View Full Version : Back on the East Coast and back in business

05-02-2012, 08:29 PM
Hi All:

I moved back to NY this week and got my first adult injured squirrel today. Before I left NY I was a newbie rehabber, with no apprenticing done. I've raised babies, squirrels, opossums, etc. But never had injured adults. Woman said he was hit by a car this AM, he was still by the road when she came home.

She brought him to me about 6pm, she said his face was bloody, now it isn't, she had to chase him a little to catch him, but I had no problem moving him from her carrier to mine. Right now I have him in a carrier in a dark place with a small dish of water with him.

Now what? I have a vet that I used to work with, I can call him in the AM. But should I do anything tonight?

Sorry to be so uneducated, but I'm still learning.



Jackie in Tampa
05-02-2012, 09:05 PM
He needs warm, dark and quiet. If using cage, cover it completey to keep fear factor down. No dogs, children cats TV etc...Even the ice maker will freak out a wild.
He may be able to chew thru a plastic carrier if that's what you are using..
heating pad set on low, just barely warm, half under container/carrier..
assess his injuries, fleas, teeth, hydration levels, breathing etc..
offer shallow flat bottomed bowl of water and a nut in a shell and something soft. Listen to his activety levels...
if he is lethargic, start drop by drop hydration using pedialyte and a syringe.
Do you have any formula or Ensure?Boost? Human Healthy shake suppliment from grocery or drug store, Vanilla works well.
Sometimes they willing will take from a syringe when they are dibilitated, not always..
sometimes they can be onry.
How confident are you in handling him?
can you post a pic..low light..without major freaking him out?
Thanks for the rescue
good to see you back

05-02-2012, 10:24 PM
Hey Jackie,

Thanks for the info. I picked him up with gloves on and he was pretty frozen. I just checked on him and he has "squirreled" himself under the blankets. I don't want to bother him anymore today so I'll have a friend help me tomorrow, I'll hold him while she takes pix.

I have Pedialyte, what else should I go shopping for tomorrow?

I have tons of Chris's stuff for babies, but nothing for adults. I'll pick up whatever you all think I should have on hand.

Oh and yes he is up in a room where there is NO noise and it is dark and quiet.

I'm so glad to have you all as a resource!


Jackie in Tampa
05-02-2012, 10:37 PM
well he needs heat and a bowl of water tonight.. I say grapes in case his mouth is sore, and nuts coz if he can crack them and you hear him or see the shells, you'll know his mouth is ok, listen for any breathing concerns, look for wet spots and poops..you can sometimes get an idea of what may be going on by just listening..if seizures you'll hear thrashing. If he is lethargic, you do need to get him fluids NOW.
good luck, hoping for a good update in the morning

05-02-2012, 11:15 PM
Okay just found him sitting in the water dish (very little water) and he cleaned himself but almost fell over. Right side of face is swollen and nose is bloodied. Left eye is open, tail flicks when I touch him.

No tenting of skin so I believe he is hydrated and he did just drink.

I gave him, blueberries, grapes and some avocado.

Will update in the AM and will call the Vet in the AM. I'm thinking something isn't good in his jaw :(

Wish it could just be all babies!

05-03-2012, 02:51 PM

Okay embarrassed to say he is a she. I looked quickly last night as I didn't want to bother her, but she is a she :) and doing much much better.

I gave her some liquid motrin last night and this AM. Left eye was swollen shut and right eye was half closed this AM.

At noon when I gave her more motrin, she grabbed the syringe and snarked it down, I then gave her multiple refills of water via the syringe and then baby food apple/cherry stuff. She ate 3 syringes, plus a bit of Avocado.

Just now (3pm) gave her more baby food and she ate it herself from a lid, pooped and peed all over me (always a welcome event with them) and ate some strawberry, first while I held it and then she held it a bit. I will offer her some nuts at the next visit. She is incredibly "tame" but I'm assuming that is because she is so traumatized.

This AM her head was swollen, but it has gone down and just now both eyes were wide open and shiny.

I checked her mouth and her teeth are fine from what I can see. Jaw works, nose is bloodied and swollen.

Her teats aren't swollen so am hoping she doesn't have any babies somewhere.

I snapped a few photos while my friend held her, no flash so they aren't that great, I'll do better tonight. I'll upload them in a few minutes.

Thanks everyone.

05-03-2012, 10:31 PM
Pix from 12 noon

05-03-2012, 10:49 PM
Looks like a big squirrel. Glad the swelling is going down and that she is so willing to be held and fed I know that makes it much easier for you.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
05-03-2012, 10:52 PM
poor puffy face.......hope she feels better, at least she is cooperating.

island rehabber
05-03-2012, 11:46 PM
Poor sweetie.....good job with her, kcassidy! Where are you in NY? If you're anywhere near me and I can help in any way, say the word. :)

05-04-2012, 07:28 AM
Yes the swelling is going down, this morning I was rubbing under her chin with a warm cloth to clean up the dried blood and she did the squirrely stretch lifting up her leg. I can't stand how cute.

As I've said I've not had adults before, is this normal for her to be so friendly? This AM during assessment and med's she curled up on my chest and went to sleep when I tried putting her back she got upset and wanted me to keep massaging her.

If this isn't normal, is it possible this was a release?

Love to hear thoughts.

Island - I'm in Montgomery, NY thanks for the offer, if you need help with babies let me know. Right now I have none and could take a few.

PM and we can trade phone numbers.

I'm off to horse back ride will be back in a few hours.