View Full Version : Baby rat found! Help!

08-09-2012, 10:37 PM
My friend works at a shelter and one of the puppies found a baby rat (about the size of an adult mouse), that had just opened it's eyes. She has been feeding it with a AD dog food diluted with water with 1cc syringe because that was what she had available at the time. She took it home because they are exterminating for other rodents this evening, but it sounds to me as though he is wheezing. She ordered more appropriate formula, and would like to rehabilitate on her own, but not at the expense of it's life. If he has aspirated, what meds would he need to be on, and is there a chart to figure out the dose against his weight?

08-09-2012, 11:05 PM
Wish I could help you Joelle but know nothing about rat types, I'm pretty sure there is a member or two that does so hang in here and hopefully they will come on here soon...

08-10-2012, 02:57 PM
The good news is that once baby rats open their eyes(2 weeks) they start picking up solids and eating them so have her break up some lab block and leave it around in his enclosure and provide a water source....with time he will probably even accept his formula from a dish.

08-10-2012, 05:49 PM
My friend works at a shelter and one of the puppies found a baby rat (about the size of an adult mouse), that had just opened it's eyes. She has been feeding it with a AD dog food diluted with water with 1cc syringe because that was what she had available at the time. She took it home because they are exterminating for other rodents this evening, but it sounds to me as though he is wheezing. She ordered more appropriate formula, and would like to rehabilitate on her own, but not at the expense of it's life. If he has aspirated, what meds would he need to be on, and is there a chart to figure out the dose against his weight?
Please...you will need an ACCURATE Gram Scale so the rehabbers can dose correctly... keep him warm, quiet and dark --for now...
Send a P.M. to Jackie in Tampa.... She is the Master Doser.....

What makes you believe that he may have aspirated...Are you hearing clicking when he breathes???

Listen to sounds in this Pneumonia clicking VIDEO:


08-10-2012, 05:59 PM
Rats can be so loving. We will need a weight to correctly dose him if he really is sick. He will be very happy with a good Gerbil/Hamster food and some block. He will figure out a water bottle very quickly. :grouphug :grouphug So glad that he will be safe.

Jackie in Tampa
08-10-2012, 06:44 PM
I haven't heard a word...
been watching, no PM..:dono
I have to step away, will be back soon
find out a weight and what meds,
someone will help with dosing:thumbsup

08-27-2012, 10:19 PM
Sorry for not getting back - I left myself logged in and hoped my friend would take advantage of the help and support on the board. I had to leave for two weeks, and now that I am back, she is gone, so sadly I don't know how the little fella is. I did hear clicking, which is what led me to believe he had aspirated. I hope he is alright!:Love_Icon