View Full Version : Paralyzed Squirrel
08-06-2012, 01:01 PM
A friend just brought a paralyzed squirrel to me. While I've been rehabbing animals illegally since I was 7, and legally since I was 18, I've never had a squirrel. I don't want to bring him to the rehab center around here yet, as they are known to not put extra work into special needs animals, even if they are treatable, and tend to just euthanize. I want this little guy to at least have a chance. He may be a juvenile, since his tail hasn't filled out, but that may be part of his condition. He was caught by a dog but the dog is a clumsy puppy so I think he was already paralyzed. The dog's owners got the squirrel away immediately, and there are no puncture wounds. Ive already started emergency treatment for MBD, and he perked up a little, but he won't eat. Back legs and tail are useless, and he lost movement of his front legs last night, but gained it back after the calcium supplement. Does this say MBD to anyone else? I'm concerned about a possible spinal injury from a fall, and will get him radiographs when he's a little less stressed. I just don't feel further stress is going to help him. I have access to a variety of medicines, so if he needs something, I should be able to provide it. And if he can live a happy domestic life, I can provide a permanent home, although of he gets healthy enough to release, I can do that. In the meantime, his name is Pecan, and I do have pictures and a video but can't post them yet. All advice is appreciated! I've left a rodent block, a cut up plum, and some lettuce with him. Thank you!! Oh, and he doesn't seem to be in pain.
Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-06-2012, 01:13 PM
wow....good for you so far
do you have him in a small cage where he cant climb to further hurt himself?
And can you put a heating pad under 1/2 of the cage on low so he can have some heat if he wants it, can help with stress and pain. Quite and dark for now.
Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-06-2012, 01:15 PM
send me pictures I can post for you
Jackie in Tampa
08-06-2012, 01:19 PM
I will PM Sissy, hang tight:grouphug :bowdown :thankyou
Jackie in Tampa
08-06-2012, 01:30 PM
:Welcome :wave123
I am slow/bad typer, sorry so brief.
have you seen urine or poops?
MBD does not happen in the wild..
sounds like he probably fell.
Can you weigh him in grams..
please email the pics to laurie, Sweet simons mom..
keep him very contained, cover the container for low stress as you mentioned:thumbsup
can you get metacam/meloxicam OR prednisone?
never use together, but either or would really benefit this guy if it is a spinal injury.
Low heat, heating pad and or rice buddy..
allow non heated area.
is hair spikey, have you done the pinch test for hydration?
did his skin tent?
I PMed a member not far from you...
hoping to hear back from her.
We can help dose childrens ibuprofen or tramadol if you cannot get the steroid or metacam..
do you know how to express his bladder if you had too, be careful...:grouphug
Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-06-2012, 02:11 PM
Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-06-2012, 02:12 PM
Is that sand in his box?? he would like some nice soft fleece to hide in and cuddle in.
08-06-2012, 02:21 PM
Thank you Jackie for PM'ing me. I'm here what can I do to help.
08-06-2012, 02:30 PM
Ok, I took a large Tupperware storage box, and laid fleece in the bottom of it. It's not too huge, but big enough for me to put food in there and for him to have room to do his business. Deep sides so he can't get out. Sheet over the top for darkness to help him relax a little. He keeps chattering his teeth at me. I just put the heating pad under the part he's laying on. I sent the pictures, so thank you for posting them for me!! He hasn't produced any urine or stool yet, and I can try to express his bladder. Never done it on a squirrel before, but I have on other animal-is it very different, or same technique, say, as doing a cat's? I have prednisone and can get metacam...which is better? He wont stay still on the scale because he starts thrashing around and trying to tip the bowl over. I'm going to keep trying, I just don't want to scare him to death, literally. His hair is rough, but not really spiky. I have checked for dehydration, and he is a little bit, but not the worst I've seen. He gets an extra syringe of water when I give him the supplement, and he has water in his box. If its not MBD, should I keep giving him calcium? I've been trying to brainstorm causes of paralysis. I know a fall is highly likely, but they don't get movement back from that, do they? What about tick bite paralysis? I haven't found a tick, but I know with dogs, doxycycline helped them. Anyway, thank you all, you are so so nice, and I truly appreciate the advice.
08-06-2012, 02:34 PM
That was the styrofoam box he was brought to me in. He had a sheet in there, but I have to remove it to get the pictures. He was tearing up the sides -that's the sandy stuff-every time I removed his sheet. Now I just roll him like a burrito in fleece if I need to do anything and then he doesn't bite. Doesn't stay still, but doesnt bite...
08-06-2012, 02:36 PM
Sounds like you are doing a great job so far.
08-06-2012, 02:40 PM
At this point anything is worth trying. I would do the prednisone and the dox might not hurt. I would continue with the calcium for a few more days to see if you see any improvement at all. It's highly likely he's not going to recover 100%. Yes you express his bladder just like a cat/kitten etc. Just be gentle. You will feel the "bubble" or bladder. I am going to be traveling through Raleigh on Thursday if there is anything I can do to help I will try.
08-06-2012, 02:47 PM
Thank you!! I swear, knowing me makes people a magnet for animals in need. I rehabbed two sparrows and a cowbird in may...helped a snapper turtle last week. NOw a squirrel...oy vey. But I can't turn them down. I only got certified at 18 because I wanted to be covered in case I got caught. But oh well. I guess my plan is to keep up calcium and vitamins, increase his water, and convince him to eat. And get a weight...
08-06-2012, 02:55 PM
He's between 10 and 11 ounces, that's the closest I can get on my scale with him squirming. So...283-311...about 300 grams...
08-06-2012, 03:11 PM
Can you get Decamethasone injectable 2mg/ml. I like it better for anti-inflammatory use. You can also give it orally. On second thought the Dox may upset his stomach. I would hold off on it, and just continue the supplements. He is probably suffering from a bad fall. If you have x-rays done, sometime the fracture is so thin it doesn't show up on x-rays.
08-06-2012, 03:17 PM
When I tried to express his bladder, he also pooed. Very firm, but seemed normal to me. He's seen me so much today, he lets his eye show around the blanket now. And he doesn't leave if I leave the fleece on his head. Huge step. He ate a piece of the plum, so that makes me feel a little better. I'm Italian, not eating scares me!
08-06-2012, 03:25 PM
Awww hang in there baby boy Pecan, you are in excellent hands! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
08-06-2012, 03:56 PM
I called my vet about the decamethasone. He doesn't keep it in house since he doesn't use it too much. He said he could possibly get it from the sister hospital, but he wasn't sure. I won't give the doxy yet, but I think I'm going to try the prednisone. I don't think it's visible in the picture but his front right hand has a little bit of swelling, and it may boost his appetite. I gave him more water, and he got curious about a cherry tomato. He rolls onto his side to eat, so that he can hold things in both hands. I just applied the advantage and made him drink more water. He is definitely scared of me, but it's not wild animal scared, just stranger-danger, if that makes sense. I have been trying not to over handle, in the hopes of releasing him, but does anyone think that's really in his future? I'm starting to think it may be better for him if he gets used to me, so that I can treat him easier. But I won't do it if he's going to be wild again.
Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-06-2012, 04:15 PM
Advantage is not for squirrels
Revolution is and only if needed
08-06-2012, 04:24 PM
Oops...I only put one drop on to get any bugs off. I'll sit with him for the next few hours to watch for a reaction.
Jackie in Tampa
08-06-2012, 05:07 PM
Advantage won't kill him..
Prednisone and Dex are both steroids..
I can help you dose the prednisone..
what mg tablets do you have?
They help with swelling, and trust this, many a 'paralyzed sq' has made a turn and gained full usage of their back halves.
I am not prognosing THAT outcome, but using an anti inflammatory is going to help alot...
Ideally I would start with one of these as a base,
goats milk
Fox Valley
and I would add whey isolate protien, ya gotta have it to expedite the healing
I would add a dash of calcium (without D)
an inch of mashed banana or banana baby food
a big dollop of Dannan All natural vanilla and a teaspoon of heavy cream
If he does better with thicker fluid, add ThickIT (drug store)
use a large syringe and feed this three times a day..try to get 10-25ccs each time, give him a water wash before tucking him back in.
let him rest on heat and tshirts where he can hide and feel comfy with a shallow bowl of water.
the teeth grinding is pain/anxiety
keep him hydrated...very very important,
keep watching his bladder, if it is not drained completely, bacteria can brew up some serious problems..
some of these guys are dribblers..
you'll know, they appear wet and dirty in the crotch area.
grapes, apples, oranges, banana, brocolli, avacodo, romaine are some things he may eat.
welcome to TSB, alot of good sq peeps here!
how was his urine..
Jackie in Tampa
08-06-2012, 05:11 PM
Thank you Jackie for PM'ing me. I'm here what can I do to help.:thumbsup thank you sissy, knowing you are there and aware is a win win for me!
08-07-2012, 12:22 AM
I just wanted to post an update. I got more water in Pecan, as well as a tablestoon of peanut butter, another cherry tomato (apparently his favorite), and some of the rodent food. The supplement was crushed up in the peanut butter so I'm hoping everything helps. He's going to the bathroom on his own now, which is good. He kept clicking at me when I tried to feed him, so I clicked back and it was like a magic key. He stopped clicking, stopped ignoring the spoon, and now watches me instead of hiding when I'm not directly interacting with him. I'm cautiously optimistic and hope he just keeps doing so well.
Jackie in Tampa
08-07-2012, 04:49 AM
hoping for an early morning update.
were you able to get any anti inflammatory in him?
any pain aid?
glad to hear he is able to relieve himself..
keep his little underside clean.
I hope the little one is doing better:Love_Icon
08-07-2012, 08:44 AM
Ok, so we finally finished breakfast, and I'm ready to update. I will make that formula yu mentioned today. I wasn't able to get any prednisone into him as I have 5 ml tabs, and by my calculation, any way I divided that was too much. I can get it compounded today. The teeth chattering only happens if I stick my arm in his box, so I'm hoping it's anxiety and not pain. His urine seems like a normal amount for a squirrel, and his private parts are clean and dry. Seems to be doing pretty good, so far at least!
Jackie in Tampa
08-07-2012, 08:51 AM
Ok, so we finally finished breakfast, and I'm ready to update. I will make that formula yu mentioned today. I wasn't able to get any prednisone into him as I have 5 ml tabs, and by my calculation, any way I divided that was too much. I can get it compounded today. The teeth chattering only happens if I stick my arm in his box, so I'm hoping it's anxiety and not pain. His urine seems like a normal amount for a squirrel, and his private parts are clean and dry. Seems to be doing pretty good, so far at least!
I can Private message you dilution instructions..:thumbsup
you'll need a legible well marked 1 cc syringe to measure and dose with.
Are you sticking with 300 grams?
thank you for update...I am a worrier..
edit: do you have two 5mg prednisone tablets?
08-07-2012, 09:39 AM
I do have several tablets. If you can send me the directions that would be great!! I checked on him every hour all night so I totally understand worrying.
Jackie in Tampa
08-07-2012, 09:54 AM
I sent info for one is enough for 5 days treatment...but very hard to draw from,
just double everything if you want
but a small amount is easier to get into the sq...
slip the syringe into the side of his mouth, behind his incisors.
it is yucky give him a syringe of water afterwards...
08-07-2012, 10:16 AM
I just mixed it up and will give it to him shortly. All of you have been so helpful!!!
08-07-2012, 02:08 PM
I gave him the prednisone, followed by plain water. He didnt seem to mind it, but then about ten minutes later, he heaved a little. No actual vomit, and he's fine now. I think I filled him up though. He is not interested in more than a bit of food. And he's clicking a little less, it's only if I move too fast now. Eyes are clear, breathing sounds good...
Jackie in Tampa
08-07-2012, 04:43 PM
keep us in the loop , thank you..:grouphug
08-08-2012, 10:14 AM
So here's the update on Pecan. He's doing about the same, but feeling a little stronger and braver. He bit me last night, tearing open my finger, but not breaking through the glove-an impressive feat. This morning he revealed a new noise-something that seems to mean "hey! Give that back to me". No change whatsoever in the back half.
Jackie in Tampa
08-08-2012, 11:16 AM
I have done a 5 day treatment and saw nothing for ten days,
but I know it helped, as the sq is free in the trees.
you're doing all I now to tell you..I am not a Licensed rehabber...
just a sq geek.
a vet with xrays may know better, but for now, I think it's alll that you can do..
I was thrilled you had the pred!:bowdown .... hallaluhahtinfoil
thank you for the rescue, the commitment and the update...
thinking of you both!!
08-08-2012, 11:39 AM
I think the pred made him more fiesty and I wouldn't have thought of it myself, so thank you for that. I was actually more concerned when he wasn't defending himself. It sounds weird because who wants to get bit!? But I think it's a good sign. I will keep giving it to him for 5 days, and I will keep caring for him as long as he needs. I hope he has the same result as the squirrel you have, but if he doesn't, I will work with that too. I will keep posting updates and I'm sure I'll have more questions!
Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-08-2012, 12:05 PM
My Simon has no use of his back legs, no bladder control, very hard to handle, I might be able to help you with some questions also if you like.
not medical, that's Jackie's job just everyday stuff :rotfl
08-08-2012, 03:56 PM
He sounds a lot like Pecan! Since he can't feel me messing with his back half, I've been able to clean him when he goes to the bathroom and keep an eye out for sores or rawness. How old was Simon when you got him? Anything else I should watch out for?
08-09-2012, 08:58 AM
So here's the morning update on Pecan. He's doing well, eating and drinking. Not at all dehydrated anymore. He's way less fearful, and far more concerned about how long it takes me to feed him. Picking up some toys and stuff for him today.
island rehabber
08-09-2012, 09:24 AM
Sapphirepetcare, you are one in a million. We're very glad to have you with us. :bowdown:)
Jackie in Tampa
08-09-2012, 12:21 PM
If ever needed, there is a very sq friendly vet in Raleigh..
I am sure you have a vet already, But Dr Dan knows sqs, just a thought.
How is the little guy?
keep his belly/underside clean..
big problems with urine scald..SSmommy can help you with day to day upkeep on him as long as he is down..
keeping him confined to a very small cage is advised for healing..
I am still hoping his back half returns..:grouphug
edit: sissy is in your neck of the woods also...very good rehabber, she is one to know!
Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-09-2012, 12:28 PM
Please watch for any chewing he may do, sometimes they can feel some tingling and it bothers them.
Simon was about 8 weeks when I found him, very afraid , lunging growling trying to bite me, you can see his thread here
also Charley Chuckles is another one lots of questions and answers when and if you have time to read it.
08-09-2012, 06:15 PM
It's funny that you mentioned chewing, as he's started pulling his fur out right below the line of paralyzation. I double checked with pictures but it doesn't look like mites, and I'm not seeing any signs of fleas. I found the first bald spot (about half the size of a dime) at 1. It may be stress, it may be
OMG! I stopped in the middle of this to answer the door and then care for him. After dinner, I was washing him up like always (eg: wiping his butt) and he moved his legs!! Not much and still not his feet, but still! He moved them! I thought maybe something was changing when he used both hands to eat, instead of using one to balance but I didnt know he was going to do that!!! I'm so pumped right now! Hopefully, feeling is starting to return and that's the cause of the hair loss too!
Jackie in Tampa
08-09-2012, 06:21 PM
hot damn and hallaluha!!!!
Lord above..thank you...
yes yes yes.
Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-09-2012, 06:25 PM
wow this is great:D :D :D :D
08-09-2012, 11:58 PM
Great news
08-10-2012, 06:43 PM
So Pecan is doing well today. I make him move his legs at least a little every time I go near him, partly so I can keep track of where the movement is, and partly so that they get some use and keep some muscle tone. He pushed his leg back against my hand once and seemed to have some strength behind it, which is good. He's eating well, and just generally doing well!
Jackie in Tampa
08-10-2012, 06:45 PM
:D :bowdown
08-11-2012, 12:07 PM
So this is part update, part question. I moved Pecan into a cage last night - just a large guinea pig one, so that his movement is still limited, but there's a cover, and he can climb it. It's set up just like his box, and is the same size. Since he's been in it, he's been really upset, though. He keeps climbing the wires, using his front feet and one back foot (it changes which one), but he doesn't yet have the movement to get on the shelves. Now I can barely convince him to eat or drink (He has eaten and drank some, but not as much as before) and his breathing has gotten and stayed more shallow - almost like he's having a little squirrel heart attack. I'm starting to think I should move him back to his box, where he can't climb and was much calmer, but I really just don't know. I want to do whatever is best for his health, so that he can keep progressing as he has been. I've seen his legs and tail improve by leaps and bounds in the past few days and I do NOT want to set him back if I can avoid it. Any advice?
Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-11-2012, 12:38 PM
If you think it is because he doesn't like it take him out.
Did you put a blanket over the top?? is there fleece to hide in?? he knows he is injured and will be more skiddish than a squirrel who is not. He needs places to hide to feel safe and the blanket overing the cage doesn't have to cover all of it .
I also had to cover the shelves in Simons cage with fleece, carpet, flannel what ever you have so he can grab on to it to pull himself onto it.
He actually hangs like Tarzan from his shelves and loves it , he cant hang onto wood .
The wire he has is 1/4 squares so he can hang onto the cage . Climbing is good exercise for them , dragging can cause rug burns and hair loss. His cage is only 2 feet high because I dont want him to fall very far.
08-11-2012, 02:09 PM
I do have a blanket over the top, and fleece for him to hide in. I will try covering the shelves so that he can get a better grip on them. I want him to get the exercise, so I'm going to keep trying but if he hasn't calmed down, I will have to go back to the box for a bit.
Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-11-2012, 02:24 PM
One step at a time, you just don't know until you try, he may need some more time before you change things around, if you put him back and he calms down, that was it. What was in the cage before, can he possible smell another animal that could scare him??, or on the cloth ??
Jackie in Tampa
08-11-2012, 02:47 PM
alot of fleece /tshirt in cage to hunker under and to pad
..nothing hanging to make him feel stalked, cover entire cage..
not on the floor, makes them feel vunerable.
Tvs and icemakers, vacumn, stereos, barking dogs, are all things that will disturb them, so best if away from loud noises..
it's okay to have some to leave him in exact space he was unless on flloer, then just elevate his cage.
Rescue remedy in his water or on his paw ear where ever...spritz him if ya have to. Health food store, small yellow box, $8 some drug stores near the travel medications.
Is he still on warm heat? keep that circulation going to expedite healing.
Benedryl can be used as a sedative.
Is he still on pred?
if so, the combo is safe..:thumbsup
hope he calms
love hearing he is moving..
08-12-2012, 10:37 PM
So I just wanted to let everyone know, Pecan has finally calmed down in his new cage. No animals were in it before, and he got two fresh pieces of fleece and one from the box that already smelled like him. I change everything on a rotation so that there is always something familiar in there. He's started eating really well again, and just way less freaked. He's starting to get just a touch of urine scald so I gave him a really good bath down there and rubbed a little neosporin in, and will be just as thorough twice daily until its all better. I wasn't as good about it over the weekend because I was trying to minimize his stress level so I didn't want to pin him down, but now he just has to buck up and take it like a big boy. The movement in his back half hasn't improved but it hasn't declined so I'm happy. I can't thank you all enough for your guidance! This site is invaluable! If it werent for all of you, I don't think he would have regained any movement, but he did and we will learn to work with whatever we get. This is our one week anniversary and I'm optimistic that I can help him have a good life in whatever situation we have to adapt to. Plus, my bite wound finally stopped bleeding, which has to be a good sign!
Jackie in Tampa
08-13-2012, 04:35 AM
could this be a broken pelvis?
is he low slung as he moves???
belly to the ground?
well, I am tickled that he improves..:thumbsup
awesome rescue:bowdown
and the rehab is on!!!:alright.gif
08-13-2012, 09:04 AM
I imagine it could be broken pelvis but that would be much more painful, right? I was going with spinal injury/paralysis because of the lack of feeling... But whatever it is, he's on the right track towards healing!
08-18-2012, 09:09 AM
Ok, I need the information for the squirrel vet you guys were talking about here in Raleigh. Is it the guy at Boulevard or at Avian/Exotic? I'm guessing Avian but Boulevard has surprised me before. This morning Pecan dripped blood from his penis. On the bright side, he gets so pissed off, that while hanging like Tarzan, he can get his whole back half up by his face. But still, I need more help. My experience simply doesn't extend well to squirrels and I'm over my head.
Jackie in Tampa
08-18-2012, 09:09 AM
update needed...typing same time...
I was worried, had seen no news..
blood from penis..first ck teeth, if they re jagged could be from self grooming..
second..if in urine, thinking uti..
start ABS NOW...
he could go septic if dirty urine laying in baldder
is he active?
does he feel super hot all over?
Jackie in Tampa
08-18-2012, 09:10 AM
DR Dan Johnson
8711 fidelity blvd
08-18-2012, 09:47 AM
Sorry, I was sick the past several days, but anyway, update: he's actually been doing well. Been eating well, slowly gaining movement, and I think feeling in the back half. He's started doing the bare minimum grooming back there, and he hates me trying to clean him up back there, but we are working it out. His tail fur is getting longer and thicker, and he's getting a lot braver. Preventing urine scald is an uphill battle, but we are doing it. I've started using a dab of silverdene when he started showing the early early signs, and we seemed to have stalled it from becoming anything. Pee and poo often and full amounts, and it all appears normal.
Jackie in Tampa
08-18-2012, 09:57 AM
Ok, I need the information for the squirrel vet you guys were talking about here in Raleigh. Is it the guy at Boulevard or at Avian/Exotic? I'm guessing Avian but Boulevard has surprised me before. This morning Pecan dripped blood from his penis. On the bright side, he gets so pissed off, that while hanging like Tarzan, he can get his whole back half up by his face. But still, I need more help. My experience simply doesn't extend well to squirrels and I'm over my head.
We have an angel member near you if you would like her to help here..
Sissy is dynomite in a human suit..
she knows sqs and has vet care..:thumbsup
give her a private message and I am sure she will help in ANY way..
sissy is wonder woman in the sq'll love her...
08-18-2012, 09:58 AM
Perfectly active, eating normally, doesn't feel warm at all (not cold just normal). The blood definitely wasn't in urine, no cuts or scrapes that it's coming from, just two sole drops. I can do antibiotics-I've got metronidazole, cephalexin, clavamox, doxy...possibly more, that's just what I remember off the top of my head. Will be calling doctor ASAP so if don't respond immediately, I will be checking back!
Jackie in Tampa
08-18-2012, 10:04 AM
Perfectly active, eating normally, doesn't feel warm at all (not cold just normal). The blood definitely wasn't in urine, no cuts or scrapes that it's coming from, just two sole drops. I can do antibiotics-I've got metronidazole, cephalexin, clavamox, doxy...possibly more, that's just what I remember off the top of my head. Will be calling doctor ASAP so if don't respond immediately, I will be checking back!Dr Dan KNOWS sqs well!:thumbsup
or try Sissy...she loves her vet as well!
I may be wrong here, but thinking DrD owns the clinic..
I know from the past he will work with you on appt time etc..he has gone home after hours and met traveling sq peeps after hours in the middle of the night for emergency..
pretty nice guy from my phone converstaions with him too!
very sharp with sqs!
glad you are feeling better..
clavamox is not ideal for sqs...:shakehead
doxy is super hard on the gut and I only use this as a last resort and usually for mycos stacked with baytril..
keflex may be choice out of your supply...
SMZ-TMP would be what I used if I thought it were urinary issue.
Love SS for urine scald..
good luck today, please keep us in the loop/:grouphug
Sweet Simon's Mommy
08-18-2012, 10:22 AM
I have had many problems with Simon and his urine scold
He has to be submerged in water not wiped off, three times a day, he has gotten used to it but it has taken months. I still can not just pick him up and cuddle him, that will never happen, I have to give him a sock or stuffed animal to hold onto and wrap him up in order to pick him up to carry him to the tub. I put about 1 to 1 1/2 inches of water in the bath tub.
Warm water to the touch, and in he goes . I use Dial antibiotic soap once in the morning ,I use Dawn in the afternoon and Lavender scented baby soap at night , holding his tail I can lift his rear end to clean with my fingers , I don't rub with wash cloth as they are too ruff. I also message his hips and back area while he is in the water and let him soak, this helps him poop and pee while in the warm water since it helps his muscles relax. Then after about 10 minutes, never longer because he will prune or the water gets cold, ( I never run water while he is in the water as it terrifies him, the tub is ready for him before I bring him into the bathroom) I then let the water out and put flannel cloth to dry him in the tub with him and gently pat him dry. In the morning I put the silver on him, in the afternoon I don't put anything I let him be ointment free, then at night I put either A&D ointment or Balmex baby ointment. He has a cat tree which is not carpet( it causes rug burns from dragging) but fake sheep skin that he plays on in the bathroom and he plays in my bed room with me for a hour in the morning and 2 or 3 hours at night ( the cat tree is shared with my other two squirrels but they must play at different times since they don't get along with Simon.
I change out out all fleece and flannel ( which is absorbent where the fleece is not) every morning and every night before he goes to bed. I don't allow any dribbles to sit in his cage to cause and bacteria to grow an cause more infection. He will not eat yogurt so I give him pro-biotic from the Health food store sprinkled on his food. This is the what I do everyday in order to keep his burns under control, it took a lot of trial and error to find the right combination for him, I even was taking him to be shaved so I could keep his nuder belly clean, but don't any more.
I hope this helps.
08-18-2012, 07:10 PM
Ok, no more blood or anything coming from Pecan. He ate plenty today, is active...I'm going to try a bath tonight and see if he will tolerate it at all. I'm going to start the antibiotics we discussed, Sissy, and re-evaluate in the morning. I have an appointment with Dr. Dan on Monday. Thank you!
Jackie in Tampa
08-19-2012, 06:55 AM
thanks for keeping us in the loop..
I am hanging by a thread for Pecan..
sending good vibes..
08-19-2012, 09:08 AM
So Pecan does NOT like baths! At all! We got through it almost intact, though, and will try to repeat the experience today. Still no more blood, but I'm keeping a close eye on his wiener!
08-21-2012, 11:20 AM
Pecan is doing well. Has a penile infection. Continue antibiotics, and wash twice a day. His back legs are getting a little stronger and more active, which is a good sign. He's FINALLY started drinking on his own instead of me bringing the water to him, which is great.
08-24-2012, 02:25 PM
Rocky the squirrel fell from his nest from our giant oak tree almost 1 year ago. We rescued him and fed him via a syringe as a few days old "pinkie". No rescue agency would take him.
NOW about 2 weeks ago Rocky contracted West Nile Virus from our backyard creek. A habitat that Normally has dozens of tree squirrels in the creek but now they are rare to none.
Rocky was suffering from WNV symptoms (twitching, circling, unable to stand, falling over, etc.) That's when we took him to a veterinarian. He was diagnosed and prescribed Metacam .3cc with a concentration of 1.5 mg/cc.
In a nutshell, Rocky is recovering well with a few lingering symptoms and getting stronger with "squirrel rehab". West Nile Virus is a serious disease that has killed dozens of citizens in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. It does not discriminate on economic status since hardest hit areas are in the upscale communities of Dallas. Squirrels included.
08-24-2012, 02:27 PM
Hope the above helps...I am posting on threads that are similiar.
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