View Full Version : Micah is bleeding

Milo's Mom
06-10-2012, 04:37 PM
This is not life threatening, but I need to know what to do asap.

Micah was up in the Maple tree napping all afternoon. At some point Sami went into the same tree and was also napping.

Then while the BF and I were standing in the driveway we heard this rucus going on and immediately look towards the Maple tree.

Sami & Micah were being chased by an unknown wild. Sami fell out of the tree into the raspberry patch and ran off. She is fine and is begging for nuts.

Micah ran all the way down the tree, across the mulch bed, and up the release cage to the top of it before we could get back there to scare away the wild.

Micah's nose is all bloody and she is sneezing blood. Her eyes are halfway open and have white tears. Her teeth appear to be fine. I am positive that Sami fell, not Micah. After a few minutes of coaxing and bribing with strategically placed treats we managed to get her into the release cage and we locked her in.

First, what do I need to do about Micah's nose?

Then, what do I do about Sami? Micah has not been sleeping in the RC because Sami will not allow her to anymore. As of this moment, Sami is out running around in the yard and Micah is locked in the RC in their old nest box (the one they used all winter in the dining room...the one with the panoramic views).

It is now 5:30 my time and in just a couple hours Sami will be looking to go to bed...she cannot, as she is locked out.

I have a teeny tiny bit of meds and pain killers if needed.

These guys have been released for 3 weeks now and they were overwintered, so they are older and they are mean. I have not been able to touch them or hold them in months.

Please advise!

EDIT: I will try to get some pics..,I cannot promise, but I will try.

Nancy in New York
06-10-2012, 04:46 PM
This is not life threatening, but I need to know what to do asap.

Micah was up in the Maple tree napping all afternoon. At some point Sami went into the same tree and was also napping.

Then while the BF and I were standing in the driveway we heard this rucus going on and immediately look towards the Maple tree.

Sami & Micah were being chased by an unknown wild. Sami fell out of the tree into the raspberry patch and ran off. She is fine and is begging for nuts.

Micah ran all the way down the tree, across the mulch bed, and up the release cage to the top of it before we could get back there to scare away the wild.

Micah's nose is all bloody and she is sneezing blood. Her eyes are halfway open and have white tears. Her teeth appear to be fine. I am positive that Sami fell, not Micah. After a few minutes of coaxing and bribing with strategically placed treats we managed to get her into the release cage and we locked her in.

First, what do I need to do about Micah's nose?

Then, what do I do about Sami? Micah has not been sleeping in the RC because Sami will not allow her to anymore. As of this moment, Sami is out running around in the yard and Micah is locked in the RC in their old nest box (the one they used all winter in the dining room...the one with the panoramic views).

It is now 5:30 my time and in just a couple hours Sami will be looking to go to bed...she cannot, as she is locked out.

I have a teeny tiny bit of meds and pain killers if needed.

These guys have been released for 3 weeks now and they were overwintered, so they are older and they are mean. I have not been able to touch them or hold them in months.

Please advise!

EDIT: I will try to get some pics..,I cannot promise, but I will try.

I would take a damp cloth and gently wipe off her nose. Just see if it continues to bleed. Then I would give rescue remedy and some pain reliever, infant ibuprophen if you have that. Let me finish reading the rest of this.:thumbsup

Sweet Simon's Mommy
06-10-2012, 04:50 PM
do you have any other cages to put her in so the release age is available?

Nancy in New York
06-10-2012, 04:51 PM
OK so this is Sami's nest box that Micah is in. Is there anyway that you can get the cage that they were overwintered in and get Micah in that, you may have to keep her inside for observation.

SSM you beat me to it.....:D

Milo's Mom
06-10-2012, 05:14 PM
Okay, update. Mommy is breathing now.

The cage that they were in all winter was IN the RC, as it was the only way we could get them into the RC, then after they left the old cage in the RC they were loose in the RC and we could not get it out. BUT, Micah went into the old cage and into the old nest box in the old cage, so I closed the transfer door at the bottom which was tied open since we moved them in to the RC. Then we took the doors off the RC, pulled the old cage out of the RC and put the doors back on the RC and opened it up for Sami. Thing is she's gonna have to sleep in the RC nest box and not the one she's been sleeping in.

So, Micah is in the overwinter cage, which is sitting next to the RC and the RC is open for Sami.

It looks like the bleeding has stopped for the most part. There is some pink fluid, but I would expect that with a wound. She is doing a lot of sniffing (that pffffffft noise they make). She is resting in the nest box on her back with all fours in the air...it's nearly 90 here...so this is probably the coolest position for her. Her breathing is maybe slightly elevated, but not to an alarming rate. (we had to do a lot of banging around to get the cage out of the cage, so she may still be breathing quicker from all of that)

I did get a few pics, but I fear that they will not show the real damage. I will download them, but I must get a bottle of water out to Micah first.

I have absolutely no idea how much she weighs. She will be a year old in August and she is one of the more chunky ones.

I do have infant motrin, but do I just guess at her weight? :dono

Sweet Simon's Mommy
06-10-2012, 05:20 PM
you know the dosages.. a guesstament won't hurt her, she isnt going to OD

Milo's Mom
06-10-2012, 05:43 PM
Tried the infant motrin...she wanted nothing to do with it. I followed her around the cage a few times and then she started chattering at me. She is up and moving about and she is drinking water. I think I might just leave her be for a little and if I see she is in distress/pain I will get them into her (Mommy isn't always a softie).

The white tears are gone too.

Milo's Mom
06-10-2012, 06:22 PM
OMG!! I just went back to the cages to check on Micah. STORMY was in the RC eating and Sami was out in the yard hopping around. Micah was in her cage squeaking at Stormy...she could see him stealing Sami's food.

Glad to see Stormy (his coloring is awesome) but IN the RC after all these weeks/months?

Kristin Ward
06-10-2012, 06:48 PM
Good luck to you MM. Why do they always hurt themselves right before dark? Hope Micah will be o.k. I'll add her to my squirrel prayer list.:grouphug

Nancy in New York
06-10-2012, 06:50 PM
OMG!! I just went back to the cages to check on Micah. STORMY was in the RC eating and Sami was out in the yard hopping around. Micah was in her cage squeaking at Stormy...she could see him stealing Sami's food.

Glad to see Stormy (his coloring is awesome) but IN the RC after all these weeks/months?

Of course Stormy is in there......:shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead

Milo's Mom
06-11-2012, 07:46 AM
Micah's nose does not look all that great. I cannot tell how much swelling there is, cause her nose sort of has corners now. The bleeding has stopped, as well as the pink fluid weeping. She did eat some food and it looks like she drank a little water. She is jumping around in the cage and obviously wants out, NOW.

I am concerned that it could become infected, but if it does, trying to get meds into her is going to prove very difficult. Not necessarily impossible but pretty darn close. When it comes to holding and touching her she is just like a wild...it ain't happening, period, end of conversation. I would be able to dose food though.

At the moment she is in the nest box. Also, I think I failed to mentioned yesterday, that she is very obviously in heat.

Shall I keep her locked up for a few days or shall I let her be free and hope that she comes home at night?

Here are some pics from yesterday evening when she got hurt and then from just a few minutes ago.

Five pics from last night:
(The thing on her fur in the third pic is part of a pinecone. She had a couple of them on her last night and I looked at them VERY closely.)
175310 175311
175312 175313

Four pics from this morning:
175315 175316
175317 175318

Nancy in New York
06-11-2012, 08:00 AM
OUCH OUCH OUCH....MM as much as she may want out, if she is in heat, there is no way I would risk anything now. How long does that last, I actually thought it was only a very short time.
I would keep her at least 1 more day, to observe. She may be mad, but it's for her safety.
Which way are you leaning? Sometimes, (and this is one because you know your squirrels and I feel totally comfortable saying this to YOU)....you have to go with what YOUR gut tells you.
Kisses to the little patient.:Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon

Milo's Mom
06-11-2012, 08:14 AM
OUCH OUCH OUCH....MM as much as she may want out, if she is in heat, there is no way I would risk anything now. How long does that last, I actually thought it was only a very short time.
I would keep her at least 1 more day, to observe. She may be mad, but it's for her safety.
Which way are you leaning? Sometimes, (and this is one because you know your squirrels and I feel totally comfortable saying this to YOU)....you have to go with what YOUR gut tells you.
Kisses to the little patient.:Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon

My gut is torn. It is upsetting to see her so mad and know that I am taking her freedom from her. But, if I take a day or two or three from her, it may result in her having so many more in the trees being free.

I fear that when I do release her again, she will NOT come home again...she will think that I will lock her up again...this makes me think that keeping her may be a good idea just to make sure that infection does not set in, and if it does, I will be able to get meds into her right away.

She is NOT chewing at the cage, so I am glad about that. She seems to be comfortable and relaxed in the nest box; however, at times she does zip around and paces a little telling me she wants out.

If you all agree that hanging onto her for at least another day is a good idea so that I can evaluate/keep and eye on her nose, I agree...I think this is what my head is telling me to do. My heart is saying to open up the cage for her...sometimes my heart is dumb, maybe?

Nancy in New York
06-11-2012, 08:28 AM
I have had to keep squirrels that were injured, and I feared the same thing....they would never return.
Perfect example is Fluffer.....need I say more.:D

Jackie in Tampa
06-11-2012, 08:30 AM
I say 5 days and metacam if she will stay..:thinking
you would be surprised, many do not hold it against us in the future...
granted, they are jerks while in recovery:D , but that's instinct for ya.
soft cold food momma:grouphug watermelon slurpee!:poke on a silver spoon...ain't we a riot!
Love ya for caring enough...Micah will be okay:thumbsup :bowdown

06-11-2012, 08:43 AM
She will get over it. Hold her in a few days, let her rest (do you think if you let her out and she got worse you could catch her again?) That nose looks pretty rough. You can see the pain in her eyes. let her be, feed her, let her heal a bit and then go from there. She will not hold it against you (remember, I had to recage Nut....as I type, he is sitting staring at me through my screen wanting more nommies!!! lol)

Milo's Mom
06-11-2012, 08:58 AM
Okie Dokie, she will be staying put for a few days.

Jackie, unfortunately I do not have Metacam.

I tried to give her Infant Motrin last evening and she wanted NOTHING to do with it.

The meds I have on hand are as follows:

Tramadol (1 tablet) 50mg -- Expired 3/31/2011
Amoxicillin (3 capsules) 500mg -- Expires 6/15/2012
Cephalexin/Keflex (4 capsules) 500mg -- Expires 5/31/2013
Cipro (4 tablets) 500mg -- Unknown Expiration Date (got at 2/2012 Gathering)
Infant Motrin (liquid)

Jackie in Tampa
06-11-2012, 09:09 AM
Okie Dokie, she will be staying put for a few days.

Jackie, unfortunately I do not have Metacam.

I tried to give her Infant Motrin last evening and she wanted NOTHING to do with it.

The meds I have on hand are as follows:

Tramadol (1 tablet) 50mg -- Expired 3/31/2011 STILL VERY USABLE< narcotics have much longer stable time than ABs
Amoxicillin (3 capsules) 500mg -- Expires 6/15/2012
Cephalexin/Keflex (4 capsules) 500mg -- Expires 5/31/2013
Cipro (4 tablets) 500mg -- Unknown Expiration Date (got at 2/2012 Gathering)I was told they were fresh that week, so one year from then:D
Infant Motrin (liquid)

motrin is a good anti inflammatory..:thumbsup
unless she hides completely or sits with head down {obvious pain signs, pleted ears pinched ears standing fur...} I wouldn't give her anything else...but that's what I would do..:dono
if she does show signs of distress and pain, tramadol is perfect, sqs tolerate it well.
poor little goober lover:Love_Icon

Sweet Simon's Mommy
06-11-2012, 09:15 AM
almost looks split under the nosey
I say keep her watch for swelling and yes cold give her some ice or make a snow cone for her to bury her nose in.

Milo's Mom
06-11-2012, 07:05 PM
It took me all day and at least 10 attempts, but I FINALLY got Micah to eat a chunk of watermelon.

She also nibbled on 1/2 of a 1/2 of a grape.

She is starting to worry me.

She did lick an ice cube when I held it up to her, but then she swatted me and I dropped the ice cube.

I am hoping that maybe today she was just really sore and tomorrow will be better...you know how booboos always hurt so much more the next day?

I do not see any change in swelling or decrease of the tiny bit there is. Everything seems to be scabbed over fairly well (not sure if that is a good thing or not...due to holding bacteria in).

I offered her FV and she thought about it for a millisecond, but then swatted it away too.

Nancy in New York
06-11-2012, 07:08 PM
It took me all day and at least 10 attempts, but I FINALLY got Micah to eat a chunk of watermelon.

She also nibbled on 1/2 of a 1/2 of a grape.

She is starting to worry me.

She did lick an ice cube when I held it up to her, but then she swatted me and I dropped the ice cube.

I am hoping that maybe today she was just really sore and tomorrow will be better...you know how booboos always hurt so much more the next day?

I do not see any change in swelling or decrease of the tiny bit there is. Everything seems to be scabbed over fairly well (not sure if that is a good thing or not...due to holding bacteria in).

I offered her FV and she thought about it for a millisecond, but then swatted it away too.

I wonder if everything is alright in her wittle mouff....:dono
:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

Milo's Mom
06-11-2012, 07:13 PM
From what I was able to see everything looked okay. She is as wild as sin, so it's not like I can just stick my hands in her mouth and look around.

Her eyes are still not bright, sort of sleepy looking...but then again I did keep waking her up to check on her.

I am going to go lock Sami up for the night soon so I will be checking on Micah again.

I left 2 big chunks of watermelon on the porch of her nest box, so they were within super close reach for her.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
06-11-2012, 07:17 PM
wish you could put something on her nose. If it is deep you dont want scabs yet, if it needs to ooze.
If it is a swallow scrap them scab is good,
Tell her to hold still like a good little girl so you can take a looksy.:)
ok you can smack me now

Milo's Mom
06-11-2012, 07:20 PM
I thought about dosing her watermelon with Tramadol to make her a little loopy, but then thought I'd better not do that just yet.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
06-11-2012, 07:36 PM
Benadril will do the same thing

Milo's Mom
06-11-2012, 07:50 PM
Benadril will do the same thing

Yes, it will, but I was also thinking about a pain killer...that way if I need to do anything else to her...like pick at her nose to see how bad it really is...it might not hurt her too much.

She ate one of the large pieces of watermelon I placed on the porch of her box. I offered her the other piece and she did not want it.

It is supposed to start raining tonight around 12 and rain straight thru 3am Wednesday morning, so it will be MUCH cooler outside.

I am not going to be home tomorrow throughout the day, so when I get home in the evening if she is not acting more normal, she's coming in the house and being drugged so I can figure out what the heck is going on.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
06-11-2012, 08:16 PM
sounds like a good plan, get one of the knock out dart guns they use for bears, that will work:D

Milo's Mom
06-12-2012, 06:22 AM
SSM - Dart guns for bears! LOL!! :shakehead

Micah seems to be feeling better. She greeted me when I delivered breakfast, then found a nut and ate it. She is peeing and pooping like a champ.

As soon as I gave her her bowl of breakfast she ran over to it and investigated, found a grape and ate it, then ate a piece of avocado, threw a piece of kale, then ate watermelon.

I am keeping her locked up again today, she seems to be sniffing less ans her eyes looked brighter too.

The heat from yesterday is gone and today it should not go above 79*, and although it is not raining at the moment we are supposed to have rain all day so it will stay cool.

Big sigh of guarded relief for Squammy.

Before I went out to feed her I told the BF that is by tonight she is not showing improvement she is coming in the house and I plan to burrito her and cram meds and pain killers into her...and if she decides she is going to bite me, then so be it...bite away sweetheart...but Squammy is putting her foot down...after he saw her this morning he said she must have heard me! :rotfl

06-12-2012, 06:33 AM
She just needs a few days of R and R to recover. She will get there. Glad to her she is doing better today. And she will not hold it against you, I know you are concerned about that. Give her a few more days, and when you have a good forcast for a few days, before you let her out.

Milo's Mom
06-12-2012, 09:05 PM
Upon arriving home this evening I could not get out of the car fast enough to get back to the cages (in the pouring rain).

Micah ate almost everything in her dish and drank a decent amount of water. She was climbing the sides of the cage and doing the "nut sniff" at me. Of course I had nuts...she ate 3 and buried 1.

As I was getting ready to head back to the house, Sami popped her head out of her box and made some noises (none that I think I've ever heard before), then Micah made some of the same sounding noises back. I just stood there and stared at them. They were talking...with noises to each other...not just grunts...different pitched squeaks...they almost sounded friendly.

Nancy in New York
06-12-2012, 09:07 PM
Upon arriving home this evening I could not get out of the car fast enough to get back to the cages (in the pouring rain).

Micah ate almost everything in her dish and drank a decent amount of water. She was climbing the sides of the cage and doing the "nut sniff" at me. Of course I had nuts...she ate 3 and buried 1.

As I was getting ready to head back to the house, Sami popped her head out of her box and made some noises (none that I think I've ever heard before), then Micah made some of the same sounding noises back. I just stood there and stared at them. They were talking...with noises to each other...not just grunts...different pitched squeaks...they almost sounded friendly.

Glad that she is doing better. Sounds like she is definitely on the road to a good recovery. Wonder what they were saying....:dono :tilt

Milo's Mom
06-12-2012, 09:10 PM
Glad that she is doing better. Sounds like she is definitely on the road to a good recovery. Wonder what they were saying....:dono :tilt

Probably something like:

Sami - "Hey Micah, how many nuts did you get?
Micah - "Four!"
Sami - "Wow, I only got three."
Micah - "That's cause I have a booboo on my nose and you have the bigger cage...and that equals an additional nut from Mommy."
Sami - "I do have the bigger cage, but you have MY bed!"

Nancy in New York
06-12-2012, 09:13 PM
Probably something like:

Sami - "Hey Micah, how many nuts did you get?
Micah - "Four!"
Sami - "Wow, I only got three."
Micah - "That's cause I have a booboo on my nose and you have the bigger cage...and that equals an additional nut from Mommy."
Sami - "I do have the bigger cage, but you have MY bed!"
:rofl4 Kids.....:shakehead

06-12-2012, 09:14 PM
Upon arriving home this evening I could not get out of the car fast enough to get back to the cages (in the pouring rain).

Micah ate almost everything in her dish and drank a decent amount of water. She was climbing the sides of the cage and doing the "nut sniff" at me. Of course I had nuts...she ate 3 and buried 1.

As I was getting ready to head back to the house, Sami popped her head out of her box and made some noises (none that I think I've ever heard before), then Micah made some of the same sounding noises back. I just stood there and stared at them. They were talking...with noises to each other...not just grunts...different pitched squeaks...they almost sounded friendly.
:) :grouphug

06-12-2012, 09:17 PM
Probably something like:

Sami - "Hey Micah, how many nuts did you get?
Micah - "Four!"
Sami - "Wow, I only got three."
Micah - "That's cause I have a booboo on my nose and you have the bigger cage...and that equals an additional nut from Mommy."
Sami - "I do have the bigger cage, but you have MY bed!"

Good one.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
06-12-2012, 09:23 PM
squirrel conspiracy

Milo's Mom
06-13-2012, 08:27 AM
Micah's nose is looking REALLY good. I was so scared of her getting an infection....am still a little, but I think if she was going to I'd be seeing signs of it by now.

Most of the scab has come off and she is once again washing/grooming her face/nose. She is jumping all over the cage and investigating every door for a possible point of escape.

I hate to keep her locked up longer than necessary, so I told her that if her nose continues to look good and she is still eating/drinking/peeing/pooping perfectly come Friday morning, I'll open the portal for her so she can have her freedom back...then I gave her an almond as a peace offering.

What do you all think about giving her freedom back on Friday morning?

06-13-2012, 08:50 AM
It's good news that she is doing better. :thumbsup
Hopefully even better news on Friday.....:wahoo

Kristin Ward
06-13-2012, 09:45 AM
Glad to hear Micah is doing better. :D

Milo's Mom
06-16-2012, 07:27 AM
My plans for releasing Micah yesterday got messed up, so instead she was released first thing this morning. She was happy to see freedom again. She took a few really fast laps through the trees before she went back to work on the nest she was building prior to be hurt.

06-16-2012, 09:25 AM
My plans for releasing Micah yesterday got messed up, so instead she was released first thing this morning. She was happy to see freedom again. She took a few really fast laps through the trees before she went back to work on the nest she was building prior to be hurt.

:thumbsup :wahoo :thumbsup

06-16-2012, 09:45 AM
Stay safe, Micah. But you know where home is, so don't forget to let your mom know you are ok! Glad she is better. They sure give us the worries!!!

Kristin Ward
06-16-2012, 12:23 PM
Don't worry your Momma anymore Micah.:tilt

Jackie in Tampa
06-16-2012, 12:24 PM

Sweet Simon's Mommy
06-16-2012, 03:39 PM
:thumbsup :thumbsup