View Full Version : Greetings :)

04-26-2012, 11:56 AM
I just wanted to introduce myself, which quite honestly is something that I dread... I suppose that my social disability may have a wee bit to do with that.

Ahem. Anyway. I am an almost-forty-year-old mother of four children, on my second husband, socially avoidant, all that bit. I found the board a couple weeks ago, looking for information on the pair of little eastern greys that my family found.

I took quite a bit of time looking for information regarding the rearing of Charlotte Sometimes (the female) and Silvertail (the male), and this board gave the best information out of all of the places I visited. I suppose I was rather more prepared than I might have been had I not grown up on a farm and raised a family of cottontail rabbits when I was an adolescent, but your posts on nutrition were a godsend!

The fact that I am no longer able to work and rarely leave the house means that I have all the time in the world to spend caring for small furries with big teeth, and having them survive and thrive from little beasts with closed eyes to the entertaining independent creatures they are now is wonderful. They are not yet ready to make their way outdoors, as they are now only about seven weeks old... but they do so enjoy sunning themselves.

I DO have a quick question. Has anyone an idea as to who has the best price on the Fox Valley replacer? I am going to go look through the forum again, and have bookmarked Henry's Happy Pets (i think that was the name) but as money is something I don't have much of, I am rather attached to it.

Thank you so much for being the caring, animal-loving people that you are.
Be blessed,

04-26-2012, 12:44 PM
Char and Silver:
(just so there are faces for the names...)

island rehabber
04-26-2012, 01:03 PM
:Welcome Melissa, Char and Silver!
As the owner/admin of TSB, I am the person who reviews all the new member registrations morning and night to see who gets in, and who doesn't. I gotta tell you: your "Bio" section was the most hysterical thing I'd seen in that space in a long time, and where at first I thought, "uh-oh, is this someone trolling us?" I then said "nah, this lady is only as loony tunes as the rest of us and she belongs here" :D

So, :Welcome to the Squirrel Board! Char and Silver are gorgeous babies -- very vivid coloring!

04-26-2012, 01:03 PM
Hi there...welcome to the board :wave123 glad you made it here..this is a wonderful board with lots of good information and good people... your little ones are sooooo adoreable:Love_Icon
my wife and I got our fox valley and hhb's from henry's healthy pets.. Im not sure where else to get it where its cheaper? maybe someone else has more ideas.
again, welcome!!!

04-26-2012, 01:04 PM
:Welcome They are adorable! You can go right to foxvalleynutrition.com to purchase Fox Valley, but Henry's is very reasonable.

05-05-2012, 02:11 AM
Thanks so incredibly much for both the greeting and the info- i confess that yes, i am neurotic in the extreme, but my intention is benign :D

The young ones have begun exploring the out-of-doors (which has lead to moments of heart failure, yes) and have each chosen their own preferred tree.

Jackie in Tampa
05-05-2012, 04:16 AM
:Welcome but as a sq advocate I have to say..your babies are far too young to be on a tree!
The reality is once they are out of your hands for one second, they are actually free..
Anything can spook them up the tree where if another sq were to chase they would and could fall and perhaps become paralysed or dead, hawk food or any number of bad scarey sceneros.
7 week old sqs need to be inside a proper cage, 3x4x2 is the smallest I would recommend.
If they are allowed outside time, and I still think they are too young even to be outside, their cage needs to be in the shade , away from other pets and off the ground. They need fleece to hide in or tshirts, no loopy towels etc.
At 7 weeks, I use a coke box as a hidee and play toy...
they need plush toys to rumble with, and pencil sized oak branches to teeth on.
They need a block asap, and try to keep them on formula as long as they will take it.
Please please believe me when i say they are too young to be on a tree.
i have had several non releasable sqs due to finders allowing this and then they get hurt forever...all it takes is one fall on the head and their chance at freedom is gone.
Thank you for rescueing them and finding TSB!
I am not being pesimistic or finger pointing, I am just giving my 2 cents.
Love the names, they are gorgeous babies!
:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
I believe both Henrys pets and Fv Nutrition sell the formula for the same price...
However Henrys has cheap postage and you can order Health Blocks, syringes, nipples, cage gear, and all supplies needed from that site also! HHBs are choice IMO!
:Welcome :wave123
Glad you are here!

island rehabber
05-05-2012, 06:46 AM

You can't go wrong with advice from Jackie in Tampa -- she's raised and released 105,678 squirrels. :bowdown

well...anyway she's raised a LOT of 'em. And knows her stuff. :D

05-25-2012, 11:26 PM
...just wanted to let you-all know that both Charlotte and Silvertail have moved out into the woods. He left about two weeks before she did, and she visits daily to say hello...

...thanks so much for your information and camaraderie. (Charlotte- left top... Silvertail- right top... Char- bottom)

05-25-2012, 11:30 PM
...and then...

island rehabber
05-26-2012, 07:11 AM
Gorgeous babies! Nothing to be angry about with that release, right Mom? :D
Keep a close watch on them though, if you can -- they are young to be out there (mamma squirrel typically keeps an eye on them until they are about 14-15 wks old.)

Nancy in New York
05-26-2012, 07:40 AM
:shakehead 4/26/12

The fact that I am no longer able to work and rarely leave the house means that I have all the time in the world to spend caring for small furries with big teeth, and having them survive and thrive from little beasts with closed eyes to the entertaining independent creatures they are now is wonderful. They are not yet ready to make their way outdoors, as they are now only about seven weeks old... but they do so enjoy sunning themselves.


:Welcome but as a sq advocate I have to say..your babies are far too young to be on a tree!The reality is once they are out of your hands for one second, they are actually free..
Anything can spook them up the tree where if another sq were to chase they would and could fall and perhaps become paralysed or dead, hawk food or any number of bad scarey sceneros.
If they are allowed outside time, and I still think they are too young even to be outside,
Please please believe me when i say they are too young to be on a tree.
i have had several non releasable sqs due to finders allowing this and then they get hurt forever...all it takes is one fall on the head and their chance at freedom is gone.
Glad you are here!


...just wanted to let you-all know that both Charlotte and Silvertail have moved out into the woods. He left about two weeks before she did....

For someone that said they all the time in the world, you did such an early release.
That's a shame!
You were looking for advice, and you got our best, and did what you wanted....:shakehead
By my calculations you released at 9 weeks, now that's ridiculous! :shakehead

05-27-2012, 02:25 AM
I just looked at the bio, and had to laugh.
Hang in there Angry.:rotfl

Easy, Nancy, let's see how things go.
Remember, we both had a first squirrel.

05-27-2012, 07:34 AM
Wishing your littles ones GOOD LUCK and LONG LIFE in the trees...
Keep a watchful eye out--they are still small and inexperienced fuzz-heads...and may come back "HOME" if they get frightened.
Please keep us posted with many more photos of their growth & adventures...and stay on TSB --daily-- to learn something new every day----I DO ...and I've been a member 2 1/2 years....
ALWAYS good info and friendship shared here on TSB

Nancy in New York
05-27-2012, 08:08 AM
I just looked at the bio, and had to laugh.
Hang in there Angry.:rotfl

Easy, Nancy, let's see how things go.
Remember, we both had a first squirrel.

Yup, we did both have a first squirrel.
Never had a computer, couldn't find help.
Stands to reason then that mistakes will be
Crazy me, I figured that if someone with no experience
came on for help, and got it......they would listen.:dono

It may be the first squirrel, but it's a life that was put in
jeopardy when good solid advice was sought and offered!