View Full Version : Wild squirrel bite/scratches--what would you do?

05-17-2012, 08:18 PM

Just curious as to what you squirrel-savvy people would do in this situation: While hiking 5 days ago with a small schnauzer-terrier on a wooded trail I've hiked dozens of times before (a good mile or so from any camping areas), I stopped to take a picture of some wildflowers.

A squirrel was scolding me from a tree about 20 feet or so ahead of me. The dog was somewhere near the tree (as always, trying to figure how to climb it). Besides the one scolding squirrel, I didn't hear another--but to be honest, I was more intent on taking my photos than on the very-vocal squirrel.

I was checking my picture--standing straight and still on the trail--when a second squirrel darted out, leaped up my leg, bit me on the inner knee, and dashed across the trail into another tree.

It took me a moment to comprehend what had happened--it was so quick, and I barely saw the squirrel! I looked for the 'culprit,' and it was sitting very, very quietly in the tree about 10 feet away, looking at me (not very high up in the tree--just a little higher than eye level). The other squirrel was still chattering away across the trail.
What struck me at the time is how differently from each other the two squirrels were acting. One very vocal and the one that bit me very still/not vocal. Even when I (carefully) walked a couple steps toward the attacking critter, it stayed perfectly still and quiet.

While I received a couple good-sized bruises from the bite, it never broke the skin nor tore through my hiking trousers. The claws, however, did pierce my skin in three places--very slightly, and they did bleed a little. I used alcohol swabs to clean the needle-prick-like areas right away (yay for first aid kits!), and went to the doctor to get it checked out.

Should I be concerned about rabies from the claw-jabs? I'm a little freaked out a squirrel jumped out at me and bit me unprovoked--though perhaps my being in its territory was provocation enough?

A local wildlife rehabber I contacted said that was really unusual behavior for a wild squirrel out in the middle of the woods (but she, personally, wouldn't worry about rabies). Aggressiveness might happen, she said, with a squirrel that had been hand-raised and then released to the wild.

The state health dept and doctor at urgent care I talked to was also not concerned at all about a squirrel bite/scratch--though gave me the option of getting rabies shots if I chose to. He would not, if he were me, he said. I left without starting the shots series, but I've been having second thoughts.

I could see a hand-fed squirrel being aggressive, but one out in the wild? It is springtime--nesting time. How many wild squirrels attack people this way?
I just find it really strange a squirrel would be so aggressive one minute and completely still the next!

What would you do if the choice were yours? Rabies shots or no shots?

Note: I found one online article of an instance in Iowa, in 2009, where a confirmed rabid squirrel bit a woman on her foot as she was getting into her car. It exhibited behavior alternating between aggressive and lethargic. (That's when I got nervous...)

I've read a couple threads on here about squirrels and rabies, and thought I'd get some opinions...hope you don't mind!

Thanks so much for your time! :)

NervousCat in Utah

05-17-2012, 08:26 PM
I, personally, would not get a rabies shot. They are not a vector species and other than controlled instances such as you describe, I think you would be hard pressed to find a squirrel caused human rabies case.

And I can totally see a little red squirrel opening up a can of whup**s on you and your dog if you got into his territory. I watched one swarm all over a herring gull that could have swallowed it whole in an instant in my front yard last year for no reason other than I guess it got too close! That gull screamed like a little girl and got out of there!

BTW you are talking to a board filled with dozens and dozens of people who's skin is crosshatched with squirrel scratches!

05-17-2012, 08:37 PM
BTW you are talking to a board filled with dozens and dozens of people who's skin is crosshatched with squirrel scratches!


05-17-2012, 08:43 PM
What CritterMom said - no rabies danger.

BUT I would disagree with that rehabber who told you this was an unusual behavior.
I see nothing unusual: you came - a huge being, with some kind of clicking black thing (and their hearing is very acute). Not only that, but you brought a dog with you. AND you are not leaving!
You were told to leave and you were not budging!
But they perceived both - you and your dog-predator- as a serious threat.
What made this all even more urgent is that this is a baby season right now, in full bloom.
I am sure at least one of these squirrels is a mother, and, most likely, there was a nest nearby that she was protecting.
Squirrel mothers are super protective.
And just like people, some squirrels are more pro-active than others.;)

So, no, this is NOT an unusual behavior for a squirrel or ANY wild animal for that matter. Let's try and shoot flowers with a dog near a bear's den, and we'll see what happens.;)
It's just that squirrels are small and kind of cute and people forget that they are wild animals and act as such in dangerous situations.

This squirrel's behavior was provoked by your actions and your dog.

Don't worry about rabies,
Just recognize and respect a squirrel's request next time:poke :)

Overall, we all need to be more respectful of wildlife and try our best not to disturb wild animals when we are "on their territory," so to say. If you see a wild animal, be it a tiny chipmunk or a mouse, it most likely means that their little homes are somewhere nearby and you might be inadvertently bothering and threatening them, especially, if they seem to be agitated by and concerned with your presence.
Just leave quietly and respectfully.
As you would if you happened to be near a bear's den or a fox's hole.

05-17-2012, 09:07 PM
It's always smart to be up-to-date on your tetanus shots. I get bitten and scratched by squirrels all of the time but it was after getting bitten by a horse that someone reminded me to update my tetanus. Otherwise, a little Neosporin and you're good to go.

05-17-2012, 09:12 PM
You were probably standing on his nut stash. Red squirrels put them all in one place and go nuts if anyone or anything gets near it. Pun intended. And what was your dog doing this whole time?

Mrs Skul
05-17-2012, 09:35 PM
:goodpost Astra is correct. The Squirrel did try to ask you to leave. What the squirrel did was a Drop Kick and Pinch.
:wave123 Hi IHike :Welcome Welcome to The Squirrel Board!
If the Squirrel wanted to tear you a New a$$, It would have. :D It could have bit threw the Hiking Pants and Opened a Hole that needed Stitches. She was just Warning you to Move along and take the 4 legged Predator with you. :D
I know some Back Yard Rehabbers. (People who find 1 or 2 Squirrels will release them out in the wild not knowing what and How the Raise, Care-for, or Releases should be carried out.)
If some one raised a Squirrel from a Baby and it got to Aggressive towards family & friends. It has been Known to happen. They will take the Squirrel out to where not many people and just Release them. :nono
I would not worry to much about the Scratches. Squirrel ToeNails are very Sharp and will Pearce threw Bluejeans when they clime your legs. Just keep it clean, use Alcohol, and A over the counter Antibiotic ointment.
Be sure to keep an eye out when hiking in the same Area Next Time. If you hear a Squirrel Chattering or Scramming at you. Just move along a little further, and Pay a Little more Attention during Baby Season.
I hope you got the Picture you were taking. :thumbsup3
Good Luck with your Hobbies and Please do not Hold a Grudge against the Squirrel. :Love_Icon It was just Protecting its Family and Territory. :grouphug

05-17-2012, 09:42 PM
Squirrels raised by themselves and released will jump on people and don't fear us. It could have been looking for food and when you didn't give it, it bit. They act different than wild squirrels. Like not running further up the tree. Wild squirrels don't sit at eye level.

Rabies is passed through saliva, I believe, not through the scratches.

05-17-2012, 10:55 PM
Busy rehabbers are never seen in public with shorts on because we have legs covered in punctures and scratches. :osnap Our arms are looked at like we have a disease. :rotfl And our hands are full of toenail holes, scratches and healing bites. It's probably a good thing we can't see our backs :D

05-17-2012, 11:25 PM
Thank you for all the replies! :)

I really do appreciate the dialogue here.

I did note the one squirrel's agitation, and I was mindful that I should be moving along soon...I just didn't move soon enough! (I had been there two or three minutes, tops...!)

One thing I do wonder about... In checking my camera (I was literally seconds from continuing on), I wonder if it looked like I was opening something (as you'd open a wrapper of a granola bar or such). My hands were down so I could get a good focus on the viewer and I was turning it sideways--and there is a wrist cord that dangles from the camera, too.

Who knows...if that squirrel was used to being fed from campers or people passing through, it might have interpreted my actions as.... 'food!'

I absolutely hold no grudge against the squirrel (I've a very soft spot for animals!). I usually do walk on past the squirrels when they scold or sound the alarm, and I click my tongue back as if to say, "Now, now...I'm just passing through."

I also record birdsong out on my hikes and have been trying to identify Utah wildflowers and birds, specifically. Sometimes it's easy to get too focused on what you're looking for and forget about the rest. That's what happened here.

I'll remember to give the squirrels a wide berth from now on, too ;)

Again, I really appreciate all your replies! Thank you so much. :Love_Icon

I did get a tetanus shot, and figured scratches are a very low risk, but wanted to ask you all here what you thought. Talking to people who have the statistics is one thing; talking to others who work with and are familiar with squirrels is another--so this really helps.

Thanks, again, for being so patient with me and for helping me better understand squirrels! :thankyou

05-17-2012, 11:49 PM
that sounds so interesting - recording birdsounds and UT wildlife.
I hope you come on the board again, because I would like to ask you if you would not mind sharing your photos and recordings.

I like UT a lot, lived there for a year, love the canyons, but don't know enough about its flora and fauna.

So, if you do log in again, and if you do not mind, you could start a thread with UT wildlife pics and sounds. You could start your thread in Off Topic posts (scroll down the main page).
It does not have to be all squirrels.