View Full Version : Chicken Bones?

Milo's Mom
06-22-2012, 12:19 PM
Last night the BF and I had BBQ drumsticks for dinner. I saved some of the bones and was thinking of boiling them down (to get everything off other than bone) then drying them out and giving them to Ellie.

I know chicken bones are not good for dogs since they are so soft, are they okay for squirrels?

At times I see the wilds eating bones that resemble one from a chicken wing...not sure where they are getting them though.


06-22-2012, 01:09 PM
Mine gobble them up. Squirrelly's been eating them for three years now. Had a wild drag a huge dog bone up a tree the other week too!

Milo's Mom
06-22-2012, 01:37 PM
So do you just boil the gristle and meat off them and hand them a leg bone?

06-22-2012, 01:40 PM
That's what I have done. I make sure they don't have any remnants that are pointy so they don't choke (or in Dusty's case so she doesn't stab us with them).

06-22-2012, 10:22 PM
There is no reason you can't leave a little gristle and meat on the bone. Squirrels like meat too. They love to chew the cartilage off the ends of the leg bones. Rodents aren't dogs. Rodents are gnawers and nibble at the bone little bites or scrapes at a time. Dogs don't usually bother chewing that much. Just one or two crunches and down it goes. It is just a little messier if the meat is left on the bone, since it is greasier.

06-23-2012, 05:40 AM
True, Dusty has taken off with bits of chicken. I just took mine off in case someone decided to hide it somewhere, didn't want stanky rotting chicken laying around.

06-23-2012, 01:04 PM
:rotfl learn somthing new every time Im on this board.. great now the squirrel gets xenas bones..:poke :Love_Icon

06-23-2012, 01:42 PM
I don't boil them down at all. My flyers love them! (Never tried with the grays, but I don't see why not.) :thumbsup

06-23-2012, 04:19 PM
Yep, my flyer Anakin loves them too. I will bake him a chicken wing once a week, and after it has cooked, I just peel the skin off it. He gets the rest. Super cool to see him drill a hole in the bones to get to the marrow......

Milo's Mom
06-23-2012, 04:52 PM
I gave Princess Ellie one of the bones. I was holding her when I handed it to her. OMG! If looks could kill. She looked at me like "WTF!?" You expect me to LIKE that and be HAPPY about it? Get that wretched thing away from me, immediately! Then she chattered at me, which is the sign that she wants down RIGHT NOW! I placed the bone in her cage and left her alone. She moved all of her stuffies and toys and pinecones and anything else she could as far away from it as possible. Guess she does not like the bone...:thinking
Maybe Princesses don't chew on bones???

06-23-2012, 04:57 PM
LOL. Oh, Princess Ellie you don't know what you are missing.

Charley Chuckles
06-29-2012, 05:39 AM
I am sure it would be OK but I won't give them to Charley I am afraid he may get a sliver in his throat:eek: just not worth the extra worry to me :shakehead

Charley Chuckles
06-29-2012, 05:42 AM
That is way funny :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4
I gave Princess Ellie one of the bones. I was holding her when I handed it to her. OMG! If looks could kill. She looked at me like "WTF!?" You expect me to LIKE that and be HAPPY about it? Get that wretched thing away from me, immediately! Then she chattered at me, which is the sign that she wants down RIGHT NOW! I placed the bone in her cage and left her alone. She moved all of her stuffies and toys and pinecones and anything else she could as far away from it as possible. Guess she does not like the bone...:thinking
Maybe Princesses don't chew on bones???

06-30-2012, 07:43 AM
I gave Princess Ellie one of the bones. I was holding her when I handed it to her. OMG! If looks could kill. She looked at me like "WTF!?" You expect me to LIKE that and be HAPPY about it? Get that wretched thing away from me, immediately! Then she chattered at me, which is the sign that she wants down RIGHT NOW! I placed the bone in her cage and left her alone. She moved all of her stuffies and toys and pinecones and anything else she could as far away from it as possible. Guess she does not like the bone...:thinking
Maybe Princesses don't chew on bones???
Change BBQ sauce. :D

Milo's Mom
06-30-2012, 08:04 AM
Change BBQ sauce. :D

I thought about that. When I made the chicken it did have BBQ sauce on it, but then I picked everything off and then boiled it well for an hour and then dried it. Can't imagine that there was much BBQ sauce left.

She has taken a few nibbles on it...not that she has this while I was watching, but I do look at it daily and I have noticed some tooth marks. So I think she is warming up to the chicken bone.:thumbsup

07-03-2012, 10:31 PM
I gave Princess Ellie one of the bones. I was holding her when I handed it to her. OMG! If looks could kill. She looked at me like "WTF!?" You expect me to LIKE that and be HAPPY about it? Get that wretched thing away from me, immediately! Then she chattered at me, which is the sign that she wants down RIGHT NOW! I placed the bone in her cage and left her alone. She moved all of her stuffies and toys and pinecones and anything else she could as far away from it as possible. Guess she does not like the bone...:thinking
Maybe Princesses don't chew on bones???

What were you thinking MM? :thinking :dono
Princess Ellie gnawing on bones would HAVE to be akin to the Queen of England carrying around a turkey leg at the state fair.:eek:

Milo's Mom
07-04-2012, 07:17 AM
What were you thinking MM? :thinking :dono
Princess Ellie gnawing on bones would HAVE to be akin to the Queen of England carrying around a turkey leg at the state fair.:eek:

:rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4

Although, I have noticed a few little marks on it...I have not taken it out of her cage.

07-06-2012, 10:32 PM
My Squirrelis loves chicken bones- I do clean them up and she chews a whole in it and eats the marrow:D
I have also given her baby back rib bones cleaned up of course- loves it:crazy