View Full Version : fleas?

08-08-2012, 02:45 PM
Hello Everyone, It's me again.
I came home yesterday to a chunk of log on the front porch with a sticky note from a logger that said sorry, heard you would know what to do. Which I do but this batch has fleas. I have not had to deal with fleas before, any recomendations as to how to treat or what to treat with? Otherwise they are about a month oldish, eyes still closed but will very soon be opening, wt seems really good over all health good, only went part of the day with no food so was very hungry, of course had formual at the ready for just such occasions since localy I am apparently now known as the Crazy Squirrel Lady. LOL. Just pretty conserned on the fleas, don't want to use something that is to strong or does not mix will with baby squirrels.
Thank you,

Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-08-2012, 02:59 PM
Hi there

You can just wet a wash cloth and put some Dawn for dishes on it and wipe them down, dont let them get too wet or cold but that will kill fleas and you can pick them off, its what I have done.

08-08-2012, 03:04 PM
ok, I was looking through other posts and found kitten flea powder. I will pick sum up today after work and get it handled. All four girls are eating very well. The note on the log (birth dren actually, he did not even take them out of it, very smart logger now that I educated him from the last baby he brought me. Anyway, it said there were 3, so when I was pulling the 3 out that where on top, I was also wanting to check the overall condition of the dren, bugs and what not, it seemed ok but the fleas are crafty little critters, anyway, found the runt of the litter buried at the bottom in the bedding, she is small but seems healthy, very hungry. they also took in pedialite as well, they do seem to be doing very well. I'm so excited, everything goes alright this batch will be my intership for rehaber and I already have a soft rehab set up for them when they are done nursing. :jump
I can not wait to see them released, they will be living on the Little White River out here in SD, lots of trees, hab, food, water, shelter, not people, no pets, no cars. Perfect! I'm so excited.
Thank you,

08-08-2012, 03:06 PM
REally, just Dawn dish soap, sure makes since, and that is the dish soap I use for my dishes as well. LOL.
Perfect great they will get treated even sooner then.
Thank you so much.

08-08-2012, 03:10 PM
I will post pics in the next few days of The Sisters 4. I think I will name the runt, Spook. LOL. did not know she was there, when I had my hand in the dren, I felt major movement and while everyone that knows me knows I very seldom if ever screem like a "girl" I did just that. LOL. She startled me very much. LOL. The other 3 I have not decided yet. OMG! they are so cute.
I love my boss she lets me bring them to work to care for them during the day as well. :jump
Thank you

08-08-2012, 11:41 PM
Dawn dish soap is great for killing fleas in wildlife of all kinds, plus cats & dogs....... and its used to de-grease birds that get oil on them when its spilled in the ocean.

:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup