View Full Version : Henrys picky blocks

05-26-2012, 07:49 AM
OK, so I just ordered some picky blocks. I sure hope this works as I have one of the worst picky eaters!!!!!! She is about 11-12 weeks now, does not want formula at all anymore, and is soooo fussy. I have rat block for her. never saw her eat any of it. But I have seen her bury it right in the pee-pee section of her cage!!!!!! i guess that is what she things of them. I am running out of ideas. Until the picky blocks get here, I will continue with my little vitamin ball trick. I take a tiny bit of almond butter ( maybe 1/3 teaspoon ) I roll it like clay and mix in one 500MG tums ( crushed) and tiny bit of powder pet bird vitamins from Dynamite nutrition ( very good stuff and all chelated). I know it is for birds, but until those picky blocks get here, I have to do something!
She does eat some wild plants from outside, like dandilions and lambs quarter, but not too much else. Oh yes, she does eat sweet potatoe. Fussy girl!
She is also a needy squirrel. She is so terrified of everything when I put her in her outdoor cage for the day, and she just LOVES to snuggle in my sleeve at bedtime. But during the day she plays hard and is active. She seems fine, but I have never had one sooooooo fussy.

05-26-2012, 10:13 AM
HI !
I also have an extremely picky girl. Stella seems to like the Picky formula better, but I found that she learned how to just dig the nuts out of them and leaves me with a block with a bunch of little holes in it . I have since started making her boo balls with the HHB instead of Kaytees...that helped, but she won't touch them if they are more than a couple days old...even from the freezer.
Good luck! Let me know if you find some magic trick because right now we practice "tough love" almost every other day.

05-26-2012, 12:07 PM
Quagmire is the same way. I had some better success with the 'wild bites' HHB. He doesn't like the picky eaters HHB at all.

Now that I have Doc Martin, he eats both kinds. I have the regular HHB and 'wild bites' on order right now to keep up.

Good Luck!

05-26-2012, 12:59 PM
What I do for my girls is crush the rodent blocks, I have Kaytee,that they normally do not eat. I mix them with some mashed avocado, flax seed, some powdered formula and a touch of peanut butter. They wait for these every am, and then in eve, they get Henry's healthy growth fomula blocks. This has worked well for me, as I did not want to throw the rodent blocks away. I may add a little chopped pecan or walnut to entice them.

05-27-2012, 07:42 AM
well, I went out looking for other rodent food yesterday. I got some from kaytee. They are like giant pellets. She LOVES them!!!!!!!! lets hope it lasts. otherwise I will be grinding them and mixing them to get them in her as well.
Silly squirrels:thinking