View Full Version : Chippy captured 3rd day, and he's not good...

06-29-2012, 08:27 PM
We raised chippy as a baby, and he was released, and has been living in our neighborhood ever since and came too us almost every day. Past month he was quite wobbly, and started falling off trees. We decided to take him in. We locked him in the house on monday- today is friday.
He has broken his top teeth and can't eat properly, his bottom ones are too long.
But that is'nt what's bothering me. We have a squirrel proofed room, and he has free range of it. I am with him the entire day, and all he has done all day is sleep. He woke up once in the morning, and once in the evening. Eats, finds a different spot too sleep, and after five minutes he 's back too sleep. He's not scared,or stressed, he didn't even try to escape much when we locked him in, he couldn't bite the doors cause of his teeth problem.
His diet has been lacking for ever since he lost his teeth, I guess. We noticed his teeth were gone 10 days ago. Could he be getting Mbd?
We have been feeding him mashes, zuchini peanut butter/sweet patato, peanut butter, and just today he started eating Kale mash.
He has hot been eating any rodent blocks.
Worried about him. we have some"life extra strength, calcium antacid, calcium carbonate tablets, usp' one tablet is 750mg each.
I gave him a bit of one with his kale.
can I use this as replacement for tums? and should I stay with him all night feeding him bits of tablet? Is it neccesary? how long does it take for a squirrel to get mbd? And if I do stay with him, how much tablet should I give him/ how often. I read you can overdose them on calcium, how much would he have too eat for that too happen? he has'nt had any vitamin d recently, yesterday we tried too put him in a sunny spot under the window, but he ended up running under the bed,and didn't get any sun. Can he still absorb much calcium? If it isn't MBD what else could be making him so sleepy? He's not scared of us, he's very tame, and sleeps in our laps, so he's not just hiding because he's scared.
thanks, for any help/advice you can give.:tilt

06-29-2012, 08:59 PM
Hi, umm I know squirrels sleep alot inthe afternoon, the are awake in the morning and evening but middle of most of the day they do sleep. sounds like you are getting him veggies but there are more of a veriety you need to look on here under the nutrition section it will give you a list of things. it takes a while of bad diet to get MBD if I am correct. but there is an MBD thread here also. check them out it is alot of info.:Love_Icon

06-29-2012, 10:30 PM
can't write much due to time constraints

Just will say
that if his bottoms are too long, they must be trimmed or they will pierce the roof of his mouth and may result in complications.

You have to watch how the uppers grow back - hopefully, they will grow back straight.

Bottoms are usually longer. Are you sure they are too long ?
Please post a picture of them for the experts to determine whether they are too long or normal.

If he cannot chew hard foods, you will have to mash stuff and, probably, make something like BooBall type of thing: ground up rodent block mixed with fox valley and some ground nuts, unsweetened baby food is usually used as a moist ingredient.

Squirrelfriend might be able to help you with trimming.

But please post photo

Mrs Skul
06-30-2012, 03:51 AM
:morning SquirrelGirl6
What Baby Formula did you feed him? :dono
Have you ordered any FoxVally 32/40? I would put him back on some FoxVally Formula and or a Formula like Milk shake. Start feeding High Calcium foods even if you have to mix them up like a baby food consistency.
Hear are 3 cites that have Squirrel supply. I would order from Henerys. They get your order out the day ordered/ if ordered be for Mailing Pick up time. You get your order QUICKLY!!! :thumbsup3
When they are low on Calcium, or malnourished they will start sleeping allot until the Calcium loss is to much. Then you get the MBD sines. I would think a Chippy would be allot like the Squirrels. Just My Opine.
Good Luck I will be keeping you in my Prayers. :grouphug

06-30-2012, 04:59 AM
If his teeth need trimming I could do it for you, I have been trimming squirrelie's teeth for 6 years.

Jackie in Tampa
06-30-2012, 07:26 AM
:thumbsup :bowdown
If his teeth need trimming I could do it for you, I have been trimming squirrelie's teeth for 6 years.

07-03-2012, 11:19 AM
I just got chippy home. Took pics on the cell phone of his teeth so that I can compare their progress to those photos. I want to see if they are growing. I also got some calcium powder mixed with water in him. I used a syringe for that. He is now back in his carrier with the full spectrum light on him.

07-05-2012, 12:53 PM
Upon inspection today I noticed that his eyes twitch back and forth. This could be what is causing his Wobblies. My Grumbles has the same eye twitches and wobbles.