View Full Version : Baby squirel help
07-14-2012, 04:02 PM
Hello im new here i dont know very good english sorry for that
im from greece and 4 DAYS before I found two squirrels unfortunately the one has ded So I decided to help the alive one, I had no idea of squirrels i look to internet he is about 5 week open eyes and teeth, i gave him a little apple and water to start after I bought gatorade and immediately after milk for puppies dog feed every 5 hours. today he eat a little melted walnut, but im concerned about the poo is black small and dry . although once a day I give him to drink gatorade for hydration, he look pretty lively and slept almost continuously except at lunch time, i must do something ? im worried about him
thank you.
Milo's Mom
07-14-2012, 04:19 PM
He needs to be on a heating pad on LOW, under 1/2 of the container you have him in. If you do not have a heating pad, make him a rice buddy...1 tube sock, 1 cup uncooked rice, put rice in sock and tie to top of sock closed, place in microwave for 30-45 seconds, shake it and smash it around so there are no hot spots, then give it to the baby. It should feel warm, NOT hot.
What kind of puppy formula have you been giving him?
How many times a day does he get it?
Do you know what kind of squirrel it is?
I'll be right back with more info for you.
Here is a recipe for a formula that is better than puppy formula.
Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup all natural vanilla yogurt (full-fat)
Mix well and keep in a covered plastic or glass container in the refrigerator. Replace after 48 hours.
Milo's Mom
07-14-2012, 04:24 PM
Here is some more info to help get him stabilized.
Emergency Care for Baby Squirrels
1. Warm the Baby (never feed a cold squirrel!)
Quick Methods:
-Cup the baby in your hands or under your shirt next to your skin.
-Fill a plastic bottle with very warm water. Wrap in a cloth, place next to baby, and cover him. Reheat every 2 hours.
-“Rice Buddy”: Fill a sock with 1 cup of rice or dried beans and microwave for 30 seconds. Place next to baby and cover him. Reheat every 2 hours.
2. Find a Box or Container
A shoebox will do for small babies. A baby that can walk will need a larger box with a lid (with holes). Put a clean baby blanket, flannel shirt, or piece of fleece in the bottom of the box. No towels or terrycloth. Squirrels can get tangled in the loops. Place baby on the material and cover him with one flap. If you have a heating pad, turn it on low and place it under half of the box (not IN the box!) so baby can move away if he gets too warm. You can use the plastic bottle or rice buddy described above, but these are only temporary methods until you get a heating pad, since they must be reheated every 2 hours and won't keep baby warm all night.
NOTE: Monitor his temperature so he doesn’t chill or overheat. His feet should feel warm to the touch.
Note: If the baby is injured, is having trouble breathing, has fly eggs on his fur, or is very skinny or dehydrated, he needs emergency care by an experienced rehabber or vet.
3. Rehydrate the Baby
Most babies are dehydrated when you find them and must be rehydrated before you can feed them. Never feed formula or food of any kind to a dehydrated baby!
How to Check for Dehydration
Pinch the skin on the back of his neck. If it doesn’t spring back immediately, the baby is dehydrated. If the pinched skin stays up like a tent for more than a second, the baby is badly dehydrated. Other signs of dehydration: pale grayish gums, dry mouth, sunken eyes, whites around eyes showing, rough spiky fur, dry scaly skin.
NOTE: If baby is badly dehydrated, he will need subcutaneous fluids, which can only be given by a rehabber or vet.
Supplies You Will Need:
--Pedialyte (any flavor)*
--Plastic syringes (1 cc size; no needles. Ask the pharmacist to get these for you) An eyedropper can also work.
These are available at most drugstores.
*If you can’t find Pedialyte at the store, here is a recipe for homemade Pedialyte:
1 tsp salt (teaspoon)
3 Tbsp sugar (tablespoon)
1 quart warm water
Mix all ingredients in warm water. Store in refrigerator.
How to Prepare the Pedialyte
Use a plastic syringe (with or without a nipple). Never use pet nursers or doll bottles. They will choke the baby. Fill a coffee mug with hot water. Fill the syringe with Pedialyte and place it in the mug for a couple of minutes. Squirt a drop on the inside of your wrist to make sure the liquid isn’t too hot. It should feel barely warm on your skin.
Proper Position
A tiny baby should be held upright in your hand. A baby with fur can lie on a flat surface on his stomach. A baby that can walk can be held upright or he can drink sitting up. Hold the syringe so the tip points UP to the baby’s mouth and the handle is down. Don’t let the baby get cold. Keep him wrapped up while he eats.
How to Feed Fluids
Place the syringe tip on the baby’s lips (from the side) and squeeze out one drop for him to taste. Don’t squirt a steady stream. Let him swallow one drop before squeezing more. GO SLOW! It sometimes takes a feeding or two for them to catch on. Hairless babies are fed drop by drop. With older babies (once they catch on) you can squeeze slowly for one second, wait for him to swallow, then squeeze more.
If fluids dribble out his mouth or come out his nose, you are going too fast. Stop and tilt the baby’s head down so the fluid drains out (support his head and neck like you would a human baby). Then wipe his nose and mouth with a tissue. Start over, slower. NOTE: There is now a chance your baby will develop aspiration pneumonia from inhaling fluid in his lungs. This is fatal. Please contact a rehabber or vet, or the people at The Squirrel Board, for assistance.
island rehabber
07-14-2012, 04:25 PM
Welcome, kostasdone! Thank you for saving this baby, first of all. :)
The poops are GOOD. Black and dry is normal poop when baby squirrels have been nursing from their mother. His poop will become lighter and a little softer now that you have him on the puppy formula. Baby squirrels sleep a LOT, basically all the time until they are hungry. Can you post a pic of him? That will help us to know how old he is, what type of squirrel, and how we can help you to get him the right foods.
You are doing beautifully so far!
07-14-2012, 04:26 PM
Hi and Welcome!
It's wonderful that you found this site to help your little baby.
I am sorry the other one died.
I don't have much time right now, so sorry if my post is a bit short - just trying to rush
1. Did you hydrate the babies when you found them?
When babies are dehydrated, they don't eat well and they can die.
To hydrate you need a pedialyte solution - there is a home made recipe here that you can make yourself.
if babies are severely dehydrated, you should hydrate them for the first few feedings before giving them food.
If they are not severely dehydrated, but still need hydration - you can alternate a feeding of forumla and a feeding of pedialyte several times.
just Never mix pedialyte and forumla.
2. YOu said puppy formula.
Could you post what kind? What's it called?
If it's Royal Canine, it should be ok.
If it's something else, you may have to change it.
The best formula for squirrels is Fox Valley, available to order from the websites: and
While you are waiting for Fox Valley, there is a very good Goat's Milk formula you can make yourself (I will post the recipe below)>
I understand that ordering from the US to ship to Greece might be expensive for you. But if you can find Royal Canine formula - that should be a good substitute. If not, using Goat's Milk formula might be a better way to go.
On most other formulas squirrels tend to develop GI issues, diarrhea and even die.
3. They need to have a heating pad under half of their container.
Can you get a heating pad, without auto-shut off?
Put it UNDER half of your baby's container/cage, set it on low.
Babies need supplemental heat b/c they cannot maintain their body temp.
Without additional heat babies can die.
4. How old is your squirrel?
Most likely, it is too young to eat any solids.
So, please do not give it any apples or anything except for formula.
As it grows up, its first solid food will have to be a quality rodent block.
You will have to check your pet stores and see what they have in terms of rodent block for rats and mice (this will have to be discussed in more detail later)>
5. In order to determine how much it should eat, you need to know its weight in grams. Can you get a kitchen scale or something with grams?
Babies should eat 5-7% of its body weight - some will eat a bit more, but that's a rule of thumb.
6. Do you stimulate it before and especially after each feeding?
7. Do you have pics?
8. To feed you will need a 1cc syringe without a needle and a nipple.
Always feed a baby in an upright position, or on its stomach, NEVER on its back.
Point the syringe up, at a 45' angle. NEver down
9. Feed VERY VERY VERY Slowly! Otherwise, the baby can aspirate.
If the formula comes out of its nose, gently tilt the baby head down (but hold its head as you would for a human baby) to make sure the formula runs out.
Again, to avoid that - always feed very slowly.
If the baby aspirates, it may get aspiration pneumonia and die.
You will need antibiotics.
So, to sum up for now:
1. no-auto-shut off heating pad set on low under half of the baby's container
2. check for hydration: pinch the skin between its shoulders, if it stays like a 'tent' even for a slip second, hydration is needed.
It might be a good idea to give a few hydrating feeding anyway.
Never mix hydration fluid with formula, always feed them separately (e.g., one feeding - formula, one feeding - hydration)
3. Get your baby's weight in grams
4. See if you can get 1cc syringes. Don't know how it is in Greece, but here in North america one could go to a pharmacy and ask a few syringes to feed a baby kitten (if keeping a squirrel is not legal where you are, don't tell them you have a squirrel, tell them you have a kitten).
Syringes larger than 1cc are not advisable as they are easier to aspirate with.
Will post Goat's Milk formula below.
NEver MIND Milo's Mom posted it all for you already!:thumbsup :thankyou
07-14-2012, 04:33 PM
im giving him lactopet by tafarm. but i dont have any heating pads i have a litle box with piece of some old clothes to feel warm cause we have summer here and already heat in house but i dont know if that is enough. my squirel is black-brown with white under .tomorow i will give u a video to see him . so what must do now ?
Milo's Mom
07-14-2012, 04:36 PM
Make him a rice buddy...he needs to be warmer than you do. If he gets too warm he will move away.
How many times are you feeding him in a day?
Do you have a 1cc/ml syringe?
07-14-2012, 04:38 PM
Hi and Welcome!
It's wonderful that you found this site to help your little baby.
I am sorry the other one died.
I don't have much time right now, so sorry if my post is a bit short - just trying to rush
1. Did you hydrate the babies when you found them?
When babies are dehydrated, they don't eat well and they can die.
To hydrate you need a pedialyte solution - there is a home made recipe here that you can make yourself.
if babies are severely dehydrated, you should hydrate them for the first few feedings before giving them food.
If they are not severely dehydrated, but still need hydration - you can alternate a feeding of forumla and a feeding of pedialyte several times.
just Never mix pedialyte and forumla.
2. YOu said puppy formula.
Could you post what kind? What's it called?
If it's Royal Canine, it should be ok.
If it's something else, you may have to change it.
The best formula for squirrels is Fox Valley, available to order from the websites: and
While you are waiting for Fox Valley, there is a very good Goat's Milk formula you can make yourself (I will post the recipe below)>
I understand that ordering from the US to ship to Greece might be expensive for you. But if you can find Royal Canine formula - that should be a good substitute. If not, using Goat's Milk formula might be a better way to go.
On most other formulas squirrels tend to develop GI issues, diarrhea and even die.
3. They need to have a heating pad under half of their container.
Can you get a heating pad, without auto-shut off?
Put it UNDER half of your baby's container/cage, set it on low.
Babies need supplemental heat b/c they cannot maintain their body temp.
Without additional heat babies can die.
4. How old is your squirrel?
Most likely, it is too young to eat any solids.
So, please do not give it any apples or anything except for formula.
As it grows up, its first solid food will have to be a quality rodent block.
You will have to check your pet stores and see what they have in terms of rodent block for rats and mice (this will have to be discussed in more detail later)>
5. In order to determine how much it should eat, you need to know its weight in grams. Can you get a kitchen scale or something with grams?
Babies should eat 5-7% of its body weight - some will eat a bit more, but that's a rule of thumb.
6. Do you stimulate it before and especially after each feeding?
7. Do you have pics?
8. To feed you will need a 1cc syringe without a needle and a nipple.
Always feed a baby in an upright position, or on its stomach, NEVER on its back.
Point the syringe up, at a 45' angle. NEver down
9. Feed VERY VERY VERY Slowly! Otherwise, the baby can aspirate.
If the formula comes out of its nose, gently tilt the baby head down (but hold its head as you would for a human baby) to make sure the formula runs out.
Again, to avoid that - always feed very slowly.
If the baby aspirates, it may get aspiration pneumonia and die.
You will need antibiotics.
So, to sum up for now:
1. no-auto-shut off heating pad set on low under half of the baby's container
2. check for hydration: pinch the skin between its shoulders, if it stays like a 'tent' even for a slip second, hydration is needed.
It might be a good idea to give a few hydrating feeding anyway.
Never mix hydration fluid with formula, always feed them separately (e.g., one feeding - formula, one feeding - hydration)
3. Get your baby's weight in grams
4. See if you can get 1cc syringes. Don't know how it is in Greece, but here in North america one could go to a pharmacy and ask a few syringes to feed a baby kitten (if keeping a squirrel is not legal where you are, don't tell them you have a squirrel, tell them you have a kitten).
Syringes larger than 1cc are not advisable as they are easier to aspirate with.
Will post Goat's Milk formula below.
NEver MIND Milo's Mom posted it all for you already!:thumbsup :thankyou
i found the 1 baby dead this one was close to death but imediatly i took him home for care im giving him very good melt food like a cream melt nuts with some drops of milk to soft more . im sorry i just want to help i dunno anything for squirels and im very sensitive with animals.
Milo's Mom
07-14-2012, 04:40 PM
I do not know if this worked...can you read this and does it make sense?
Κάντε του ένα φιλαράκο ... ρύζι θα πρέπει να είναι θερμότερο από ό, τι κάνετε. Αν παίρνει πολύ ζεστό θα απομακρυνθεί.
Πόσες φορές σας έτρωγε σε μια μέρα;
Έχετε 1cc/ml σύριγγα;
In English this says:
Make him a rice buddy...he needs to be warmer than you do. If he gets too warm he will move away.
How many times are you feeding him in a day?
Do you have a 1cc/ml syringe?
07-14-2012, 04:40 PM
Make him a rice buddy...he needs to be warmer than you do. If he gets too warm he will move away.
How many times are you feeding him in a day?
Do you have a 1cc/ml syringe?
im giving him 5-6 times per 24/hours he usualy dink 4-5 ml per time.
07-14-2012, 04:40 PM
im giving him lactopet by tafarm. but i dont have any heating pads i have a litle box with piece of some old clothes to feel warm cause we have summer here and already heat in house but i dont know if that is enough. my squirel is black-brown with white under .tomorow i will give u a video to see him . so what must do now ?
try to get a heating pad from your local pharmacy. Baby squirrels need supplemental heat, even when it's hot around, it's not enough for them.
If it gets too warm, it will move off the pad on its own - that's why the pad should be under HALF of its container, so that the other half is not heated.
So, please try to get a heating pad.
Don't know that formula... not sure.
You might be safer by switching to the Goat's Milk formula that Milo's Mom posted.
Switch gradually:
1-2 feedings - 75% of the lactopet 25% of Goat's milk
3-4 feedings - 50% - 50% '----'''----'''
4-5 feedings - 25 % - 75% ""-----""----"""
5-6 feedimgs - 100% goat's milk
Milo's Mom
07-14-2012, 04:42 PM
Here is a formula recipe for you...again, I tried to convert to Greek.
Κατσικίσιο Συνταγή Jackie του γάλακτος
1 φλιτζάνι γάλα αιγοπροβάτων
1/3 φλιτζάνι κρέμα γάλακτος
1/3 φλιτζανιού όλα τα φυσικά γιαούρτι βανίλιας (πλήρη σε λιπαρά)
Ανακατέψτε καλά και να κρατήσει σε ένα καλυμμένο από πλαστικό ή γυάλινο δοχείο στο ψυγείο. Αντικαταστήστε μετά από 48 ώρες.
07-14-2012, 04:57 PM
try to get a heating pad from your local pharmacy. Baby squirrels need supplemental heat, even when it's hot around, it's not enough for them.
If it gets too warm, it will move off the pad on its own - that's why the pad should be under HALF of its container, so that the other half is not heated.
So, please try to get a heating pad.
Don't know that formula... not sure.
You might be safer by switching to the Goat's Milk formula that Milo's Mom posted.
Switch gradually:
1-2 feedings - 75% of the lactopet 25% of Goat's milk
3-4 feedings - 50% - 50% '----'''----'''
4-5 feedings - 25 % - 75% ""-----""----"""
5-6 feedimgs - 100% goat's milk
milk substitute milk powder, fatty acids, selenium. methionine, minerals, vitamins, the product contains no ingredients of animal origin (meat, bones, FAT, blood, eTc)
26% protein
minimum fiber
ash 6.5%
calcium 8.00
sodium 6.00
phosphorus 6.00
magnesium 1.20
choline 0.76
iron 80.00
zinc divine 40.00
methionine 7.00
Vitamin c
vitamin b1
vitamin b3
vitamin b6,
vitamin b12
vitamin d3
vitamin 3
vitamin f
vitamin k
Nicotinic acid 25.5
PANTOTHENIC acid 26.00
copper 5.00
kavaltio 0.20
iodine 0.14
selenium 0.10
biotin 0.05
Milo's Mom
07-14-2012, 06:07 PM
kostasdone - are the greek translations working and are they easier for you to understand?
I tried to find info about the formula Lactopet by Tafarm and I could not find anything at all. Baby squirrels need much different formula than regular domestic pets. The information you posted is helpful though.
Are you able to get Goat's Milk (the kind for humans) at the grocery store? If you are able, I think the goats milk formula might be better for the baby.
Did you make a rice buddy for the baby? He has to stay warm, it's very important.
07-14-2012, 08:15 PM
kostasdone - are the greek translations working and are they easier for you to understand?
I tried to find info about the formula Lactopet by Tafarm and I could not find anything at all. Baby squirrels need much different formula than regular domestic pets. The information you posted is helpful though.
Are you able to get Goat's Milk (the kind for humans) at the grocery store? If you are able, I think the goats milk formula might be better for the baby.
Did you make a rice buddy for the baby? He has to stay warm, it's very important.
i dont know where i should find goats milk here we have only cow milks at shops so its not very easy someone can compare the ingrediens of my milk its greek company but i provided the ingrediments if is good or enough good i can use it or mix it with something else i give him worm rice and now im working to make him heater pad my self cause the shops tomorow is closed i can use a 12v lamp unter the metalic box he is at one corner so he can move around and deside hisself the correct spot for sleep.
and i have one big problem tomorow night i must travel 6 hours with car and i must get the baby with me cause i dont have noone to give it its that dangerous for baby ?
Milo's Mom
07-14-2012, 08:42 PM
PLEASE be careful with the 12v bulb. Light bulbs can get VERY hot and they can BURN a baby.
Goat's milk is usually found next to the milk in the shops, but it can also be found in the canned isle. They also have it in powdered form. Try to find it, because it is better for the little one. We've been using it for years and we are positive it works.
Are you able to get yogurt and heavy whipping cream?
If you cannot find goats milk, it may be a good idea to add some yogurt and cream to the formula.
I am going to try to find out how the formula you have compares to the formula we feed, which is called Fox Valley. This may take me a day or so. Hopefully one of our experts can share their thoughts on the formula.
As for your trip...You MUST keep the baby very warm and it needs to eat. Will you be able to stop and feed the baby along the way?
Is there a way you can post a picture of the baby? It will be very helpful.
Make sure the formula is VERY WARM when you feed the baby.
Itchiku's dad
07-14-2012, 10:03 PM
o.k hope this works. This should take you to a picture from the makers website which shows the ingredients in mg mcg and iu per 100 grams
Not sure if the link worked so copied the pic. company based in India.
07-14-2012, 10:11 PM
PLEASE be careful with the 12v bulb. Light bulbs can get VERY hot and they can BURN a baby.
Goat's milk is usually found next to the milk in the shops, but it can also be found in the canned isle. They also have it in powdered form. Try to find it, because it is better for the little one. We've been using it for years and we are positive it works.
Are you able to get yogurt and heavy whipping cream?
If you cannot find goats milk, it may be a good idea to add some yogurt and cream to the formula.
I am going to try to find out how the formula you have compares to the formula we feed, which is called Fox Valley. This may take me a day or so. Hopefully one of our experts can share their thoughts on the formula.
As for your trip...You MUST keep the baby very warm and it needs to eat. Will you be able to stop and feed the baby along the way?
Is there a way you can post a picture of the baby? It will be very helpful.
Make sure the formula is VERY WARM when you feed the baby.
i used warm rice the baby stand abone the warm for 3 mins and then he goes to the other corner for sleep .....
i can get yogurt but what kind of it ? full fat ? 0 % ( cow ? goat ? what kind and how much now i mix 30 ml watter / half soup spoon milk powder that is the correct but for doggie baby sometimes i use +20% water for hydration)
what is ? heavy whipping cream i cant translate that explain better so i can search for that to add in formula with milk.
im few hours i will give u a full video of baby feed and play to see him.
Itchiku's dad
07-14-2012, 10:21 PM
Full fat yogurt is best most people use cows, so I'm not sure about goats milk yogurt. Heavy whipping cream is the thickest cream.
[U.S English/ heavy cream ] [U.K English/ whipping cream] 38 percent fat.
07-15-2012, 04:43 AM
Full fat yogurt is best most people use cows, so I'm not sure about goats milk yogurt. Heavy whipping cream is the thickest cream.
[U.S English/ heavy cream ] [U.K English/ whipping cream] 38 percent fat.
i still cant understand what kind is that cream for its for human babies ?
and how much yogurt per ml milk i should add.
video is upcomming in next 1hour.
i give him a litle bit more warm formula it like it better and i tryed to give him warm place second time and after 1-2 mins he get away from warm place maybe is big enough to need extra worm or my house has already much heat i dont know .
07-15-2012, 06:30 AM
Either goat milk or cow milk yogurt is fine, and the full fat is better than low or no fat.
The cream may be with the regular milk in your store. It is not for babies. We add it to coffee and tea, and if you whip it with an egg beater it will get thick and is used on top of desserts. You are looking for cow's cream with the highest percentage of milkfat.
07-15-2012, 07:40 AM
Either goat milk or cow milk yogurt is fine, and the full fat is better than low or no fat.
The cream may be with the regular milk in your store. It is not for babies. We add it to coffee and tea, and if you whip it with an egg beater it will get thick and is used on top of desserts. You are looking for cow's cream with the highest percentage of milkfat.
how much yogurt per milk ?
that cream is that one we used on cakes and icecreams ? with milk and sugar ?
this is the litle one in video check how old he is and the age cause i cant understand.
Itchiku's dad
07-15-2012, 07:51 AM
Gerçek süt krem şanti / Real dairy whipping cream from milk no sugar
07-15-2012, 07:53 AM
Gerçek süt krem şanti / Real dairy whipping cream
thnx for translate but im greek not turk.
this is the litle one in video check how old he is and the age cause i cant understand.
Itchiku's dad
07-15-2012, 08:12 AM
πραγματικό γαλακτοκομικά σαντιγί real dairy whipping cream. Sorry my brother was living in Turkey. I hope I did not offend you. Trying to search on what squirrel.
07-15-2012, 08:22 AM
πραγματικό γαλακτοκομικά σαντιγί real dairy whipping cream. Sorry my brother was living in Turkey. I hope I did not offend you. Trying to search on what squirrel.
offend ? no....... thnx for ur help did u see the squirel ?
Itchiku's dad
07-15-2012, 08:36 AM
Yes. He looks healthy. I'm trying to find out what he is. He looks like a very dark red squirrel. I'm not sure of his age but I would guess about 6 weeks. I hope someone with more experience will know.
07-15-2012, 11:16 AM
Yes. He looks healthy. I'm trying to find out what he is. He looks like a very dark red squirrel. I'm not sure of his age but I would guess about 6 weeks. I hope someone with more experience will know.
lets wait till someone with experience can tell me more.
07-15-2012, 05:39 PM
can anyone check him if he look ok ? how old he is and how i must treat him/age
island rehabber
07-15-2012, 05:50 PM
can anyone check him if he look ok ? how old he is and how i must treat him/age
He's adorable. I believe he is between 6-7 wks old, looks a little thin but basically healthy. :thumbsup Here's a tip for you that will make feeding him MUCH easier: Sit down and put a towel across your lap. Put him on the towel and GENTLY hold him in place with one hand, then point the syringe UPWARD at him with the other hand. The syringe should be at a 45 degree angle going UP to his face, not down. This prevents him from aspirating the formula. Your other hand gently on his back helps you to stop him from running all over, and preventing him from falling as well. He should be on a feeding schedule of every 4.5 - 5 hours, four times per day: morning, noon, evening and before bedtime.
Here's a picture of what I mean by feeding on your lap....and the correct way to angle the syringe.
Nancy in New York
07-15-2012, 06:08 PM
He's adorable. I believe he is between 6-7 wks old, looks a little thin but basically healthy. :thumbsup Here's a tip for you that will make feeding him MUCH easier: Sit down and put a towel across your lap. Put him on the towel and GENTLY hold him in place with one hand, then point the syringe UPWARD at him with the other hand. The syringe should be at a 45 degree angle going UP to his face, not down. This prevents him from aspirating the formula. Your other hand gently on his back helps you to stop him from running all over, and preventing him from falling as well. He should be on a feeding schedule of every 4.5 - 5 hours, four times per day: morning, noon, evening and before bedtime.
Here's a picture of what I mean by feeding on your lap....and the correct way to angle the syringe.
Yup IR is right, and having your hand on him makes it so much easier, so he doesn't take off.:D
07-15-2012, 06:31 PM
he need warm place? i gave him one and he go away from warm ( not hot just warm ) he trying to eat solid foods day per day i giving him nuts melted with drops of milk to soft more he like it very much . and i giving him 20% more watter on his milk.
island rehabber
07-15-2012, 06:41 PM
he need warm place? i gave him one and he go away from warm ( not hot just warm ) he trying to eat solid foods day per day i giving him nuts melted with drops of milk to soft more he like it very much . and i giving him 20% more watter on his milk.
He does not need heat -- he is old enough. You can give him a little fruit, and try some green vegetables. Maybe green beans (legumes), broccoli, things like that? I am not sure what grows naturally in your area of Greece...
07-15-2012, 08:00 PM
He does not need heat -- he is old enough. You can give him a little fruit, and try some green vegetables. Maybe green beans (legumes), broccoli, things like that? I am not sure what grows naturally in your area of Greece...
we have the most vegetables here i can give him broccoli and that stuff im giving him apple but its seems that he dont like it :P
island rehabber
07-15-2012, 08:18 PM
we have the most vegetables here i can give him broccoli and that stuff im giving him apple but its seems that he dont like it :P
Try the darker greens, like broccoli and kale and even spinach in moderation. Kale is very very good for them, lots of calcium. Pea pods, too. :thumbsup You will also want to give him things to chew: clean branches, even seashells if they are available.
07-15-2012, 08:29 PM
What a darling baby. You've got the best experts guiding you :grouphug :Love_Icon
07-16-2012, 07:22 AM
Try the darker greens, like broccoli and kale and even spinach in moderation. Kale is very very good for them, lots of calcium. Pea pods, too. :thumbsup You will also want to give him things to chew: clean branches, even seashells if they are available.
why i should give him seasels and branches ?
and what is kale ?
Milo's Mom
07-16-2012, 07:30 AM
why i should give him seasels and branches ?
and what is kale ?
Seashells and branches are very good for them to chew on. It helps keep their teeth ground down. Branches and shells also have minerals and micro nutrients, which she needs to grow big and healthy.
Kale is a dark green leafy vegetable. I included a picture of a Kale leaf below. When you go to the shops for vegetables, look for the ones that are really dark green, like IR said.
Here is the kale leaf pic.
07-16-2012, 01:09 PM
soooo pretty:Love_Icon
07-26-2012, 06:01 PM
i just came back from vacations i took the litle guy with me i took care of him well .
i gived him (lot of WATERMELON), hazelnuts,walnuts, cucumber, (lot melon) milk . i tryed to give him green vegetables but he preferred melon,wattermelon ,
he seems in good health he is very active playing and etc.
hes poo seems ok they are brown and normal i will show him to u to check if he look ok thnx again a lot for ur help.
he scrach hes noose or hes mouth quite much but i dont know why maybe hes new teeth bother him or what ?
08-07-2012, 07:29 AM
Just is the little squirrel doing? It is so sweet that you care for this little one.
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