View Full Version : Three 2week old gray's won't urinate

07-27-2012, 01:44 PM
I relieved three male gray squirrels last night after some severe weather. I am a trained rehabber and know the basics of taking care of squirrels. This isn't my first rodeo. With these three squirrels there seems to be a problem. No matter how long I try to stimulate them to go potty, they won't go. They were dehydrated when I received them, but they aren't now and should be urinating. I have one who has passed some very odd and dry stool. Other than that, bowel movements have been absent. Please give help and advice ASAP. Thanks

07-27-2012, 01:48 PM
Are their bellies round and hard (does it seem like their bladders are full?) If they were severely dehydrated, they could take a bit to go, they could still be dehydrated, and there is always the risk when dehydration is really bad, the kidneys could be shutting down. What did you use to rehydrate and how much? What do these babies weigh?

07-27-2012, 01:49 PM
They may look rehydrated, but not enough to go pee yet. You only had them since last night and now they are finally rehydrated? takes a lot of fluid to rehydrate AND have a surplus to go pee.
My 16 month old son got a terrible virus that caused throwing up and watery poo for days. he was put into the hospital. he may have weighed about 18 pounds, and it took 10 hours to put two IV bags of fluids into him. he did not wet his daiper until late the next day.
I bet you see some pee-pee soon.

07-27-2012, 01:56 PM
Their tummies are fat and round. I've been feeding them two cc's of unflavored Pedialyte every three hours. They each weight about 44 grams

Jackie in Tampa
07-27-2012, 02:11 PM
:Welcome :wave123
can you post a pic?
not sure if admin had given you the all clear...hope so!
If you think they may be bloated...hold off on any more fluids..
a warm bath in a bowl, with gentle belly massage may help..
otheriwse one {1} drop of INFANT gas X, simethicone will usually help...
you may even see bubbles...:D
Welcome to TSB...
we love baby sqs!!!!

07-27-2012, 02:20 PM
I don't know how to send pics on here, if you have a cell I could contact you and send pics of them.