View Full Version : Very sick wild squirrel
08-27-2012, 02:26 PM
Is that the life he will have? No, I don't. But I still do not believe life in a cage outside is a life. I think it is more torture. Perhaps someone else can take Eli in if the life you describe is what will be there. Angel has adjusted. Yes, we have dogs, they don't seem to faze her (she is in my bedroom, but my dogs do sleep in there with us.) There are many here who have squirrels with issues, that make adjustments as needed to help keep their squirrels happy and healthy.
Nancy in New York
08-27-2012, 02:33 PM
There are many here who have squirrels with issues, that make adjustments as needed to help keep their squirrels happy and healthy.
Just take a look at Squirrel Central.....:thumbsup
08-27-2012, 02:35 PM
Does Angel is free to walk around your house?
Nancy in New York
08-27-2012, 02:48 PM
Personally, I think it was admirable of you to take in this little one, find help and get it back on it's feet.
Not everyone is equipped to take an NR, and keep it for life. That is a decision that will change you forever.
It's almost a catch 22 when to help squirrels if you are going to be judged for not keeping him if deemed unreleasable.
I would try to find a forever home for him, if you think that he would adapt to indoor life.
Some wild squirrels are kept in small cages all their life because they are NR, with no stimulation, no people contact,
other than to put a food bowl in and refresh the water.
People think it's so admirable to give a squirrel a forever home, regardless of what their life is like.
To me, that is a death sentence....and they spend their days waiting to pass in their prison.
08-27-2012, 03:31 PM
Sorry... I personally would keep her inside.
But everybody has different situations.
08-27-2012, 04:20 PM
Very true, Nancy. Not everyone can adequately take care of a nr. And I think finding someone that can is a good choice. I think being in a cage outside is not the answer. As stated, some have been put down, because they could not adjust, and as sad as that is, being scared and miserable is not a life.
08-27-2012, 08:01 PM
Is that the life he will have?
What do you mean Mary? :thinking
08-27-2012, 08:33 PM
Not everyone is equipped to take an NR, and keep it for life.
yes, that's the key - quality indoor life with a lifetime dedication ( not just any indoor "imprisoned" existence). There are so many examples on the board of what a life a nr can have
08-27-2012, 09:31 PM
yes, that's the key - quality indoor life with a lifetime dedication ( not just any indoor "imprisoned" existence). There are so many examples on the board of what a life a nr can have
Quality of life is without question the primary issue, of course... however...
Very true, Nancy. Not everyone can adequately take care of a nr. And I think finding someone that can is a good choice. I think being in a cage outside is not the answer. As stated, some have been put down, because they could not adjust, and as sad as that is, being scared and miserable is not a life.
I agree with Mary. Not everyone is either equipped or has a lifestyle that can benefit a NR. We can't go and judge people for what life they have and must live... AND it is not that easy for us here to find someone who will take a NR. We don't have rehabbers all over the place, and people left and right who are willing to lend a hand to raise a squirrel, much less to keep a NR for years to come. It's a huge responsibility and one that demands a huge amount of time - something that for some people is already scarce with work, social obligations, family situations etc... whatever!!! Personally I don't care what others do or say they can do or would do, this is a situation where we must understand that for each individual the situation is different and where even when there is plenty of love, life does get in the way and sets limits on us.
That being said, I too think it would be better for her to be indoors, that she would have a better chance of adapting to a loving human than from being left to watch her own kind go free all around her and not be able to have it for herself: she doesn't understand what her limits are, she doesn't know why she's kept in a cage. If at least she has humans who care and have time for her and to spend with her then it becomes her own little routine and she will be quite content.
08-27-2012, 09:47 PM
We had a squirrel indoors when I was growing up who from a fall at a young age had very severe neuro issues. He lived to be almost 14 and was always happy and played with us like we were all the same. He had free roam of certain areas of the house and was kept in a large ferret cage at night and when nobody was home. He was chunky and never seemed to be slowed down or sad that he was inside. That is just my experience and I know some rehabbers in the area do keep their NRs and they have a better life than most peoples dogs and cats. It is all in the life someone can provide. It is not the persons fault they are not able to provide for a squirrel as an NR is a huge change and has a major affect on your lifestyle. (We never went on a vacation until I was well into HS because we wanted to make sure Dunstin was well taken care of and weren't positive anyone else would care for him like we did.) In the years I have been doing this since I have not had another NR though I would be able to care for them at this time in college and when I first moved out there was no way I could have ever taken care of an NR. :peace :Love_Icon
08-28-2012, 09:42 AM
Eli :Love_Icon
In the photo she has long upper teeth. I cut them since.
08-28-2012, 09:56 AM
Eli looks lovely! What a great job you did.
I'm sure the TSB community will be supportive of whatever you feel is best for the housing situation for Eli. You've been the one who has had the most experience with Eli, and I'm sure you'll know what is best, in the end.
Good luck :Love_Icon
08-28-2012, 10:02 AM
August 9, 2012:
August 22, 2012
Eli eats HHB (homemade), boobals, Fox Valley milk leftovers :D (she stays in the baby room now) and avocado - the only vege she likes.
She is not crazy about nuts.. this is weird... :thinking
08-28-2012, 10:03 AM
I'm new here and really don't know anything. I have simply been trying to garner as much knowledge as possible from this board. That being said, I have been keeping up with Eli story and I just want you to know that I think that she looks soooo wonderful and that you have certainly done a fabulous job....
08-28-2012, 10:08 AM
Have you seen that the fur has already regrowth on her cheek? :D
08-28-2012, 10:14 AM
Have you seen that the fur has already regrowth on her cheek? :D
.. and she pees always outside of her cage/nest :D
08-28-2012, 10:17 AM
If I came off as harsh yesterday, I apologize, was not trying to be. Iwonka, when you posted about being in a basement, running on concrete once a day, I was aasking if that is what her life would be like there. And to answer your question, no, Angel does not have run of my house for a few reasons. One, I do have dogs. Second, for her personally, too much open space makes her panic and her neuro symptoms get much worse. I give her a confined area to play and climb in (always supervised). She has become quite the cuddler and actually seeks that out (and ready for armage for the very first time today, even on the injured paw side....and she actually fell asleep!) I know not every squirrel will be this way, but when she came here, she was not that way. She has a routine, that she has come to know, and for her, that equals her being comfortable and she does well. She is not great at climbing, so I do keep her things she can climb low so she cannot get hurt by accident. It is a commitment, and one I understand not everyone can (or even wants to) take on. I am not judging you (or anyone for that matter) that is unable to do it. Quite the opposite. I was just saying to me, being outside in a cage she can never escape would be more cruel to me. Making her long for something she can't really have, plus the stress of other animals being around her, and feeling she can't trul get away. I hope I expressed it better.
08-28-2012, 12:03 PM
She looks great!!!!:thumbsup :Love_Icon
08-28-2012, 12:31 PM
Eli is a very gentle squirrel .. probably because she is neuro. I can take her in my hand and she will not even try to bite me (but it is not her favorite thing either). I had to cut her teeth recently and it was not a problem, she was calm and patient during the whole process. She likes very much to be petted and scratched!
Maybe she would be quite happy indoors if there was the possibility of a lot of interaction and bonding with someone and also if there was the opportunity for plenty of out of cage time for her everyday.
The problem is that I cannot give all this to her and so I feel terrible that I cannot take care of her properly. :(
If I cannot find anyone that can give her a good permanent home I feel she would be happier outside in a very big cage rather than continue as she is now.
08-28-2012, 01:59 PM (
08-28-2012, 02:05 PM
Ok, may get beat up here, but am going to state my feelings and thoughts. Having a neuro squirrel myself, I do have some experience here. I don't agree. I think being outside in a cage is much more stressful for them. They are still 'captive', only they are outside. Not to mention it will be very hard to keep him warm during the coldest weather. And his stress and frustration of being 'stuck' in the cage, will draw predators to him. Animals sense fear and he will have it. This is how I feel and I will probably catch flack for it, but had to share my thoughts. I know you want to do what is best for Eli.
I feel the same way.
Sorry I know this isn't easy for you.
Beautiful :Love_Icon ELI :Love_Icon :grouphug She is even doing such a good job babysitting for you! :) :wahoo
I think she will be better off indoors with a friend human or squirrel rather than outside in the woods somewhere and far away from anyone, alone and in a big cage! I would worry for her, especially in this cold climate! Neuros seem to prefer smaller spaces to explore and being indoors with food, a nice house of their own (nest box or cage), and some friendship, cuddles and tickles she should be quite happy! :grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
08-28-2012, 04:20 PM
I am a non releasable human.. and other than stepping on nuts shells, I love my sqs and they take very good care of me...
with that said..
I love eli, I think she has been very loved and lucky..
I hope that where ever she spends the rest of her life.. she feels as good about being an NR as I do and has all the love a sq deserves..
I will let her come here and take care of me if she wants.;)
08-28-2012, 04:24 PM
We need a squirrel train to you, Jackie! That would be the PERFECT HOME FOR ELI!!!!
Jackie in Tampa
08-28-2012, 04:26 PM
We need a squirrel train to you, Jackie! That would be the PERFECT HOME FOR ELI!!!!
someday I will have my furry mosh pit in a barn...someday!:D
08-28-2012, 05:46 PM
Pappy, I can't believe what you just wrote about Angel Baby! It's been what now, since February, March?
OK, I'm thread jacking. I apologize.:hidechair
How about an inside outside cage? Could you build it close to the house and then put in a tunnel she could go through to come and go inside and outside? She is a beautiful girl and you have done a great job healing her!
I can do the train from Boston to New York.
08-28-2012, 05:56 PM
Have you seen that the fur has already regrowth on her cheek? :D
Yes, I absolutely saw the regrowth of hair on her cheek. I think that she is indeed a very lucky squirrel to have landed in such a healing place as your hands and your heart.
:bowdown :thumbsup :bowdown
08-28-2012, 07:27 PM
I live in NYC I can help out form NYC to...:grouphug
08-29-2012, 12:20 AM
I will let her come here and take care of me if she wants.;)
Dear Jackie,
Thank you for the invitation.
I am coming.
P.S. I love avocados! :D (
Jackie in Tampa
08-29-2012, 12:31 AM
Dear Jackie,
Thank you for the invitation.
I am coming.
P.S. I love avocados! :D (
182129Eli, there's a little place off I-75 near Tifton Georgia..
Ellis Brothers..
they have some of the finest southern pecans you'll ever enjoy..
drop in there, pick us up about 25/30 pounds and we'll get acquainted:Love_Icon ..
ck out their gift shop too, alway choice sq paraphernalia:thumbsup...
I'll leave the light on..
psst, do you like your 'cados chilled or room temp?
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