View Full Version : I screwed up... help please!!!
06-22-2012, 08:55 PM
I'm totally shocked. Totally shocked. I might have ended a little guy's life today. :Cry
A friend's neighbor found a chipmunk in her pool and when they brought it to me she was soaked, terrified and not moving much.
I dried it up and put it on heat. Came back an hour later and it was active, alert and doing great!
I brought the cage into my small bathroom to examine her... see if she was a nursing mama, etc. so I could make a decision whether to keep her and watch for infection or release her tomorrow.
She jumped out of the fleece I had her in and shot right into a hole at the top of the toekick under the sink. I ripped the toekick off, but she's disappeared :shakehead ..... she's somewhere in my house.
I heard some scratching in an area beside my sink. I just don't know where she's hiding right now or if she's gone deeper into the basement.
For the love of all things holy, someone give me some advice! :shakehead
06-22-2012, 08:58 PM
If she went in, she can get out. Put some seed near the opening, to try to coax her out. Make a sort of trail to get her to have to move away from the hole to get it so you can possibly block it before she can get back to it. Unless you have a small havaheart trap you could set.
Sweet Simon's Mommy
06-22-2012, 09:02 PM
If she went in, she can get out. Put some seed near the opening, to try to coax her out. Make a sort of trail to get her to have to move away from the hole to get it so you can possibly block it before she can get back to it. Unless you have a small havaheart trap you could set.
that sounds good to me, food is the strongest convincer, when she gets hungry she will show up, have lots of what Chippies eat !!
06-22-2012, 09:03 PM
Okay I peeked in and she's out of the hole. I managed to reach in and stuff a bunch of fleece deep into the crack I'm pretty sure she was hiding in.
God I'm a blubbering mess. I'm on thin ice with my hubby as it is with all of the animal's I've been taking in.
There's a small dish of water and sunflower seeds out for her.
I guess I'll try catching her in a pillow case.... ???
Sweet Simon's Mommy
06-22-2012, 09:11 PM
sounds like a job for super hubby, tinfoil
get him more involved and he will love them too, mine sure does, I think he likes them better than me sometimes:rotfl
06-22-2012, 09:12 PM
GAHH! There's another freaking hidey hole on the OTHER side of the sink.
I'm going to wait a bit and try again...
I noticed she does have a bit of a sneeze... hopefully she's alright in there.
06-22-2012, 09:15 PM
My hubby wouldn't care, except we were breaking even financially before these guys came along and now... well... they cost money and he's super thrifty. I swear he's going to have an aneurysm if I buy anything else for them.
He's also terrified of them. When I'd let the squirrels out for some playtime if they came within a few feet of him he'd start screaming like a girl...
This one time.... :rotfl Betty jumped on the couch beside him and he started running away... and she started hopping along after him chasing him :rotfl
God I've never laughed so hard in my life. He's such a girl :D
Sweet Simon's Mommy
06-22-2012, 09:18 PM
:worthless :worthless :worthless
My hubby wouldn't care, except we were breaking even financially before these guys came along and now... well... they cost money and he's super thrifty. I swear he's going to have an aneurysm if I buy anything else for them.
He's also terrified of them. When I'd let the squirrels out for some playtime if they came within a few feet of him he'd start screaming like a girl...
This one time.... :rotfl Betty jumped on the couch beside him and he started running away... and she started hopping along after him chasing him :rotfl
God I've never laughed so hard in my life. He's such a girl :D
That I would love to see!!
Dont worry, Chippy will come back out.
06-22-2012, 09:26 PM
I went in again and got a little closer to her. Not close enough unfortunately.
She was munching away at the seeds... she would pause and look at me when I'd inch closer. I'd stop moving... she'd start munching again. Repeat. I was juuuust about to toss the pillowcase on top of her and she bolted.
06-22-2012, 09:30 PM
If you can get some of this on tape you might win America's Funniest Videos. I laughed until I cried about him running and Betty hopping after him...:jump :jump :jump $10,000 should help a little...:poke :poke :poke
06-23-2012, 05:53 AM
If you can get some of this on tape you might win America's Funniest Videos. I laughed until I cried about him running and Betty hopping after him...:jump :jump :jump $10,000 should help a little...:poke :poke :poke
I definitely would have made some money with that one. It was absolutely hilarious.
Well... I GOT HER! WOOT!
I had put a bunch of fleece right beside her hidey hole (sort of hoping she'd nest in it for the night)... when I peeked in this morning she was in it, and instead of darting back into the hole when she got scared she buried herself in the fleece :alright.gif So I just took the pillow case and scooped it all up.
Apparently I freak out a little bit. I honestly thought she was going to die somewhere in the walls of my house. :shakehead
Didn't help that my hubby was ready to break out the mouse traps :sanp3 :eek:
06-23-2012, 05:56 AM
Glad you caught her (hey, anyone remember Flower??? So glad you didn't have italian leather in your bathroom!!! lol)
06-23-2012, 06:49 AM
Italian leather.... I can see that being bad.
I think I'm going to invest in a havahart trap... for next time.
Jackie in Tampa
06-23-2012, 07:07 AM
:poke plug the holes....
:jump glad you have her!!!
06-23-2012, 07:15 AM
Oh I'm plugging the holes. Well, hubby needs to buy a new toekick, so he'll be plugging the holes. :D
island rehabber
06-23-2012, 07:24 AM
Glad you caught her (hey, anyone remember Flower??? So glad you didn't have italian leather in your bathroom!!! lol)
OMG :nono last night when I logged out after reading this thread, I was saying to myself: "do NOT think of NOT think of Flower.....DON'T jinx this poor lady by invoking the spirit of Flower and making her think she's going to have a chipmunk in her life who takes over her bathroom, her car and eventually her entire life! Noooooooooooooooooo!!! "
06-23-2012, 07:37 AM
I would LOVE to hear about Flower! :D
06-23-2012, 12:56 PM
:rotfl this is funny I have the same problem with family and my :wahoo but they are here to stay and I wuv dim to peices:Love_Icon
06-23-2012, 01:52 PM
:jump Glad you got the munky out. :thumbsup I so wanted to link you to Flower's thread last night (just to give you extra stress you didn't need :icon_devil) but I got interrupted. I also thought of Miriam's Sootie who was stuck in/under--I think it was--the washing machine.
So how many grey hairs do you have today? :dono :D
Hopefully the little guy will be ok now...
The story of the chippie named Flower:
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