View Full Version : Possible pneumonia for new found squirrel

05-19-2012, 01:50 AM
Hello. I just found a baby squirrel a few hours ago. I've done a bit of research, and it seems that "he's" probably around 5 or 6 weeks old. There's been a lot of tree clearing on this block over the past 4 days, and there was a big storm with high winds last night, so I'm thinking that may be the cause of him being out of his nest. There's a couple violent cats in the area, so I grabbed him as soon as I saw him in one of their yards. He has high energy, and was taking pedialyte with no issues (I gave him .3 cc's 2x's so far). He's now developed a slight clicking noise when inhaling, but only while he sleeps. I never saw his aspirate, or have any issues when eating. I gave him the liquid extremely slowly, and he licked it off the tip of the syringe. The only antibiotic I have at the house is amoxicillin. I'm obviously a newbie at this. I just don't want to hurt the little guy. Please help.

Jackie in Tampa
05-19-2012, 02:47 AM
Hi and welcome..
the clicking of aspiration pnuemonia will be with every breath...
inhaling and exhaling, whether he is asleep or awake.
Alot of times babies make mouth sounds...very deceptive.
the clicking will be from his lungs/chest.
He needs to be on heat. A heating pad set on low half under the container you have him in.
If you don't have a heating pad, fill a sock with dry rice, tie off, heat in microwave for 20-40 seconds...smush the rice around so there are no hot spots... the rice should not be hot enough to burn him, just warm enough to cuddle with.
T-shirts or fleece work great, towels snag their little nails and can cause injuries.
Are you using a 1 cc syringe?
Hold him upright, never tilted back like a human baby.
your amount of .3cc has thrown me off.
At 6weeks old, a baby squirrel would normally be able to take 6ccs easy.

Just incase this is aspiration pnuemonia, amoxy will work.
I am not diagnosing your sq, just giving info.
All antibiotics will need to be fresh.
With any antibiotic, a probotic should be used, especially a cillan type med such as Amoxy, it is a hard on the belly/GI tract.

you will need a temporary formula...
goats milk, yogurt and heavy cream.

Can you take a pic?
do you have a scale that will weigh accurately in grams?
If you are dealing with pnuemonia, in order to treart with the meds, you will need a weight.
I am a slow typer, but am here to try to help.
Welcome to TSB:Welcome :wave123

05-19-2012, 03:12 AM
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your reply. It's amazing how fast you can grow to love one of these little guys... even without a lot of interaction. I'm a big research person, so I've looked up a lot so far today. He's in a box (of course with holes) 1/2 on a heating pad, and has a "sock buddy" heated as per the instructions I found on here, which I just put in, and he absolutely loves. Unfortunately I did not find this website before I went out and spent $35 on the dreaded Esbilac, that every website on the internet recommends. I've already opened it, and attempted to give him some, the watered down version, but he denied me, so I've stuck to the pedialyte. I just found him early this evening. I do not have a scale. I will go out and buy one tomorrow morning, as it's 2am here, and I'd be hard pressed to find one at this hour. As for the syringe, it was one I was given at the pharmacy today. It's a 10ml syringe that I've been filling to the 3ml line. I've been making sure to go extremely slow, and barely pushing cause I was so scared to choke him. The clicking is only when he's sleeping. If I hold him wrapped in a flannel pillowcase, he makes no noises. Same as when I feed him. I just got freaked out because I don't remember hearing him make it earlier this evening, though I can't say that until I read about it, that I looked out for it. He just had a bowel movement, first one today, and it was a little blackish pellet. Does this mean dehydration? I knew he's be slightly dehydrated because of the slight tenting of his skin, but he's still taking pedialyte so I figured it'd get better soon. I'm going to try and attach a picture, and then maybe you can better tell me what I'm working with (breed and age). Thanks again so much for your help. I'm so worried.http://www.flickr.com/photos/55637388@N06/7225804496/in/photostream

05-19-2012, 03:13 AM
Ok, picture didn't work... how about this?


Jackie in Tampa
05-19-2012, 03:20 AM
black poops are normal, that's mommas milk leaving.

Esbilac, it is written here somewhere if you add extra water, I will look for that, however, honestly, it's not good like it was in the past. Some smalls have a really hard time on it, some pass.

Many sq peeps use Fox valley, I do.
I think there is a sticky on Esbilac issues and it gives the Fv website. In the long run, FV is the best and also alot cheaper than Esbilac.
I recommend to NOT use pedi alyte for more than 24 hours.
Have you done the pinch test for dehydration?
Gently lift skin between the shoulder blades, if the skin tents , continue to rehydrate, if it slowly goes back into place, ready for a dilute formula.

That syringe is deadly.
10cc's ...:shakehead
even I would not be able to use anything that big with any control.
If you decide to order the FValley, they sell syringes and nipples...
get my coffee,,,

05-19-2012, 03:27 AM
I will definitely order whatever needs to be ordered.. but what should I do in the mean time? I live in Canada, and this is a long weekend for us, Monday being a holiday. Any other ideas where I could get a small syringe? He's only been on pedialyte since 5pm. I've done the pinch test, and he's better than he was earlier, but the skin still stays tented about a second or so.

05-19-2012, 03:29 AM
Also, I looked at the fox valley website, and I couldn't make any sense out of what was what, and how to even order... :dono

Jackie in Tampa
05-19-2012, 03:37 AM
fox Valley 20/50 is for sqs over 4 weeks.
You want a few 1cc and 3cc syringes..
he may use a silicon mothering nipple, he may eat it...ha!
But order a few of those too.

There is another site that sells same...but they are in Florida...
let me get you some phone numbers and you can call in a few hours and ask which site will be able to get you the Fv and supplies soonest.
In the mean time I will post a temporay goats milk recipe...
This is a stickey from our Administrator
In light of the recent problems rehabbers have been experiencing with Esbilac formula, it has been decided that the best alternative is Fox Valley 32/40.
http://foxvalleynutrition.com/prod/d...p?CID=1&PLID=1 (http://foxvalleynutrition.com/prod/details.asp?CID=1&PLID=1)
Nicholas P. Vlamis, President (Nick)
(800) 679-4666
If you call in your order and tell him you need it quickly he'll be happy to oblige. He can ship to you regular post 3-5 days and overnight. He's very nice and very easy to work with.
In the meantime you will need to feed your baby a home-made formula, but please for the sake of the baby, do not feed this for more than 4-7 days. It's a great temporary replacer milk but it lacks certain vitamins and minerals that the babies need to thrive. This recipe will ensure that your baby will be well nourished until your order from Fox Valley arrives. Jackie (Jackie in Tampa) has graciously offered her temporary replacement formula recipe.
Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt

Mix well and keep in a covered plastic or glass container in the refrigerator. Replace after 48 hours.
Please note, this website has several links that still mention Esbilac and we need to keep these links active as they do contain excellent information so please keep in mind that Fox Valley is now the formula of choice for raising baby squirrels.

Meyerburg brand Goatsmilk can be bought three ways..I have no clue about the powdered form.
However next to the cold milk, you can find fresh GM in a paper type carton, on the aisle with the eveaporated milk and sweet condensed, is canned GM, it is reconstituted and needs to be dilurted

Jackie in Tampa
05-19-2012, 03:44 AM
I type slow so will feed info in short spurts until we can get you some help.
The GM spoils fast, so no matter which you buy, make ice cubes
and thaw as needed.
Do not keep GM in the can, a can will ruin the milk once opened.
Use a full fat yogurt if possible, maybe you can use Stoneyfields Vanilla.

Go to the feed store for smaller syringes...
get a few...there are different type syringes. The ones that you will get from pharmacist or feed store will have a black bulbous tip on the plunger, this is made to use once. So when we continue to usem, theys tart sticking, it's very frustrating and dangerous, it will stick than let loose and explode, this is the number one cause of aspiration pnuemonia...
A correct syringe will be hard to find locally most likely, O ring syringes.

here is the other site info that sells sq products...
the owners name is Leigh, she is a member here but seldom posts, best to contact her thru her site.
She is farther, but maybe faster...ask her and Nick when the order would get to you.

Jackie in Tampa
05-19-2012, 03:46 AM
Do not make formula with all the ingrediants and freeze...ONLY FREEZE THE GOATSMILK, freezing the yogurt may destroy the good flora in it that we are using it because OF...
freeze into small cubes

Jackie in Tampa
05-19-2012, 03:55 AM
I have no idea if we will be able to find a rehabber up where you are, I am way way far away...we do have some members in canada, not sure about in Alberta???
A few things to think about NOW and they are serious.
Mind you, i do not know your age etc, do not know who i am communicating with.
I saw on Flicker a dog...dogs maybe nice and friendly, they love to play with baby sqs...TO DEATH.
We have seen this too many times as of late...the best friendliest pets are not to be trusted...sqs are wildlife, it's natural for dogs to hurt them, really.
Please keep them seperate/
Along the dog lines again, even if your dog never hurt your baby and you get to the release time, if your sq has been exposed to a dog, he will not fear a dog and he will walk right into a death trap when he approuches your neighbors dog...
please read this stickey, I know the people involved, this was a nightmare, these people took precautions and disaster happened ...
please try to understand, sqs are wildlife...


05-19-2012, 03:59 AM
Ok, so I've mapped out my order. 3-5 business days is the soonest that's available. Will that be too late? Should I just use the goats milk mixture in the mean time? By feed store, do you mean like a pet store, or an equine feed store?
Any ideas on the type of squirrel or age by the picture?
Thanks again for all of your help. I know its late.

My order is: 3 sklar o-ring syringes in 1cc, 3 in 3cc, fox valley day one formula in 20/50, and 4 silicone mothering nipples. Does that sound right? Should I order anything else, or more of something?

05-19-2012, 04:03 AM
Oh, of course. I would never let my dog near the squirrel. Never. I also have the full intentions of releasing this squirrel, so I want him to be as afraid of something that would hurt him as possible. The squirrel is currently in my bedroom with me, where the dog is not allowed. The door is kept closed all the time, and I even went so far as to plug up the bottom of the door with a towel when I went to buy the formula.

Jackie in Tampa
05-19-2012, 04:04 AM
Supplies to have on hand as soon as possible
heating pad
temporary formula, GMilk, yogurt, heavy cream
syringes 1cc
small cage, no plastic bottoms. sqs chew fast.
the box isn't going to cut it...
the best cage will have 1/2 inch bar spacing...
look at some thread for cage examples...the bigger the better...
but you need something secure today, your little one looks like a grey and 6-7 weeks is a good guess.:thumbsup
On the sites I gave you, the Henrys sells a block type sq food...
order some...Squirrel Blocks-Growth Formula (http://www.henryspets.com/squirrel-blocks-growth-formula/)...
until they arrive you need a rat block sold at the pet stores.

I am slow typer, someone will help you with diet as you need it, always peel grapes and apples, anything with skin.
NO cereals, no coookies etc...
a sqs diet is super complex...beyond your wildest dreams...these guys need alot of calcium...:poke hope you are a veggies eater!!!:D
or you will be soon enough...
the babies will eat alot of green leafy veggies etc,,,,'we have a nutrition forum with a list of healthy foods and the do's and don't's...

start looking around for a cage!!!
bird cage, ferret cage...

Jackie in Tampa
05-19-2012, 04:06 AM
Ok, so I've mapped out my order. 3-5 business days is the soonest that's available. Will that be too late? Should I just use the goats milk mixture in the mean time? By feed store, do you mean like a pet store, or an equine feed store?
Any ideas on the type of squirrel or age by the picture?
Thanks again for all of your help. I know its late.

My order is: 3 sklar o-ring syringes in 1cc, 3 in 3cc, fox valley day one formula in 20/50, and 4 silicone mothering nipples. Does that sound right? Should I order anything else, or more of something?yes, I saw your awesome horse tat:D ...an equine feed store will have FEEDING syringes until yours come.:thumbsup
it's not late, it's early!:sanp3 :rotfl

edit...feed store may have rat blocks, if you have a choice in brands, ck the ingrediants, I try to buy kaytee brand without meat products, sqs are herbivores.

Jackie in Tampa
05-19-2012, 04:10 AM
also a heads up!

the feed stores sell GMilk also, but it is for GOATS...:nono
we want HUMAN Form....:D from the human store!:D

05-19-2012, 04:13 AM
Well, I just so happen to be a vegetarian, so no problem with the vegetables here! Ok, I knew the box wouldn't cut it, but with today being the first day, I just wanted to get him hydrated. I will start searching for a cage tomorrow, as well as pick up all the other things I need.. syringes, rat block, goats milk ingredients... I will check out the threads on nutrition, but besides the rat block and formula, should the squirrel at this age be started on vegetables and fruits as well?

05-19-2012, 04:18 AM
Small syringes: You still want to order them, but for right now, this will help and it just takes a little acting! Go directly to your PHARMACIST and tell him or her that your neighbor's cat had kittens and rejected the smallest one...those mean people were just going to let it die! (small tear glistening in corner of eye here)...you have done all kinds of reading and you have all the stuff to feed it but you need teeny syringes - 1cc if possible, 3cc at the VERY largest becaude you are afraid you will aspirate it. I walked out of my pharmacy with a BOXFUL of 1cc syringes - I felt like such a jerk because they wouldn't even let me pay!

Pull the plunger out and put a tiny drop of vegetable oil on the rubber plunger. It will work a bit more smoothly until you get the Sklaars.

05-19-2012, 04:26 AM
OK, I will definitely do that in the morning. I was planning on giving the squirrel another 2 or 3 ml (whichever it would take) of pedialyte in about 10 minutes. Should I not do that now? I have been feeding with the syringe upside down, and to the underside of the mouth like I read, while holding the squirrel upright in my hand. Will it be ok with this giant syringe?

Jackie in Tampa
05-19-2012, 04:52 AM

Edmonton Craigs list stinks..
I found this cage...it will work well for now..
I am not sure what $100 is, our moneys are different.


this may work temporary

this person has several, I see one that has a wire bottom, it's white...

no plastic rubbery bottoms...
hard hard plastic may work , but sq will chew it...
the very first link I posted is a collapsible cage with a metal bottom (I think, I may recognize that cage)..
it is a nice cage with good bar spacing...

members are waking up...
hope we can help you...
it sounds like you want to raise the baby...it's a big responsibility and not cheap!
It is also hard to raise a singleton sq. They do so much better with a sibling..
:thankyou thank you for helping the baby :bowdown

Jackie in Tampa
05-19-2012, 04:58 AM
this is a ferret nation cage..
not sure of the bottom...the bar spacing is wider than I really like, but this is a very strong and sturdy cage, larger side also, so won't have to replace cage for awhile...
until release time anyways...
some people release from this style cage also, that's a few months down the road though...
yes continue to rehydrae for upto 24 hours, after that the pedi will do the opposite, it contains too much salt.
How is your baby acting?
active? clicking?


05-19-2012, 05:06 AM
It definitely seems expensive, but I'm not worried. I just want to save the little guy. $100 here is $100 there... maybe off by a penny or so. The dollar has been pretty much equal for over a year now. I have already wrote to someone inquiring about a cage, and will write to more when I wake up. It is 4am here right now, and I am going to try and get a couple hours o sleep before I have to wake up again. I just fed the baby 3ml of pedialyte, and he went crazy for it. His skin still stays tented up for a second or so after giving it a light pinch. I guess I'll give him some more in 2 or 3 hours, and when I get up, I'll go get the ingredients for the goat milk mixture. I read that he needs to be fully hydrated before starting formula, or it will mess with his digestion. Will it be alright to start with the goats milk if he still seems dehydrated? He seems hungry.

05-19-2012, 05:10 AM
No clicking from what I can hear. He only seemed to be doing that when he was sleeping as I was holding him. I held him wrapped in a flannel pillowcase for a bit just to try and get him used to me because he was so scared, and did not like me reaching for him in his box to try and feed him. He bit me once, and kept slapping me with his little paw whenever I came near.
I hope thats not too wrong.
But no, if I put my ear to the box, I don't hear the clicking. Does it make sense that he would only do it when I was holding him? Was it a comfort noise cause he was warm and secure?
OK, gotta go to bed for a few hours. Thanks so much again for all of your help. I really really appreciate it! I'll reply as soon as I wake up... in 2 hours :sanp3

Jackie in Tampa
05-19-2012, 05:25 AM
give him a few more pedi feedings...see you in a few hours!!!
:thumbsup :bowdown get some rest~!
No the fear and slaps are normal...aren't they adorable, OMGosh!:Love_Icon
:wave123 good night!
I have to get busy with sqs too!

05-19-2012, 10:31 AM
OK, so he had 3 Pedialyte feedings since I last "spoke" with you. He's now up to 5cc and sucking it down. The second that syringe gets near his head, he reaches for it and grabs it with his little hands (hands or paws on squirrels??) Anyway, he bites it like crazy trying to get all of the Pedialyte. I think he's really hungry. I'm going to get dressed and go to the store to pick up what I need now. I hear no clicking, so I'm assuming that he's doing well?!?!

05-19-2012, 10:32 AM
OK, so he had 3 Pedialyte feedings since I last "spoke" with you. He's now up to 5cc and sucking it down. The second that syringe gets near his head, he reaches for it and grabs it with his little hands (hands or paws on squirrels??) Anyway, he bites it like crazy trying to get all of the Pedialyte. I think he's really hungry. I'm going to get dressed and go to the store to pick up what I need now. I hear no clicking, so I'm assuming that he's doing well?!?!

Also, his skin test is looking great this morning. No tenting what-so-ever!! :jump

Jackie in Tampa
05-19-2012, 01:20 PM
Did you get Goatsmilk formula ingredients?
First few feedings can be dilute and then by night time he should be full strength if the poops and urine out put are good!:thumbsup
If he is still semi dehydrated, you can offer pedi between dilute feedings.
It sounds like he is doing good!:alright.gif
They're so dern cute too!:D

05-19-2012, 02:21 PM
Just got back with everything you've said I needed. Managed to score some 1cc syringes from a vet hospital! You were right about the box! He chewed his way right out when I was only gone for an hour. Thankfully my house has a strange setup. I closed him in the kitchen before I left and there's a sliding glass door that divides that from the rest of the house, which I locked. He was just hanging out having a good old time. I'm about to make the goats milk formula.

By the way, I saw goat yogurt, and almost bought it, but thought best not to deviate from the plan. Would goats milk yogurt have been better?

05-19-2012, 10:17 PM
Just wanted to let you know that I now have everything I need as of yet. Just got back with a cage 1from the store for the little guy. He's so happy in it. He loves the rat block too. I placed my order with Fox Valley today, and have the growth block coming along with my syringes, nipples, and formula. Thanks again for all of your help! I really appreciate it. I'm sure I'll be back with more questions, but as for now, it's good to feel like I have him on track :bowdown