View Full Version : Young male Squirrel may have fallen

07-05-2012, 08:03 PM
Hi all,three days ago,I heard the birds going crazy out back,so I went to see what was happening.I saw two large hawks or possibly eagles up in one of my pine trees,and a Squirrel walking around on the ground below.There was also a broken tree limb not far from the Squirrel.When the Squirrel walked,he kind of hopped like a bunny,not the fluid running that one would expect.
I scared the hawks away,and tried to catch the Squirrel,but he climbed back up the tree,so I missed him.
For the last several days,I have spotted him walking around the yard,but had been unable to catch him,as when he saw me getting close,he would climb a tree.Once I saw blood on his snout.He ate from a pan of peanuts I had on the ground,but seemed unsteady and had difficulty standing erect as he ate.A cloud of mosquitoes and a few flies were always around him.
Well today,I was finally able to catch him.
I saw him walking around in the yard this morning.and he tried to hide under a footstep,but his tail stuck out,so I just picked him up by his tail,and carried him in my house.He is now in my pet carrier,resting.
I put some peanuts and some fresh mango in with him,with some water,and it looks like he has had a little of everything.
I am encouraged that he is eating and drinking,and appears to be breathing normally.He sleeps alot,and when I put my hand inside,he will growl at me.
He is pretty skinny too.
So,I believe that he may have fallen while being chased by the hawks,and injured himself.I do not know whether a bone is broken(maybe a rib?),or if he has internal injuries.
I emailed Jeff(AEMJ on this site),a friend of Karen Clark,who has helped me in the past with the 2 Squirrel babies I had a few months back,and I am awaiting a reply.
Until then,I decided to post here,and any suggestions or advice would be much appreciated.

To sum things up,here is what I know:
He is breathing OK
He is eating,and drinking.
There is no blood coming from his mouth or nose,but I saw dried blood on his nose a day or so ago.
He can walk and sit up,but has difficulty doing so.
He sleeps alot.

I'm praying that he is not bleeding internally.

I'm hoping to hear back from Jeff,but if anyone in the Tampa Bay area can help,please let me know,especially if they know of a vet that will see him for free or a minimal fee,as I have been laid off three years ago,and have not been able to find work as of yet.
My number is 727-546-2052.

07-05-2012, 08:25 PM
Here are a few things that I thought to add:
He has NO signs of pox.
I have put towels in the pet carrier with him,so he is warm.
He is young,but not a baby.

Mrs Skul
07-06-2012, 05:01 AM
:morning Skwerly
:Welcome Thank You So Very Much For Taking The Time To Help This Little Squirrel Out. :grouphug :thankyou
Hang in their, we have a LOT of TSB Members in the Tampa Area that will be able to help you. How is the Little squirrel doing so far? Have you seen him Drink water? They will Growl like crazy until he starts trusting you.
That is the Only thing he can do to make him self Look and Sound Big and Dangerous. :D He might even Charge and Slap Your Hand when you reach inside. Just move slow, talk calmly, and softly.:thumbsup3
Just a few things I might point out while you are waiting. If you have a Heating Pad, Place it Half under the Pet Carrier. This way if the squirrel gets to Hot it can move off to cool down. (You cane lay a towel on top of Heating Pad if needed to help cool it down.) On the inside of the Carrier, Please TAKE OUT the Towel and Put some Fleece or old T Shirt in with him. They love to Burrow, so Pile a few inside with him. (The Towel has Loops, and the Squirrels can Snag their Toe Nail, Hand, Feet, or his Teeth in the Loops/Threads.) Just Place the Carrier on top of a Table or something High. They feel Safer of the ground. Try not to make any Loud Noises, Place him in a Dark room so he can rest. If you have some avocado,(No skin or Seed) Broccoli, Apple (No Seeds) Open/Unshelled Pecan, Walnut,Almond, Hazel Nut. Place that in side with him to eat. Peanuts are not the Best thing to Feed a Squirrel.
You Have Done a Wonderful Job. Some one will be on in a little while to help you. :thumbsup5

Jackie in Tampa
07-06-2012, 06:13 AM
Skwerly Steve, Jeff lives sooo near you, hope he responds soon!!!
have you gone to Karen Clarks web site?:poke
Maybe someone can share that link..:dono
or you can just google it.
Hoping he responds to you soon:grouphug

I am not sure who your vet is, but I know Dr.Zellner in St.Pete sees sqs...:thumbsup

here is the link to the clinic she is with.

Can you post a pic of the sq?
do you have him on heating pad, half under the container?
Please keep us in the loop.
Hoping you hear something back this AM from AEMJ.

07-06-2012, 09:13 AM
I received an email from Jeff.All he said was that he could not accept any more Squirrels because he has 15.
I was'nt asking him to take the Squirrel.What I need is for someone to point me to a vet that will see the Squirrel for a nominal fee,as I have VERY little money.
This Squirrel needs to see a vet,the sooner,the better.
I could take him to ANY vet,and sign him over to them,but sadly,many vets will put down a Squirrel rather than try and treat them.
So basically,I am seeking a vet nearby that has a heart for Squirrels,and will help for little or no money.

07-06-2012, 09:26 AM
Sounds like he just needs cage rest. If he is eating and drinking and pooping and peeing. . . and he hasn't bled out by now, he probably has a good chance. You are feeding him and protecting him from predators. Are there other young ones about?

07-06-2012, 09:41 AM
No others,he is not a baby,I'm guessing he's about 10 months old.Almost fully grown,but still a bit immature.He's small bodied too,and thin.
I just got off the phone with Avian animal hospital,from the link Jackie gave me.
I told the receptionist the situation,and the person I talked to said I would either have to sign him over to them,or pay 80 dollars as soon as I arrived,BEFORE they would even look at him.
I tried to explain that I would pay the fee if he was treatable,as I wanted to release him back into my backyard after he was well,but if he was untreatable,I would then sign him over.
She was very firm and would not agree to my plan.BUT,she gave me the number of another vet that is close to my house,Bayou Vet.
I called them and told them my story,and they said,"Sure,we will examine the Squirrel first,then tell you your options,then you can decide whether or not you want to pay,or sign him over to us!"
Needless to say,I made an appointment,and will be seeing the vet in about 30 minutes,as they had to get ready for me.
Bayou sounds like a quality Vet to deal with,I will NOT be calling Aviary
Vet again.

07-06-2012, 09:43 AM
Also,I am not going to be taking any photos of him until later.I just don't want to stress him out any more than necessary.

Jackie in Tampa
07-06-2012, 10:22 AM
So glad Dr Zellners office was able to give you an alternate number/clinic.
I do not use DrZs clinic, I have only spoke with her on the phone.
However they do have many sq patients and are highly recommended:peace .
Most vets are expensive, I know I cannot afford a pet at all.:shakehead
Barely can help with wildlife.

Was so hoping you could find a licensed rehabber to take him...
but sounds like the other vet is willing to at least look at him.:bowdown
Good luck steve and sq:Love_Icon
please keep us in the loop,
sending good vibes

07-06-2012, 11:52 AM
Actually,Dr.Zellner was on vacation when I called,so that may have been a factor.
Well,I just got back from Bayou Vet.I had high hopes after talking to them on the phone,but when I got there,the Vet stuck his hand into the pet carrier,and the Squirrel started growling,he withdrew his hand and announced that he could not look at him because"he had no license to treat wild animals!"
He told me to take him to the Suncoast Bird sanctuary,and left...
Another disappointment.
When I got home,I decided to clean the pet carrier,as it was smelling like pee,and as I cleaned it,the Squirrel just cowered in the corner.I petted him and he never tried to snap at me.Yeah he growled,they all do,but he let me pet his body and his head over and over.Such a sweet boy!So instead of referring to him as "the Squirrel",I have decided to call him "Sweety",because of his sweet nature.
I got a call from Jeff,he told me that Karen would take Sweety if I could get Sweety to her.So I am now waiting for a call back..
I may take some pictures later.

07-06-2012, 12:14 PM
Here's a pic of Sweety that I just took.He is resting in his carrier.

07-06-2012, 11:42 PM
I went to the store and bought some almonds,pecans and avocado,and Sweety nommed on the avocado then had a drink of water.I watch him closely.If he seems to get worse,I'll take him to Karen.
I love all Squirrels,but this little guy has found a special place in my heart,and he seems to like me too.I think that he understands that I'm trying to help him.
I can pet him on his head and body,and even pick him up to move him when I'm cleaning his enclosure.Sometimes he growls,but he never has bitten me,not even a nip.He's a real sweetheart.
He is eating and drinking,and appears to be breathing OK.He still has trouble sitting up and walking around,but he can walk.There is some dried blood on his nose,but no new blood,so I'm praying that he just cut his mouth or nose when he fell,and that the blood is not from internal bleeding.
Jeff and I are going to talk tomorrow about his Squirrels and how he cares for them.I'm looking forward to speaking with him.
Jeff and Karen are AMAZING,for them it's all about the Squirrels,my kind of peeps!

Jackie in Tampa
07-07-2012, 09:16 AM
Were you able to get the sq some help Steve?
I am willing to get him some pain aid and a vet visit on monday...
and may have a way to get him here this afternoon...
I do not have an emergency weekend vet:shakehead
although there is a very good one in north Tampa, but again, very expensive.
would need to know asap if you are willing to relinquish him to me.
How is he doing today?

Please keep him hydrated and warm:grouphug

Uno's Mom
07-07-2012, 01:25 PM
Actually,Dr.Zellner was on vacation when I called,so that may have been a factor.
Well,I just got back from Bayou Vet.I had high hopes after talking to them on the phone,but when I got there,the Vet stuck his hand into the pet carrier,and the Squirrel started growling,he withdrew his hand and announced that he could not look at him because"he had no license to treat wild animals!"
He told me to take him to the Suncoast Bird sanctuary,and left...
Another disappointment.
When I got home,I decided to clean the pet carrier,as it was smelling like pee,and as I cleaned it,the Squirrel just cowered in the corner.I petted him and he never tried to snap at me.Yeah he growled,they all do,but he let me pet his body and his head over and over.Such a sweet boy!So instead of referring to him as "the Squirrel",I have decided to call him "Sweety",because of his sweet nature.
I got a call from Jeff,he told me that Karen would take Sweety if I could get Sweety to her.So I am now waiting for a call back..
I may take some pictures later.

Skwerly, I thought this fella was going to a rehabber yesterday? What happened to those arrangements? Do you have any recent pictures?:thankyou