View Full Version : Very sick wild squirrel
07-22-2012, 11:31 AM
My friend sent me this and the pictures.
Please tell me what can I do?
I as out of town yesterday, the sick squirrel showed up, and the neighbour Susan noticed the squirrel had puss coming out of her cheeks and also noticed that she cannot open it's mouth to eat, so some of the neighbours got together and crushed some nuts for her and apparently she ate some and they also sprayed some water on her face to wash of the puss. I have not seen her this morning, ASAP I'll try to get a photo for you...bye
Nancy in New York
07-22-2012, 11:39 AM
This squirrel needs to be on antibiotics asap. This could be some sort of bite, abscess or teeth issues.
OMG this is terrible, are you close to where the squirrel is located?
It would actually need to be trapped to treat properly.
07-22-2012, 11:43 AM
Oh lord!
07-22-2012, 11:44 AM
I'm not but I can go.. I asked them to try and catch her.
As for now I have bactrim only. Is this OK?
this is 3'rd picture I've got :(
Nancy in New York
07-22-2012, 11:54 AM
I'm not but I can go.. I asked them to try and catch her.
As for now I have bactrim only. Is this OK?
this is 3'rd picture I've got :(
That is an excellent choice. Let me scan in something and I will send it to you through pm about bactrim. This will take me a couple of minutes.
Nancy in New York
07-22-2012, 11:58 AM
Do you have Capstar? You may want to treat for maggots also.
07-22-2012, 12:06 PM
Saint Francis..Please Open Your Arms and Take this Little Squirrel Under Your Protection, so that the Rehabbers can help and heal.
07-22-2012, 12:13 PM
Do you have Capstar? You may want to treat for maggots also.
Yes, I have Capstar.
07-22-2012, 12:38 PM
Thank you Nancy!
This is an adult squirrel.. any idea how much she could weighs? ...
I found this about Capstar: dilute 1/4 tablet in 1 cc of water.
Dosage : 0.01ml per 25 grams. Is this good?
I'm leaving.. I will call Mitch or Julia to post if I have more question.
Nancy in New York
07-22-2012, 12:41 PM
Thank you Nancy!
This is an adult squirrel.. any idea how much she could weighs? ...
I found this about Capstar: dilute 1/4 tablet in 1 cc of water.
Dosage : 0.01ml per 25 grams. Is this good?
I'm leaving.. I will call Mitch or Julia to post if I have more question.
She doesn't look to be a juvie, so I would say that if you dose for a pound (454 grams) you should be safe.
Nancy in New York
07-22-2012, 12:48 PM
This is copied from a previous post.
Capstar comes in different strengths so be very careful when giving advice that all are using the same strength pill.
In wildlife the recommended dosage is based on the 11.4mg pill. Use 1/4 of the pill in animals over 100 grams. Under 100 grams dissolve the 1/4 tablet in 2cc's of water and give one drop with a 3cc syringe orally. It can be repeated in 24 hours.
07-22-2012, 01:02 PM
I am NOT minimizing this poor squirrel's plight, but I want to show you that she can get better. This is a photo of a wild that I babied back to health by feeding her boo balls and other softer healthy foods that she could eat comfortably. I added extra FV to the boo balls and made sure there was extra clean fresh water available all the time. She showed up before the puss started to drain with a huge swollen head. We went through the cycle of the abscess growing and draining through until she recovered. Good luck to you and this sweet girl! You can get her through it!:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
Nancy in New York
07-22-2012, 01:02 PM
I know you know this, but flush this wound once you get her/him.:thumbsup
Update from Iwonka: They were not able to catch the squirrel yet! The person who found the injured squirrel thinks that she/he may be blind and also that she/he is loosing weight. Iwonka is on her way back to her friend's place again to try and catch the squirrel. :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Nancy in New York
07-22-2012, 03:39 PM
Update from Iwonka: They were not able to catch the squirrel yet! The person who found the injured squirrel thinks that she/he may be blind and also that she/he is loosing weight. Iwonka is on her way back to her friend's place again to try and catch the squirrel. :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Poor baby, I sure hope they get him/her.
07-22-2012, 03:46 PM
Good luck with that sweet wild one... They are just so clever, even when they are so sick...:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
island rehabber
07-22-2012, 03:52 PM
those abcesses could be caused by out-of-control malocclusion, with her teeth growing thru her cheeks. I hope hope HOPE they can catch her....:(
07-22-2012, 04:04 PM
those abcesses could be caused by out-of-control malocclusion, with her teeth growing thru her cheeks. I hope hope HOPE they can catch her....:(
I had the same thought with that being the reason she can not open her mouth by much, she don't look to be blind in the picture. I'm really praying for this girl and hope she can be caught soon.
Kristin Ward
07-22-2012, 04:10 PM
Poor squirrel. :grouphug
07-22-2012, 04:19 PM
those abcesses could be caused by out-of-control malocclusion, with her teeth growing thru her cheeks. I hope hope HOPE they can catch her....:(
My thoughts exactly... and if they do catch her this would most likely mean she'd be NR :( Praying for this baby... :grouphug
07-22-2012, 05:27 PM
She did not show, unfortunately... :shakehead She usually comes in the morning. However Joe and his neighbor will stay out until all the squirrels go to sleep.
I left a cage and pecans .. as soon as Joe catches her, he will bring it to me.
How can I notice that it is a out-of-control malocclusion?..
07-22-2012, 05:47 PM
She did not show, unfortunately... :shakehead She usually comes in the morning. However Joe and his neighbor will stay out until all the squirrels go to sleep.
I left a cage and pecans .. as soon as Joe catches her, he will bring it to me.
How can I notice that it is a out-of-control malocclusion?..
Got your phone message - was outside at the cages :)
If her teeth are badly misaligned they will have grown out of control and she may not be able to close her mouth properly - or open it. :( There's a good chance you could see that easily when you hold her. If that poor baby cannot open her mouth to eat then she can't bite you - that is a plus for you - but watch out for the claws... of course you know that ;) If it's a malocclusion then you'll have to clip her teeth I assume; she would be NR, most likely, or else those teeth will re-grow out of control and she can die a horribly painful death. :shakehead
If it is not a malocclusion, then again there is one advantage that the abscess is already draining at least, which means you would not need to lance it... but it would need to be cleansed properly, and she's not going to like that... you can bet on that.
Nancy in New York
07-22-2012, 05:47 PM
She did not show, unfortunately... :shakehead She usually comes in the morning. However Joe and his neighbor will stay out until all the squirrels go to sleep.
I left a cage and pecans .. as soon as Joe catches her, he will bring it to me.
How can I notice that it is a out-of-control malocclusion?..
Well you may notice a tooth coming through the cheek area, or you would have to open the mouth and observe.
Nancy in New York
07-22-2012, 05:51 PM
Here is an excellent video, same area too.
Just scroll down a little.
07-22-2012, 05:54 PM
Well you may notice a tooth coming through the cheek area, or you would have to open the mouth and observe.
The 1st post said she cannot open her mouth... :( What do we do in such a case? Would forcing her mouth open pose a risk to her? How would we minimize it? :dono
Nancy in New York
07-22-2012, 06:01 PM
The 1st post said she cannot open her mouth... :( What do we do in such a case? Would forcing her mouth open pose a risk to her? How would we minimize it? :dono
You're right about the first post, I actually forgot that was said.
I would imagine that it could manually be opened, but this is way above my knowledge. Let me alert some others to this thread as well.
07-22-2012, 06:19 PM
Here is an excellent video, same area too.
Just scroll down a little.
OMGosh, this is such as good stuff!! Thank you Nancy! :bowdown
07-22-2012, 06:29 PM
If she can not open her mouth this may also be a broken jaw that is healing/healed wrong. That would also make malocclusion a very good possibility. She needs to go to a vet to be assessed. There she would be put under to have a thorough examination. If she has just a malocclusion in most cases it will be a lifetime of tooth trimming. In a wild adult it is my opinion that if she isnt tame she will be scared and miserable and maybe euthanasia would be the kindest choice for her. If she also has a broken jaw that is healing or healed incorrectly then again my decision would be to set her free. I realize that some may disagree with me but a wild adult in most cases will never be happy caged and subjected to repeated trimmings. If this squirrel is caught and judging from the picture time is of the essence do you have access to a good vet? I dont believe this is a case that can be treated by anyone who isnt capable of putting her under to examine her and would just prolong her misery. Another possibility is if this is a male who has been fighting and has a badly abscessed bite wound. Abscesses on the head are near impossible to ever get to heal. Really until a thorough exam can be made we just dont know. I pray someone is able to catch him/her and help her in whatever way would be the best for the squirrel. Stacey
Nancy in New York
07-22-2012, 08:01 PM
It was always my belief to try to keep a squirrel alive at all costs. However, I realize now, that many typically do not have such great lives as NR's, just because their life was spared. It takes a commitment, and it takes over your life to do it successfully. JMO
Yes, getting a vet assessment would be the only way to know for sure. This looks to be serious, and hard to diagnose over the board.
I do hope this little one can be caught and given some help, do you have a vet?
07-22-2012, 08:17 PM
Posting for Iwonka:
She has access to a vet... BUT that vet does not have his/her own clinic and therefore has to go by the clinic's rule i.e. vets here do not accept and/or treat wildlife, not even those of the SPCA. They are not trained for this :madd and that also means, of course, no x-rays :shakehead
The best we can do, if and when we catch the little one is send pictures to the vet that Iwonka knows and see what will be suggested. It's all we can hope for. :(
Please, let's pray the little one can be treated with the means that we have. :Love_Icon
Nancy in New York
07-23-2012, 09:42 PM
Any news on this poor little baby?
07-24-2012, 12:30 PM
Yes!.. We have just caught him! I have it with me now.
I'm posting all pictures I took..
Let say it's a HE for now.
He can open his mouth when he has to.. and it hurts (me!)
He weighs 550g.
He has a balance problem.
I cleaned the wound with the DEXIDIN 4%.. Should I flush this wound inside?..
Capstar 11.4mg (dilute 1/4 tablet in 1 cc of water) : 0.2cc
Bactrim : 0.6cc first dose.. I will follow with half of this
I have Metacam and Tramadol - should I also give to him?
He has drunk the water from the syringe very nicely.
He is very skinny.. he needs food.. Is it a good idea if I give him "PediaSure" for some time?
Thank you.
07-24-2012, 12:44 PM
This is the video of the same squirrel 2 months ago:
07-24-2012, 12:45 PM
:wahoo :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou
Great News!!
That's a really nasty puncture! Looks as if he was bit in the snout by something's fangs??
Of course his top teeth look off too but not unrepairable. Wonder if they grew that way due to his lack of chewing since the injury?
Sooooooo happy you got him and he will be treated, good job!
Makes my day!! :grouphug
edit: Looking at video can't see side that now has injury, wonder if he had it then and some sort of toxins and or infection was already messing with his system?
07-24-2012, 01:14 PM
:bump Want to keep this up front, this little baby needs all the experenced suggestions/help/advice he can get...
07-24-2012, 01:42 PM
Nice job Joe and Iwonka. This poor guy sure needs some help.
He seems to have some neuro problems and this might have been the source of his other ones. :thinking
That wound looks like a bite of some sort to me too. Also, if you look in a few of the photos, his bottom lip is off center... his jaw is misaligned. Seems dislocated. He might have suffered that damage in the fight when he got bitten. If you flushed the wound outside I think it should be OK, it is wide open and draining and trying to flush inside might be a bit risky for you and for him. :dono
Poor little guy. He can surely use a little TLC. Some rest, and some good food along with the meds :( I don't think Pediasure would hurt, at least it would get some quick nourishment into him. The experts can probably chime in on that.
07-24-2012, 01:44 PM
Oh my goodness does that look sore! He is so lucky to have found such good help! :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
07-24-2012, 01:45 PM
I bet he'd like some pecan flavored Ensure! Put some meat on those bones and some healing nutrition too!:thumbsup
That looks like a nasty wound! Coud it be from a bird claw (a 'penetrating wound' type)? It sure looks like it would hurt! :grouphug
Maybe also booballs will give him some much needed nutrients too!
:thankyou Thank you for taking such good care of him! :Love_Icon
Nancy in New York
07-24-2012, 02:18 PM
iwonka let me notify some of our experts to this thread, I am really pressed for time, I also wanted to resize the pictures a little.
07-24-2012, 02:23 PM
He has just ate 2 boobals and maybe a piece of HHB..
Also he drunk ~10 cc of Ensure.
I gave him water too.
He tries to eat in a sitting position possition but he falls on the side :(
island rehabber
07-24-2012, 02:29 PM
iwonka, I am thinking that you need to hit these facial abcesses with everything you've got. Besides keeping it clean and draining, TWO antibiotics will be better than one. Baytril AND doxycycline, for example. What ABX do you have on hand?
07-24-2012, 02:47 PM
I am with you, IR. That is one nasty looking infection! Poor baby, thank God you have him now and can get meds and nutrients into him!!!
Uno's Mom
07-24-2012, 03:01 PM
This is a post from Spicette's thread....
04-07-2012, 02:21 PM
Senior Member
Re: Spicette
Poor Spicette. With a bad smelling wound, you're probably dealing with a mixed anaerobic infection (especially when it is in the head and neck area). All mucous membranes like the mouth and respiratory tract are colonized with anaerobic flora, therefore wounds or infections in these areas usually have polymicrobic anaerobic involvement. Maybe your vet could prescribe clindamycin, metranidazole or a penicillin for coverage of anaerobes. I know some of these are not "squirrel friendly', but you might need to pull out the 'big guns'.
Fight Spicette Fight!!!
Jackie could elaborate, but I know Spicette had a MIXED cocktail.
Thank you for helping this poor baby.
07-24-2012, 03:05 PM
yes it looks as if something may be going on with his balance.. please check his ears for mites and the ABs will take care of an ear infection also.. hope he recovers well. wont know for sure till he is healed.. heres hugs for this poor baby:grouphug boy or girl?:grouphug
07-24-2012, 03:08 PM
iwonka, I am thinking that you need to hit these facial abcesses with everything you've got. Besides keeping it clean and draining, TWO antibiotics will be better than one. Baytril AND doxycycline, for example. What ABX do you have on hand?
I have only Bactrim for now... tell me what else I should have and I will find it.
07-24-2012, 03:28 PM
I would also get some betadine. Dilute it and pull some up in a syringe and gently use it to flush out inside those wounds. The more infection you can manually remove the less the abx have to fight.
07-24-2012, 03:44 PM
I would also get some betadine. Dilute it and pull some up in a syringe and gently use it to flush out inside those wounds. The more infection you can manually remove the less the abx have to fight.
One of the most important things is to keep that abscess clean AND draining. You don't want the wound to close back on itself with the bad stuff still in there. That would only prevent the abscess from healing and it would begin resisting the ABs. If his jaw is misaligned, it can push against the ear and that in itself might cause a lack of balance - however he seemed to have that BEFORE the wound, according to the other video I watched of him.
Now, he might have had jaw/balance problems before, then did get attacked... whatever the case... I do remember what the vet said to us (when my cat got a couple of abscesses), addressing the infection and the nutrition should be the first concern. If he does have neuro issues - as he appears to - that was the case even before the injury; you may want to check the previous video, before he was injured, he already was tilting back then. He will respond better to any treatment once he can get some good nutrition in him and the proper medication.
You're doing a great job again. :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
07-24-2012, 03:45 PM
I would also get some betadine. Dilute it and pull some up in a syringe and gently use it to flush out inside those wounds. The more infection you can manually remove the less the abx have to fight.
I removed a lot of pus already but I'm afraid to flush inside..we don't know where this 2 holes ends. :thinking
07-24-2012, 03:49 PM
I removed a lot of pus already but I'm afraid to flush inside..we don't know where this 2 holes ends. :thinking
Others may chime in on this but, :dono do you have something you can suck the bad stuff out with? I'm thinking if you tried doing that, gently, and then would flush the wound some more with the betadine it would clean deeper.
Jackie in Tampa
07-24-2012, 03:52 PM
bactrim/septra/smz-tmp is too slow..
not right for this booboo..
cipro/baytril and metronidazole/flagyl stacked..
baytril twice a day for three days concurrent with metro twice a day..
after 3 days, go to one daily dose of baytril and continue with twice a day with the metro!
max both meds to a sq friendly dose..
in other words, use the highest safe dose for first five days..and continue at least two weeks on both on a more moderate dose..
that is what i would do..
dang...that is nasty...:grouphug
do not worry about pain meds...he'll live without them...
he needs ABs..
please do not clogg up his liver with a bunch of pain stuff...
let's fight the infection...
his liver needs to clean his blood...
adding pain meds is too heavy in his shape..
the body has a way to defend it's pain in these scenerios..
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
sepsis is real....find some ABs
Jackie in Tampa
07-24-2012, 03:55 PM
warm salt water in a syringe...insert the tip into the wound...
hold him tight...wrapped in fleece, you know the drill...
push the salt water slowly into the wound...
hell no betedine that close to an eye ball...he'll be NR for sure!
Jackie in Tampa
07-24-2012, 04:09 PM
doxy will work but it is a gut buster...sometimes blood in poops..
heavy duty med...will strip intestines to the tissue...kills everything.
what can you get iwonka?
alot of women have metro/flagyl for yeast infections..:thumbsup
07-24-2012, 04:11 PM
bactrim/septra/smz-tmp is too slow..
not right for this booboo..
cipro/baytril and metronidazole/flagyl stacked..
OMGosh! I have Flagyl !! :wahoo .. I forgot about it...
I will get Baytril now.
I have dosage... I will only have to know how to process the tablet to the oral suspension :dono :poke :bowdown
:thankyou Nancy..
Jackie in Tampa
07-24-2012, 04:14 PM
he def has a maloclusion..
poor guy...
Jackie in Tampa
07-24-2012, 04:16 PM
OMGosh! I have Flagyl !! :wahoo .. I forgot about it...
I will get Baytril now.
I have dosage... I will only have to know how to process the tablet to the oral suspension :dono :poke :bowdown
:thankyou Nancy..
do you need help withn the flagyl?
I would start that right this minute and find baytril, amoxy or doxy afterwards..
if you need dose help, I can try..
will need metro strength and a weight on sq...:wahoo
07-24-2012, 04:19 PM
alot of women have metro/flagyl for yeast infections..:thumbsup
I never had this :wott , but I had 9 squirrels with diarrhea not very long time ago :)
warm salt water
How much salt ?
Jackie in Tampa
07-24-2012, 04:21 PM
I never had this :wott , but I had 9 squirrels with diarrhea not very long time ago :)
How much salt ?
like you would gargle with for a sore throat.
1 cup warm water, maybe two teaspoon salt??
it's gonna hold tight momma!:grouphug
cover his eyes...:grouphug
07-24-2012, 04:26 PM
do you need help withn the flagyl?
I would start that right this minute and find baytril, amoxy or doxy afterwards..
if you need dose help, I can try..
will need metro strength and a weight on sq...:wahoo
550 grams.
I have Metronidazole 50mg/ml so I have to give him 0.55cc, right?
Jackie in Tampa
07-24-2012, 04:31 PM
550 grams.
I have Metronidazole 50mg/ml so I have to give him 0.55cc, right?
it is a suspension?
did you make it?
or did a pharmacist compound it?
sometimes suspended meds have a very short shelf life..
if it was compounded by pharmacist it may be okay/stable for 60 days...
is there an expiration date?
Jackie in Tampa
07-24-2012, 04:34 PM
550 grams.
I have Metronidazole 50mg/ml so I have to give him 0.55cc, right?
07-24-2012, 04:35 PM
it is a suspension?
did you make it?
or did a pharmacist compound it?
sometimes suspended meds have a very short shelf life..
if it was compounded by pharmacist it may be okay/stable for 60 days...
is there an expiration date?
It is a suspension.. from a vet. made on 23 Feb 2012.
expiration date: August 2012.
Chicken flavor :thinking
07-24-2012, 05:12 PM
Posting for Iwonka:
It's a girl, Iwonka has cleansed each hole (2), they had closed up after the 1stcleaning, she wet them down to reopen them, cleansed them again inside and this time some blood came out along with a bit more of the puss.
She's very tolerant, is currently drinking water from the syringe. She seems to like the syringe, is not at all afraid of it.
Will post more in a few.
07-24-2012, 07:25 PM
Thank you Mitch :grouphug
07-24-2012, 07:31 PM
do you need help withn the flagyl?
I would start that right this minute and find baytril, amoxy or doxy afterwards..
if you need dose help, I can try..
will need metro strength and a weight on sq...:wahoo
I have Amoxicillin oral suspension 250 mg/5 ml
I calculated 0.22 cc for her.
Am I right?
Nancy in New York
07-24-2012, 07:57 PM
I have Amoxicillin oral suspension 250 mg/5 ml
I calculated 0.22 cc for her.
Am I right?
That's what I get iwonka.:thumbsup
07-24-2012, 09:31 PM
cipro/baytril and metronidazole/flagyl stacked..
baytril twice a day for three days concurrent with metro twice a day..
after 3 days, go to one daily dose of baytril and continue with twice a day with the metro!
max both meds to a sq friendly dose..
in other words, use the highest safe dose for first five days..and continue at least two weeks on both on a more moderate dose..
that is what i would do..
I'm going for the first week with the max dose:
Flagyl 50 mg /kg
and Amoxicillin 20mg/kg
and then
change to the moderate dose for 2 weeks:
Flagyl 25 mg/kg (?)
Amoxicillin 10mg/kg (?)
I've changed her bed and discovered that she ate the whole HHB :jump ..
I gave her also an avocado and she loved it too.
She is hungry so it's easy... I hope she will continue this way.
07-24-2012, 09:35 PM
:wahoo Thank god she is eating...:jump
You are doing wonderful. :bowdown
Keep up the great work. :grouphug
07-24-2012, 10:15 PM
I just read about this baby. Thank heavens you can help her (with the experts of TSB at your back) I just can't imagine the pain this poor baby was in. Treatment may hurt but once that nasty wound is on the mend she's gonna feel so much better. You earned your halo on this one.
How is the sweet baby :Love_Icon today? Any updates?:grouphug
07-25-2012, 10:25 AM
She ate 1 HHB, 1 Boobals and 10cc off Ensure for the breakfast.
Then she got her antibiotics.
She has some kind of vision problem for sure but I don't know at what degrees.
I was so touched when she let me pet her head this morning. :Love_Icon
07-25-2012, 11:51 AM
I was so touched when she let me pet her head this morning.
We always say they have a way of knowing when they are being helped and who is caring for and about them. Her face looks so much better already, it has to feel better to her! I'm pretty sure it's been a long time since she didn't have to go to bed hungry too. She knows... :grouphug
07-25-2012, 11:59 AM
Omigosh - I thread stalked this a bit for the first day, but then stopped reading because I was afraid the squirrel was going to die fast, and I'd be too sad about it. I am so surprised to poke back into the thread and find that it is caught, cared for, medicated, and fed! Wow!
I can hardly believe it.
Way to go, guys. I hope this turns out well for the poor squirrel.
07-25-2012, 12:22 PM
she is sooo pretty and I am glad she is letting you help her. they know when you are trying to help even the screamer now look at her.. Give her a rub down for me too, I love threads like this..:wahoo :Love_Icon
:Love_Icon :Love_Icon What a sweetheart! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Maybe her eyes will improve with the treatment you are giving her. Poor eyesight could be from the infection due to the wound (the eyes are not far from the wound)!
:thankyou Thank you for taking such good care of her. :grouphug Praying she will recover! :grouphug
07-25-2012, 05:55 PM
Today's cleaning - there is a new hole. Very close to the eye. A lot of pus.
I am sorry, I know that those pictures are not pleasant to watch.
Not everything in life is pleasant. Just so good to see her getting treatment now. Praying that she continues to get better. You are so wonderful to take this one under your wing.:D
07-25-2012, 06:37 PM
Ow.... poor little lady. :grouphug
07-25-2012, 06:47 PM
I don't know if this will help but someone here on TSB will be able to determine if this will be good for a squirrel...:dono
I remember after my mother had surgery she had a problem with the incision healing and this old time nurse told her about Dakin's solution. (
Hope this will help with your little fuzzer.:thumbsup
07-25-2012, 07:32 PM
That wound next to the eye surely does explain why she has vision trouble. Let's hope that as the wound heals her vision can be restored properly in the process.
Did you find the info you wre looking for about drainage?
You're doing beautifully with this little girl, Iwonka. She's lucky to have found her way to you. :Love_Icon
07-25-2012, 08:13 PM
At least those ugly wounds are draining. You're already flushing the owies--wonder if plain ol warm compresses would help draw the pus out. She's such a sweetheart. Bet a gentle warm compress would feel good after a flush.
07-25-2012, 08:53 PM
I don't know if this will help but someone here on TSB will be able to determine if this will be good for a squirrel...:dono
I remember after my mother had surgery she had a problem with the incision healing and this old time nurse told her about Dakin's solution. (
Hope this will help with your little fuzzer.:thumbsup
Thank you..I checked for more info and found that because this solution is made from bleach it would be very risky to use it so close to the eye.
I talked to the human doctor and the salt water is very good choice . :thumbsup
07-25-2012, 09:00 PM
That wound next to the eye surely does explain why she has vision trouble. Let's hope that as the wound heals her vision can be restored properly in the process.
I hope you are right...
Did you find the info you wre looking for about drainage?
Yes.. a lot. However it will be very difficult with the squirrel. I would have to use a Elizabethan collar on her.. I'm afraid this will stress her too much :(
07-25-2012, 09:01 PM
yes they look bad but they do look some better today then in the beginning.:grouphug
07-25-2012, 09:14 PM
Yes.. a lot. However it will be very difficult with the squirrel. I would have to use a Elizabethan collar on her.. I'm afraid this will stress her too much :([/QUOTE]
True. I agree that in this case it's best not to use it. You're cleaning it well, that to me seems the best that you can do.
07-25-2012, 09:20 PM
Have you been able to look in her mouth at her upper molars? This abscess looks like an apical tooth root abscess. She could have cracked a tooth trying to crack a nut with a molar since her incisors don't align properly. The abscess usually opens and drains under the eye. Also, if you put some protective ointment in the eye before flushing the wound, you won't have to worry so much about irritating it. You can use plain lubricating eye ointment. Then use just enough betadine in water to color it(it should look like tea). It isn't strong enough to be irritating but will kill just about anything germ wise. That is what we used at the vet hospital for all ear, wound, abscess etc flushes. If you put the syringe tip in the hole and then close the skin around the syringe and seal off the leakage, you can force the flush deeper into the wound. Don't worry about where it will come out. It will be good if it comes out somewhere other than back out the hole, then we will know more about the nature of the abscess.
07-25-2012, 09:25 PM
At least those ugly wounds are draining. You're already flushing the owies--wonder if plain ol warm compresses would help draw the pus out. She's such a sweetheart. Bet a gentle warm compress would feel good after a flush.
In fact, because the wound closes, I must apply a warm compress to open it before flushing. I think it's this compress which brought out the third hole. I thought to put gauze in each hole for drainage but I will have to make a Elizabethan collar and I think it will stress her too much.
07-25-2012, 09:26 PM
I will call her Eli :D
07-25-2012, 09:58 PM
Have you been able to look in her mouth at her upper molars?
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I haven't know this is possible?..
This abscess looks like an apical tooth root abscess. She could have cracked a tooth trying to crack a nut with a molar since her incisors don't align properly. The abscess usually opens and drains under the eye.
If I have to look, I will, but please - I need more advises about how to do this without loosing fingers and for what to look.. :dono :thinking
Also, if you put some protective ointment in the eye before flushing the wound, you won't have to worry so much about irritating it. You can use plain lubricating eye ointment. Then use just enough betadine in water to color it(it should look like tea). It isn't strong enough to be irritating but will kill just about anything germ wise. That is what we used at the vet hospital for all ear, wound, abscess etc flushes. If you put the syringe tip in the hole and then close the skin around the syringe and seal off the leakage, you can force the flush deeper into the wound. Don't worry about where it will come out. It will be good if it comes out somewhere other than back out the hole, then we will know more about the nature of the abscess.
How often should I flushing the wound?
Thank you Margie! :grouphug
07-26-2012, 01:42 AM
Margie, I've just flashed Eli's wound with salt water still but the way you told me (put the syringe tip in the hole and then close the skin around the syringe and seal off the leakage). Water didn't come back out the hole.. The noise she did, makes me thinking that it pass by her nose or her throat.
The wound looks terrible.. :shakehead I'm afraid that this will never heals.. It's so big.. :hurt :Cry
Poor little darling.:Love_Icon
Margie, you worked in vet hospital so you should see many wounds.. Is it normal that this one look so terrible? :(
07-26-2012, 08:56 AM
Jackie in Tampa
07-26-2012, 10:11 AM
can someone knock this pic down in size..
i have tried..
I need to resize it for email. TY!
or can it be sent to me via
then I may be able to resize it...Maybe??:dono
07-26-2012, 10:48 AM
can someone knock this pic down in size..
i have tried..
I need to resize it for email. TY!
or can it be sent to me via
then I may be able to resize it...Maybe??:dono
There you go...
Jackie in Tampa
07-26-2012, 11:44 AM
There you go...Thank you!!!!!!
Jackie in Tampa
07-26-2012, 11:54 AM
This is what I sent to my vet..
will let you know if I hear back from her today...
otherwise I have an 8AM appointment for tomorrow...will get her opinion and advice.
I have another issue I need your input on...
does this appear to be a dental abcsess?
what ABs would you use?
for now using salt water to flush, it appears to be connected to her oral cavity or sinus as it does not always drain externally.
thoughts please, TY
I included a pic
07-26-2012, 12:09 PM
Your vet must just shake her head when she hears from you, I'm betting you have presented her with as much if not more challenges then what (normally) walks through her doors...
Jackie in Tampa
07-26-2012, 12:20 PM
Your vet must just shake her head when she hears from you, I'm betting you have presented her with as much if not more challenges then what (normally) walks through her doors...actually they love is generally a dog cat clinic...
not a fancy vet with alot of letters behind her name...just a nice human.
07-26-2012, 01:05 PM
When Sam (diferent type of hole I know) had her whole in her sinuses from her surgery, I had to flush with an antibiotic solution from Dr Dan.he had her on smz antibiotic and tremadol for pain. he is going to call me with what was in the solution drops. I would just put 2 to 3 drops 2x a day. as soon as he calls I will let you know.I know this hole is way bigger than her was and has infection.but it is deep like hers was. I hope this helps. I will get back to you on the drops.:grouphug Eli:grouphug
07-26-2012, 01:19 PM
This is what I sent to my vet..
will let you know if I hear back from her today...
otherwise I have an 8AM appointment for tomorrow...will get her opinion and advice.
I have another issue I need your input on...
does this appear to be a dental abcsess?
what ABs would you use?
for now using salt water to flush, it appears to be connected to her oral cavity or sinus as it does not always drain externally.
thoughts please, TY
I included a pic
:grouphug :grouphug :thankyou
07-26-2012, 09:21 PM
How does she handle the flushing? What a gentle sweet girl. Get better Elli. The wound looks awful and if dental in nature may require heroics to get under control BUT squirrels have amazing recuperative power so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm thinking her eye looks better and any improvement is good. Anybody else think her eye looks less red and brighter?
07-26-2012, 09:39 PM
A tooth root abscess can drain into the sinuses. And yes it can cause a hole that big. The reason is the bacteria enters the tooth root through a crack in the tooth and starts the infection in the facial bone under the eye. It then has to accumulate enough pus to cause tissue death and enough pressure until it "blows out" the skin. It is harder to rupture on the inside because it would have to go through bone to get to the sinuses first. If it is a tooth root tip abscess the ABs will help clear up the infection but it will return as long as the tooth is there allowing bacteria an entry way into the bloodstream. Hopefully the abscess will have been bad enough to loosen the tooth's attachment and it will fall out. Sometimes you can't see anything wrong with the tooth in the mouth and other times you will be able to see the fracture. I would flush it at least twice a day, and the betadine solution would be a lot better than the salt solution. Saline solution will cleanse it, but won't kill any germs. The hole will heal from the inside out if the infection is cleared up and the cause for the infection has been eliminated.
07-26-2012, 09:54 PM
How does she handle the flushing? What a gentle sweet girl. Get better Elli. The wound looks awful and if dental in nature may require heroics to get under control BUT squirrels have amazing recuperative power so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm thinking her eye looks better and any improvement is good. Anybody else think her eye looks less red and brighter?
I found the wound a little better today.. not as much pus..
She had white tears in her eyes after today's flushing.. :(
Eli is very gentle squirrel.. yesterday she tried to bite me, but not anymore today.. She just try to escape.
I feel so bad doing this to her.. She must think I'm a monster :(
07-26-2012, 10:10 PM
:grouphug I hope the vet sees her tomorrow.. good luck and she loook like a sweet gentle soul.. :grouphug
07-26-2012, 10:24 PM
A tooth root abscess can drain into the sinuses. And yes it can cause a hole that big. The reason is the bacteria enters the tooth root through a crack in the tooth and starts the infection in the facial bone under the eye. It then has to accumulate enough pus to cause tissue death and enough pressure until it "blows out" the skin. It is harder to rupture on the inside because it would have to go through bone to get to the sinuses first. If it is a tooth root tip abscess the ABs will help clear up the infection but it will return as long as the tooth is there allowing bacteria an entry way into the bloodstream. Hopefully the abscess will have been bad enough to loosen the tooth's attachment and it will fall out. Sometimes you can't see anything wrong with the tooth in the mouth and other times you will be able to see the fracture. I would flush it at least twice a day, and the betadine solution would be a lot better than the salt solution. Saline solution will cleanse it, but won't kill any germs. The hole will heal from the inside out if the infection is cleared up and the cause for the infection has been eliminated.
Isn't betadine toxic?.. Are you sure she won't die if she swallows it? :thinking
Thanks you.
07-27-2012, 01:16 AM
I just put Eli to bed. She is really sweet!!..:Love_Icon and I think ABs are working :thumbsup
Almost nothing (pus) came out when flushing her wound this time...
This is a picture when I took her from the cage... looks pretty nice, doesn't it?
Here after cleaning.:
07-27-2012, 01:24 AM
She is starting to look so much better than when she arrived, Iwonka. :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
She looks like such a sweet little soul... just makes you feel like giving her tons of scritchins :grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
07-27-2012, 05:46 AM
yes yes yes...sweeeeeeet!
that looks lovely, wondeful, yes yes yes!
iwonka:thumbsup yes!!!!!!
so glad to see you looking so good Misss eli!:Love_Icon
07-27-2012, 06:04 AM
Yes, it looks a lot better! And her eyes look so good, too!!! Bless her little heart and bless you for helping this sweetie!!!!
Yes sweet dear Eli looks better! :Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon That's so fantastic! :wott :bowdown :bowdown :thankyou :thankyou Iwonka :grouphug
07-27-2012, 06:43 AM
Holy smokes does that look better! She looks so much less "sick" too. Brighter eyes etc. Hugs to all 4-legged and 2-legged! Iwonka you rock!:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
07-27-2012, 06:47 AM
oh noo is it me or does she have maliclusion top teeth.. she looks soo much better great work ! is sshe still going to vet if so have them check her teeth.. the are not streight together at the top..
07-27-2012, 09:16 AM
Good grief Bat person! Amazing! She looks SO much better. Lots of saint suspenders being passed out recently. You earned your pair with Miss Elli fer sure! Waiting to hear vet report :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon Lotso love flooding your way from TSB land.
Nancy in New York
07-27-2012, 09:29 AM
This looks like a totally different squirrel. She looks wonderful. Keep up the good work iwonka, this was definitely a challenge for're doing great!
Squirrel Girls Mom
07-27-2012, 10:24 AM
A tooth root abscess can drain into the sinuses. And yes it can cause a hole that big. The reason is the bacteria enters the tooth root through a crack in the tooth and starts the infection in the facial bone under the eye. It then has to accumulate enough pus to cause tissue death and enough pressure until it "blows out" the skin. It is harder to rupture on the inside because it would have to go through bone to get to the sinuses first. If it is a tooth root tip abscess the ABs will help clear up the infection but it will return as long as the tooth is there allowing bacteria an entry way into the bloodstream. Hopefully the abscess will have been bad enough to loosen the tooth's attachment and it will fall out. Sometimes you can't see anything wrong with the tooth in the mouth and other times you will be able to see the fracture. I would flush it at least twice a day, and the betadine solution would be a lot better than the salt solution. Saline solution will cleanse it, but won't kill any germs. The hole will heal from the inside out if the infection is cleared up and the cause for the infection has been eliminated.
Oh my goodness! I got a toothache just reading this. Just think of the pain this little girl must have been in! As a dental assistant, I've seen grown men cry from the pain of a abcessed tooth, swollen face, etc. Poor precious little Eli. :Love_Icon
Iwonka, you have done a wonderful job saving this squirrel's life!! :bowdown
Kristin Ward
07-27-2012, 11:07 AM
She looks much better. Hope all goes well at the vet. You're doing a great thing for this sweet girl.:Love_Icon :grouphug
07-27-2012, 09:51 PM
As good as the wound looks in that last picture, as long as she is still on the oral antibiotics, I wouldn't continue flushing it. Too stressing for her. Just treat it topically with some betadine solution on a cotton ball or Q tip. If it starts to get worse again, you can always go back to flushing. Betadine solution might cause vomiting if enough is swallowed, but so will salt solution. You can use a mild salt solution to flush out the eye if any medicine gets in it, but better if you use an ointment in it before treatment to protect it. I get plain saline solution used for contact lenses and use it for flushing eyes, noses, wounds, etc. since it is sterile and proper salt balance for mucus membranes.
07-27-2012, 09:57 PM
Iwonka, Elli is looking WONDERFUL! Just from the look in her eye now, the whole picture of her... we can see she's already improved sooo much!!! Great job, girl!:bowdown
Keep going Elli... momma Iwonka is proud of you, and so are we :Love_Icon
07-28-2012, 01:56 AM
Eli is doing very well! :thumbsup
We could not see the vet unfortunately, but I'm working on it.. I'm also thinking that it would be even a better idea to check her teeth and eyes after the wound heals completly.
Again, thank you very much for all your help, guidance and kind words. :bowdown :grouphug :bowdown
I love this place so much!! :Love_Icon
island rehabber
07-28-2012, 02:06 AM
my goodness she is so bright eyed and alert! She has got to feel so much better. iwonka you have worked miracles with her. Don't stop doing what you are doing --- these cheek abcesses, as you know, can be very tough. She looks wonderful!:bowdown
07-28-2012, 08:41 AM
Great job :thumbsup .
07-28-2012, 08:53 AM
In the short amount of time it has taken to start healing, she could have been gone without your intervention.
You are her guardian angel for sure. :bowdown
Jackie in Tampa
07-28-2012, 09:22 AM
In the short amount of time it has taken to start healing, she could have been gone without your intervention.
You are her guardian angel for sure. :bowdown:thumbsup yep.
Nancy in New York
07-28-2012, 09:36 AM
:bowdown Fantastic job, you saved her life!
07-28-2012, 10:32 AM
wow she look great she is a lucky girl to have you, I think she knows this.. she is letting you touch her and that is great, the trust.. and yes please check her teeth.. :D :grouphug
07-28-2012, 11:24 AM
I made a small video yesterday showing Eli's teeth.
For me they are beautiful :thumbsup .. but I know that I know NOTHING :D :D about squirrels teeth.
Jackie in Tampa
07-28-2012, 11:33 AM
today, I did not see what looked to be a malcluded mouth...
thinking her past swelling may have made her uppers look catty whompus..
today they look right...
the tops are a wee bit long, but I am sure that is only since she has been injured..
would give her some pencil sized branches to chew for maintainance.:thumbsup
she looks great..
07-28-2012, 12:50 PM
today, I did not see what looked to be a malcluded mouth...
thinking her past swelling may have made her uppers look catty whompus..
today they look right...
the tops are a wee bit long, but I am sure that is only since she has been injured..
would give her some pencil sized branches to chew for maintainance.:thumbsup
she looks great..
That's the same conclusion I came to... along with a sigh of relief for the little girl. :thumbsup
07-28-2012, 01:24 PM
Yes they look better then befor.. You go Eli girl.. and I still am amazed how she is letting you hadle her.. yayyy makes it so much easier..:D
Sweetheart :Love_Icon ELI :Love_Icon Even the front teeth are looking better! Amazing work Iwonka :grouphug :bowdown :bowdown :grouphug
07-28-2012, 02:30 PM
Elli, you're in good hands alright! You look WUNDERBAR!!!!!!! :D
Her teeth do no look maloccluded to me - a bit long maybe, yes, but for not being able to gnaw on anything properly for days while that abscess was festering that's normal. Chewing on small sticks should take care of that, as it was suggested. Apple ones are usually a favorite. ;)
I can't believe how alert and beautiful she looks. Super job, Iwonka :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
07-28-2012, 07:16 PM
:grouphug IWONKA :grouphug
She does look like a different squirrel. Beautiful job!!!!!! :bowdown
07-28-2012, 08:58 PM
Who would ever believe she was the same girl. Poor baby was at death's door and you gave her life. No wonder she loves you. Um--we do too. YAY Elli!!!!! YAY iwonka!!!!!
07-28-2012, 09:49 PM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug Thank you for the kind words, but what I could do without all of you?.. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
Tonight, I removed the scab from the wound and I cleaned it for the last time. I've applied the "Derma GeL" on the opened wound. This is something I got from the Vet and it suppose to improve the healing.
See some information about this gel:
Derma GeL® - Unrivaled Efficacy.
- Maintains a moist wound environment to prevent scab formation.
- Allows epithelial cells to migrate across the wound, multiply exponantially and enhance healing.
- Encourages wounds to heal from the sides as well as the bottom; increasing wound contraction rate.
- Allows for production of new epithelial cells that minimizes scarring and avoids hair discoloration.
- Does not harm the wound.
- Does not contain any mutagenic agents or steroids.
- Provides thermal insulation and a bacterial barrier (no bandage needed).
- Decreases pain and helps to lower inflammation.
- Speeds up the healing process.
07-28-2012, 09:58 PM
You've done good! :grouphug
Since working with this injury do you have any suspicion or opinion on what may have caused it?
Nancy in New York
07-28-2012, 10:34 PM
:Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon
07-29-2012, 11:26 AM
You've done good! :grouphug
Since working with this injury do you have any suspicion or opinion on what may have caused it?
When I saw her the first day I was sure it's a bite wound.. Jackie's vet thinks it was a battle wound with bacterial infection... However, it could be a dental problem too, so for that reason I would like Eli to be seen by a veterinarian.
07-29-2012, 11:29 AM
I weighed Eli this morning ..she weighs 625 g. :thumbsup
Before I forget... Eli is not blind :crazy and I don't think she has any vision problem.
She remains in the cat carrier, but I'll update her room :D at the rabbit's cage so I will be able to observe her more.
07-29-2012, 11:31 AM
wow a big girl... lol wht are you feeding her..:D
Kristin Ward
07-29-2012, 12:37 PM
:grouphug Good news!:) :grouphug
07-29-2012, 03:58 PM
Don't want to be a pain in the a$@.
Any new pics:thumbsup .
BTW GREAT JOB:grouphug
07-29-2012, 05:58 PM
wow a big girl... lol wht are you feeding her..:D
She eats HHB and boobals. :alright.gif
Ensure.. I know this is not a perfect food for squirrel :hidechair but I hide some whey protein and calcium into this.
I tried many vegetables but she ate only the avocado, butternut squash and some dandelion.
Today she ate also cherrys and apples.
Somebody knows the good probiotics for squirrels?
She hates yogurt! :yuck
07-29-2012, 06:05 PM
Benebac. You can disguise it in her food.
07-29-2012, 09:06 PM
Benebac. You can disguise it in her food.
Thank you! :thumbsup
07-29-2012, 09:29 PM
She really knows you are helping her. Thank you for getting her in and under care!
07-29-2012, 09:38 PM
Eli has changed the cage.. she has more room now.
As you can see, the "derma gel" keeps wound open. It looks really good!
It doesn't show on the photo but she is still very skinny .. I can feel all her bones.
However, she has more and more of appetite so I will fatten her up very soon. :Drink :wiggle
07-29-2012, 09:52 PM
That sure looks like a fight bite. Hey! She's smiling!:Love_Icon
07-29-2012, 10:19 PM
I can believe it!!
My friend Joe and his neighbor Susan are those who called me for Eli.
Susan, talked about Eli to her son and I've just receive an email from him:
Wow, that is amazing! Good to see her doing better. If there is an operation needed to get the tooth out, I will pay for it!
Could you belive it?!! I am so touched.. People are good. :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
07-30-2012, 06:59 AM
She looks GREAT!!!! :thumbsup :jump
:wave Beautiful wonderful sweet :Love_Icon ELI :Love_Icon is healing very nicely! :wott :grouphug Iwonka :grouphug
07-30-2012, 08:48 AM
Absolutely wonderful!! :grouphug
07-30-2012, 12:27 PM
She's not only improving, she's turning into a real beauty! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
07-30-2012, 12:33 PM
Pics please.. got to have those glamor shots..:poke
07-30-2012, 01:51 PM
WOW!!!! Look how great she looks! And that is so wonderful he offered to pay for surgery if needed! Talk about a lucky little squirrel!!!!
Squirrel Girls Mom
07-30-2012, 04:20 PM
That sure looks like a fight bite. Hey! She's smiling!:Love_Icon
She's smiling cuz she feels so much better! :thumbsup
07-30-2012, 04:55 PM
I always marvel at the many MANY squirrels who wouldn't be here but for loving hearts and healing hands. Love you Elli girl :Love_Icon
07-30-2012, 10:37 PM
Eli is 7 days with me already!
07-30-2012, 11:04 PM
She's looking like a brand new girl sqiurrel :thumbsup Beautiful!!!
Nice job Iwonka :alright.gif
07-31-2012, 09:09 AM
Eli is 7 days with me already!
These pictures make my heart smile, and the last one under her blankie... :Love_Icon Priceless! :Love_Icon
Jackie in Tampa
07-31-2012, 09:49 AM
:Love_Icon eli
07-31-2012, 09:51 AM
I just love her big squirrel smile! Eli! Mmmmm-wah!
07-31-2012, 10:15 AM
Oh my, that last pic under her blankie....KLUNKAMUNCHIOUS!!!!!! She looks so great and so happy!!!:bowdown Amazing job you are doing!!
07-31-2012, 10:42 AM
Looks like she found a new home.:thumbsup :multi
Only 7 days and already she looks so wonderful! :wott :grouphug :Love_Icon ELI :Love_Icon :grouphug :bowdown :bowdown Iwonka! Great work! :grouphug Is she still on antibiotics?
07-31-2012, 11:16 AM
Happy 7-day "Re-Birthday Eli!!!
:wave :bday :wave
07-31-2012, 12:21 PM
She looks really happy to be there. Can't believe she is wild.
07-31-2012, 01:09 PM
Happy 7-day "Re-Birthday Eli!!!
:wave :bday :wave
:jump :goodpost :jump
07-31-2012, 11:29 PM
Is she still on antibiotics?
We stopped amoxicillan today and will continue with metro three more days.
07-31-2012, 11:37 PM
Some pictures took today: Day 8
Yammi booballs
08-01-2012, 12:14 AM
Elli is amazing. Nobody who saw her seven days ago had any idea she would be so well healed in a week (or that she would even make it). She is a celebration of life--and apparently likes to celebrate eating Booballs.
08-01-2012, 03:06 AM
Iwonka, she is soo pretty, and she looks good. see all the crying with her paid off. :grouphug I knew when I talked to you she was going to be ok. and I just love the way she trusts you. its as if you raised her. Wow, great job. :thumbsup
08-01-2012, 07:22 AM
See, this is why I LOVE THIS many would have not given this baby a chance....and look at this baby now!!! This made my day! Eli, just love you....and you, too, Iwonka!!!!!:D
08-01-2012, 07:47 AM
Elli is amazing. Nobody who saw her seven days ago had any idea she would be so well healed in a week (or that she would even make it). She is a celebration of life--and apparently likes to celebrate eating Booballs.
:goodpost :goodpost :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :grouphug to you Iwonka and little Eli
So amazing and so wonderful! :grouphug :Love_Icon ELI :Love_Icon :grouphug and :grouphug :Love_Icon Iwonka :Love_Icon :grouphug
08-01-2012, 09:22 AM
Before she knew you, all she knew was pain.
How could she have known something greater would take it's place.
She gives what she has received... ~ Love ~ :grouphug
She's really healing up quite well.
Wonderful job. :thumbsup
08-01-2012, 07:02 PM
today, I did not see what looked to be a malcluded mouth...
thinking her past swelling may have made her uppers look catty whompus..
today they look right...
the tops are a wee bit long, but I am sure that is only since she has been injured..
would give her some pencil sized branches to chew for maintainance.:thumbsup
she looks great..
Eli doesn't seem to chew the branches :(
I'm a little worry.. See the photo from today.. Is it very bad?
I don't want to have to cut them :Cry
08-01-2012, 08:19 PM
They do look a little long and the lowers being uneven aren't good. She needs something more abrasive to chew on than soft sticks. Stormy works on her antler and when her teeth start getting too long, I hold a fingernail file for her to scrape her teeth over. A cooked beef bone might encourage her to gnaw on it. The surface has to be harder than her tooth to wear the tooth down.
08-01-2012, 09:16 PM
I gave her a slice of deer antler but she is not interested.
However, I've just get an idea to put peanut butter on it then maybe this goes attract her.
08-01-2012, 09:28 PM
Personnally I think due to her injury they have gotten too far ahead of her being able to ware them down.
They should be trimmed, evened up and then she will most likely start chewing again and be able to maintain them. JMO.
08-01-2012, 09:42 PM
:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
Personnally I think due to her injury they have gotten too far ahead of her being able to ware them down.
They should be trimmed, evened up and then she will most likely start chewing again and be able to maintain them. JMO.
08-01-2012, 09:45 PM
Personnally I think due to her injury they have gotten too far ahead of her being able to ware them down.
They should be trimmed, evened up and then she will most likely start chewing again and be able to maintain them. JMO.
trimmed?! :eek: :troll
Do you think I can do this? :hidechair :osnap
08-01-2012, 10:08 PM
Not too far back my Annie (almost 2) stopped chewing on branches, the house, etc. She was also hoarding nuts which was a real red flag because she wasn't getting one that often. Although I didn't mind that she stopped chewing the house up I became concerned, I have always tried to keep an eye on her teeth but sure enough they had gotten ahead of her to where I suspect it was uncomfortable for her to chew.
I've never trimmed teeth before but have read enough nightmares on here about teeth that I knew I had to act on it, I didn't have a choice. Thankfully I had the supplies needed and made a stressful (for me) but successful trim. Since then she is back to chewing her branches, making a mess, cracks a nut with no problem and I'm noticing some new notches around the house. She's happy, I'm happy... I can always buy wood putty. :dono
08-01-2012, 10:16 PM
trimmed?! :eek: :troll
Do you think I can do this? :hidechair :osnap
Trust me, I know the feeling! Suck it up! :rotfl
Yes! You can do this, think positive! ...also Burrito & Rescue remedy
Might just as well get that one under your belt, gotta start somewhere... :D
:grouphug :grouphug :thumbsup You can do it! :grouphug :grouphug
I agree. Trimming is absolutely required.
The sooner the better.
08-01-2012, 11:50 PM
Here is an excellent video, same area too.
Just scroll down a little.
I will use this video as a guideline.
Nancy knew it I will need it :bowdown :wave123
I will use this video as a guideline.
Nancy knew it I will need it :bowdown :wave123
The munchkin will love you for it.
(after she hates you for a couple hours)
Jackie in Tampa
08-02-2012, 04:40 AM¤t=100_1575.mp4
this is an old video, but shows how I clip..
I also use a cutical dowel like Mary Cummins does when the uppers are real long..with the teeth you are trimming a popsicle stick will work better IMO.
Note my thumb on the stick..that helps hold the head in place..I always do this solo, Iknow Rocky seems calm but wild squirrels are not usualy a problem if you get your thumb and hands just right..
I can take another video with better instructions if you need me too..
what matters the most IMO, is the tool.
cheap clippers will give you a cheap cut..
you need hard steel...with surfaces that touch 100%..
we are not actually cutting, we are snapping the an icecicle, snap!
so the two surfaces need to meet perfectly and be sharp crisp edges...
If I can do this, you can!!!tinfoil
08-02-2012, 09:36 AM
Thank you!!! (
is it short enough? One tooth at a time?
08-02-2012, 10:37 AM
Thank you!!! (
is it short enough? One tooth at a time?
That looks good... as long as you strighten up that top line. :D
I did my girl one at a time, didn't know they could be done both at the same time but Jackie's video looks like she does them that way. Jackie??
Jackie in Tampa
08-02-2012, 01:58 PM
I wouldn't cut off that much on the bottom.:shakehead
I would just even them up.
I replied to your PM.
08-02-2012, 02:01 PM
I did it... only the lower teeth... I was too scary to cut the uppers.
Eli was so stressed (even with the rescue remedy).. She peed on me.
I did it but I hated it!
Jackie in Tampa
08-02-2012, 02:06 PM
:thumbsup I had no doubt!:bowdown :)
08-02-2012, 02:11 PM
Yeah that! I knew you could do it too! :thumbsup
Jackie, to answer the question, do you trim one at a time or both at the same time if they are lined up together? :thinking
Jackie in Tampa
08-02-2012, 02:30 PM
Yeah that! I knew you could do it too! :thumbsup
Jackie, to answer the question, do you trim one at a time or both at the same time if they are lined up together? :thinking I do one tooth at a time. Not saying that's right, just what I do..
I was taught by a vet and a tech..have watched a few different vets trim Rocky, even when he had two teeth, they clipped one at a time..
most malclusions have to be trimmed one at atime..
Wayne, as in Gina's boy, worst teeth on a sq that I have ever seen..
hard to get the trimmers in his mouth sometimes..
thankful;ly he was one of the easiest sweetest sqs I have ever clipped too.
love you wayne and garth
good job iwonka..
it's scarey.
08-02-2012, 03:28 PM
One at a time is what I did also and does seem more logical, your video is why I questioned. I had to go back and watch it again to see that was the Rockster with one tooth. :tilt
Yay!! :thumbsup
Probably going to be a very happy squirrel today.
I wonder how long it takes for the back side of the teeth to wear down so
they become more like chisels?
08-03-2012, 07:00 AM
:jump Good Job :jump
08-08-2012, 03:37 PM
Eli. Two weeks later (
08-08-2012, 04:17 PM
Bright eyed beauty!!!:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
Jackie in Tampa
08-08-2012, 04:51 PM
that was scarey! she looks great!
08-08-2012, 05:30 PM
Wow! How cool is that, she looks great!
You did so good with her and what a beautiful reward. :grouphug
08-08-2012, 05:43 PM
Wow she looks amazing! I've been keeping an eye on this thread and hoping for the best. You did an amazing job! :thankyou for saving her!
Nancy in New York
08-08-2012, 06:08 PM
This looks like a totally different squirrel. Thank you so much for helping her the way that you are amazing!:bowdown :Love_Icon
08-08-2012, 06:22 PM
Soooo. . . I guess it's back into the trees again? Congratulations! You saved her life!
08-08-2012, 07:50 PM
WOW! :bowdown Hats off Iwonka!!!!! :bowdown :jump
08-08-2012, 08:20 PM
Boy oh boy oh boy!!!!!! She looks astounding Iwonka!!! You weren't kidding when you said she looks like a new squirrel :D
08-08-2012, 08:30 PM
:wott She looks great!!!! :bowdown
Amazing :Love_Icon Eli :Love_Icon is healing very well! :wave :wave
:thankyou Thank you Iwonka :grouphug Great work! :bowdown
08-09-2012, 05:21 AM
Wow! The entire post was an amazing journey! You were so brave when you trimmed those teeth. What a great adventure & outcome. :D
08-09-2012, 08:26 AM
Great job!! She looks amazing! You are her angel.
08-09-2012, 09:35 AM
Fantastic!! She's gorgeous and healthy looking too!
How long are you going to wait to release her? Are her teeth going to pose a problem in the future or was she simply not able to gnaw them down because the infection limited her jaw movement?
08-09-2012, 09:39 AM (
Again: What could I do without you?! Thank you! (
Her infection is behind but...
This is a video showing Eli that I did yesterday:
This is a video Joe made of her almost 3 months ago:
I still need your thoughts and advise please. :thinking
I will let her out of the cage today and make more videos.
Jackie in Tampa
08-09-2012, 09:48 AM
thank you iwonka for know what commitment means...
sooo many train wrecks already today...
thank you for knowing how to love and be a good human and following thru.
08-09-2012, 12:41 PM
You can see Eli's balance problem better on this video:
Nancy in New York
08-09-2012, 01:13 PM
You can see Eli's balance problem better on this video:
Does she also appear to have vision problems too?
Jackie in Tampa
08-09-2012, 01:16 PM
I had a great aunt that Eli reminds me of, Marthey Faye!
oye...she was clumsy:rotfl
yeah, tend to think she was hit by a car..
she carries her tail awkward and her movements are just undeniable she is NR..
you say three months ago...probably not going to do much better even with time..
it appears she sees okay...she has some cooordination issues, poor eli
probably old head & spinal injury...she sits funny too.
I would get her a low cage made with hardware cloth so she can navigate better.:)
Did you get your package yet?
are either of the cubes for Eli?
if not I sent a couple extra pouches too,
let me know what you need for her..
Sq central babies love her and we want her to be comfy.
Thanks iwonka...
ya never know thou, love and nutrition heal!
08-09-2012, 01:40 PM (
Squirrel Girls Mom
08-09-2012, 02:09 PM
I found an article that may be helpful in this case and could be very helpful in the future. I'd read about raccoon roundworm larvae burrowing into the brains of squirrels when I was trying to find out what was wrong with Lucy's sister, Lily. I've included a picture that I'd found and saved of a squirrel with CNS damage from the raccoon worm larvae.
08-09-2012, 03:00 PM
I found an article that may be helpful in this case and could be very helpful in the future. I'd read about raccoon roundworm larvae burrowing into the brains of squirrels when I was trying to find out what was wrong with Lucy's sister, Lily. I've included a picture that I'd found and saved of a squirrel with CNS damage from the raccoon worm larvae.
Jackie in Tampa
08-09-2012, 03:13 PM
yes roundworms are zoonotic...
heck half the stuff we mess with we can catch...:peace :rotfl
living on the edge..:sanp3
I told you to get human scripts..:poke :sanp3
My butt is covered..I have 600mg biltricide..hollar if ya needs some:sanp3
I doubt she has roundworms:peace you would have seen them already and her belly would big poochie...:shakehead noooo, she is okay!
Squirrel Girls Mom
08-09-2012, 03:28 PM
I asked one my daughters, who is an epidemiologist, and she said that humans CAN contract it, but it is rare, and usually toddlers and children are the ones who get it from playing outside and coming in direct contact with the raccoon feces or dirt where the feces have been. Humans can contract it only thru through the ingestion or inhalation of the roundworm eggs. If it was contracted easily by humans I'd think lots and lots of rehabbers would get it.
Squirrel Girls Mom
08-09-2012, 03:46 PM
The adult Baylisascaris procyonis worms only live in the intestines of raccoons, an intermidiate host ingests the eggs which hatch in to larvae, the larvae penetrates their gut walls and migrates to the liver and lungs. From the lungs, the larvae migrate to tissues throughout the body (head, neck and chest), although they tend to migrate to the central nervous system and the eyes. They stop migrating within a few weeks and then encapsulate (like form a cyst) within the intermediate host's tissue.
Iwonka, Eli would not have adult worms in her intestines like other types of roundworms. Intermediate hosts, i.e. rabbits, mice, squirrels, only get the larvae and resulting tissue damage.
08-09-2012, 04:31 PM
The adult Baylisascaris procyonis worms only live in the intestines of raccoons, an intermidiate host ingests the eggs which hatch in to larvae, the larvae penetrates their gut walls and migrates to the liver and lungs. From the lungs, the larvae migrate to tissues throughout the body (head, neck and chest), although they tend to migrate to the central nervous system and the eyes. They stop migrating within a few weeks and then encapsulate (like form a cyst) within the intermediate host's tissue.
Iwonka, Eli would not have adult worms in her intestines like other types of roundworms. Intermediate hosts, i.e. rabbits, mice, squirrels, only get the larvae and resulting tissue damage.
:yuck :yuck :yuck
If Eli have this.. theoretically speaking.. do you know what kills them? :Cannon
Jackie in Tampa
08-09-2012, 04:34 PM
:yuck :yuck :yuck
If Eli have this.. theoretically speaking.. do you know what kills them? :Cannonbiltricide
{..drontal or droncit, can't remember rtm}it's one or the other..I am blonde:) and old:)
08-09-2012, 04:35 PM
I told you to get human scripts..:poke :sanp3
I've gotten almost everything from your list :thumbsup
My butt is covered..
Can I have a list ? :poke
Jackie in Tampa
08-09-2012, 04:38 PM
I've gotten almost everything from your list :thumbsup
Can I have a list ? :pokethis is one of those NOT SO COMMON meds..
if you had it on hand for safe keeping, I doubt you would use it before it expired..
you guys get cold cold weather that kills off eggs in the dirt..
I would not worry..and another reason I did not have you get is $20 a pill...
now for animals, can use fenbedazole from a vet..a paste sorta is biltricide too, but the critter kind is...
much cheaper!:)
08-09-2012, 04:47 PM
My butt is covered..
Can I have a list ? :poke
I'm talking about your butt :poke
I thought you meant that you had some vaccines :D
Jackie in Tampa
08-09-2012, 05:05 PM
I'm talking about your butt :poke
I thought you meant that you had some vaccines :D:jump :jump :jump :jump :jumpgotta tattoo, no vaccines!
Milo's Mom
08-09-2012, 05:34 PM
:jump :jump :jump :jump :jumpgotta tattoo, no vaccines!
Jackie are you saying you have a tattoo on your butt? :rofl4 :shakehead:wave123:tilt
Jackie in Tampa
08-09-2012, 06:05 PM
Jackie are you saying you have a tattoo on your butt? :rofl4 :shakehead:wave123:tilta smurffette from 79:)
Squirrel Girls Mom
08-09-2012, 07:01 PM
I know I should just shut-up and mind my own business, but . . .
Fenbendazole and other Benzimidazole drugs will kill the worms in the intestines, but nothing treats the migrating larvae and the CNS damage cannot be reversed.
Most ascarid eggs do die in freezing temperatures, but Baylisascaris procyonis eggs frozen at –15°C (5°F) for 6 months still showed no reduction in viability.
Iwonka, if you're worried that Eli has this parasite I would treat her. If you are worried that you could be infected you can always have a blood test done to put your mind at ease.
08-09-2012, 07:25 PM
Jackie are you saying you have a tattoo on your butt? :rofl4 :shakehead:wave123:tilt
a smurffette from 79:)
Thank for sharing....:thumbsup LMAO.
08-10-2012, 08:15 PM
I had a squirrel that carried herself very much like that. Initially thought head trauma, but ended up being a pinched nerve from her fall. She leaned to one side, and ran sideways.
08-11-2012, 07:33 AM
If it makes you feel any better... I might have been paranoid this one time *rolls eyes* and talked to my doctor about worms (from a dog, not the squirrels or other wildlife), and he said literally he has never even once seen a case of a human contracting animal parasites in all the time he's been practicing (40+ years)... and he wouldn't even know what to prescribe. Basically made me feel sort of delusional.... lol.
I mean, humans used to live a lot more closely with animals than we do now and with much poorer hygiene, and I would think if it were easily transmissible than it probably wouldn't be so mysterious as it is.
Just keep washing your hands and keeping your work areas sanitary, and I don't think there's a need to panic
08-11-2012, 07:50 AM
Wow, what a difference you've made with this little one! She looks 100 times better. Great job!:thumbsup
Squirrel Girls Mom
08-12-2012, 09:18 AM
If it makes you feel any better... I might have been paranoid this one time *rolls eyes* and talked to my doctor about worms (from a dog, not the squirrels or other wildlife), and he said literally he has never even once seen a case of a human contracting animal parasites in all the time he's been practicing (40+ years)... and he wouldn't even know what to prescribe. Basically made me feel sort of delusional.... lol.
I mean, humans used to live a lot more closely with animals than we do now and with much poorer hygiene, and I would think if it were easily transmissible than it probably wouldn't be so mysterious as it is.
Just keep washing your hands and keeping your work areas sanitary, and I don't think there's a need to panic
Both of my daughters are medical professionals and scare the b-jeesus out of me on a regular basis. :blah Pepa (our dog) rolled in raccoon poop a few weeks ago and not only did I call the vet to see if we needed any worm medicine other than what she gets every month as a prophylactic, but dreamed I had Baylisascaris procyonis larvae crawling out of my eyes. :eek: Twice!!! :skwredup
08-12-2012, 09:40 AM
I have not read the article, but I have always been told a squirrel would not last for very long if it did get raccoon roundworm (this was even considered with Angel, as we did not know for sure what was causing her neuro symtoms). I would think if Eli had this, she would have passed by now? It is the very reason I will never rehab a coonie, as adorable as they are. Too risky for me.
island rehabber
08-12-2012, 10:05 AM
It is the very reason I will never rehab a coonie, as adorable as they are. Too risky for me.
My sentiments exactly.....and NYC coonies are so prone to rabies AND baylis, it's just insane to even consider it. Unless I had a whole other facility nowhere NEAR my home in which to house them....and volunteers....:D
08-12-2012, 10:06 AM
I have not read the article, but I have always been told a squirrel would not last for very long if it did get raccoon roundworm (this was even considered with Angel, as we did not know for sure what was causing her neuro symtoms). I would think if Eli had this, she would have passed by now? It is the very reason I will never rehab a coonie, as adorable as they are. Too risky for me.
What is coonie? :thinking
edit: Never mind.. Googled it.. it's a raccoon :)
08-12-2012, 10:43 AM (
:thankyou Thanks Iwonka! :grouphug Good info! :goodpost
08-27-2012, 07:36 AM
Why is it whenever I read this thread my eyes start feeling all swollen and buggy?
08-27-2012, 10:16 AM
Why is it whenever I read this thread my eyes start feeling all swollen and buggy?
Maybe because you focus too much on the last pages :poke
08-27-2012, 11:18 AM
Eli is doing well. :Love_Icon
I have not had time to post the latest photos. Both, we are busy with new babies. I feed them and Eli is guarding them in the meantime .. (
She lives for now in the baby's room.
However, I need to talk with YOU about Eli future ..
I thought about it long and came to the conclusion that keeping the wild squirrel in the house is cruel.
I need your opinion and experience now. I would like to find a place in the garden/woods where I could build a big cage, in which Eli will live surrounded by sounds, to which she is accustomed to.
Please post your ideas around with people you know they have experience in this matter.
Everything should be discussed ... the size of the cage .. the height of the cage (Eli is a neuro squirrel ), etc. ...
My very important concern is how to safely ensure Eli's winter survival ... (
We can have a very cold winters here.. average winter temperature is -10°C (14°F) but can drop to -35°C (-31°F)
Warmed / isolated nest ?? ... (
08-27-2012, 11:27 AM
Ok, may get beat up here, but am going to state my feelings and thoughts. Having a neuro squirrel myself, I do have some experience here. I don't agree. I think being outside in a cage is much more stressful for them. They are still 'captive', only they are outside. Not to mention it will be very hard to keep him warm during the coldest weather. And his stress and frustration of being 'stuck' in the cage, will draw predators to him. Animals sense fear and he will have it. How is he acting in the house? I know in the best of worlds, he would be able to be free. But if his neuro issues will not allow for that, I think having him outside will be even more stressful and frustrating than being inside. I know Angel has had to adjust. She was an almost 2 yo wild squirrel before she had to move indoors. It didn't happen overnight, but she is happy here. Yes, I know this, it shows in how she acts. She does not have any fears here, and she can relax and eat and sleep w/o the fear of something 'getting her'. She has become loving and seeks out that love. I know every squirrel is different. This is how I feel and I will probably catch flack for it, but had to share my thoughts. I know you want to do what is best for Eli.
08-27-2012, 12:11 PM
Ok, may get beat up here, but am going to state my feelings and thoughts. Having a neuro squirrel myself, I do have some experience here. I don't agree. I think being outside in a cage is much more stressful for them. They are still 'captive', only they are outside. Not to mention it will be very hard to keep him warm during the coldest weather. And his stress and frustration of being 'stuck' in the cage, will draw predators to him. Animals sense fear and he will have it. How is he acting in the house? I know in the best of worlds, he would be able to be free. But if his neuro issues will not allow for that, I think having him outside will be even more stressful and frustrating than being inside. I know Angel has had to adjust. She was an almost 2 yo wild squirrel before she had to move indoors. It didn't happen overnight, but she is happy here. Yes, I know this, it shows in how she acts. She does not have any fears here, and she can relax and eat and sleep w/o the fear of something 'getting her'. She has become loving and seeks out that love. I know every squirrel is different. This is how I feel and I will probably catch flack for it, but had to share my thoughts. I know you want to do what is best for Eli.
Not experienced, but I was thinking the same thing. The smells and sounds of the outdoors would make them more wild and less likely to be happy in captivity. Just my two cents... hopefully you'll be able to find a suitable arrangement for her :Love_Icon
08-27-2012, 01:14 PM (
08-27-2012, 01:42 PM
Ok, may get beat up here, but am going to state my feelings and thoughts. Having a neuro squirrel myself, I do have some experience here. I don't agree. I think being outside in a cage is much more stressful for them. They are still 'captive', only they are outside. Not to mention it will be very hard to keep him warm during the coldest weather. And his stress and frustration of being 'stuck' in the cage, will draw predators to him. Animals sense fear and he will have it. How is he acting in the house? I know in the best of worlds, he would be able to be free. But if his neuro issues will not allow for that, I think having him outside will be even more stressful and frustrating than being inside. I know Angel has had to adjust. She was an almost 2 yo wild squirrel before she had to move indoors. It didn't happen overnight, but she is happy here. Yes, I know this, it shows in how she acts. She does not have any fears here, and she can relax and eat and sleep w/o the fear of something 'getting her'. She has become loving and seeks out that love. I know every squirrel is different. This is how I feel and I will probably catch flack for it, but had to share my thoughts. I know you want to do what is best for Eli.
:goodpost :goodpost
yes, keeping a wild squirrel caged is cruel.
But that will only be the case if the squirrel remains wild. And the squirrel will remain wild if it is in a cage surrounded by all the wild smells, sounds and sights.
Keeping a wild squirrel in a cage outside is kind of like placing a plate of cookies in front of someone and say: " You can smell them, you can look at them, you could even touch them, but you cannot eat them" . . .
Like pappy, I know that opinions on this differ drastically... :peace much so...
and still, I have seen/known over a dozen of wild squirrels who were brought inside (and by different people) with various disabilities and miraculously accepted their new life style - indoors. . . and let happy content lives, became love bugs to their humans.
Of course, I also know of one case when a wild disabled squirrel could not accept the indoor life, yet, it could not survive in the wild either. And the most humane thing was to do was to help it pass away peacefully . . .
as hard as that decision was. . . it was still the best compared to either releasing a disabled NR, or, keeping a wild squirrel in an outdoor cage, or keeping inside a squirrel that refused to accept the indoors . . .
Such decisions are not always easy, but I agree with pappy... maybe, Eli needs a chance and time to try out a new way of life . . . :thinking:
08-27-2012, 02:12 PM
So you believe that the life in a small cage in the basement or in the garage .. with a possibility of walking on concrete or the parquet floor once a day, listening to the sounds of a vacuum cleaner, a dog barking... sniffing smells people food and coffee is better than a large cage between the trees, maybe even with a tree, the true ground for walking, wind, rain, snow and familiar scents?
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