View Full Version : 11 Week old Squirrel having sudden continues seizures

07-20-2012, 11:24 AM
Hello to the forum!

We are having an issue here with our squirrel...

The squirrel, an indian 3 strips red palm tree squirrel, had fallen apparently 3 weeks ago from the roof into the house of a friend. He passed it to us and since that we have been taking care of the baby.

The first 2 days he had troubel to eat but we managed to nurse him. Back then he had sometimes some miled seizures but at that time we thought maybe it was because of the shock of falling from a height.

3 days after coming to us he was all healthy and fine. He was eating banana, papaya and we gave him almond milk which he enjoyed. He was pooping and making his lakes like a healthy baby. yawning and sleeping much too, enjoying in the same time sleeping touching our skin (warmth). In the night we keep a warm water bottle under his cage. in the day he would roam in the house freely, but he mostly prefered to sleep then anything else.

Today morning we awoke with him crying/ peeping. It was as if he didnt recognize us. The day past and we realised he was having uncontrolable seizzures everynow and then. after each seizure he would fall asleep very tired. When those seizures happen we can not touch him and we can see that fear is all over his face, so we assume he must be having a lot of pain from inside. It looks like a epileptic seizure. His lower part of the body is jumping up and dragging him around. It looks like as if he has no control over his own self. sometimes he will scream when this happens. It takes around 1-2 minutes and then he relaxes again. After around 10 min. it starts again. We try to keep a warm water bottle next to him. He is very tired by now and full of fear since those seizures come without warning in his sleep.

He has no appetite and he is not drinking, neither pooping are peeing!
Yesterday night he was all fine.

We assume that problem started in the night.

What can we do?
What is happening to him?

It is horrifying, something we have never seen or heard of. As if an invisible force is pulling his lower body up and down and drags him backwards all over the floor.

We cant keep him on the bed or anywhere else, because the seizures are making him to jump off and we are afraid he might just break something accidently.

So right now he is sitting on the floor and we try to keep a warm water bottle around. Once the seizures are over we are able to calm it and pet it, which it is enjoying.

God I dont know if he will survive the night!

Any help is very appreciated!!

07-20-2012, 12:00 PM
If the seizures are caused by the fall, there isn't much you can really do other than make sure he is hydrated and get a little sugar or syrup into him after the seizure (you can just get it in their mouth - even if they will not swallow it will be absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth).

At 11 weeks he should just really be weaning from formula now but it sounds like he has not had formula at all. Almond milk won't do it. You can make a homemade formula from:

1 part vanilla yogurt
1 part heavy cow's cream
3 parts goats milk

It should be fed with a syringe or even an eyedropper, warmed.

This little one may have MBD which is metabolic bone disease, caused by low calcium. That is what the formula would have been providing. It can cause seizures. Do you have any calcium? Calcium pills that you take are fine. You would want to crush them and mix with something he likes - fruit juice, whatever, and try to get 250 to 300 mg in him a day, divided into several doses through the day. That should be done immediately. Then we will need to work on a diet that is high in calcium for him. Please try the calcium.

07-20-2012, 02:18 PM
Earlier he had a very strong seizure. For 30 seconds he was dead, my husband massaged his breast when he started to breath again.
After that we managed to give him more almond milk with a bit more sugar luke warm mixed. Since that the seizures are getting less frequent. We are staying up, so to get him better. We continue feeding him with the almond milk. We dont have these type of ingredients at home to make a homemade formula.
We are using the syringe but they dont sell formula here in india, I was looking for it before in the pharmacies. unfortunately we dont have any calcium at home, but tomorrow first light, I ll get some! Let's hope all for the best!
Thanks a lots for your help and advice! Very appreaciated!!

07-20-2012, 02:27 PM
It's so heartbreaking to watch them suffer like that.
It's just a thought, but maybe can help.
I own a business and ship all over the world. it's not that difficult. I know someone here can help out by getting formula to you for the future, if you think you're going to use it for future use. I know that I could buy it here and have it shipped to you. If you have a paypal account, it's easy. I could get the shipping quotes and get you the total of what it would cost to purchase and ship to India.
Of course you need something now more nutritious for your little guy, but I'm thinking of this for later use.:grouphug

07-20-2012, 02:43 PM
If you go to stores that sell stuff for cats and dogs you can look for PUPPY formula - that will do in an emergency.

Many antiacid tablets for indigestion are pure calcium carbonate.

Do you have any eggs? Hard boil them, peel the shells and pull that membrane off the inside of the eggshell and grind, grind, grind as finely as you can. Eggshell is pure calcium.

Jackie in Tampa
07-20-2012, 04:17 PM
not sure if this is close to you...they sell Royal Canine puppy formula.

Shop No 34, Cosmos Centre, Behind Mutton Market & Major Bakery, Mapusa, GOA - 403507 | View Map (http://www.justdial.com/Goa/Puppy-Love-The-Bow-Wow-Shoppe-%3Cnear%3E-Behind-Mutton-Market-Major-Bakery-Mapusa/0832P832STD11382_R29hIGNhdCBmb29kIHJldGFpbGVycyByb 3lhbCBjYW5pbiBwb3J2b3JpbSBnb2E=_BZDET/map)

Call: +(91)-(832)-2262084 |