View Full Version : Help for a Squirrel Please

04-25-2012, 02:17 PM
I watched a squirrel fall approx 20 ft to the sidewalk. The back legs are injured / broken. The squirrel dragged itself to the tree. It is now huddling under the tree in the bushes. It tried to climb again but fell about 1 foot up, and is now sitting still. I have no idea what to do to help it. I have called CT conservation, and they gave me 4 numbers for wildlife crisis management. None panned out, full or no one at the office. I don't want to call animal control in case they just kill it. Please help. I'm going to put out food and water.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
04-25-2012, 02:24 PM
sammy'smom is in Connecticut, she may know who to call, dont give it to just any rehabber they will just put him down.
Can you catch him?? get a large plastic bin to put over him so a cat or hawk cant get him, try to sweep him into it and flip it over and cover with the top but punch some holes in it, have lots of fleece in it, no towels ,warm and dark and quite is what he needs right now

04-25-2012, 02:27 PM
Soon it will start crying and just bring attention to predators, mother won't take it back if it's injured.
Can you place it in a container and bring it in. It needs warmth, dark and quiet. Hopefully we have someone in your area that will be on here soon. Please keep checking back.


04-25-2012, 02:35 PM
I don't know how this happened, but while I was inside making this post the squirrel disappeared. I watched the squirrel drag itself by just the front legs, and then when I came close, attempt to climb the tree and fall immediately- so I know it's injured. But now I don't know where it dragged itself. So I can't catch it. I live in the suburbs, so there should be some good ground cover. I'm going to crumble crackers everywhere. This makes me feel awful...

04-25-2012, 02:39 PM
Unless a predator already got it he can't have gone to far dragging itself. It's hurt, it's scared, please search for it...

04-25-2012, 02:40 PM
Was just outside searching, came in to check this site. I have on thick gloves and long sleeves and am gently parting all of the bushes around my house to look for it. Thank you everyone for your quick posts.

04-25-2012, 02:41 PM
:Welcome RTaynn,
Thank you for looking for help for this squirrel

Please try to catch it. You can gently get a blanket over it then scoop it up. It can only move forwards right now so be prepared. An injured wild squirrel often times will allow you to help it. This needs to be done right now to keep it from injuring itself more or another animal getting it. We really do need to contain it.

Warm, dark and quiet is best for now.

OOPs sorry i'm a little late

Nancy in New York
04-25-2012, 02:45 PM
What town in Connecticut are you in?
Have a plan as far as where you are going to keep the squirrel until we can find help for you.
Didn't read the whole thread....do you have a cat crate or something with soft blankets in or something without loops?

Nancy in New York
04-25-2012, 02:46 PM
I watched a squirrel fall approx 20 ft to the sidewalk. The back legs are injured / broken. The squirrel dragged itself to the tree. It is now huddling under the tree in the bushes. It tried to climb again but fell about 1 foot up, and is now sitting still. I have no idea what to do to help it. I have called CT conservation, and they gave me 4 numbers for wildlife crisis management. None panned out, full or no one at the office. I don't want to call animal control in case they just kill it. Please help. You can reach me at 203-258-3347 or RTaynn@gmail.com I'm going to put out food and water.

Just remember too that food and water will also attract other animals. Not sure that is a good idea right now with the little one being in such dire straights.

04-25-2012, 03:00 PM
I don't know what to do right now. I have searched my property. I have let my neighbors on either side know, and asked them to call me if they see it. I doubt the traveling radius of an injured squirrel is very far, so I'm confused. It may have made it under my deck despite the chicken wire, which is a problem as I can't see it and would have to rip up planks to look for it. I am in Fairfield. I have a fleece blanket ready and a cat carrier and Wildlife-in-Crisis has called me back, they will rehabilitate it unless the spine is broken / the squirrel is mortally injured. They recommended placing down unsalted crackers and soft nuts, but if the community here thinks that is a bad idea b/c of predators than I won't. We do have a couple of outdoor cats in the neighborhood, but I don't think they'd be attracted to crackers and nuts. Going to make another round.

Nancy in New York
04-25-2012, 03:03 PM
I don't know what to do right now. I have searched my property. I have let my neighbors on either side know, and asked them to call me if they see it. I doubt the traveling radius of an injured squirrel is very far, so I'm confused. It may have made it under my deck despite the chicken wire, which is a problem as I can't see it and would have to rip up planks to look for it. I am in Fairfield. I have a fleece blanket ready and a cat carrier and Wildlife-in-Crisis has called me back, they will rehabilitate it unless the spine is broken / the squirrel is mortally injured. They recommended placing down unsalted crackers and soft nuts, but if the community here thinks that is a bad idea b/c of predators than I won't. We do have a couple of outdoor cats in the neighborhood, but I don't think they'd be attracted to crackers and nuts. Going to make another round.

He could have crawled under any bush...he could be almost anywhere. I have even seen a squirrel drag himself up a tree, so look in the tree that he was closet too. I was thinking about other squirrels too that the food may attract...but perhaps it's worth a shot.:dono

04-25-2012, 03:13 PM
:Welcome RTaynn,

Thank you for caring for and about this squirrel. You are terrific.

04-25-2012, 03:21 PM
Hi there...just seeing this...where in Fairfield are you?

Sweet Simon's Mommy
04-25-2012, 03:23 PM
This is basically how I found Simon.. he was hung up in some branches in a bush in the back yard.
I went inside to get a plastic container and a broom to sweep him into the box and couldn't find him when I came back, my dog found him, Dino does chance them but can tell an injured baby from a healthy adult it seems, he was just a few feet from where he was, I just didn't see him .....keep looking.. he is there somewhere. Mine has no use of his back legs and is doing fine!!!!

04-25-2012, 03:24 PM
I have a squirrel who came to me with 2 different breaks in her spine. Both rear legs and one front didn't work. With the right meds and long term care Brighteyes walks on all fours again. Spinal injuries DO NOT have to be a death sentence for a squirrel. I was kicked out of a wildlife group and my used to be vet refuses to see me or my animals anymore because I refused to have BE put down.

04-25-2012, 03:25 PM
Hey everyone, thank you for your help. I still haven't found the squirrel, but that doesn't mean I won't. I scattered crumbled crackers and almonds around the tree that he fell from and returned to. Wildlife in Crisis said that sometimes they just need to get their wind back, but he was huddled for nearly 10 minutes after the fall, and the way he dragged himself looked wrong. I am still hoping they are correct. The internet has taught me that it looked like an adult Eastern Grey Squirrel. I can't find a nest in a tree nearby that matches the pictures online though. In conclusion, I don't know where else to search so this is turning from an active search to a passive keep-my-senses-peeled search. Thank you again and let's keep our fingers crossed.

04-25-2012, 03:29 PM
SammysMom I already feel foolish putting my phone number on the internet, if you want to call me I'd be happy to talk to you about my address. Sweet Simons Mom Good idea about being in the branches of a bush- I only looked at ground level. I don't have a dog to find him though. Off I go.

04-25-2012, 03:29 PM
Off I go to check branches, not give up. Clarification.

04-25-2012, 03:34 PM
My email is loseandgainhealth@sbcglobal.net I am in New Haven and will try to help if I can. If you find him, I can try to help get him to someone to help. Please email me if I can do something to help!

Nancy in New York
04-25-2012, 03:36 PM
SammysMom I already feel foolish putting my phone number on the internet, if you want to call me I'd be happy to talk to you about my address. Sweet Simons Mom Good idea about being in the branches of a bush- I only looked at ground level. I don't have a dog to find him though. Off I go.

SammysMom has your information and I deleted it from your first post...:thumbsup

04-25-2012, 03:49 PM
Okay, just spoke to our finder and he is a very nice young man who was pleased with all of the help at TSB. After speaking to him I am of the ind that the squirrel may well have escaped up a tree. It sounds like he may have been stunned after falling, but then began to pull himself together. He was "sitting up hunched over" after crawling and being unable to climb, so that may have been partially being disoriented.
Finder will call me if he reappears but he has looked extensively with no sign of the squirrel or other animals. He will call me if he needs help either catching him or getting him to someone who can try to help if needed. Thanks to everyone who was here for him!

Nancy in New York
04-25-2012, 03:56 PM
Sounds like a plan.
I love finders like this...:grouphug
AND I love members like you!

04-25-2012, 04:03 PM
I love TSB!:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

04-25-2012, 06:20 PM
Hi everyone, still no sign or sound of the squirrel so I am hoping for the best- can't thank everyone enough for their support!

04-25-2012, 06:21 PM
RT...you did a wonderful job trying to find help!:grouphug