View Full Version : Injured adult hanging on for 2 weeks
04-19-2012, 08:02 PM
This breaks my heart to see an injured adult squirrel with either broken right hind leg or hamstring injury. He has developed a possible mange patch on the right side, which is getting much bigger the past few days. He is so determined to live and has obviously kept away from predators for 2 weeks in this condition.
The .jpg picture I have is too big to be accepted here as an attachment.
I also have a .mp4 video of him hobbling along the fenceline which really shows the extent of his leg injury. However, the format is not supported here. Is there another forum here that will let me upload an .mp4 video file and the 2.4 jpg file?
In the expert rehabber's opinions here, what are his chances of rehab?
04-19-2012, 08:26 PM
I think this smaller .jpg picture will upload. Sorry about the pic quality but it was take thru a screen door.
04-19-2012, 08:32 PM
Hi Cherie,
He is a pretty foxer who looks like he is in trouble. Is there any way that you could catch him in a hav a hart trap. The mange is probably from the stress that he is under with the injury. Many an injured squirrel can be rehabbed and sent back out once they have healed. Any rehabbers near you? You have to be certain that they would not just euthanize, but there is no reason he cannot be healed. Has there been any improvement in the two weeks you have noticed him?
04-19-2012, 08:42 PM
Thank you for replying so fast. Yes, I have a Hav-a-Hart trap. I don't know how to find squirrel rehabbers in my area, I was hoping to find that info here. He has improved his ability to move around a very little bit, since we first noticed him being injured about 2 weeks ago. But now that mange patch is getting bigger quickly. He seems to have a daily routine that involves dragging himself along the fence line and trying to lay comfortably on top of the fence. I've emailed the Denver Urban Wildlife Rescue and Rehab by email 4 days ago, but they have not answered me. Maybe squirrels are not in their agenda. Please: any suggestions about how to find squirrel rehabbers in Denver? Thank you so much!! (I call him Gimpy)
04-19-2012, 08:45 PM
Someone that has the info to see if ther is a rehabber in your area will get back to you soon. You put this in the right thread. Hang on.
04-20-2012, 05:46 PM
Hey Cherie,
Have you heard from anyone else about a rehabber?
04-23-2012, 10:55 PM
Yes, the Denver Urban Wildlife Rescue answered me and we keep coming to the conclusion to just let him hang on and see what happens. The squirrel has hung on for almost 3 weeks.
I have videos on my YouTube channel that show lots more than I can describe.
Today, a large amount of white pus came out of the injury on his right hindquarter. What can I expect for his prognosis? His right side has lost almost all hair and the area underneath it is swollen still, even after the exudate escaped. Ewww, poor little guy.
04-24-2012, 01:03 AM
OMG please... is there a way you can trap him with the Hav-A-Hart? That poor baby needs at least to be placed somewhere warm, dark, secure so he doesn't have to crawl for food. As it is he's a perfect prey for any predator out there and he's only going to get weaaker because he can't go scrounge for food safely, has to worry about predators all the time... he has no chance to recover!
If you could at least trap him and keep him warm and safe, provide some antibiotics and some peace and quiet he MIGHT have a chance at survival.
Is there anyone in your area who can help you with meds? Can you keep him soemwhere he would be warm, quiet and secure?
Praying for this little one... it just completely breaks my heart to see an animal in such misery.
04-24-2012, 01:11 AM
Where in Denver are you? I have access to antibiotics and pain meds but not sure if I can help due to transportation issues. He breaks my heart the first video; he needs help for sure. Especially if you have cats and hawks, poor baby.... Can you trap him? Do you have a safe cage he can go into while he heals? Definitely a fall baby, and he really needs to be somewhere he can rest and heal.
04-24-2012, 01:32 AM
I sent you a private message; hope it goes through? Any rehabbers out there? I can help with meds....
04-24-2012, 03:04 AM
This breaks my heart - Is there anyway you can get someone to help you catch him - you should be able to put some thick gloves on and catch him in a large towel - and put him in a pet carrier - he surely cant move that fast - I bet if you are very patient you could catch him - I can't believe he has lasted this long - poor little thing - he has to be in tremendous pain - Please do what you can to catch him
Do you have any Fox Valley? - maybe he might drink it out of a small dish
Sending prayers for the little guy
04-24-2012, 11:01 AM
Thank you everyone for the advice. What is Fox Valley? Would feed stores carry it? I have been providing the poor guy with fresh water in a shallow bowl on the ground for several weeks now. I have also been giving him unsalted sunflower seeds and apples and strawberries which he seems to love.
I had him a HavaHart yesterday. Called the Urban Wildlife Rescue here and they talked me into letting him go to 'let nature take it's course' which I agreed to but now regret so much!!! Now I will have to use gloves and a big towel to get him and stress him YET AGAIN!!
Please, what are the medication names that I might buy over the internet or locally? Denver metro area - the Hwy 285 and Sheridan Ave. area.
04-24-2012, 11:35 AM
I sent you email reply and answered your pm; I think I know whereabouts you are....
04-24-2012, 12:05 PM
She is trying to catch this little guy again; if at all possible can a rehabber contact me via pm I have a vial of baytril and lots of syringes but need to know how to send her enough to treat this little guy....Also need advice on pain meds; I have tramadol, some metacam, infant motrin....
island rehabber
04-24-2012, 12:05 PM
sdreamcatcher, if you are somewhere nearby and can help this poor baby we are standing by in case you need us -- :thumbsup:thumbsup
04-24-2012, 12:09 PM
I live quite close fortunately. She is trying to catch then will email me to see about getting meds. But I need a rehabber's advice about doses etc to give her enough to last this boy. I do not have mange meds that may be a possibility but it could be stress related too from what they told her?
04-24-2012, 09:20 PM
I've been checking this thread and emails often today hoping to hear this guy let himself get caught again but last I heard he was being wary, poor sweetie. Anyone trying to call me, it may go to voicemail; IR called earlier and my new phone never rang :shakehead . I miss my old phone but it finally died on me so I was forced to get another. Thank you, IR for your help today. Cherie, post, email, or message me when you catch him as I have stuff ready for you already.
Just a thought; if this guy can't be caught but IS coming every day for food, can treatment be started that way? I know it would be best if he is captured, but maybe some treatment would be good to start at this point, at least the antibiotics and a pain med that won't make him sleepy? :thinking :dono
04-24-2012, 09:54 PM
I just wanted to weep when I saw that fellow is such obvious pain. I wish that I lived closer. How can I help you guys? Please cherie trap the guy. He is in such distress.
04-24-2012, 10:28 PM
I just wanted to weep when I saw that fellow is such obvious pain. I wish that I lived closer. How can I help you guys? Please cherie trap the guy. He is in such distress.
She was trying last I heard. Because he was trapped once though she doesn't think he will go for it again. She did have him in a hav a hart yesterday but a rehabber talked her into releasing him again; said he would be too stressed being caged. :shakehead I know she is so worried about him too. I have been thinking about him non stop since I fund this thread last night.
04-24-2012, 10:37 PM
I've been checking this thread and emails often today hoping to hear this guy let himself get caught again but last I heard he was being wary, poor sweetie. Anyone trying to call me, it may go to voicemail; IR called earlier and my new phone never rang :shakehead . I miss my old phone but it finally died on me so I was forced to get another. Thank you, IR for your help today. Cherie, post, email, or message me when you catch him as I have stuff ready for you already.
Just a thought; if this guy can't be caught but IS coming every day for food, can treatment be started that way? I know it would be best if he is captured, but maybe some treatment would be good to start at this point, at least the antibiotics and a pain med that won't make him sleepy? :thinking :dono
I know that my wilds liked boo-balls and what I did for Poxie was split the boo-ball in 2, make a little hole in the middle and put the meds in, then I resealed the boo-ball. If need be, you can add even more very finely crushed pecans to the boo-ball, to make it mostly nuts but not so much that it doesn't "stick" anymore (you want the two pieces to stick together). Because of the FV in it it also serves as a nourishing treat for the little one. The other thing is, because the meds are caught INSIDE the boo-ball you're sure they won't get wasted. I put a bit of powdered flax seed on the meds before I close/reseal the boo-ball. You can be sure he'll like that.
The little one may be stressed at first once he is caught, it<s true... BUT if she puts the cage in a dark, quiet & warm place, and covers it - leaving some food and a heavy ceramic dish with small rocks in it and water (to make sure he doesn't ti it over) then he WILL relax and get some precious rest. The trick is to limit the nooise and the contacts to only when she needs to feed & medicate him.
04-24-2012, 10:45 PM
Any update?
04-24-2012, 11:00 PM
I know that my wilds liked boo-balls and what I did for Poxie was split the boo-ball in 2, make a little hole in the middle and put the meds in, then I resealed the boo-ball. If need be, you can add even more very finely crushed pecans to the boo-ball, to make it mostly nuts but not so much that it doesn't "stick" anymore (you want the two pieces to stick together). Because of the FV in it it also serves as a nourishing treat for the little one. The other thing is, because the meds are caught INSIDE the boo-ball you're sure they won't get wasted. I put a bit of powdered flax seed on the meds before I close/reseal the boo-ball. You can be sure he'll like that.
The little one may be stressed at first once he is caught, it<s true... BUT if she puts the cage in a dark, quiet & warm place, and covers it - leaving some food and a heavy ceramic dish with small rocks in it and water (to make sure he doesn't ti it over) then he WILL relax and get some precious rest. The trick is to limit the nooise and the contacts to only when she needs to feed & medicate him.
Great idea with the boo balls; that's what I was feeding the orphans here first part of winter and they loved them :).
I was thinking he'd be stressed too at first but would settle. Seems to me more often then not a sick wild, while always wild, DOES realize when someone is helping them and would be appreciative of the chance to rest and recuperate.
04-25-2012, 02:25 AM
Any update?
Not since yesterday morning :(. I hope he is ok; I know she was trying to catch the little one.
Prayers and good vibes being sent to you, little one; I hope you have enough fight to hang in there a bit longer; I hope your little guardian angel squirrel can keep you safe tonight and guide you back to the trap in the morning, or at least guide you back to the food. So many of us rooting for you....
04-25-2012, 09:55 AM
Hello everyone. I have not seen my injured squirrel since yesterday around 2:00. Last I saw him he was moving away from me along the fenceline when I tentatively approached him with a blanket and wearing thick gloves. He of course tried to get away from me and was wobbling and slipping along the narrow cedar plank fenceline. I was afraid he would fall off the fence to the other side (neighbors with small dogs) so I backed away. He continue beyond our property line onto the neighbors fence which he sometimes does and laid down on a support post .A little while later I checked and I could see his tail so I knew he was still there.
When I got back from class after 7 pm there was no sign of him when I got home, and this morning I still have not seen him come to the deck or see him hanging out on the fenceline.
I don't know what to think, the trap is still set, maybe he will show up at noon like he sometimes does. Thank you to everyone for your support and knowledge. Will keep you posted.
04-25-2012, 10:13 AM
Hello everyone. I have not seen my injured squirrel since yesterday around 2:00. Last I saw him he was moving away from me along the fenceline when I tentatively approached him with a blanket and wearing thick gloves. He of course tried to get away from me and was wobbling and slipping along the narrow cedar plank fenceline. I was afraid he would fall off the fence to the other side (neighbors with small dogs) so I backed away. He continue beyond our property line onto the neighbors fence which he sometimes does and laid down on a support post .A little while later I checked and I could see his tail so I knew he was still there.
When I got back from class after 7 pm there was no sign of him when I got home, and this morning I still have not seen him come to the deck or see him hanging out on the fenceline.
I don't know what to think, the trap is still set, maybe he will show up at noon like he sometimes does. Thank you to everyone for your support and knowledge. Will keep you posted.
I hope he shows up later; here they usually wander off to bed by 7, so that makes sense you didn't see him. Poor sweetie I hope he comes back for food; I think right now that's most important is that he is eating? Do you think other neighbors would feed him?
04-25-2012, 08:05 PM
The worst has happened. Our nrighbor said this morning he had a dead squirrel by his shed. Icant even type I camt see to type. That is got to be him.tears and I thank yoy for trying to help.
Milo's Mom
04-25-2012, 08:12 PM
Do not be too hard on yourself. You cared enough about him to seek help. You offered him food and showed him that not all humans are mean.
He may not have shown it directly, but he knew you cared about him...they always do.
Rest in Peace Sweet Squirrel
04-25-2012, 08:13 PM
RIP little guy! Thank-you for trying so hard to help this guy! It may have just been his time. You did your best and found TSB. You are now prepared for future fluffy-tailed friends! :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
Sweet Simon's Mommy
04-25-2012, 08:35 PM
all we can do is try and try you did ..and you did great. He was probably just too hurt and had internal bleeding and it was just meant for him to pass, it was by no means your lack of trying.
RIP LITTLE SQUIRREL, let your heart rest CherieinDenver, sometimes it just isn't meant for us .
04-25-2012, 08:53 PM
The worst has happened. Our nrighbor said this morning he had a dead squirrel by his shed. Icant even type I camt see to type. That is got to be him.tears and I thank yoy for trying to help.
Sorry he did not make it :shakehead
:sad RIP LITTLE BUDDY...:sad
island rehabber
04-25-2012, 08:59 PM
Aw, Cherie, you did more than your share trying to save this little guy. It's true, sometimes trying is all we can do, to assist them in crossing the Bridge. Thank you sure are one of us. :grouphug
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