View Full Version : feeding a wild squirrel

06-26-2012, 06:24 AM
Hi, I've recently begun feeding a wild squirrel that comes onto our back patio and just wanted some advice on what is best. I looked here (http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32218) and I notice it said avoid salted nuts but does it make a difference that this isn't a pet squirrel? I've been feeding her (I think it's a her. She had a really full belly when I first saw her and recently it's shrunk leading me to believe that she had babies! :)) roasted almonds but they are salted. However, I do have unsalted raw sliced almonds... which is better to give her? What about salted cashews? I've been giving her a few of these everyday as well.

Also, I've been feeding her a little bit of my muffin every day as well... I know the chart says avoid sweets but is a little morsel everyday okay?

Also, it seems most fruits are ok and I have been giving her various fruits but I have a ton of dried cranberries I'd like to give her and was wondering if those were ok. I know they have lots of sugar in them so wanted to be sure it's safe to give her a lot of them or if it's better to give her only a little.

Thanks. It's nice to find a place dedicated to these wonderful creatures. :)

06-26-2012, 07:09 AM
Try to avoid too much sugar and definitely avoid the salted nuts. Sodium is no better for them than it is for us :D
:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome

06-26-2012, 10:01 PM
Thanks for replying! What about the cranberries? Would they be ok?

06-26-2012, 10:54 PM
Dried fruit is never a good idea for squirrels, wild or home ones. Much more sugar in those plus the stickiness can make some of them choke on a piece of the sticky fruit.

I would offer fresh berries - they have sugar, yes, but at this time of year it's the kind of thing they'd find in the wild anyway. I have a few wilds who LOVE aocados; you could try that but only the flesh - no skin & no pit, those are toxic. Unsalted nuts. Roasted almonds are OK, some pecans too and some walnuts - all those are better than peanuts (peanuts are not nutritious, and if you must then offer only the roasted ones, not the raw because raw can have toxins in them).

06-28-2012, 09:00 AM
Scooterzmom, thank you. Just one more question... You said raw peanuts are bad but what about the raw almonds?

06-28-2012, 09:32 AM
Raw almonds are excellent. Peanuts are not actually nuts - they are closer to beans (legumes) really.

I feed my wilds rodent block but they also get occasional things like cut up apples and blueberries, since I never can use them all up. They like the fruit...but not NEARLY as much as nuts!

06-29-2012, 04:11 AM
Great! Thanks everyone for their suggestions! :)

07-06-2012, 10:52 AM
I too feed the squirrels that come into my yard in the morning. I buy 5 pound bags of unsalted roasted peanuts from Sam's Club, and 3 pound bags of unsalted almonds from Costco. Most seem to prefer the almonds. I have a question that I wonder if anyone here knows. Do squirrels have a large stomach for their size or just gluttons? I have some squirrels that will sit on my porch and eat 10 to 12 almonds before taking off with a couple in their mouth. To me that seems the same as a human eating a dozen apples.