View Full Version : 2 babies

Nutty's Mama
05-10-2012, 05:23 PM
Well, after we lost Nutty, we didnt think that we would be squirrel parents again so soon. Guess I was wrong. I received a call from my Aunt that said she had 2 babies in a box in her garage. She let her dog's outside and one of the little ones climbed right up the dogs leg and then proceeded to go and sit on my Uncle's shoe. He scooped them up and put them in a box and called me.:D
I have them home now, resting comfortably in some blankies and have there box 1/2 on a heating pad. Their eyes are open and they seem very alert and do not have any injuries that I can see.:thumbsup
There is a boy and a girl. I dont know if once they become older I will be able to keep them together....feedback?
I need to know what my first step is now that I have them getting warm. I would imagine it would be hydration. :thinking Should I make some pedialyte and offer them that? Or should I mix up some fox valley and go with that?
Also, I'm not quite sure their age, but I would estimate somewhere around 10-12 weeks. Their bottom teeth are in and it looks like their tops are just starting to come in.
When I picked them up, my Aunt had cheerios in the box and they were nibbling at those.
Any help would be greatly appreciated - I learned so much from having Nutty, but I know there is so much more to learn.

05-10-2012, 05:28 PM
Oh they are sweet! Start by making sure they are totally warmed up and then a couple of pedialyte feedings seems like a plan. Then FV is on the menu! :Welcome little ones!
P.S. I may be wrong, but they look younger than 10-12 weeks to me.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
05-10-2012, 05:36 PM
Oh yes they are young, need pedialyte first couple of feedings ,every 2 hours to make sure they are well hydrated, did you ever get any FV? It will keep in the freezer.
let usknow what you have.
Also get some block from http://www.henryspets.com/
you can try to feed with a syringe, 1cc is easiest.

{{{see I told you they would come}}}

Nancy in New York
05-10-2012, 05:47 PM
Well, after we lost Nutty, we didnt think that we would be squirrel parents again so soon. Guess I was wrong. I received a call from my Aunt that said she had 2 babies in a box in her garage. She let her dog's outside and one of the little ones climbed right up the dogs leg and then proceeded to go and sit on my Uncle's shoe. He scooped them up and put them in a box and called me.:D
I have them home now, resting comfortably in some blankies and have there box 1/2 on a heating pad. Their eyes are open and they seem very alert and do not have any injuries that I can see.:thumbsup
There is a boy and a girl. I dont know if once they become older I will be able to keep them together....feedback?
I need to know what my first step is now that I have them getting warm. I would imagine it would be hydration. :thinking Should I make some pedialyte and offer them that? Or should I mix up some fox valley and go with that?
Also, I'm not quite sure their age, but I would estimate somewhere around 10-12 weeks. Their bottom teeth are in and it looks like their tops are just starting to come in.
When I picked them up, my Aunt had cheerios in the box and they were nibbling at those.
Any help would be greatly appreciated - I learned so much from having Nutty, but I know there is so much more to learn.

Congratulations....they are adorable.
What kind of a box do you have them in? Make sure that it is nothing that they can chew on and escape. I would estimate their age at around 8 weeks.
Their main food right now should be the Fox Valley 20/50, and introduce some block. As long as they take FV that is your guarantee against MBD.
They can definitely stay together until they are released, is that what your asking? No worry about them mating at such a young age.:)

05-10-2012, 05:58 PM
They are very cute. I would say 7 weeks or so. Would start them off with pedialyte for a few feeding to make sure they are hydrated well, and then slowly start them on fv. You should weigh them to get an accurate weight, then feed 5-7% of their bodyweight, ever 4-5 hours (pedialyte you can do more often. They should be in a small cage, I would still put them on heat for now under half the cage. I would also cover three sides of the cage to help them feel more secure. Check them very good for bugs, too. They can stay together (I am assuming you will be releasing them when they are old enough?)

Nutty's Mama
05-10-2012, 06:16 PM
Well - just checked on the little fuzzers. They are snuggled together on the warm side of their box. I didnt want to handle them too much just yet to check them for bugs, but I will once they get all warmed up and their little bellys full :D
Can someone send me the recipe for homemade pedialyte please.
Also, the only FV that I have right now is the 32/40 - would it be alright to feed that or should I really get the 20/50?

Nutty's Mama
05-10-2012, 06:19 PM
How many feeding of Pedialyte should I give before I offer them FV?

Nancy in New York
05-10-2012, 06:41 PM
How many feeding of Pedialyte should I give before I offer them FV?

Give at least 2-3
Here is the recipe for homemade:
1 tsp salt (teaspoon)
3 Tbsp sugar (tablespoon)
1 quart warm water

Keep refrigerated.

I just got in a little one yesterday that is very similar in size. This is such an adorable age. I will gladly raise these two little ones, as they would be the perfect for size for mine so that he has a buddy.
And you KNOW that I have everything right here and am more than happy to take them. :thumbsup :)

05-10-2012, 06:51 PM
And the 32/40 will be fine for now.

Nutty's Mama
05-10-2012, 06:57 PM
Update: Each little baby had 2cc's of pedialyte and took it without a problem. I dont have a scale just yet, so I cant weigh them. I hope to get one tomorrow. Do you think 2cc's is enough, or should I have given them more?

Nancy in New York
05-10-2012, 07:00 PM
Give at least 2-3
Here is the recipe for homemade:
1 tsp salt (teaspoon)
3 Tbsp sugar (tablespoon)
1 quart warm water

Keep refrigerated.

I just got in a little one yesterday that is very similar in size. This is such an adorable age. I will gladly raise these two little ones, as they would be the perfect for size for mine so that he has a buddy.
And you KNOW that I have everything right here and am more than happy to take them. :thumbsup :)

:dono I have the scale right here....:) :thumbsup

Nutty's Mama
05-10-2012, 07:35 PM
Nancy - I appreciate you offering to take these two little ones, but I would love to raise them myself. Trust me - if something doesnt work out, you will be the first one that I will be in contact with. :thankyou
I shared a wonderful 5 years with Nutty, and I wouldnt have given up those years for anything. If I can show the same love for these two as I did Nutty, I want to cease the opportunity.

Anyone: do you think that 2cc's of pedialyte is enough for now, or should I be giving more?

Nancy in New York
05-10-2012, 07:49 PM
I am just guessing at their weight....and I will say at least 100 grams. So the 5-7% rule with anything formula or pedialyte would be 5-7 cc's remember to warm it.
I just want to add one more thing. For these little ones to run up to a stranger, they have been without their mama for some time. They need lots of hydration, and I am sure they are quite thin. Are you taking them into work with you?
Are you planning on release?

Nutty's Mama
05-10-2012, 07:54 PM
You are the best Nancy - thank you bunches!!!:thankyou :thankyou

Nutty's Mama
05-10-2012, 08:04 PM
Believe it or not - they are not as thin as you might think. I did a small pinch test on them and their skin bounced right back - which is a good sign.
I do have to agree with you though, in order for them to come right up to a human, they have been without Mom for a while.
I can not bring them to work with me, but thankfully I work 5 minutes away, and I will be coming home every couple hours to check in on them.
They are due for more pedialyte here in about a 1/2 hour, so I will make sure to give them around 5-7cc's.
I truly hope you know how much I appreciate all the help.:grouphug
Oh yeah - and yes, these two will be released. I figure as long as I point them in the right direction and give them the proper nutrition, they should be good to go!

Nancy in New York
05-10-2012, 08:34 PM
At least they will have each other. Releasing a single is hard...and you will see they will both learn from each other.
If you ever need a vet, let me recommend my vet Joy. She is top notch....and since you and my friend both went to that other vet...(no names):D ...I have not heard many good things about him....:shakehead

Nutty's Mama
05-10-2012, 09:12 PM
Thank you for your recommendation. It is a huge relief to know that we have help if we need it - good help! :D
Here are a couple more pictures of the fuzzers at their 9:30 feeding. The first two pictures are of the little girl and the last two pictures are of the little boy. I havent given them names just yet - I'm trying to see their personalities first, and then the names will come :)

Nancy in New York
05-10-2012, 10:21 PM
Too cute. When you feed, just make sure that they are in an upright position without their head tilted back. What I do is put them on their tummies, and feed that way. And if you can have the syringe lower than their mouth and kind of point it up, the chances are less for aspiration. I will look for a picture...:D
Also do you have nipples? If not pm me your address and I will send you some.

Hold something like this

or like this:
This was taken from above but my hand is usually on their back, and Sherry was laying down flat.
I know it's hard to tell from this picture but the syringe is lower than her mouth.:thumbsup

Nutty's Mama
05-11-2012, 07:41 AM
Very interesting that you sent this to me - they both ate their breakfast on their tummies this morning holding onto the syringe. They were both little piggies too - they had 6cc's of FV, and then I offered them a very small sliver of an HHB and they both loved that. I then gave them 1cc of water to wash that down and then they went back to sleep.:D
Will post the lunch time update later.

Nancy in New York
05-11-2012, 10:27 AM
Very interesting that you sent this to me - they both ate their breakfast on their tummies this morning holding onto the syringe. They were both little piggies too - they had 6cc's of FV, and then I offered them a very small sliver of an HHB and they both loved that. I then gave them 1cc of water to wash that down and then they went back to sleep.:D
Will post the lunch time update later.

Sounds great...:thumbsup
Can we get a weight on these babies?
They can certainly have more than a sliver of the HHB.
Since you aren't feeding much through the day....make sure
that they have food at their disposal. Put in some blocks
they can munch on, and hang a water bottle.

Nutty's Mama
05-11-2012, 12:24 PM
I put the hard rodent blocks in with them for this afternoon - they were munching on them when i left and I did hang a little water bottle. I will get a weight on them later this evening and report back. :D

Nutty's Mama
05-11-2012, 05:40 PM
Just weighed the babies:
Boy = 137g
Gril = 127g

Nancy in New York
05-11-2012, 06:17 PM
Just weighed the babies:
Boy = 137g
Gril = 127g

So the boy can take between 7-10 cc's per feeding (rounding up). Please try to get at least 4 feedings of formula in daily.
Are you getting up with them through the night?
The girl should take between 6-9 cc's per feeding.
If they want more give it as they are growing squirrels....but just make sure that their tummy's do not get and stay hard and bloated.

island rehabber
05-11-2012, 07:09 PM

Nutty's Mama
05-11-2012, 07:18 PM
Excellent - the girl had 7cc's for dinner and the boy had 8cc's. They are due for another feeding around 9:30.
I got up with them last night around 12:30 and gave them some pedialyte - thats all they had last night to make sure that they were hydrated. I started formula this morning and the LOVED it!:jump
How long should I continue to get up with them in the middle of the night?
As of right now, their feeding schedule is:
7:30am, 12:00pm, 5:15pm, 9:30pm, 2:15am
Also, should I give them 1/2 an HHB each for the whole day or make sure that each one is getting a full HHB?
Thanks for all the help. You all are wonderful.:grouphug

Nancy in New York
05-11-2012, 08:56 PM
Excellent - the girl had 7cc's for dinner and the boy had 8cc's. They are due for another feeding around 9:30.
I got up with them last night around 12:30 and gave them some pedialyte - thats all they had last night to make sure that they were hydrated. I started formula this morning and the LOVED it!:jump
How long should I continue to get up with them in the middle of the night?
As of right now, their feeding schedule is:
7:30am, 12:00pm, 5:15pm, 9:30pm, 2:15am
Also, should I give them 1/2 an HHB each for the whole day or make sure that each one is getting a full HHB?
Thanks for all the help. You all are wonderful.:grouphug

I think that if you could do a couple more days with giving them 5 feedings which would mean getting up at 2:15 that should do the trick. So if you can, do tonight and tomorrow. Then stop that feeding so that you get some good rest for work. If you can post a couple more pictures, that would be great. I am thinking probably around 7 weeks, but the tail should tell more. You can definitely give them each an HHB and also some of the other block just to switch it up for them. You can actually keep a little bowl of Harlan Teklad in along with an HHB each. Then if you want to start giving them some apple pieces, without the skin, NO grapes....even with the skin off, there is that white section in the middle that is hard for them to swallow, just not worth the bother. As long as they are taking formula you are good to go....I love when they stay on formula, your insurance from MBD if they get enough.
Give them some safe branches to munch on too. Maple is a good choice. You know twigs....not a large branch.:D

Nutty's Mama
05-11-2012, 09:34 PM
No problem on the early morning feedings:thumbsup If they needed to go longer with that particular feeding - I would do it. Anything for these little ones:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
I will try to get some pictures of them on here tomorrow. I moved them into a larger cage tonight so they have more room and I can rest assured that they wont be eating the bin that I had them in - they didnt try eating it yet, but I know how they can be as they get older:)
I still have the heating pad on low in one corner, incase they want/need it.
They were little piggies again at the 9:30 feeding. Boy had 9cc's and girl had 8cc's. They drank a little from their water bottle, but that is still very new to them:D
Well, I'm off to get some rest before their next feeding. What a fun little age this is:)

Nancy in New York
05-11-2012, 09:41 PM
No problem on the early morning feedings:thumbsup If they needed to go longer with that particular feeding - I would do it. Anything for these little ones:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
I will try to get some pictures of them on here tomorrow. I moved them into a larger cage tonight so they have more room and I can rest assured that they wont be eating the bin that I had them in - they didnt try eating it yet, but I know how they can be as they get older:)
I still have the heating pad on low in one corner, incase they want/need it.
They were little piggies again at the 9:30 feeding. Boy had 9cc's and girl had 8cc's. They drank a little from their water bottle, but that is still very new to them:D
Well, I'm off to get some rest before their next feeding. What a fun little age this is:)

Sounds fantastic. The heating pad is good, I always like to offer warmth for the little ones. They can't reach the cord though, right? I'm a worrier...:)

Nutty's Mama
05-11-2012, 09:44 PM
Sounds fantastic. The heating pad is good, I always like to offer warmth for the little ones. They can't reach the cord though, right? I'm a worrier...:)
Me too....I worry over silly things most of the time.
I triple checked that the cord was no where in the vacinity where they could get to it. The are snuggled together right now sleeping. Too cute! :grouphug

Nancy in New York
05-11-2012, 09:54 PM
Me too....I worry over silly things most of the time.
I triple checked that the cord was no where in the vacinity where they could get to it. The are snuggled together right now sleeping. Too cute! :grouphug

Get that camera out....:tilt

Jackie in Tampa
05-12-2012, 04:53 AM
:Love_Icon We need baby pics!!!!:Love_Icon
can we see cage pics too?
bar spacing is very important...if larger than 1/2 inch, can be dangerous if they start chewing.
didn't want to scare you but just had to say/share.
we all are worriers!:grouphug


btw, you are very lucky to NINY sooo close and willing to help!:thumbsup

Nutty's Mama
05-12-2012, 09:03 AM
Ok - here are some pictures from this morning.
The had breakfast around 6:30 this morning because they were wide awake.
Boy had 10cc's and girl had 9cc's. They also had 1/2 and HHB each.
First picture is the little boy and the second one is the little girl.

Nancy in New York
05-12-2012, 03:26 PM
Nice cage by the way. Do you have anything like a cube, boa, hammock to put in there? They love to snuggle up in cubes, put lots of fleece in with them. I think I sent a ton up for Nutty...:thinking Oh and branches, always have safe fresh branches for them, they love those.
If you have a little bowl, put some of their different block in for them too. Also some broccoli, cauliflower, apple with no skin...and things that are on the healthy list. :thumbsup

Nutty's Mama
05-13-2012, 11:47 AM
I didn't throw all of Nutty's stuff away and I have a flower that has a fuzzy inside that you use for ferrets. They can get inside and cuddle up. Im washing that now with more fleece blankets and will be giving it to the kids later on this afternoon.
The are still eating like little piggies. Im going to weigh them again tonight to see if they have put on any weight. Im also going to go and buy them some veggies and fruit today as well.
Question: how long should they stay on formula??

Nancy in New York
05-13-2012, 04:26 PM
Their main food right now should be the Fox Valley 20/50, and introduce some block. As long as they take FV that is your guarantee against MBD.

Please keep them on formula as long as they take it....the minute they go off, that is where you have to be vigilant making sure they get exactly what they need.
I don't know of anyone who tries to wean their babies off of formula, so if they take it for a year....keep giving it to them. Actually some squirrels have become the age for release and were still taking it....:rotfl

Nutty's Mama
05-13-2012, 05:52 PM
No problem....as long as they keep taking it, I'll keep giving it.
I put some broccoli and some spring mix in with them this evening after their 5pm feeding and they havent touched any of it yet. I also put some small apple pieces in there and they havent touched those yet either. They were sleeping a little while ago, so I'm sure they are still full from dinner.
I weighed them just before dinner and the update is:
Boy = 153g...up 16g from Friday night
Girl = 154g...up 27g from Friday night
Is that a good weight gain or is that typical?
Also, I need to know what the right age is for a release.

Nancy in New York
05-13-2012, 05:56 PM
No problem....as long as they keep taking it, I'll keep giving it.
I put some broccoli and some spring mix in with them this evening after their 5pm feeding and they havent touched any of it yet. I also put some small apple pieces in there and they havent touched those yet either. They were sleeping a little while ago, so I'm sure they are still full from dinner.
I weighed them just before dinner and the update is:
Boy = 153g...up 16g from Friday night
Girl = 154g...up 27g from Friday night
Is that a good weight gain or is that typical?
Also, I need to know what the right age is for a release.

That is a fantastic weight gain! Wonderful. Don't be too concerned about the food, and them not touching it yet, they could just be full....and to me formula is the most important thing right now, and their block.
Give them some branches so their teeth stay short....:)
I like release around 6 months.....many do it sooner, but I believe the absolute earliest is 4 months. It really depends on the squirrels too....size, and maturity and if they are fighting captivity.

Nutty's Mama
05-13-2012, 06:39 PM
Excellent. Thank you for that tid bit of information.
I am wondering though, one they get a little bigger, should I still be giving them formula every 4-5 hours?
I just put the flower pouch in their cage and they love it :D

Nutty's Mama
05-14-2012, 01:31 PM
Question - should I be concerned if they arent drinking from their water bottle everyday? They are getting their formula every 4-5 hours and are going potty regularly. I was told when we had Nutty that as long as they take formula, there really shouldnt be that much concern if they dont drink a lot of water.

Nancy in New York
05-14-2012, 01:41 PM
Question - should I be concerned if they arent drinking from their water bottle everyday? They are getting their formula every 4-5 hours and are going potty regularly. I was told when we had Nutty that as long as they take formula, there really shouldnt be that much concern if they dont drink a lot of water.

I think they are fine. The bottle is working, right? We have seen on the board that sometimes the little ball sticks. Their fur doesn't look spikey does it? That would mean dehydration. You can offer water too in between formula.:thumbsup
We need more pictures....:poke :D
These little ones grow so fast.
Love the ones in the flower....:grouphug

Nutty's Mama
05-15-2012, 04:59 PM
So I figured it out that the babies would rather be fed in their cage than me taking them out and messing around with them. They have been taking their formula really well (12cc's each) but tonight, the little girl only took 4cc's and the little boy only had 5cc's.
My thoughts are that there were several noises outside that distracted them and they became very distracted. I'm sure that its nothing to worry about, but I just wanted to make sure.
I also put some apple tree twigs in there for them to munch on. I'm sure its just a matter of time before they discover those :D

Nancy in New York
05-15-2012, 07:32 PM
So I figured it out that the babies would rather be fed in their cage than me taking them out and messing around with them. They have been taking their formula really well (12cc's each) but tonight, the little girl only took 4cc's and the little boy only had 5cc's.
My thoughts are that there were several noises outside that distracted them and they became very distracted. I'm sure that its nothing to worry about, but I just wanted to make sure.
I also put some apple tree twigs in there for them to munch on. I'm sure its just a matter of time before they discover those :D

If they don't take the adequate amount, try feeding again in an hour or so.
What foods are you giving through the day? You leave food in there while your gone too, right? Squirrels love to "graze"....:)
Do you have new weights on them?
Sounds like things are going well, glad to hear that.

05-16-2012, 06:32 AM
:wave123 What adorable little fuzzers!! Looks like they are in good hands. I am thinking Nutty sent them to you cause he knew how hard it has been for you without him. :Love_Icon

Nutty's Mama
05-16-2012, 11:50 AM
Thanks Gina!
Yes - they have fresh veggies and hard rodent blocks in their cage with them all throughout the day. They really like the hard rodent blocks and slowly trying out the veggies. They have taken the right amount of FV the last several feedings, so I think they were just distracted last night:wahoo

05-17-2012, 06:35 AM
Thanks Gina!
Yes - they have fresh veggies and hard rodent blocks in their cage with them all throughout the day. They really like the hard rodent blocks and slowly trying out the veggies. They have taken the right amount of FV the last several feedings, so I think they were just distracted last night:wahoo

It is not unusual for them to eat different amounts, it might help to keep a log of their feedings - this way you see the daily intake as well as each feeding. If there are 3 or more small feedings in a row then something could be amiss otherwise no worries. Also weigh them daily at first then every few days just to make sure they are continuing to gain. I'm sure you already have a system going as they look awesome!!:multi :multi :multi
By the way...Jackieintampa makes the most awesome cubes, hammocks & boa's and all of my squirrels LOVE them.(Wayne does not play on the boa-but Garth goes nuts on it) Hers are way cheaper and way nicer then what you would get at Petco. You can contact her directly or order through Henry's . The proceeds help her to care for the squirrels she rehabs all year round. The hammock is very similar to the little bed they are in now except it can hang up higher in cage. The one you have is perfect for now, I love it. As they start to explore and climb around like monkeys they will enjoy hiding in an panning on ones higher up.


Nutty's Mama
05-17-2012, 08:07 AM
Thanks for the tip Gina on the cubes, boas and hammocks. That will be the next purchase :thumbsup
I weiged the fuzzers this morning:
Boy = 177g
Girl = 174g
Today marks the day that I have had them for 1 week. Wow, time flies by when youre raising little ones :D
I do have a question - they dont seem interested in their veggies. In fact, they use the dish as their potty spot. They end up peeing all over the veggies. Any suggestions??
Oh - and I have finally named them. Winnie and Winston.

Nutty's Mama
05-17-2012, 09:05 PM
Some new photos!! Tired little babies!

Winnie & Winston

Sweet Simon's Mommy
05-17-2012, 09:10 PM
Oh Oh Love the names and the flower pouch!!

Nutty's Mama
05-19-2012, 04:45 PM
I'm stumped - this morning for breakfast, Winston took 15cc's, Winnie took 11cc's (FV) and they both had 1/2 an HHB. For lunch, Winston took 15cc's, Winnie took 1cc and they both DIDN'T want their other 1/2 an HHB. They both were acting fine and were running around the cage and playing with each other. I stepped out this afternoon for a while, leaving the HHB's in their cage as well as some broccoli, endive and apples figuring if they got hungry, they could eat them. When I came home, one of the 1/2's of HHB was gone and small little crumbs remained and the other 1/2 was nibbled on but most of it was still there. But almost all their veggies and apples were gone.
I offered them more FV for dinner and Winston took 3cc's and Winnie didnt want any again. Should I be getting worried that they arent really interested in their formula today??
Also, I just got new formula yesterday...20/50. Before that, they were finishing off some 32/40 that I had. Also I got more HHB's yesterday...growth kind and before that they were eating the picky eaters. Did I mess up by changing the formula and HHB's?? I switched to the 20/50 because I was told thats what they should have been on since I got them and I figured the growth HHB's would be good for them since they are little.:dono

07-03-2012, 09:30 AM
Kind of late seeing this post..hopefully someone else sent you a pm or something:D

I personally stick with the 32/40 no matter how old they are. I use it when making boo-balls for W&G and my released squirrels. Syd, Susie, Anna, Gabby and Cooper still like them!

Would love to see some updated pics of Winston & Winnie!!

Nancy in New York
07-03-2012, 11:45 AM
Kind of late seeing this post..hopefully someone else sent you a pm or something:D

I personally stick with the 32/40 no matter how old they are. I use it when making boo-balls for W&G and my released squirrels. Syd, Susie, Anna, Gabby and Cooper still like them!

Would love to see some updated pics of Winston & Winnie!!

I was pm'ing with her, in fact she even referred a friend to this site to look me up to see if I would take a squirrel that his friend found. Are ya following this...:D
So now I have my little Avery, and last I heard all was well with her littles....:dono

Nutty's Mama
07-10-2012, 07:12 PM
:shakehead I am so so sorry that I have not been keeping up with my thread. With summer here, I have been super super busy and just havent had an opportunity to get on TSB.
Winnie and Winston are doing great!! They are very active and have little booda bellies :rotfl Must be they are getting fed very well :D
Here is a recent picture of the two of them enjoying a wonderful salad at lunch time.
Winston is such a cudle bug. He likes to be held around bed time and scratched under his chin. Winnie, she still doesnt like to be picked up but will come to me when I just put my hand in the cage and will start licking my fingers.
Nancy - thank you very very much for adopting the little baby that I refered to you. I'm know that Avery has one of the best homes ever!!
I promise that I will do my best to get on here more frequently and keep everyone posted as to how my kids are doing. :flash3

07-12-2012, 07:51 PM
Awww, they look so happy and cute!! And healthy:jump

Nutty's Mama
07-26-2012, 05:52 PM
Winnie and Winston had their first avocado yesterday and :Love_Icon LOVED:Love_Icon it. At first Winston wasnt too keen on the idea of his hands getting sticky, but he couldn't stop eating it :D
Another first for the kids - nuts! They had their first hazelnut yesterday. After some intitial rolling around in the hands and licking the shell, they started to chomp down. Took them around 5 minutes to finally break into them to get the meaty goodness :rotfl
Today they had an almond - same routine as the hazelnut. Roll in hands, lick, then devour :thumbsup
I took this picture the other night - they were watching me sweep the floor.

Jackie in Tampa
07-26-2012, 06:34 PM
I love the 'first sticky hand' experience...
aren't they too cute for their own good...