View Full Version : Question about BooBoo Balls

07-26-2012, 12:43 PM
Can I use Kaytee Forti-Diet for Mouse, Rat & Hamsters in place of the rodent block or is that not acceptable?

07-26-2012, 12:54 PM
The Kaytee IS a rodent block - probably not the highest quality rodent block - I prefer Harlan Teklad for the lab type blocks, but they certainly can eat it.

07-26-2012, 01:18 PM
I thought that it was, that's all they had at the time but I haven't opened it yet so I think I'll take it back to see if they have anything else in. Thanks

Jackie in Tampa
07-26-2012, 01:26 PM
:thumbsup I like Ox Bow brand...:thumbsup
Some larger chain pet stores are now stocking OxBow products.
the Harlan Teklab is hard to find in small quainity where I live..
kaytee is okay, at least it's vegetarian

I use blocks as teething blocks for baby sqs...
For juvies and adults I like HHBs best...

07-26-2012, 01:44 PM
Jackie, will your guys EAT the Oxbow Regal Rat? I know it is a really pretty high quality food for something commercially prepared, but...P won't touch it. My mouse won't touch it. My wilds won't touch it. I left some in the garage - and I have plenty of mice out there - anything not nailed down gets hauled away...except the Oxbow. :dono

Jackie in Tampa
07-26-2012, 02:08 PM
Jackie, will your guys EAT the Oxbow Regal Rat? I know it is a really pretty high quality food for something commercially prepared, but...P won't touch it. My mouse won't touch it. My wilds won't touch it. I left some in the garage - and I have plenty of mice out there - anything not nailed down gets hauled away...except the Oxbow. :dono
No I use it for babies...like a zebwee cookie or whatever those teething biscuts are ...course gerber may not even make them anymore, it's been 33 years ago!
my NRs all eat HHbs...as do my charges,
I wouldn't change that for the world.
Naw, you're right ...my kids pee on commercial blocks..:D