View Full Version : baby is not good,
06-26-2012, 06:12 AM
Yesterday baby was not good lastnight he was just limp to pic up. the weezing is gone hardly no sneezing but he would not or could not eat. I tubed him lastnight at 12 for this reason. he is still bad but seemed as if he percked up after. my poor baby, I am scared he might die. he sounds better and was looking better now it is like he is back sliding. between him and sam pulling hair out.. grrrrr:dono
06-26-2012, 06:20 AM
:( Hope someone has some advice for you! Prayers for baby...
06-26-2012, 06:25 AM
Are you still giving him hydration? If not, start...
06-26-2012, 06:44 AM
yes giving hydration and he was drinking this morning. he is having trouble getting the food down. I am good at tubing I have had to do it lots of times and was taught well. dont know why I did not think of it with sam, cant risk her loosing any more weight, but baby seem som better when I went to feed a minute ago, so I gave meds, more fluids and tubed fv and he seemed better. but at 12 last night he was awful. soo bad I was scared to go int the cage this morning. but he was drinking after I pulled off cover and woke him up. so I buritoed him fed and put him up.. hope this works to get more food in him that on me and him..:) I will update tonight or in the morning unless some thing bad happens ,busy day today.
06-26-2012, 07:03 AM
Also I will let baby try to eat on his own in the morning or tonight if he seems like he wants to and can. I only tube when they wont or cant eat on their own and baby was just limp and not hardly sucking. seemed some better this morning..:flash3
06-26-2012, 07:11 AM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
06-26-2012, 03:13 PM
baby still same some energy but still tubing he wont suck the milk but trys and I am scared he will asperate..:thinking
06-26-2012, 04:19 PM
grrr these animal babys are driving me crazy...:thinking
06-26-2012, 04:27 PM
You sound so frustrated...
If you're worried about him aspirating, do you have a tiny .5cc syringe you could use?
How often are you feeding him? Could you feed him smaller amounts more frequently until he's feeling better?
Is he still on his Cipro? How are his snuffles and clicking doing?
Poor you! All these troubled little ones! :grouphug
Nancy in New York
06-26-2012, 04:57 PM
WOW not sure what is going on with him now.
What meds is he currently taking? How are his poops?
Can you post a picture?
Did you already take Sam to the vets? Maybe he/she can look at the baby too?????
06-26-2012, 05:01 PM
His respotory is cleared up all but a sneeze.. here and there.. he is on chlora still I think he is constapated.. cant get him to poop..but he is acting better all but having to tube him.there are recent pics
Nancy in New York
06-26-2012, 05:04 PM
His respotory is cleared up all but a sneeze.. here and there.. he is on chlora still I think he is constapated.. cant get him to poop..but he is acting better all but having to tube him.there are recent pics
OK Laura........where are the pictures....what am I missing?
Do you mean the ones from the other day?
I mean recent, like within the last 5 minutes....:poke :rotfl You know me a pictures....:multi
06-26-2012, 05:19 PM
I can get some tonight or in the morning I dont have my phone right now.. sorry.. I will post some tomorrow morning.. my heart is hurting over sam and I am just sooo torn...
06-26-2012, 10:00 PM
lisa is coming to get baby in the morning.thank you soo much.
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