View Full Version : Yogurt = Shiny Fur and .....

07-05-2012, 06:31 PM
So I read this article earlier - I know this is a mouse study, but I'd imagine yogurt has a similar effect on other rodents like squirrels:


Apparently daily yogurt gives mice luxurious, silky fur. It's scientifically proven now! That's why all of our babies have that nice, well cared for shiny fur look.

Oh, and yes, it also gives them large.... er.... cajones. According to the study. That could explain a few of the flyer boys as well... :rotfl

07-05-2012, 07:54 PM
So THAT explains it! :o :hidechair

07-05-2012, 08:22 PM
:rotfl good to know....:thumbsup shiny fur is a sign of excellent health and the big cagones don't hurt either :D :sanp3 ...um ... unless they get in the way of flying.....:thinking :thinking :thinking