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07-31-2012, 07:02 PM
:osnap help help help!!!

i have found what i believe is a veeeerrry young squirrel. the mother is dead that is confirmed by my shot gun wielding brother. (it was an accident that the baby fell from the nest. and that it was a mother squirrel) i need help so this little guy will survive to hopefully see a rehabber tomorow.

like isaid veeeeerrry young. not pink but pretty furrless. he's still curled up and his eyes aren't open yet.

what do i feed one this young?

how much?

ps feed him alittle electrolytes because i don't know when he ate last. and yes he was warm when i feed him. none got in his nose.

how often?

07-31-2012, 07:26 PM
please does anybody know a rehabber in lake city fl. i had her number but ijust moved and it's been misplaced

ya'll please help in a hurry. please don't make me burry this baby

Sweet Simon's Mommy
07-31-2012, 07:42 PM
hold on Im looking, no body is on right now

Sweet Simon's Mommy
07-31-2012, 07:44 PM
Florida, North Central region, Suwannee/Columbia County (Lake City)..... 386-935-3985
Vicki and Roger Waldren (owner), Critter Care Farm
Wildlife Species: accepts all native Florida wildlife

07-31-2012, 07:45 PM
I am going to try to get some people to your thread.

For tonight only, if you can get some GOAT'S MILK - the stuff they sell in grocery and health food stores plus places like Trader Joe's, you can very carefuoly, with a small (1cc) syringe or eyedropper, feed just some warmed goat's milk. If you have to keep him longer you will need to add some other ingredients.

It is highly unlikely that there was only one baby, The nest likely has others that will die now without intervention. Can you get up to the nest? Or keep an eye on it - they will start to fall out as they begin to starve...

07-31-2012, 07:46 PM
In the meanwhile: (from a sticky in Emergency help)

Do make sure to warm up the baby before feeding him ANYTHING. Any way you can email me some pics so I can post them for you? It would help us evaluate the age of this lil one.

Emergency Care for Baby Squirrels

Don’t try to feed the squirrel.
Don’t handle him more than you have to.
No loud voices, TV, music, or bright lights.
No children or pets in the same room!

1. Warm the Baby (never feed a cold squirrel!)
Quick Methods:
-Cup the baby in your hands or under your shirt next to your skin.
-Fill a plastic bottle with very warm water. Wrap in a cloth, place next to baby, and cover him. Reheat every 2 hours.
-“Rice Buddy”: Fill a sock with 1 cup of rice or dried beans and microwave for 30 seconds. Place next to baby and cover him. Reheat every 2 hours.

2. [b] Find a Box or Container[b]
A shoebox will do for small babies. A baby that can walk will need a larger box with a lid (with holes). Put a clean baby blanket, flannel shirt, or piece of fleece in the bottom of the box. No towels or terrycloth. Squirrels can get tangled in the loops. Place baby on the material and cover him with one flap. If you have a heating pad, turn it on low and place it under half of the box (not IN the box!) so baby can move away if he gets too warm. You can use the plastic bottle or rice buddy described above, but these are only temporary methods until you get a heating pad, since they must be reheated every 2 hours and won't keep baby warm all night.
NOTE: Monitor his temperature so he doesn’t chill or overheat. His feet should feel warm to the touch.

Note: If the baby is injured, is having trouble breathing, has fly eggs on his fur, or is very skinny or dehydrated, he needs emergency care by an experienced rehabber or vet.

3. Rehydrate the Baby

Most babies are dehydrated when you find them and must be rehydrated before you can feed them. Never feed formula or food of any kind to a dehydrated baby!

How to Check for Dehydration
Pinch the skin on the back of his neck. If it doesn’t spring back immediately, the baby is dehydrated. If the pinched skin stays up like a tent for more than a second, the baby is badly dehydrated. Other signs of dehydration: pale grayish gums, dry mouth, sunken eyes, whites around eyes showing, rough spiky fur, dry scaly skin.
NOTE: If baby is badly dehydrated, he will need subcutaneous fluids, which can only be given by a rehabber or vet.

[b] Supplies You Will Need: [b]
--Pedialyte (any flavor)*
--Plastic syringes (1 cc size; no needles. Ask the pharmacist to get these for you) An eyedropper can also work.
These are available at most drugstores.

*If you can’t find Pedialyte at the store, here is a recipe for homemade Pedialyte:

1 tsp salt (teaspoon)
3 Tbsp sugar (tablespoon)
1 quart warm water
Mix all ingredients in warm water. Store in refrigerator.

How to Prepare the Pedialyte
Use a plastic syringe (with or without a nipple). Never use pet nursers or doll bottles. They will choke the baby. Fill a coffee mug with hot water. Fill the syringe with Pedialyte and place it in the mug for a couple of minutes. Squirt a drop on the inside of your wrist to make sure the liquid isn’t too hot. It should feel barely warm on your skin.

Proper Position
A tiny baby should be held upright in your hand. A baby with fur can lie on a flat surface on his stomach. A baby that can walk can be held upright or he can drink sitting up. Hold the syringe so the tip points UP to the baby’s mouth and the handle is down. Don’t let the baby get cold. Keep him wrapped up while he eats.

How to Feed Fluids
Place the syringe tip on the baby’s lips (from the side) and squeeze out one drop for him to taste. Don’t squirt a steady stream. Let him swallow one drop before squeezing more. GO SLOW! It sometimes takes a feeding or two for them to catch on. Hairless babies are fed drop by drop. With older babies (once they catch on) you can squeeze slowly for one second, wait for him to swallow, then squeeze more.

If fluids dribble out his mouth or come out his nose, you are going too fast. Stop and tilt the baby’s head down so the fluid drains out (support his head and neck like you would a human baby). Then wipe his nose and mouth with a tissue. Start over, slower. NOTE: There is now a chance your baby will develop aspiration pneumonia from inhaling fluid in his lungs. This is fatal. Please contact a rehabber or vet, or the people at The Squirrel Board, for assistance.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
07-31-2012, 07:48 PM
if there is no answer, make sure the baby stays warm, in a small plastic container, plave a heating pad half way under the bind, have some fleece for him to hide in.
use a 1cc syringe , feed pedialyte or hydration formula
1 teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons sugar
1 quart water
make sure every thing you give him is warm.
also listen and look around for more, they usually have 2 to 4 babies in a nest

07-31-2012, 08:15 PM
Florida, North Central region, Suwannee/Columbia County (Lake City)..... 386-935-3985
Vicki and Roger Waldren (owner), Critter Care Farm
Wildlife Species: accepts all native Florida wildlife

thank you soooo much. i actually know this person because he used to work for us. problem though is i don't know where they live was there an adress with this?

an update: yes the baby is dehydrated for now i'll give him pedialyte. he's warm and safe and very noisy! he hasn't shown us that screech yet though. he is also pretty active. the baby isn't hurt and i'm having somebody check the nest......if we can it's kinda high.

07-31-2012, 08:25 PM
that rehabber has went out of buisness.:sanp3 but i did get some advice and howto get hold of more rehabbers. this isn't my computer but i will try to keep everybody posted

07-31-2012, 09:05 PM
Any luck on checking the nest for more?

07-31-2012, 09:46 PM
MsOakley is in Gainesville? It's a little bit of a drive though. I'll also be in Gainesville this weekend but hopefully you find someone before then.