View Full Version : Does Mocha have Downs Syndrome?
08-07-2012, 06:00 PM
I'm not really sure but I've kinda started to think my squirrel Mocha may be a Downs Syndrome baby. Can anyone describe to me what signs she would have if she is? She has always had kitten fur and has always been really shy. She also doesn't like to climb very high. She climbs on her cage and me but that's it. She doesn't act at all like my other squirrel.
08-07-2012, 06:04 PM
Can you post some pics of her? It is a look as well as a behavior. How old is she?
08-07-2012, 07:07 PM
She is about to be 1 years old. Here are a few pictures I have of her on hand. I have more at home.
08-07-2012, 07:18 PM
I don't think she is - they look really babyish - round ears way down on the side of the head...they also don't usually live to a year old. They have all kinds of health issues, they have problems keeping their body temp regulated... What are the circumstances of her being with you - a fall from the nest easily could have caused slight brain damage that would account for what you see.
What is her diet?
08-07-2012, 07:27 PM
Well she has had a million and one health issues. It seems like it's back to back. I got her when she was probably 1-2 weeks old. Someone in my home town cut down a tree with her nest in it. That's how she lost her tail. She was very sickly as a baby. I actually ended up giving her to another rehabber for a little while because she would not gain weight and caught a really bad cold. She has also had a really bad ear infection that was on and off for awhile. Thankfully the last vet we went to got rid of that. I could keep going lol. She has a problem regulating her food also. I have to give her a little bit throughout the day because she'll keep eating until she looks like she's about to burst (my other one eats till she's full and saves the rest for later). Her diet consists of HHB's, brocoli, cauliflower, lettuce, and then fruit and a nut as treats every night. She also gets other types of veggies depending on what I have in the fridge. Those are the constants though.
08-07-2012, 07:30 PM
Maybe she does have a touch of it. It isn't really well defined - no chromosome tests like for humans, the term is really just sort of what they look like. I would imagine there are all kinds of degrees. You can keep her, right?
08-07-2012, 07:34 PM
Yes I can keep her :) She's a NR even if she doesn't have Downs. I just figured I would look into it in case she does have it. Try and prepare myself just in case. Either way she has a permanent home with me! I love her to death :Love_Icon
08-07-2012, 07:57 PM
She will likely be an actual "lap" squirrel - lucky you!
I would watch her so she doesn't have temperature extremes. I would come up with a way that she can have a little bed heater in the winter. They make all kids of low voltage stuff that doesn't use much electricity at all...something she could get on or off as she wants. If she does have a bit of Downs to her, the decreased ability to control her body temp well is often at the root of a lot of illnesses - being cold drives down your immune system eventually and leaves you open to everything.
I would also stop by the local Petco/Petsmart whatever and pick up a little packet of Benebac - look in the rodent aisle with all the little treat sticks and stuff - it is less that $5. I prefer the powdered. It is a probiotic. Read the back to figure dosage and sprinkle some on her food a few times a week. Making sure the gut bacteria is at the proper level will allow her to get every bit og nutrition out of what she eats. The powder is easy to hide in their food!
08-07-2012, 08:58 PM
She will likely be an actual "lap" squirrel - lucky you!
I would watch her so she doesn't have temperature extremes. I would come up with a way that she can have a little bed heater in the winter. They make all kids of low voltage stuff that doesn't use much electricity at all...something she could get on or off as she wants. If she does have a bit of Downs to her, the decreased ability to control her body temp well is often at the root of a lot of illnesses - being cold drives down your immune system eventually and leaves you open to everything.
I would also stop by the local Petco/Petsmart whatever and pick up a little packet of Benebac - look in the rodent aisle with all the little treat sticks and stuff - it is less that $5. I prefer the powdered. It is a probiotic. Read the back to figure dosage and sprinkle some on her food a few times a week. Making sure the gut bacteria is at the proper level will allow her to get every bit og nutrition out of what she eats. The powder is easy to hide in their food!
Okay thank you! I will definitely keep an eye on her temperature and get her some sort of heating device for the winter. I used to have a reptile rock that my first squirrel loved but it had a wire that he always tried to bite it so I got rid of it. Hopefully I can find something without a cord or a way to hide the cord. I've always given them yogurt as a treat because of the pro biotic benefits. I'll look into the Benebac too.
She is definitely a lap squirrel! She loves to be held and massaged. She'll fall asleep to me massaging/scratching her. Even when she's hyper and running around her favorite spot to be is on my shoulder/arm (like in that picture). She's my little angel! Thank you for all of the advice! :)
Jackie in Tampa
08-08-2012, 04:38 AM
awe...her ears are so dern cute...:Love_Icon
If you ever need a babysitter...I have references..:poke
and have been known to return the sqs afterwards:rotfl
She's gorgeous and I am glad she has a forever home with you:Love_Icon
more pics would be good!:multi
I use yogurt too, I do have a few tubes of Ben bac to share if you would like to try some...PM an address!
:poke don't forget to lock the windows..:jump
that face and those ears!!! OhLala!
08-08-2012, 03:31 PM
awe...her ears are so dern cute...:Love_Icon
If you ever need a babysitter...I have references..:poke
and have been known to return the sqs afterwards:rotfl
She's gorgeous and I am glad she has a forever home with you:Love_Icon
more pics would be good!:multi
I use yogurt too, I do have a few tubes of Ben bac to share if you would like to try some...PM an address!
:poke don't forget to lock the windows..:jump
that face and those ears!!! OhLala!
Thanks! I might hold you to that! I've been needing a mini vacation lately:rotfl
That would be awesome! I'll deff pm you an address :)
Oh trust me I lock them! Luckily she's not very interested in the outside world. Sometimes I see the squirrels outside looking in though! They must be jealous of all the yummy treats she gets :jump
08-08-2012, 03:59 PM
Here are some more photos:D I need to get the photos my boyfriend takes of her. He's working on becoming a photographer so he has some really cute ones!
Foamy the squirrel
08-08-2012, 08:48 PM
Aww so cute cant wait till my baby opens her eyes
08-08-2012, 09:43 PM
Aww so cute cant wait till my baby opens her eyes
My favorite part is when they open their eyes! They're so darn cute :) especially the part when their eyes just start to open and only a little bit of their eye shows through
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