View Full Version : Watermelon Seed

06-06-2012, 03:42 PM
I just gave my baby a piece of watermelon and didn't realize it had a seed in it until too late to get it from him. What do I need to do cause I know they are poison to squirrels!:multi :dono

06-06-2012, 04:21 PM
Where did you read they were poisonous to squirrels?

Jackie in Tampa
06-06-2012, 04:39 PM
they are?:thinking no, they're not!!:shakehead
I think it's okay!:thumbsup

06-06-2012, 09:46 PM
I've never heard of watermelon seed being toxic to anyone.

06-07-2012, 12:23 AM
If they are poison then my guys should have been dead a long time ago: they love watermelon seeds. In fact, they don't eat the melon... just the seeds :shakehead

06-07-2012, 09:16 AM
Old wives tale.

Think about how many wild animals eat fruit (including watermelon) and the seeds... and have thrived for thousands of years.

Then again, everything in moderation, right? I'm sure any food would be hurtful you if you only ate that particular thing.

06-07-2012, 09:27 AM
Mine likes the fruit seeds bettr than the fruit I think. Apple, watrmelon, pear, oranges,grape,plum, mango and even peach. I don't know about fruit that is not native to our area. I not sure about avocado, apricot, or any other fruit or vegetable. :thinking

06-07-2012, 10:37 PM
Mine love them as treats. (flyers)
Same with cantalope.

Jackie in Tampa
06-09-2012, 06:26 AM
watermelon seeds are safe...not every seed is.:nono
Apple seeds contain cyanide..
I have some experience/knowledge with cyanide.
I worked with chemicals everyday as a bench jeweler.
Cyanide is stored in the body fat, it is not expelled thru urine.
It accumulates until deadly amount is reached.
Every species of mammels have over the years evolved to eat what is in their environment...
and I seriously doubt anyone really knows the threshold of amygdalin or cyanide in a sq...
even these compounds can change tremendously when a slight molecular structure is changed or different mammel metabolisation occurs.
Apricots, plum, cherries, oranges etc...
nothing should be give solely..variety is always key in nnature and in captive requied diets.
So while we will probably never know how poisonous each seed is to each sq in each different location {region, flora fauna and deciduous have to play key in this somewhere too}availability and genetics will def be something to research before knowing JUST HOW dangerous seeds are.:dono
IMO, a seed every now and then is okay!
A pile of seeeds is probably not ideal, for a grey sq.
Gosh there is so much I could get into studying if I just had time..:tilt