View Full Version : Missing Indoor/outdoor squirrel

08-01-2012, 04:48 PM
I hope I put this in the right part of the forum. I have been a member for a while reading information but this is my 1st post.

First some background:
I raised a baby squirrel (Secret) & after a few weeks of taking him out to the yard to run in the grass & play in small trees he decided it was time to go out on his own. He took off into my neighbors tall trees. For the next few weeks Secret would go out when the kids went to school & come back home at dinner time & stay the night. We installed a cat door in the screening of our patio so he could get in & we have a motion sensor that rings in the house so we know he's there. Then Secret started staying out at night but coming home through out the day for food & play time. This has been the case for 3 months. There are times where Secret will skip a day coming home but he always came home the following day...until now. He has not been home for 4 days now. I am particularly worried because we have found a dead rabbit & a dead squirrel in our driveway in the last couple of weeks. There were a few other squirrels visiting our feeder but only one of them has been around the last few days.

Now my question:
Have those of you that have squirrels that return home regularly ever had where you squirrel has not come home for 4 or more days & then returned? Or should I stop looking for Secret to come home?:dono


08-01-2012, 05:01 PM
Bean was gone a month and two days....and then returned. Never give up hope. They are busy starting to get ready for the colder months, so they are busy little ones right now. Keep looking and putting food out.

08-01-2012, 05:26 PM
Bean was gone a month and two days....and then returned. Never give up hope. They are busy starting to get ready for the colder months, so they are busy little ones right now. Keep looking and putting food out.

Thank you...knowing that eases my mind a bit. We are in Florida so it doesn't get too cold here so I hope you are right. I just finished doing another circuit of our yard & the neighbor's looking for him.

08-01-2012, 05:45 PM
Its a big world out there, lots to explore. Even if it doesn't get cold like it does up here (I live up north), things still change. Just keep your eyes open.

08-01-2012, 05:47 PM
I never knew I could feel so much love for a rodent. lol

island rehabber
08-01-2012, 05:53 PM
I never knew I could feel so much love for a rodent. lol

Now THAT could be the subtitle underneath our welcoming page here at The Squirrel Board. :rotfl :goodpost

08-01-2012, 07:46 PM
I never knew I could feel so much love for a rodent. lol
I know how you feel.!!:crazy :crazy :crazy
hope secret comes home soon.

08-01-2012, 08:18 PM
I know how you feel.!!:crazy :crazy :crazy
hope secret comes home soon.

Thanks...it's like not seeing one of my kids. Of course I do have my hands full at the moment to take my mind off it a bit. My son ran over a nest of baby bunnies with the lawnmower & now I am rehabilitating 2 baby bunnies.:shakehead

08-02-2012, 12:01 AM
How old is Secret? Maybe he found a girlfriend!? You are his family and seems he is close to you. He'll get hungry or homesick and come home to see you. :)

08-02-2012, 12:10 AM
How old is Secret? Maybe he found a girlfriend!? You are his family and seems he is close to you. He'll get hungry or homesick and come home to see you. :)

Secret came to us on March 1st of this year. I estimate he was 5-6 weeks old. So he would be roughly 7 months old. He did seem to hang out with a female about the same size. Sadly that was the squirrel e found dead in our drive way a couple of weeks ago.

Jackie in Tampa
08-02-2012, 02:24 AM
:wave123 :Welcome

what killed the rabbit and squirrel in your driveway?

be careful Secret and go home and check in!:Love_Icon

08-02-2012, 03:10 AM
:wave123 :Welcome

what killed the rabbit and squirrel in your driveway?

be careful Secret and go home and check in!:Love_Icon

We think it was a baby bobcat. That or a raccoon.

Jackie in Tampa
08-02-2012, 03:29 AM
We think it was a baby bobcat. That or a raccoon.
set a trap and get the monster back where he belongs..in the woods!

08-02-2012, 07:40 AM
we have a motion sensor that rings in the house so we know he's there

Here's hoping that SECRET...returns for a quick HELLO and a snack
...to put your fears to rest...

rusty's mom
08-02-2012, 08:38 AM
Hope Secret checks in soon. Wouldn't a coon or a bobcat have eaten its kill?
Play safe Secret

08-02-2012, 10:18 PM
set a trap and get the monster back where he belongs..in the woods!

We've been trying but no luck so far.

08-02-2012, 10:21 PM
Hope Secret checks in soon. Wouldn't a coon or a bobcat have eaten its kill?
Play safe Secret

I called animal control & they said a toddler aged bobcat would kill them with out eating them. It isn't doing it for food per say but because the mother bobcat is teaching it how to hunt. Bobcats are endangered so animal control will not do anything to assist in catching/relocating it. They said it will move on in a few weeks. (That makes me feel so much better...NOT!)

08-02-2012, 10:23 PM
Thank you all for the positive posts & hopes for Secret to come home. It means a lot. :grouphug