08-09-2012, 04:22 PM
I have a 8-9 day only little boy, he was found on the gound being used as a cat toy 7 days ago.
All has been going well until 2 days ago. He has started losing weight dramatically... he now looks emaciated.
He is on pedialite today as has had very loose stole for last two days also. I held him underwater last night and rubbed his belly, a little gas came out... his swollen belly has gone.
I have a hard time getting him to eat but once he gets started hes good for about 0.5cc...I have done this every hour and a half...
why is he losing weight????
he also twitches a lot in his sleep is this normal? My other is 4 week and doing great, I have raised over 15 under the guidance of a pro...Im not a novice but this is my first infant...why is he fading away before my eyes...

Milo's Mom
08-09-2012, 04:25 PM
is he on heat?
what are you feeding?
you are stimulating before during or after feeding right?

(I know these are dumb questions but I am just making sure)

Jackie in Tampa
08-09-2012, 04:27 PM
:Welcome cat salvia is deadly...what Antibiotics do you have on hand? HUman or animal as long as they are NOT EXPIRED... how old is the baby?
any wounds?
how many babies? only one?
how long on pedialyte?
what formula are you using?
do you have a scale that will weigh in grams?
are you willing to drive some..I have a vet in NO and a friend across the lake that may can help ...

you do not have full access to the board and cannot post pics..
can you email me a pic

08-09-2012, 11:30 PM
Yes on heat low setting...
Eating 25% water 25% esbilac- warmed 0.5 cc every hr.
Poops after feeding
Peeps every 4 hrs or so
Eights about 15 grams .. Estimate... He is tiny.
He was dehydrated when I got him.. He was on sidewalk being used as cat toy. Lady picked him up and put him on Ac vent as he was hot!!!! Argh!
I dot know how he pulled through .. It was maybe 4-5 hrs before I got the call from the local shelter. He was awesome! Took pedialite straight away peed and pooped... Thought no harm done.
Until two days ago... His umbilical cord fell off and he started dropping weight dramatically and then started twitching in his sleep, then today didn't want to eat anything but the fruity pedialite.
Anyway I surrendered him to the vet... I watched the video of pneumonia and I think that's it... He does have a faint click very occasionally... I didn't know that weight loss was a symptom???? I think... But the specialist vet has him until he can hopefully be released back to me... Fingers toes and everything else are crossed for baby theo.
He is only infant others are 4-6 weeks in seperate cage.