View Full Version : Love this web-site!

06-20-2012, 12:41 AM
Hi, I am a new rehabber in MN and recently discovered The Squirrel Board. I am now addicted and have been reading so many stories and posts and have learned so much. I have been volunteering in a large Wildlife Rehab Center here in St. Paul for 2 years. I work in the squirrel nursery and just love it. Last summer I rehabbed a baby squirrel at my house that a neighbor found, I did a slow release and she still lives somewhere in our yard (we are in a wooded area) She comes for nuts every day and sits on my lap. I suspected she had a litter in the spring by the look of her belly but yesterday finally saw her with a young one. I'm so in love with her and and so happy she stayed close and still comes for treats. I also released about 12 others in my yard last fall from the rehab center. I fed them all winter but in the spring they scattered. I don't currently have any rehab squirrels at home - still waiting for my official license. DNR is so slow I can hardly stand it. I've jumped through all the hoops and have waited many months but still no license. Very frustrating. Anyway, I love this web site and want to thank everyone for such great information. Clearly you are a group of caring wildlife lovers who support each other. Thanks for letting me join the fun. :thankyou

06-20-2012, 02:19 AM
HI and WELCOME to TSB............. :wave123

Jackie in Tampa
06-20-2012, 06:12 AM
:Welcome :wave123
Sq Peeps rule!!!
Welcome to TSB
Congrats on your upcoming license!!:bowdown

we love pics...:poke

island rehabber
06-20-2012, 06:17 AM
:Welcome Sharon! :Welcome

What a great post -- that's what makes this all so worth it!
I hear ya about waiting for a license....years ago I took my test and passed in Oct, then waited until December to get my 'interview' scheduled, and finally got the license in the mail in late January. Good thing we don't have a winter baby season in NYC. :shakehead

Yes, we love pix so post 'em if you got 'em. How wonderful that your local rehab center has a squirrel nursery -- so many don't even bother with baby squirrels because they are very labor-intensive. :thumbsup

Again, welcome to TSB! :crazy

06-20-2012, 06:41 AM
:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome Sharon! So glad to see you join us here :D . If you need any help, you now have a place to ask for help-which we love to do. But---OH, how we love those pictures! Hope you get babies soon (I am sure you will!). Seems that they never stop here in Florida :jump .

06-20-2012, 10:09 AM
Thank you for the warm welcome! Hope the photos work. Not exactly sure how to attach them but I'll give it a try.

Okay, I attaached photos and they were HUGE. How do I attach them so they show up in a normal size?

Jackie in Tampa
06-20-2012, 10:35 AM
try a right click on the photo, mine gives a resize option right there!
otherwise, i am UN TECHy!:shakehead

Kelly Brady
06-20-2012, 11:59 AM
A big hello to you Sharon:wave123

Welcome to The Squirrel Board. It is a wonderful place and congrats on getting your license:thumbsup

I am not much help on the picture resizing. I had I.T. at work help to show me how. They fixed me up with right clicking and my resize option appears.:D

06-21-2012, 01:22 AM
Well, here is try #2 to put up photos. I tried right clicking on them but there wasn't an option to change the sizing.

06-21-2012, 01:29 AM
Okay, here is a photo of me with my baby from last summer who is living in my yard. She is really funny. She is the mom in the other photo (on right). Her baby boy is on the left. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

06-21-2012, 02:42 AM
:wave123 :Welcome from our nut house to yours!
(This one needed a tad resizing to enjoy the view)

island rehabber
06-21-2012, 07:21 AM
Absolutely adorable! Nice healthy fuzzers you have there! :thumbsup

06-21-2012, 07:54 AM
:Welcome Sharon!!

I agree with you.. This forum is fantastic! :thumbsup ... and I am also addicted. :morning :hyper

06-21-2012, 11:12 AM
Thank you Stepnstone! Still learning how to navigate this forum.

Thank you all for such a warm wonderful welcome to TSB:thankyou