View Full Version : Squirrel Teeth- HELP!!

06-30-2012, 10:36 AM
I recently found a squirrel. I noticed that his upper left tooth was curling up and going towards this throat. I am afraid that his upper tooth might be growing into his gums. I am not sure I can trim his teeth because he is very fidgety. Does anyone know of any vets that can take care of squirrels in Suffolk County Long Island?

Jackie in Tampa
06-30-2012, 10:38 AM
:Welcome :wave123
do you have him in captivity?
can you post a pic?
hang on, brb, will get some NY peeps involved.

Jackie in Tampa
06-30-2012, 10:45 AM
in the mean time...here is a wildlife vet in the city

562 Columbus Avenue [ @88th ]
New York City, 10024-2404
Phone: 212-501-8750
Fax: 212-501-9614
Open 7 Days a Week
M-F: 9am-8pm
Sat + Sun: 9am-5pm

This is the current info for Dr Pilny, yes. Across the street from his office is the new NYC Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, run by the Wild Bird Fund:
http://wildbirdfund.com/wildlife-rehabilitation-center (http://wildbirdfund.com/wildlife-rehabilitation-center/)

island rehabber
06-30-2012, 11:04 AM
baxter i will send a PM with contacts for you :thumbsup

06-30-2012, 10:01 PM
I hope you can see what I'm talking about. He was very fidgety so it was a little difficult trying to open his mouth up. His bottoms are pretty long too.

Any other suggestions? I tried to contact 2 other people but one email didn't work and waiting for a response from the other.


island rehabber
06-30-2012, 10:15 PM
His teeth don't look as if they mesh together at all....they are not grinding themselves down. I am going to FB message another rehabber I know of in Westbury and see what vet she might know of, out east.

Nancy in New York
06-30-2012, 10:15 PM
I hope you can see what I'm talking about. He was very fidgety so it was a little difficult trying to open his mouth up. His bottoms are pretty long too.

Any other suggestions? I tried to contact 2 other people but one email didn't work and waiting for a response from the other.


Just did a little resizing.:grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
07-01-2012, 07:43 AM
dang that poor sq needs some relief..
if you are up to clipping them TODAY, I can give you instructions over the phone...
you will need to make a store run though....
Sears or Northern Tool, Home Depot or Lowes and as a last resort we can use cheap junk cuuters for a few clips until someone can be found and advise given.

As a heads up, sometimes these guys can maintain these wicked maloclusions on their own in the wild, they will snap them off using another object...I would imagine this is painful and a desperate act.
IT would also lead to many sqs dying of odontomas early in life.
However if it is a young sq, sometimes several trims will help correct the problem, once they adjust their bite with short teeth, it allows them to start grinding them...this does not always work though.
If a sq that cannot get it together on his own is re released, he may die a sad death,
or if he can adjust to being captive, in a sanctuary setting, he would be able to live out his life happy and maintained.

I hope that a rehabber or vet can see this sq, otherwise..
until someone can be found, we CAN give him some relief.
let me know.
Thanks for taking he time and lending him a hand!

:wott :bowdown

07-01-2012, 08:13 AM
Teeth problems are the worst.. is this a wild or a pet or pass off..??? I feel for him..:shakehead :Love_Icon

island rehabber
07-02-2012, 10:49 AM
Baxter I have a great rehabber friend on Long Island who can help -- PLEASE send me your phone number via PM and she will contact you! :thumbsup

07-02-2012, 12:08 PM
Good Luck with the resolution to the teeth issues..
I've had to trim teeth SEVERAL times and it is not physically hard--but Mentally it is TOUGH
I used to live in C.I. ( Central Islip, Long Island ) from 1954--1971.

07-05-2012, 08:36 PM
thanks for all your replies and concerns. we're actually taking him to a vet this weekend and hopefully, he will be okay afterwards.

island rehabber
07-05-2012, 09:04 PM
:alright.gif Excellent news! And thanks to my friend and fellow rehabber, Caryn Eve Murray, for her immediate response to my FB plea for this squirrel and her vet contact, too. :bowdown

07-08-2012, 08:44 PM
update: baxter got his teeth trimmed today. the vet said that it might keep growing off to the side so he might need braces later on. but the vet trimmed down his teeth. baxter feels a little awkward..but for the most part his teeth looks good.

thank you all for your concerns. special thank you to island rehabber and caryn for getting us in touch with the vet and getting his teeth trimmed.

:thankyou :jump

07-08-2012, 11:34 PM

island rehabber
07-09-2012, 05:56 AM
update: baxter got his teeth trimmed today. the vet said that it might keep growing off to the side so he might need braces later on. but the vet trimmed down his teeth. baxter feels a little awkward..but for the most part his teeth looks good.

thank you all for your concerns. special thank you to island rehabber and caryn for getting us in touch with the vet and getting his teeth trimmed.

:thankyou :jump


07-09-2012, 08:59 AM
:thumbsup :jump

Jackie in Tampa
07-09-2012, 09:14 AM
:thumbsup yay!