View Full Version : Possible Dosing Help Needed

05-05-2012, 01:51 AM
So maybe I'm overreacting but I'm really worried something may be going on with my SFS Stellaluna. She's just not been herself the last two days and I'm leaving the country for a little over 2 weeks on Monday.
My cat was in the room that her cage is in unsupervised for a few hours a few days ago. This never happens but I woke up late for work and forgot to close the door behind me. The cage has 1/4" spacing on it so I wasn't too concerned at the time.
However, tonight and last night Stella has been somewhat lethargic and definitely has a decreased appetite. Usually she at least moves her veggies around even if she doesn't eat them all and she always scarfs down her HHB. As far as I can see she hasn't touched her veggies and shes only eaten a quarter of her HHB the last 2 nights. Shes still eating her yogurt/FV mix as usual. I know that squirrels are finicky at times but its her additional behavior that has me a bit worried and the fact that I'll be pretty much unreachable for the next few weeks.
When I let her out, she runs out as usual but then she picks one spot and doesn't really move from it the entire time shes out (I've been putting her away after about an hour). Usually she'll explore for about three hours before settling down. She has also been sleeping more than usual when in her cage.
I've checked her over and can't find any visible wounds or malocculsion. I haven't changed anything in her lifestyle or usual routine recently. I did give her a boiled egg Sunday night and I thought I got all of it out but I found a chunk of it in the corner of her cage Wednesday night. I guess its possible she has an upset stomach due to eating a bad egg??
Soo I'd love some advice as to what you all think I should do. Monday I'm going to Ecuador to study in the amazon. I'm leaving her with my parents who rehabbed grey squirrels for about a decade during my childhood so they're pretty competent. While I've given them my login info TSB in case of emergencies, they aren't as attuned to her usual mannerisms so I'm worried they won't recognize odd behavior until its too late. While I may be able to check my email on occasion, there will be no other way for family to get in contact with me for 11 of the days that I will be away.
All that being said I'm ready to start antibiotics as a precaution unless you all are opposed to it. All I have at the moment is 250 mg Ciprofloxacin. Hopefully I will have liquid baytril tomorrow morning but that depends on whether my boss will prescribe it. Shes strictly a dog and cat vet and thinks my passion for exotics is a bit odd (I'm also on bad terms with her due to my extended vacation.) Soo should I start the cipro tonight? Wait and see if I can get the baytril tomorrow? give no antibiotics at all?
Sorry this post is so long... but I'm so worried and I'd really appreciate any advice!

05-05-2012, 01:56 AM
Forgot to include that she weights 65 grams. She also gets a pretty healthy diet so I don't think its due to that. She gets nightly protein (either a cooked chicken wing, boiled egg, or 3 mealworms), one HHB, one shelled nut, at least 3 veggies listed under the "good" section of the nutrition forum (but usually about 6), 1/2 Tspn FV mixed with 1/2 Tspn full fat yogurt.

Jackie in Tampa
05-05-2012, 04:05 AM
Good thinking , TSB as a back up plan!
Yay Ecuador! Lucky you..
Pm me if you decide you need dosing help.