View Full Version : Poor baby red

05-11-2012, 07:00 PM
As I was walking the paths on my daughter's land, I saw a little red motionless sitting on the lawn. I gently touched it with a stick to see if it was just in "freezing" mode, and it did not move. I gently picked it up and carried it to the house and put it in a carrier to warm it up. Within ten min. the little one was dead. It's front teeth had dirt in them. I wonder if it fell?? It was crawling on the ground. It was a fully furred beautiful little red. It looked old enough to be weaned. Any ideas? My daughter uses NO pesticides or anything toxic. It is a very wild and wooded area. I saw no external marks on it.

island rehabber
05-11-2012, 07:08 PM
As I was walking the paths on my daughter's land, I saw a little red motionless sitting on the lawn. I gently touched it with a stick to see if it was just in "freezing" mode, and it did not move. I gently picked it up and carried it to the house and put it in a carrier to warm it up. Within ten min. the little one was dead. It's front teeth had dirt in them. I wonder if it fell?? It was crawling on the ground. It was a fully furred beautiful little red. It looked old enough to be weaned. Any ideas? My daughter uses NO pesticides or anything toxic. It is a very wild and wooded area. I saw no external marks on it.

:( Dirt in its teeth, and dead so quickly? My guess is the poor thing fell on its face and broke its neck. RIP little red. :(

Sweet Simon's Mommy
05-11-2012, 07:19 PM
Some times large predator birds like hawks will pick up a baby go very high and drop it then come back for it after it is dead, I have found this same thing in my yard and the large park I walk in.:shakehead
nature can be so beautiful and so horrifying at the same time

Nancy in New York
05-14-2012, 06:31 PM
Poor little peanut.:shakehead

05-14-2012, 11:29 PM
RIP Little Red :Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon

Was this a juvenile? Most red squirrels leave the nest very early...and only about 20% of them survive the first month away from their mother. Starvation is the main culprit.

05-15-2012, 01:46 PM
Yes, it was a young one. She was beautiful. She was very weak when I found her, and like I mentioned had dirt in her teeth/mouth, which I found odd.

05-15-2012, 02:27 PM
It's so hard to see them go... Rest in peace little red. :grouphug

05-15-2012, 10:26 PM
Yes, it was a young one. She was beautiful. She was very weak when I found her, and like I mentioned had dirt in her teeth/mouth, which I found odd.
Dirt is sometimes a last resort if starving.....poor baby girl.

Maybe if your daughter is up for it....you could start setting some food out for the other squirrels there....just a little boost.

05-15-2012, 11:10 PM
Im so sorry to hear about little Red. :( Just know that she died safe and warm with someone by her side to love her. <3