View Full Version : now what
Jackie in Tampa
05-11-2012, 06:26 AM
all of the sudden my pc will not let me download pics...
even after I resize , TSB photo manager tells me they are exceeding size requirements..YADA YADA!
05-11-2012, 06:33 AM
When in doubt, shut down and reboot the PC.
island rehabber
05-11-2012, 06:37 AM
Jackie, are you in Windows Live Photo Gallery? That's what I use and I finally figured out I am only allowed to re-size from the smaller thumbnail version of the pic. (Some glitch at Microsoft, for which they have a patch, which takes 75 different clicks to download and....agh, fugggedaboutit.) If I click on the pic to "edit", the resizer won't work. Try going to the folder where the pics are located and right-clicking for re-size in that mode.
Jackie in Tampa
05-11-2012, 06:44 AM
test..nope reboot did not work..
i don't know what wlive gallery is..i do not think i messed with anything major that would change anything..dang..:sanp3
island rehabber
05-11-2012, 06:50 AM
JIT, I am now having the same problem --- there is definitely something wrong. Gotta get the tech service guys on this!! :soapbox
05-11-2012, 06:51 AM
Isn't it nice to know it isn't you JIT? :D
island rehabber
05-11-2012, 06:58 AM
OK I contacted Those Who Are Smarter Than I.....let's hope they read their email soon!
Jackie in Tampa
05-11-2012, 07:04 AM
Isn't it nice to know it isn't you JIT? :Dyes ....oh yes thank you...:osnap
Jackie in Tampa
05-11-2012, 07:04 AM
:thinking I could not possibly single handedly have done this right?:peace
Milo's Mom
05-11-2012, 07:06 AM
Hey guys, I do not know anything about Windows Live Photo Gallery other than it sucks, always has, and most likely always will. There is a free picture manager program called Picasa. It is made by Google and it is super easy to use. I talked Kristin Ward through the downloading, installing and basic use skills over the phone. It really IS that EASY.
Here is a link to the website where you can download Picasa.
I have used Picasa for MANY YEARS and I LOVE it.
If either of you want me to talk you through it, I am happy to do so.
Resizing is easy too.
island rehabber
05-11-2012, 07:31 AM
Hey MM -- would you mind trying to post a pic and see if you get the "exceeds size limit" message too? I got it trying to post a 212KB jpg, which is WELL within our limits.....:dono
Jackie in Tampa
05-11-2012, 07:38 AM
I think I downloaded picassa three times...and still can't use it..
if time were something I had alot of I would love to do Stosh type edits...but dang it..I cannot get veggies chopped and laundry done and focus on learning anything...
something(sqs) always interupts the flow of the day, always.
Never is anything predictable 'round here.
Currently there are ?? sqs running around...
rocky, hope, emma, willie and bunny bunny snickers..the morning crew.
and as easy and together as they are, even with these gentle guys, something always is happening....
emma looks at Hope and Hope gets ruffled and runs home...
and willie steals all the pecans from everyone...rocky gets his toe bite by sarah...havoc runs deep in the sq world...even with the major handicapped!
But MM, when I find time...I need alot of lessons from you!:poke :rotfl
Milo's Mom
05-11-2012, 07:40 AM
Here goes!
Nope, it will not work. I just tried to post a pic that I posted previously.
Milo's Mom
05-11-2012, 07:45 AM
I think I downloaded picassa three times...and still can't use it..
if time were something I had alot of I would love to do Stosh type edits...but dang it..I cannot get veggies chopped and laundry done and focus on learning anything...
something(sqs) always interupts the flow of the day, always.
Never is anything predictable 'round here.
Currently there are ?? sqs running around...
rocky, hope, emma, willie and bunny bunny snickers..the morning crew.
and as easy and together as they are, even with these gentle guys, something always is happening....
emma looks at Hope and Hope gets ruffled and runs home...
and willie steals all the pecans from everyone...rocky gets his toe bite by sarah...havoc runs deep in the sq world...even with the major handicapped!
But MM, when I find time...I need alot of lessons from you!:poke :rotfl
I understand JIT. I do have 1 very important question for you though.
After you downloaded Picasa...Did you INSTALL it?
The download is the first step, then you have to install it, then you may use it.
Over the years I have discovered if I "take the time" to do something that involves more time than what I really have at the moment, it actually ends up saving me time in the future, which then affords me "extra time" to do some of the regular daily tasks that always seem to get pushed aside...know what I mean?
BUT, I do not think that resizing is the issue right now...something else on the TSB server/software side.
Jackie in Tampa
05-11-2012, 07:59 AM
well I wissh you were here today..I have a nice printer scanner yada yada machine..
sometime ago, I got a virus and my geek could not fix it, he called and told me to come get my pc but it wasn't was my son's fathers OLD one with my stuff in it...
and it worked so I did not complain and he never charges me to fix these issues, the geek that is... scanner will not adhere to this new pc(OLDpc)...
I did go to tyhe epson website and download the software again per my son...however it still won't work...maybe I DO NEED TO INSTALL or something... very first email was to clarrisa...and then I found TSB...other than that I had a fancy freecell machine..
I had internet for three years and never even knew what it was or how to find it..I just played free cell!
I am really good on TSB and email..that's it..
no skill ot know how..I did mange to download Smilie central...
Phill says downloading crap like Smilie central is probably what gave me the virus in the first place!
PC is too slow to post on face bookk, takes forever to view others pic and videos on photobucket, but I have learned to be patient..
I have high speed internet but it is slow anyways..
When Phill comes over he gets so aggrevaited on my PC...
he says (SAYS) that he is giving me his pc and getting a lap top..
but them I have to learn all over...on his machine.
I loved the 70s...
Milo's Mom
05-11-2012, 08:21 AM
well I wissh you were here today..I have a nice printer scanner yada yada machine..
sometime ago, I got a virus and my geek could not fix it, he called and told me to come get my pc but it wasn't was my son's fathers OLD one with my stuff in it...
and it worked so I did not complain and he never charges me to fix these issues, the geek that is... scanner will not adhere to this new pc(OLDpc)...
I did go to tyhe epson website and download the software again per my son...however it still won't work...maybe I DO NEED TO INSTALL or something... very first email was to clarrisa...and then I found TSB...other than that I had a fancy freecell machine..
I had internet for three years and never even knew what it was or how to find it..I just played free cell!
I am really good on TSB and email..that's it..
no skill ot know how..I did mange to download Smilie central...
Phill says downloading crap like Smilie central is probably what gave me the virus in the first place!
PC is too slow to post on face bookk, takes forever to view others pic and videos on photobucket, but I have learned to be patient..
I have high speed internet but it is slow anyways..
When Phill comes over he gets so aggrevaited on my PC...
he says (SAYS) that he is giving me his pc and getting a lap top..
but them I have to learn all over...on his machine.
I loved the 70s...
Yes, he is most likely correct about the virus and the smilie thing...I like them and would love to use them, but I've learned sometimes it's better to just enjoy from a distance.
Do you still have the CD that came with the printer/scanner machine? If so, put it in the computer. It will automatically open up and ask you if you want to install the drivers and software for the machine...say yes.
Downloading is simply acquiring the information from a website and placing it on your machine. (it makes the install process a little faster)
After the info is downloaded it must be installed. The reason it does not install automatically is a safety measure. A software program file is an executable file and it, for lack of better words, gets into the brain of your machine and makes some changes/saves things. This explanation is a quick simple one, it is actually a little more involved than this, but this is not the forum to go into it.
Viruses are also a form of executable file, only they are malicious and they have been programmed to install themselves and do terrible things to your machine.
The best thing you can do to prevent viruses from getting into your machine is to download (& install) a reputable free virus detection/prevention program...some of them are Norton, AVG, Mcafee.
Then you just need to make sure that you update the virus definitions regularly (this is very easy and takes but a few clicks of the mouse) and run the software at a time when you are not using the machine (usually at night when you are sleeping). It sounds complicated and super deep, but it's not. If you know how to click a mouse, you can use virus detection/protection...most of them are super user friendly.
Another thing you can do to help speed up your machine is to Defragment your hard drive. Again it is easy to do, but it takes the computer some time to do it (the computer, not you). If you want me to walk you through how to do this, I will. Send me a PM with your number, I will call you and tell you how to do it. Should not take more than 2 minutes.
Jackie in Tampa
05-11-2012, 08:35 AM
i found the epson disk...
will put it in the top disk thing and close it...we'll see what happens...:D
cover your head in case of flying debris!
Milo's Mom
05-11-2012, 08:40 AM
i found the epson disk...
will put it in the top disk thing and close it...we'll see what happens...:D
cover your head in case of flying debris!
Jackie, is it a floppy disk (hard and square) or is it a CD (looks like one that music comes on these days)?
If it is a DISK, it will not do anything automatically, you have to tell it to do what you want it to do. If it is a CD it will do it automatically.
The offer of my phone support still stands. I will call you if you want me to.
Jackie in Tampa
05-11-2012, 08:58 AM
says it is installed and ready to use...
I ain't gonna believe it til I sees it!:shakehead
this could turn into a frustatration a thon ...but fingers crossed!:D
will try it:jump
ouch on hold with epson
Milo's Mom
05-11-2012, 09:09 AM
says it is installed and ready to use...
I ain't gonna believe it til I sees it!:shakehead
this could turn into a frustatration a thon ...but fingers crossed!:D
will try it:jump
ouch on hold with epson
on hold with called them or are you waiting for the machine, thus meaning you are on hold?
You may need to re-start the computer in order for it to work correctly now that it is installed.
If it gets to frustrating, step away from the computer and go to a happy place (go out on the deck and hand out some nuts). Come back later with a clear mind and try again.
Jackie in Tampa
05-11-2012, 09:37 AM
some guy tiook over my computer and ended up saying my printer is shot...
but i d not believe worked before I changed PCs..oh well...a new printer scanner all in one is not on the most important list for now.
he said the printer head was shot.
I guess I will live, it's been broke for a bout a year..lived this long without it...however there were a few times when I really needed it...
Milo's Mom
05-11-2012, 09:45 AM
some guy tiook over my computer and ended up saying my printer is shot...
but i d not believe worked before I changed PCs..oh well...a new printer scanner all in one is not on the most important list for now.
he said the printer head was shot.
I guess I will live, it's been broke for a bout a year..lived this long without it...however there were a few times when I really needed it...
So if the printer head is shot it will not print, but it should still scan. The device used for scanning has nothing to do with the device used for printing.
Does it even act like it is printing? If so, since it's been broken and un-used for a year, the ink cartridges are dried up and the print heads are probably clogged. Sometimes they are too clogged to be cleaned, but I always try.
Did he ask you to put a new print cartridge in? If not and if you have one, try it. I have several printers and if I do not use them each regularly, the heads get clogged and I have to replace the cartridges and clean the heads. I go through this about twice a year with each printer. PIA if you ask me.
Jackie in Tampa
05-11-2012, 10:02 AM scanned a big black square...:jump
how much does a all in one cost?
printer scanner yadaa yada.?
Milo's Mom
05-11-2012, 10:23 AM scanned a big black square...:jump
how much does a all in one cost?
printer scanner yadaa yada.?
They range in price from $$ to $$$ and even more.
This may seem like a dumb question, but did you place something on the glass for the printer to scan or did you just have it scan nothing? If you did the scan of nothing, it will scan a big black square.
Do you specifically want an All in One or do you just want/need a printer?
Do you want it to print/scan/copy/fax or just print/scan/copy?
Kristin Ward
05-11-2012, 10:50 AM
OYE, I'm having a tantrum for you Jackie. :soapbox I hate computers. Give me a pen and paper! Betsy saved my butt helping me download picassa. When you get everything straightened out I would rec. Picassa. Good luck.
Jackie in Tampa
05-11-2012, 11:55 AM
They range in price from $$ to $$$ and even more.
This may seem like a dumb question, but did you place something on the glass for the printer to scan or did you just have it scan nothing? If you did the scan of nothing, it will scan a big black square.
Do you specifically want an All in One or do you just want/need a printer?
Do you want it to print/scan/copy/fax or just print/scan/copy?
I did use a roots are semi dark...:rotfl
(don't tell abby I am not really blonde:rotfl )
no fax needed...
my geek is disabled police officer, he us at home on ebay all day buying and selling...I will email him for a deal...or my son, who is his buddy.
ps, the geek rehabbs baby sqs too!:D
ty MM:thumbsup
Milo's Mom
05-11-2012, 12:02 PM
Jackie -
The reason I was asking what you were looking for is because I have several that I do not need and no longer use.
If I happen to have what you are looking for, I am happy to GIVE it to you. I'll pack it all up and ship it to you and all you need to do is pay for the shipping, which is less than the cost of buying one (I would think).
If you are interested, leave me know what you are looking for and if I happen to have one like that, we can work out the details.
Kristin Ward
05-11-2012, 04:59 PM
Hey Jackie, I've got a color HP copier/printer/scanner/ fax that I just put in the attic a few months ago. You can have it. I'll have Bob get it down tomorrow. It worked when we put it up there. I want to make sure it still does and then it's yours if you want it. Let me know.:thankyou
Jackie in Tampa
05-12-2012, 06:14 AM
MM!!! THANK YOU, and KW thank you..
I will take you up on the offer shipping...:D :thumbsup
MM thank you sooooooooo much for offering it to me...:bowdown
:wave123 :Love_Icon Hi Ellie
Milo's Mom
05-12-2012, 06:25 AM
Jackie you are welcome. KW is closer and no shipping!! Better deal!!
Too funny though, cause one of the ones I do not use anymore is also an HP print/copy/scan/fax.
Hopefully you will be up and running soon!
Kristin Ward
05-12-2012, 04:37 PM
Hey there MM,
You know I will be able to offer 0 teck support to Jackie. I know you can help get her up and running. Thanks again for all the help you gave me!:thankyou
Milo's Mom
05-12-2012, 05:04 PM
Hey there MM,
You know I will be able to offer 0 teck support to Jackie. I know you can help get her up and running. Thanks again for all the help you gave me!:thankyou
No problem. If she wants my assistance, I am here.
If possible, please give her the disk that came with the printer so it's super easy to install the drivers for everything. If you no longer have it, leave me know exactly what model it is and I'll download the drivers and e-mail them to her.
Kristin Ward
05-12-2012, 07:49 PM
MM, I got the disk, gonna catch up w/Jackie tomorrow.:thankyou
Milo's Mom
05-12-2012, 08:00 PM
MM, I got the disk, gonna catch up w/Jackie tomorrow.:thankyou
Cool! You've got my number. Call me if you need me.
Jackie in Tampa
05-13-2012, 05:02 AM
:thumbsup MM, Thank you, will let you know when I have the machine and we'll get it going!! maybeThank you KW!
Charley Chuckles
05-14-2012, 01:37 PM
All I know is ya can't use Google chrome with the board/I have to go back to internet explorer to put up a pic :soapbox I want my old Fire fox back/....I still have that on my desk but not on my lap top which is what I use so :compownu
Milo's Mom
05-14-2012, 01:45 PM
All I know is ya can't use Google chrome with the board/I have to go back to internet explorer to put up a pic :soapbox I want my old Fire fox back/....I still have that on my desk but not on my lap top which is what I use so :compownu
Is there a reason you cannot go download Firefox, then uninstall Google Chrome, then install Firefox?
Charley Chuckles
05-15-2012, 01:40 PM
I did do that but the new firefox didn't work/or I couldn't get it to let me put up pics etc. :thinking I am sure it is Firefox and not me :poke :rofl4
Is there a reason you cannot go download Firefox, then uninstall Google Chrome, then install Firefox?
05-15-2012, 02:07 PM
well I wissh you were here today..I have a nice printer scanner yada yada machine..
sometime ago, I got a virus and my geek could not fix it, he called and told me to come get my pc but it wasn't was my son's fathers OLD one with my stuff in it...
and it worked so I did not complain and he never charges me to fix these issues, the geek that is... scanner will not adhere to this new pc(OLDpc)...
I did go to tyhe epson website and download the software again per my son...however it still won't work...maybe I DO NEED TO INSTALL or something... very first email was to clarrisa...and then I found TSB...other than that I had a fancy freecell machine..
I had internet for three years and never even knew what it was or how to find it..I just played free cell!
I am really good on TSB and email..that's it..
no skill ot know how..I did mange to download Smilie central...
Phill says downloading crap like Smilie central is probably what gave me the virus in the first place!
PC is too slow to post on face bookk, takes forever to view others pic and videos on photobucket, but I have learned to be patient..
I have high speed internet but it is slow anyways..
When Phill comes over he gets so aggrevaited on my PC...
he says (SAYS) that he is giving me his pc and getting a lap top..
but them I have to learn all over...on his machine.
I loved the 70s...
If you are as technologically impaired as I am Jackie - I mean beyond the button to turn the thing on and off I can barely figure out anything when it comes to computers - then you need yourself a Mac.
After years and years of fighting with a PC, after screaming for years and years "Honey!!!!!!! How do I do this on the dan puter? .... Honey!!!! How do I do that.... Honey can you fix this????" Virus protection and all I STILL ended up with a virus that wiped my entire hard drive and never managed to recover half of my stuff. I had enough... and before HE told me he had enough I figured I'd something about it!!!!
SO, without even telling my old man, I went out & checked out the macs...had the guy explain things to me at the store and show me how it worked... and bingo! Bought the thing, went home, plugged the thing and LITERALLY LESS THAN 2 HOURS LATER, ALL BY MYSELF, I WAS UP AND RUNNING!!!!!! I mean, I was already editing photos on it 1 houor after I got it going!!!!
Been more than 8 years now, and I guess you might say "Once I got a Mac, I never looked back." Besides, one of the advantages of the mac is, it's a lot less subject to viruses... not saying there aren't any but thre are far less of them that will effect the Mac; apparently the hackers don't bother much with it and consider it's hardly worth their time, figuring the vast majority of people use PC's anyway.
:dono That;'s just my rgain of salt of course, I'm just a computer dufus anyway and on the Mac I use Safari as a browser :jump
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