodness for memories:Love_Icon

Ain't that the truth. The memories of my little grey will have to last until I can know the joys of squirrel life again some day IF I am lucky enough to be blessed with another.
