View Full Version : Found a Baby Squirrel with Probable Broken Back in Montreal

05-21-2012, 03:10 AM
It's the first baby that I saw on the ground this year. Three weeks ago it even came to stand beside me for 5 minutes after its mother came to me for an almond. It was fine last wednesday afternoon, but since early that evening it has been dragging itself by its front two legs with no movement from either back leg or its tail. On wednesday, it kept just out reach from me until, with night falling, it came closer to be with the squirrels that were coming and going around another tree. So I went to get a box but I didn't see it again until friday evening.

So the baby is in my apartment since friday evening and its condition has remained stable. It doesn't seem to be in pain but its spine has a big bump in the middle. Also the squirrel is very sad and terrified, although it is relatively docile when I pick it up for its feedings. Being a caregiver, I have only precious little time to spend away from my apartment and it took me 24 hours to find goat milk. So for the first 24 hours, I could only hydrate the baby. However, since last night, I have given it 5 feedings of the goat milk solution but without the whipped cream because I'm waiting for its first poop.

Short of euthanizing the baby, the SPCA seems to have nothing to offer. Last fall, I chased a cat off a young squirrel. That attack left it blind and paralyzed on the left side. All the SPCA proposed was to kill it. It couldn't refer me to anyone else about anything, and its website only mentioned squirrels by providing a link to a pest control outfit that proferred inanities about them (like every female Eastern grays has 10-12 babies per year). So I kept that squirrel at home. It remained paralyzed for three days until it jumped out of its box. I let it roam in my apartment for a month as it regained its strength. Finally, it jumped off my third-floor balcony in the middle of a storm which had blown my door open. Except for its blindness in the left eye, that squirrel has returned to a normal life.

Because of the success I had last fall in rehabilitating a squirrel, I want to give the baby I currently have every chance to make it before I consider euthanasia. So I have a few questions:

Are there vets who care anything about squirrels in Montreal? If so, how much for an x-ray? Where can I find anti-inflammatory drugs?

Is there a proper way to hold a squirrel with a probable broken back?

Since this season's squirrels will be weaned in about 10 days, is it appropriate to also begin to include a variety of solid foods to its diet?

Is there a wildlife rehab center or refuge in Montreal?

Are there techniques to lift up the spirits of a sad and terrorized baby?

Thank you in advance.

sleeping koala
05-21-2012, 03:28 AM
There appears no one on atm who can help but you might want to read this for information.


Jackie in Tampa
05-21-2012, 03:34 AM
Can you post a pic?
What kind of container is he in?

05-21-2012, 10:04 AM
Can you post a pic?
What kind of container is he in?

Unfortunately, I don't own a camera. I keep the baby in a small box, totally opened from above, over a pillow covered by a thick cloth sandwiched between two multi-layers of absorbent paper and a sweater.

There has been some sort of improvement since the baby can now move the base of its tail ever so slightly. Also, it now sleeps in the fetal position instead of on its belly. Finally, I now feed it the full goat milk formula.

05-21-2012, 10:05 AM
There appears no one on atm who can help but you might want to read this for information.


Thank you.

05-21-2012, 01:44 PM
Thank you for caring and welcome!

Depending on the severity of the injury, some squirrels can lead a content life, others - due to pain and discomfort - do end up being put to sleep.
There are a few ppl here who have dealt with back injuries problems.
One example: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31708
but there were others, just can't remember them all off the top of my head.

No, squirrels do not wean in 10 days.
They wean when they decide to wean, but a lot of babies continue to nurse well into their teenagehood (or early adulthood ;)).

Especially, when it comes to captive and/or injured squirrels - do not wean them!
let them wean themselves - until they refuse flat out to take formula.
Formula provides all nutrients.
The best formula is Fox Valley, available at www.foxvalleynutrition.com or www.henryspets.com

At about 6-7 wks a good rodent block must be introduced BEFORE any other solid food.
Until he begins to eat rodent block with pleasure and no fuss, his food should be formula and the block.
Then, you can begin to introduce good veggies.
Please consult Squirrel Nutrition forum for Healthy Diet for Pet Squirrels.
For someone with injuries like this nutrition is especially crucial to achieve maximum recovery.
once they stop taking formula, the rodent block will take place of the formula, providing the base of their nutrition.

Henry's Healthy Blocks are available at www.henryspets.com
Usually, Kaytee Forti Diet for rat and mice (blue bag) is suggested, but there has been a recall recently, so I am not sure how to go about this. Probably, not to use it until it's all cleared.

Another choice: Harlan Teklad available at www.thecraftyrat.com
Mazuri - is another block that could be found at pet stores.
Zupreem monkey biscuits - people use it to add variety.

It would be good to see him: photos and/or videos.
It's hard to tell or suggest anything without seeing a squirrel.

05-21-2012, 01:44 PM
I see that you do not have a camera.
Where in Montreal are you?

05-21-2012, 04:13 PM
For pain management you can administer Infant/children Ibuprofen. We would need to know the weight of the baby in order to dose properly. Can you weigh him - with a little kitchen scale?

I assume this baby has fur and its eyes are open? Is the tail hairy and slightly puffy or is the hair still all flat on its tail? (Trying to guess the age of this little one). If you need formula we might be able to get you some, and maybe some rodent block too.

You will have to stimulate this baby to help him poop. I'm assuming he is peeing on his own, right?

05-21-2012, 04:31 PM
Unfortunately, I don't own a camera. I keep the baby in a small box, totally opened from above, over a pillow covered by a thick cloth sandwiched between two multi-layers of absorbent paper and a sweater.

There has been some sort of improvement since the baby can now move the base of its tail ever so slightly. Also, it now sleeps in the fetal position instead of on its belly. Finally, I now feed it the full goat milk formula.

Wad... please email Iwonka at kimusiek at gmail dot com asap. She can help you with having this baby checked by a vet!

05-22-2012, 04:40 AM
For pain management you can administer Infant/children Ibuprofen. We would need to know the weight of the baby in order to dose properly. Can you weigh him - with a little kitchen scale?

I assume this baby has fur and its eyes are open? Is the tail hairy and slightly puffy or is the hair still all flat on its tail? (Trying to guess the age of this little one). If you need formula we might be able to get you some, and maybe some rodent block too.

You will have to stimulate this baby to help him poop. I'm assuming he is peeing on his own, right?

10 or 11-week old Eastern Gray. Pees on its own and has pooped on its own twice.

05-22-2012, 08:15 AM
[QUOTE=astra]Thank you for caring and welcome!

Depending on the severity of the injury, some squirrels can lead a content life, others - due to pain and discomfort - do end up being put to sleep.
There are a few ppl here who have dealt with back injuries problems.
One example: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31708
but there were others, just can't remember them all off the top of my head.

No, squirrels do not wean in 10 days.
They wean when they decide to wean, but a lot of babies continue to nurse well into their teenagehood (or early adulthood ;)).

Thank you very much.

I don't know what kind a life a squirrel can have without the use of its back legs. At this point, it is also a very sad tomato. It now claws through the cloth and pillow it rests upon.

Eastern Gray mothers stop caring for their young during the final days of May. So I'm talking about a 10 or 11-week old baby that injured itself two weeks before its mother would have stopped feeeding it and after it had begun to eat solid foods. So I wanted to know if I needed to replicate nature.

05-22-2012, 08:23 AM
[QUOTE=astra]Thank you for caring and welcome!

Depending on the severity of the injury, some squirrels can lead a content life, others - due to pain and discomfort - do end up being put to sleep.
There are a few ppl here who have dealt with back injuries problems.
One example: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31708
but there were others, just can't remember them all off the top of my head.

No, squirrels do not wean in 10 days.
They wean when they decide to wean, but a lot of babies continue to nurse well into their teenagehood (or early adulthood ;)).

Thank you very much.

I don't know what kind a life a squirrel can have without the use of its back legs. At this point, it is also a very sad tomato. It now claws through the cloth and pillow it rests upon.

Eastern Gray mothers stop caring for their young during the final days of May. So I'm talking about a 10 or 11-week old baby that injured itself two weeks before its mother would have stopped feeeding it and after it had begun to eat solid foods. So I wanted to know if I needed to replicate nature.
Wild mothers do not stop feeding their babies at he end of may.
Even in the wild they let them nurse for quite some time.
And definitely no one is weaned at 10-11weeks even in the wild.

And you would be surprised the kind of content life injured squirrels can have.
They adjust and make the best of what they have much better than people.
Unless it is an extremely severe injury and they are in a lot of pain.

05-22-2012, 08:33 AM
wadiddley.. I'm trying to call you!
I've sent you my number. Please call. I have a friendly vet working at SPCA today but we need to do it quickly.

05-22-2012, 06:32 PM
Well, I was waiting at the SPCA for 2 hours. :shakehead
I'm calling since, and no one answers.
I hope this is not a joke.
I have quite a busy life so if you still need help, please let me know and we'll get to your house to pick you up there.

05-22-2012, 06:40 PM
Has anyone else heard from waddidley?

This is very worrisome and with the load we have in Montreal and release time coming on Iwonka is already running in 1000 directions. I hope this person realizes we are trying to help and keeps us informed at least.

05-22-2012, 08:50 PM
[QUOTE=astra]Thank you for caring and welcome!

Depending on the severity of the injury, some squirrels can lead a content life, others - due to pain and discomfort - do end up being put to sleep.
There are a few ppl here who have dealt with back injuries problems.
One example: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31708
but there were others, just can't remember them all off the top of my head.

No, squirrels do not wean in 10 days.
They wean when they decide to wean, but a lot of babies continue to nurse well into their teenagehood (or early adulthood ;)).

Thank you very much.

I don't know what kind a life a squirrel can have without the use of its back legs. At this point, it is also a very sad tomato. It now claws through the cloth and pillow it rests upon.

Eastern Gray mothers stop caring for their young during the final days of May. So I'm talking about a 10 or 11-week old baby that injured itself two weeks before its mother would have stopped feeeding it and after it had begun to eat solid foods. So I wanted to know if I needed to replicate nature.
A squirrel will adapt to it's handycap. My Rocky had a very happy 6 years with me and had no use of his legs. If there is someone that is willing to take care of a NR they can live a good life.:grouphug

05-24-2012, 04:38 AM
Wild mothers do not stop feeding their babies at he end of may.
Even in the wild they let them nurse for quite some time.
And definitely no one is weaned at 10-11weeks even in the wild.

From three years of observation, Eastern Gray mothers stop caring for their young, in Montreal at least, by the final days of May, when the mating season happens during the last week of January. However, this year it occurred during the third week of January so the baby is 12 weeks old, and I know of two other babies that are already on their own. If a mother stops sharing a nest with her brood and treats them as competitors every time she sees them on the ground, it's hard to believe that she continues nonetheless to nurse them. Moreover, the second mating season in is June. Finally, I know that the babies aren't weaned at 10-11 weeks old, but they are certainly on the verge of being so since their diet consists of mother's milk and whatever they forage.

05-24-2012, 07:50 AM
Well, I was waiting at the SPCA for 2 hours. :shakehead
I'm calling since, and no one answers.
I hope this is not a joke.
I have quite a busy life so if you still need help, please let me know and we'll get to your house to pick you up there.

Well, I was waiting at the SPCA for 2 hours. :shakehead
I'm calling since, and no one answers.
I hope this is not a joke.
I have quite a busy life so if you still need help, please let me know and we'll get to your house to pick you up there.

I'm sorry you wasted your time on tuesday, because I expect there was a misunderstanding. As I explained to you over the telephone, as the caregiver of a person with Alzheimer's disease, I can only leave my home when there is a housesitter or when my mother goes to a Day Centre. In all, I have only 14 "free" hours per week, a third of which I spend in the public transport system, so my time is very precious. Because someone comes to housesit on tuesdays I agreed that I could go to the SPCA that afternoon but, since it was a last minute thing and that I wasn't available for very long, I wanted to be sure that I would be able to actually see a vet.

So you said that you would call the SPCA and that you would get back to me. I took this to mean that you have a privileged access, for instance to the vet, since you collaborate with them regularly. Otherwise, when one calls the desk of the SPCA to report an injured animal, more often than not you get an answering machine. So I waited for your call back until the housesitter's arrival nearly two hours later. Since you still hadn't called by then, I took that to mean that it was a no go and that I would take the baby to the SPCA today since I will have the most free time. Upon my return, the housesitter informed me simply that "a woman had called me about squirrels."

Yesterday, I spent over six hours searching and extracting the baby after it managed to get out of its box. But I finally spoke with a lady at the SPCA before closing time. She said that a vet would examine it before offering it to you since you manage a refuge for squirrels (something you didn't tell me on tuesday). She added that if you can't take the baby and that they can't return it to the wild promptly, they will have to euthanize it. She encouraged me to leave the squirrel with them, but I'll decide once I get there.

05-24-2012, 10:00 AM
From three years of observation, Eastern Gray mothers stop caring for their young, in Montreal at least, by the final days of May, when the mating season happens during the last week of January. However, this year it occurred during the third week of January so the baby is 12 weeks old, and I know of two other babies that are already on their own. If a mother stops sharing a nest with her brood and treats them as competitors every time she sees them on the ground, it's hard to believe that she continues nonetheless to nurse them. Moreover, the second mating season in is June. Finally, I know that the babies aren't weaned at 10-11 weeks old, but they are certainly on the verge of being so since their diet consists of mother's milk and whatever they forage.

wadiddley, the mating season is longer than a week .. When I was at the SPCA two days ago, someone brought a 6 weeks old baby squirrel.
Last year, I took care of the baby who was 5 weeks old in early November.
I guess that the climate changes affect animals too. :thinking

05-24-2012, 10:04 AM
Boy are they ever. My co-worker brought me photos of three 10-11 week babies and their mom who have been eating him out of house and home...IN EARLY MARCH!!! IN MAINE!! So January babies...:shakehead

05-24-2012, 10:21 AM
Yesterday, I spent over six hours searching and extracting the baby after it managed to get out of its box. But I finally spoke with a lady at the SPCA before closing time. She said that a vet would examine it before offering it to you since you manage a refuge for squirrels (something you didn't tell me on tuesday). She added that if you can't take the baby and that they can't return it to the wild promptly, they will have to euthanize it. She encouraged me to leave the squirrel with them, but I'll decide once I get there.

OMGosh.... spca :osnap Who have you talked to?.. Do you have a name?

I don't know if my boyfriend will be happy knowing that our house is a refuge for squirrels :thinking

Well.. whatever you want to call it, I can help you to take care of your squirrel. DON'T LEAVE it in the spca! I cannot be there today as besides the "refuge for squirrels" :wave123 I have the 40 hrs per week job. However, if you have ANY problem there - CALL ME!

05-24-2012, 01:38 PM
OMGosh.... spca :osnap Who have you talked to?.. Do you have a name?

I don't know if my boyfriend will be happy knowing that our house is a refuge for squirrels :thinking

Well.. whatever you want to call it, I can help you to take care of your squirrel. DON'T LEAVE it in the spca! I cannot be there today as besides the "refuge for squirrels" :wave123 I have the 40 hrs per week job. However, if you have ANY problem there - CALL ME!

I went to the SPCA. An attendant at the front desk immediately determined that the baby has two broken back legs and, just for that, it needs to be euthanized. She didn't consider the possible paralysis. I still insisted that she show the baby to the vet. Thankfully, she managed to overcome her annoyance the entire 60 seconds it took her to go down and back up one level to get the vet, whom I never saw, to confirm her verdict. She told me that I could leave it with them and they would kill it or I could call you in case you can do something. So the gogo is back home for now.

Jackie in Tampa
05-24-2012, 03:42 PM
do we know where these breaks are?
lower legs can be vet wrapped.
sports tape, the self adhering type..very losely. VERY!!

you are going to need anti inflammatory and pain meds..
anyone have tramadol and or metacam?
ibuprophen will work but sill need another pain med if possible.
Tramadol is a human pain med..alot of back injury people have it, ask around. They are usually 50mg tablets, we can work with that!:thumbsup

Someone has to feel for the breaks...this poor baby needs acsessed.
He needs to be on low low heat...his diet needs to be swank oh lala perfect!
Needs extra hydration...his broke bones are wounds, all wounds weep, he needs extra to heal correctly and do well, it's not going to be easy...he absolutely needs to be in a very small hamster cage scenero...
cover him so he wants to stay calm and quiet.. the less he is held and messed with the better (AFTER he is gone over with a fine tooth comb)
are there pics?
is there a vet available that will coincide with EASY for iwonka?
If the breaks are high near the body, no one can do anything...nada.

I am all for ssaving the unsavable as long as the pain is managed and the sq is cared for...if he starts to fail...please think of his pain tolerance and let hm go. Sometimes death is a gift.
and as the saying goes, make that decision carefully,
as you can only euthanize once.

as my vet once said to me...we may not release this one, but we can dang sure rehab it!
I am here if I can help...
good luck ladies..
thank you for not leaving him to JUST DIE.

05-24-2012, 05:36 PM
Wild mothers do not stop feeding their babies at he end of may.
Even in the wild they let them nurse for quite some time.
And definitely no one is weaned at 10-11weeks even in the wild.

From three years of observation . . .
well, many decades of rehab experience (not mine but from other people), direct observation of rehabbers' own released squirrels raising their babies in their backyard, so to say, + direct observation of squirrels in Toronto (my personal experience and Toronto is not much different from Montreal) + whatever scientific research I was able to find:

babies do not wean at 10-11wks. Some may do, but a lot of them don't - some continue to nurse till well beyond 12 wks
Anyways, I am not going to keep repeating myself.
I am not here to prove some point.
You can choose to believe as you please.:peace

But a 10wk old with serious injuries needs extra nutrition and the best nutrition for a compromised 10wk old is Fox Valley formula + blocks and good veggies.

05-24-2012, 06:41 PM
If this baby has 2 broken hind legs he has to be in pain. Do you at least have something for pain management? Infant Ibuprofen for that. We'd need the weight to know the dosage. Most of all, the breaks will have to be set, if at all possible and quickly too. A baby squirrel's bone begin resetting very rapidly and if not set properly they will set wrong and cause more damage/pain and problems for him as he grows up.

Understand... We're not trying to hound you... just saying please think of the baby's welfare. You're dealing with lots of people with LOTS of experience behind them here. Just suggesting you take their suggestions in consideration.

05-24-2012, 07:16 PM
wadiddley, I'm calling you but no one answers. Could you please call me?..

I can show your squirrel to the vet tonight.

However, if she decides that the best for it will be to let it go, I will have to let her do it. :grouphug

I really trust this vet!

Jackie in Tampa
05-24-2012, 08:43 PM
Oh, I misunderstood< I thought iwonka was taking this sq in...
this sq needs to be in experienced hands...and needs PAIN MEDS NOW!!!
if you are holding on to the sq wadidley, you better get him a vet asap...
please do not let him suffer...
get him to a rehabber...what meds do you have, this sq needs help...

I wasn't going to get into the weaning debate , i thought he was going to iwonka..
sqs need formula and especially THIS SQ with broken bones...
I add additional calcium to the FV ...please do not say that you really believe this sq does not need formula...
come ON!
I am old school, backyard rehabber, I am one month short of ten years doing SQS ONLY! and I have held over a thousand sqs...
I may not know alot about alot of stuff, but I got sqs down pat...
that baby needs formula, he would not be weaned no matter where you live...
if you are trying to be thrifty, you will destroy him, buy the milk and supplies and get him some health care...
OR turn him over to a rehabber please!:thumbsup

05-24-2012, 11:11 PM
Hi, I am not in Montreal. I am in Toronto Ontario. If you need a forever home for this guy I can take him. I have a lot of experience with injured squirrels. I am not a vet though. If you are interested I have a friend in Montreal that is coming out here early Saturday morning. If you could get the little guy to her she could drive it out. Let me know if you are interested. I also have fox valley formula on hand.

05-25-2012, 08:01 AM
do we know where these breaks are?
lower legs can be vet wrapped.
sports tape, the self adhering type..very losely. VERY!!

you are going to need anti inflammatory and pain meds..
anyone have tramadol and or metacam?
ibuprophen will work but sill need another pain med if possible.
Tramadol is a human pain med..alot of back injury people have it, ask around. They are usually 50mg tablets, we can work with that!:thumbsup

Someone has to feel for the breaks...this poor baby needs acsessed.
He needs to be on low low heat...his diet needs to be swank oh lala perfect!
Needs extra hydration...his broke bones are wounds, all wounds weep, he needs extra to heal correctly and do well, it's not going to be easy...he absolutely needs to be in a very small hamster cage scenero...
cover him so he wants to stay calm and quiet.. the less he is held and messed with the better (AFTER he is gone over with a fine tooth comb)
are there pics?
is there a vet available that will coincide with EASY for iwonka?
If the breaks are high near the body, no one can do anything...nada.

I am all for ssaving the unsavable as long as the pain is managed and the sq is cared for...if he starts to fail...please think of his pain tolerance and let hm go. Sometimes death is a gift.
and as the saying goes, make that decision carefully,
as you can only euthanize once.

as my vet once said to me...we may not release this one, but we can dang sure rehab it!
I am here if I can help...
good luck ladies..
thank you for not leaving him to JUST DIE.

To be clearer. When I showed the squirrel to the person at the front desk of the SPCA, he was hiding his head in a sweater but with his backside exposed. The attendant simply looked in and immediately concluded that his back legs are broken. To prove it to me, she flicked both legs with her index finger. Therefore, she said, he needs to be euthanized. She then answered that a squirrel's back legs cannot be mended. When I asked that the vet still see the baby, she replied that I obviously didn't understand what she had just told me. I interjected that certainly did, but that I still wanted the vet to take a gander, just to be sure. So she sighed and went down to the floor below and back in all of 60 seconds. So how long do you think the vet actually bothered with that baby squirrel? Nor was I allowed to speak with her/him.

I'm not sure I see signs that the squirrel is in pain. Before I caught it, it was still exploring the backyard and playing with flowers even though it couldn't use its back legs. When I pricked its feet or massaged its thighs, I didn't get any reaction. Also, when I feed it, it prefers that I cup its legs up a bit.

Jackie in Tampa
05-25-2012, 08:22 AM
okay, thank you for that explaination...
here's the hitch...you have to have a diagnosis..
this sq needs to be seen by a vet...if the vet decides an xray is needed to determine injuries, please let them.
Without a vet no one can be sure and he may be suffering,
there also may still be time to help him heal...and keep his legs..
if this isssue is two broken legs, he may need amputations...
please allow a vet to see him, if iwonka has a connection please allow that visit.
I can go into alot of what if's...the reality is ...he needs help...
now where that help comes from is in your court.
I have been rehabbing sqs for a while now and have seen many many broken bones...the outcome can sometimes be wondeful and sometimes not, but to wait it out , well, we know what the outcome will be..:shakehead

Why are you against the baby having formula?
is it money?
if so, you are in for a big surprise , as sqs have a very complex diet if in captivity and it comes with a price...

so what's happening momma?
what's it gonna be?

05-25-2012, 09:46 AM
wadiddley just called me! :thumbsup :grouphug

Julia is on her way to pick the baby! :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

Nancy in New York
05-25-2012, 09:47 AM
wadiddley just called me! :thumbsup :grouphug

Julia is on her way to pick the baby! :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
:wahoo :alright.gif :wahoo :alright.gif :wahoo :alright.gif

05-25-2012, 09:49 AM
Hi, I am not in Montreal. I am in Toronto Ontario. If you need a forever home for this guy I can take him. I have a lot of experience with injured squirrels. I am not a vet though. If you are interested I have a friend in Montreal that is coming out here early Saturday morning. If you could get the little guy to her she could drive it out. Let me know if you are interested. I also have fox valley formula on hand.

Wendy - I LOVE YOU!!! :thumbsup3

Jackie in Tampa
05-25-2012, 09:50 AM
thank you ladies!:bowdown
Please keep us in the loop...
Good luck sweet squirrel:Love_Icon

05-25-2012, 10:14 AM
wadiddley just called me! :thumbsup :grouphug

Julia is on her way to pick the baby! :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

SUPER!!!!!! Iwonka & Wendy :thankyou :Love_Icon :thankyou :Love_Icon :thankyou

Sweet Simon's Mommy
05-25-2012, 10:51 AM
well at least she didnt leave the baby there..
can't wait to see the out come on this one.

05-25-2012, 11:40 AM
Sure hope it's a happy ending for the little guy. If TSB folks are involved it's like havin the hand-o-God reachin out to help. I gotta say--who needs mysteries, drama or suspense novels. WE got LIFE right here and it's suspenseful enough.

05-25-2012, 12:24 PM
Update from Julia (Pip):

1. Baby does not seem to be in pain.
2. She tried to give the baby formula without success. She was bitten. :D ...sorry Julia.. welcome to the club!
3. She gave him a booball ... much appreciated by the baby.
4. As we do not know how long this baby was without milk, Julia gave him a piece of Tums (in te booball)
5. I will visit them after work.

05-25-2012, 12:26 PM
I can guarantee you guys that he won't be put down. I don't believe in euthanasia for injured and crippled squirrels. He can live here with the rest of my gimpies.:D

05-25-2012, 12:28 PM
I can guarantee you guys that he won't be put down. I don't believe in euthanasia for injured and crippled squirrels. He can live here with the rest of my gimpies.:D

Wendy, if I were a man I will marry you!! :D

Nancy in New York
05-25-2012, 12:45 PM
Wendy, if I were a man I will marry you!! :D

So would I....:D

05-25-2012, 01:10 PM
:D :Love_Icon :D

Jackie in Tampa
05-25-2012, 02:40 PM
Thank you Wendy, Wadidley and iwonka and everyone else..

I just love this place!!!http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_30_126.gif

Hoping for a physical update on the little Sq~

http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb097&pp=ZNxmk7885RUS (http://www.smileycentral.com/dl/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb097_ZNxmk7885RUS&utm_id=7925)

05-25-2012, 03:04 PM
I will be sure to post updates and photos once I have him. I can't wait to see him

05-25-2012, 03:57 PM
Hi, I am not in Montreal. I am in Toronto Ontario. If you need a forever home for this guy I can take him. I have a lot of experience with injured squirrels. I am not a vet though. If you are interested I have a friend in Montreal that is coming out here early Saturday morning. If you could get the little guy to her she could drive it out. Let me know if you are interested. I also have fox valley formula on hand.

I had to talk with Iwonka before accepting your generous offer.

A few things you may want to know:

The baby was injured 9 days ago, but I could pick him up only 2 days later. During the first 24 hours, I only hydrated the squirrel. After that, I fed him the goat milk formula exclusively from saturday evening until this morning except for adding a couple of almonds on wednesday and yesterday. I didn't order the Fox Valley formula because it was not my intention to keep him for long unless as a last resort. I tried to feed him 4 times a day, however much he wanted. He pees and poops normally.

I handled him mostly to feed him. Otherwise, he would too easily panic. I could not dry his bottom as much as I wanted to and I was able to massage his tummy for 5 minutes to help his digestion only once. However, after he tried unsuccessfully to manipulate his first almond, he took it in his mouth, looked up at me, and heaved loudly. I took this to mean that, for once, he wanted me to pick him up so he could eat it. I was right. But he only purred while eating almonds. Otherwise, he was sad and terrified but never aggressive.

05-26-2012, 08:31 AM
Thank you for the info. All info is helpfull. Thanks.

05-26-2012, 08:41 AM
Hey Wadiddley???

See the pics under squirrelfriend's signature line? See Mr. Tilty there? He was neurologically damaged. How old was he when he died? 11? 13? It was an insane age - record touching for a completely healthy squirrel! That says something about their care... You are SO doing the right thing here. :thumbsup :grouphug

05-26-2012, 03:32 PM
I made this video yesterday evening: http://youtu.be/xjasgHpahSw

The little girl left this morning to Wendy's house. :grouphug


Sweet Simon's Mommy
05-26-2012, 03:41 PM
what a pretty baby!!

05-26-2012, 04:11 PM
Wendy please check your e mail! :thankyou

05-26-2012, 05:00 PM
I haven't had a chance to view your video yet. I just wanted to let you know that all three squirrels arrived safely. Do you guys need your carriers back? I can send them back with Amanda and you could pick it up from her in Montreal. Ok, I am going to check my email now.

05-26-2012, 05:12 PM
What a sweetheart. :Love_Icon She's going to a good home and that's the best thing that can happen to her. :thumbsup :thankyou Wendy

I think I can answer for Iwonka re. the carriers. It would be nice to get them back, yes; with her crowd she always needs them sooner or later. If your friend drives on the 40 (Trans-Canada) then maybe she can even drop them off on the way at Iwonka's - just suggesting since Iwonka's is right beside the 40. ;)

05-26-2012, 05:33 PM
I haven't had a chance to view your video yet. I just wanted to let you know that all three squirrels arrived safely. Do you guys need your carriers back? I can send them back with Amanda and you could pick it up from her in Montreal. Ok, I am going to check my email now.

:grouphug :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug :grouphug

Please keep carriers .. Perhaps it will serve you. :grouphug

05-26-2012, 07:27 PM
I saw your two little guys wandering around the carrier. They are cute little buggers. One almost took an almond from me. Since they are starting to relax a little I am going to transfer them to something a little bigger.

The little paralysed girl is still swearing at me every time I enter the room so I will wait a little bit longer. She is already
Ad at me for giving her a bath. When they are paralysed on the back end they need baths often because of lack of bladder control. There's no urine burn and I want to keep it that way. I hope she understands. I Doubt it but I can hope.:).

Sweet Simon's Mommy
05-26-2012, 07:30 PM
I saw your two little guys wandering around the carrier. They are cute little buggers. One almost took an almond from me. Since they are starting to relax a little I am going to transfer them to something a little bigger.

The little paralysed girl is still swearing at me every time I enter the room so I will wait a little bit longer. She is already
Ad at me for giving her a bath. When they are paralysed on the back end they need baths often because of lack of bladder control. There's no urine burn and I want to keep it that way. I hope she understands. I Doubt it but I can hope.:).
I hear you , mine gets a bath twice a day.

05-26-2012, 08:11 PM
I got her some FV. She drank it down like a champ but swore at me between swallows as often as she could. Isn't it against the rules to swear at the caregiver and still take the formula?:D

05-26-2012, 08:19 PM
:wahoo Finally some FV for the baby! :grouphug Maybe she hasn't heard about the rules yet! :rotfl

05-26-2012, 09:24 PM
Pip is the one with the gimp leg and rocky is the wobbly one? I haven't seen the wobbly too much. He's hiding in the hammock. The gimp leg one is out and about a bit more. Are they boys or girls?

05-26-2012, 09:55 PM
Pip is the one with the gimp leg and rocky is the wobbly one? I haven't seen the wobbly too much. He's hiding in the hammock. The gimp leg one is out and about a bit more. Are they boys or girls?
yep, you got them right:) Pip is the leg guy, and Rocki is the neuro (i don't think it is so much wobbliness but overall neuro instability). Maybe, he feels so comfortable with you that his neuro symptoms quieted down
As for gender, I think they are boys, but Julia will have to confirm that

05-26-2012, 10:54 PM
They are both boys :Love_Icon and you will find once they get to know you that they are sweet, kind and gentle squirrels :grouphug . Rocky is a bit shy and more cautious but likes to play and likes a quick tickle behind the ears wheras Pip is more adventurous, likes to explore and cuddle. Rocky falls at times and is a bit wobbly but he is also quite agile and can leap from place to place without missing a step! Pip too is agile and a very fast climber. :Love_Icon How did the transfer go? Did they want to eat anything? :thankyou for the update :grouphug

05-26-2012, 10:59 PM
Wendy please check your email again when you have time :thankyou

sleeping koala
05-27-2012, 02:11 AM
So would I....:D
Going OT ! ;)

That's called bigamy ! ;)
Talking of, good excuse to put in one of my favourite Marx Brothers lines.
Lady - that is bigamy.
Groucho - if that is big of you, it is big of me too ! :)


05-27-2012, 05:16 AM
I just assumed rocky was a wobbly sine you told me he was a neuro. I haven't seen too much of him yet. He is hiding in his hammock. Pip is a bit less shy but will almost take a nut from me.

05-27-2012, 07:23 AM
I hope Rocky comes out soon, for a little water and food at least :Love_Icon
How are they all today? :grouphug

05-27-2012, 07:59 AM
Wendy please check your PM (there are 2) :thankyou :grouphug